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An Overly Long Fanmade Ace Attorney 7: Echoes of Discord Pitch: Episode 1. Possible spoilers for all main games (AA1-6)

Hey, everyone! Over the past few weeks, I've been making up a plotline that I think would fit for the inevitable Ace Attorney 7, whenever it releases. As of right now, I only have Episode 1 fully plotted out, but I'll put some of my ideas for the other cases at the end of the post as an author's note, of sorts. Considering how much I wrote for the tutorial case alone, I don't know if I'll ever continue this project, because Case 2, a case with 2 investigations and 2 trials, would basically be 4 times the length of this case, and I don't know if I have the talent to write a compelling mystery that would do a case of that length justice.
The overall concept of the game would be to focus mainly on Athena and Phoenix, and it would involve Phoenix attempting to institute the Jurist System while Athena would have to deal with the Phantom's organization and her past at the Cosmos Space Center and in university. The lawyer-case distribution would be as follows: Phoenix gets 7-1 (tutorial) and 7-4 (filler), Athena would get 7-2, 7-3, and 7-5, which would all be plot relevant, and Apollo would get a Rise from the Ashes style case in Khura'in, which would be unlocked after completing the game instead of being offered as a DLC case.
As this is my ideal version of Ace Attorney 7, I've taken some liberties that the writers at Capcom might not do, as I've taken the Payne brothers out of the main story entirely, but they'll still be in the game in the Phoenix Wright: Asinine Attorney case, which is unlocked after beating the tutorial case. Also, a beloved character from the original trilogy is the victim of the first case of the game, which might be controversial. But I think that the story will be overall more compelling with the changes that I've made, so without further ado, here's the first episode of Ace Attorney: Echoes of Discord!
Episode 1: Turnabout Terror
Date: Late March 2029
Location: Skye Detective Agency
Defendant: Ema Skye
Attorney: Phoenix Wright
Co-Counsel: Athena Cykes
Synopsis: Nine months have passed since the revolution in Khura’in, and after many deliberations, Phoenix has finally regained the trust of the legal system of LA and instituted the Jurist System, which has now been slightly modified since the events of Apollo Justice, the biggest change being the fact that the jurors are present in the court room, like in DGS.
For the first official case under the Jurist System, Phoenix is defending Ema Skye, who has been accused of murdering her older sister, Lana Skye, at the Skye Detective Agency. Ema had been working a case abroad in Khura’in, and as soon as she returned to the US, she went to visit her sister, who became a private investigator after losing faith in the justice system because of Phoenix’s disbarment and the UR-1 incident. When Ema entered the office however, she found her sister dead from an apparent poisoning. Desperate to find out who did it, she dusted the entire scene for fingerprints, not even thinking about preserving the scene. But while she was in the middle of her forensic investigation, Lana’s co-worker, Elias Coggs (Age ???) walked in on her, and contacted the police. When the officers arrived, it was discovered that Lana ingested some Atroquinine poison from her cup of tea, and since it hadn’t been manufactured in the country for two years, Ema became the prime suspect, since she just came back from Khura’in.
In the defendant lobby, Phoenix and Athena are discussing the case with Ema, and she claims that her own fingerprints were found on the bottle of poison, to which Athena and Phoenix are shocked. But she rationalizes that she must have touched the bottle when she was in a state of panic while investigating the crime scene. In the middle of their discussion, Juniper Woods enters the lobby, and she explains to Athena and Phoenix that she will be the forewoman of the jury today. She is nervous, but she’s also treating this as her first official trial experience for when she becomes a judge herself. She gives Phoenix and Athena a newspaper article that is advertising the current trial, saying that she had a hunch that they’d need it. The bailiffs call for the trial to start, and Ema mutters under her breath that the “glimmerous fop” is going to make a spectacle of her sister’s murder.
The trial begins, and Klavier Gavin is revealed to be the prosecutor in charge of this case. He reveals that he’d decided to take the case due to the recent shortage of prosecutors due to the Paynes and others being fired for their incompetence and corruption by Miles Edgeworth. He displays remorse over being the reason why Phoenix lost his badge seven years ago but says that he’s still fired up for a rematch. The judge introduces the 5 jurors for the trial, who are Juniper Woods (No. 1), a male reporter from the Reality News Network (No. 2), Delicia Scones (No. 3), a female computer programmer from Blue Screens Inc. (No. 4), and a young butler resembling Shelly de Killer (No. 5). The judge then admits that he hasn’t studied up on how the reformed jurist system works, and asks Phoenix if he could give him a refresher on how the trial would work, which would serve as the tutorial for the case.
Klavier calls Ema to the stand as his first witness, and she reluctantly agrees to testify about what happened on that day. She has a press-all testimony, which is pretty much identical to what she told Phoenix and Athena in the lobby, but after the testimony ends, the jury goes into a panic because all of them, minus Juniper, are convinced of Ema’s guilt. Athena becomes overwhelmed from the discord from all the jurors’ hearts, and this is where the new trial gameplay mechanic, Discordant Reasoning, is introduced. This would be similar to the Panic Debate from Danganronpa V3, where you have to pick out the statement out of the 5 jurors that’s causing the discord, based on reading their emotions like in the Mood Matrix. The Mood Matrix has now been relegated to investigations because of reasons pertaining to the main prosecutor of the game, and now works similarly to Logic Chess from Investigations 2. After presenting the article that Juniper gave them to the juror that caused the discord, the reporter from the Reality News Network, Ema resumes her testimony.
She assumes that her sister’s killer had recently fled the scene, since she had recently succumbed to the poison when she arrived at the crime scene, but Phoenix points out that the killer could’ve left way earlier, since Atroquinine is a slow acting poison. Ema then gets emotional, saying that she got so caught up in the moment seeing her sister dead that she couldn’t perform a proper investigation into her death. She is overcome by remorse due to the knowledge that she never would’ve been quick enough to stop her sister’s killer. She outright blames Klavier for what happened, saying that if he hadn’t accused Phoenix of forging evidence nine years ago, then Lana wouldn’t have lost faith in the court system, which wouldn’t have lead to her becoming a P.I. after getting out of prison.
Klavier reassures Ema, asking her if she knows the real reason why he took the trial. It turns out, he was certain of her innocence from the beginning, and intended to use the common sense of the Jurist System to prove her innocence. He says that he understands why she might feel the way she does about him, but the show must go on, and the only way the truth will ever be reached is if the defendant tells everything that they know, even if it’s just a hunch. With newfound courage, Ema posits that there might be a clue in Lana’s files on her computer, as Lana had confided in her that she’d been performing an investigation on a high-profile case the last time they saw each other. Luckily for them, Elias Coggs had already looked through Lana’s files and emails, and was waiting in the lobby to testify.
Klavier excuses Ema from the stand for the time being, and calls Elias Coggs to the stand. He appears to be a middle-aged man with a mechanical prosthetic arm, leg, and eye, giving him the appearance of a cyborg. Klavier asks Coggs to state his name and occupation, and he complies, but when probed about his past, he states that it’s classified information. He was put into the Witness Protection Program a long time ago after an incident involving his accident, and can’t disclose anything about his past that isn’t related to the case.
His testimony begins, and he states that on Lana’s computer, he found that on the day of the incident, she had been exchanging emails with two different people. The first being Connie Scout (Age 29), her most recent client, and the second being Phoebe Coronus (Age 41), an old friend of hers from overseas. After probing into his testimony, he admits that the case that Lana was investigating was an international affair, and that Coronus was helping her in the investigation. He also reveals that it appears that a USB was stolen from Lana’s office, but again, he cannot reveal its contents.
Suspicions are raised immediately on Coggs, but Klavier verifies that he had an alibi, as he had been at his doctor’s office all afternoon. As Coronus is still in Europe, it becomes evident that the prime suspect for the murder has to be Connie Scout, who is a computer science major at Ivy University. The judge calls for a 30 minute recess, but right before it begins, Coggs requests that Phoenix and Athena get to the bottom of Lana’s death, as the case at hand means a lot to him.
During the recess, Ema apologizes for her outburst in court, and explains the case that Lana, Coronus and Coggs were investigating in more detail. Apparently, the organization they were looking into was an international spy ring that had previously mainly been involved in various acts of cyberterrorism, but she reveals that it was actually the very same organization that sent the Phantom over during the UR-1 Incident nine years ago. Athena is shocked, as she recounts how that was the same organization that killed her mother and caused the incident at the Cosmos Space Center two years ago. Ema is surprised to hear this, as Lana hadn’t informed her of the exact details of the case, and she realizes it was probably out of fear that she herself would become a target of the organization.
Suddenly, Trucy Wright appears in the defendant lobby with two important pieces of evidence retrieved from Miles Edgeworth, a report of a supposed smuggling of contraband into the country and a breach of cybersecurity at the Criminal Affairs Department. Trucy questions how these pieces of evidence pertain to the case at hand, but Phoenix and Athena clearly have a suspect in mind. The bailiffs announce that the recess is over, and Trucy says that she’ll be watching the trial from the gallery.
Court reconvenes, and Klavier calls Connie to the stand. She has a visor over her face and has orange dyed hair like Athena, but otherwise she has the appearance of a normal university student. She introduces herself as a foreign exchange student from Borginia, and explains that Connie Scout was the name she chose for herself when she came to study from abroad. Klavier asks her how she knew the defendant, to which she responds that she met her at a Forensics Investigation Seminar that was being held at the University a month ago, along with Ema Skye. While she was there, she was given a luminol bottle from Ema as a gift for attending it. Afterward, she asked Lana Skye to investigate a crime of her own, though she doesn’t reveal what it is.
Throughout her testimony, her lies are exposed, and she becomes the prime suspect for the breach of cybersecurity at Criminal Affairs and the murder of Lana Skye. Phoenix argues that it would’ve been feasible for Scout to have been the one who had the poison smuggled into the country. But the final contradiction in the case is how Ema’s fingerprints managed to get on the bottle of Atroquinine.
The thought route begins, and after deducing that she had likely been a part of the Phantom’s organization, that she was likely the one who hacked into the Criminal Affairs Department, and considering her meeting with Ema and Lana one month ago, it becomes apparent that she could’ve obtained the fingerprints off of the luminol bottle and modified the fingerprints on the bottle of poison to look like Ema’s using the information obtained from her hacking of the Criminal Affairs Department, just like how the Phantom had framed Athena at the Space Center two years prior.
Connie then confesses everything. She had been a member of the Phantom’s organization, and she had been attempting to erase as many traces of her organization’s crimes that she could. Her only reason for attending the seminar one month ago was to get some info on Lana Skye, so that she could trail her and learn everything that she knew about her own organization. She arranged for a meeting to discuss a possible case for Lana to take on, but that was all a farce-what she really wanted was the USB Lana had in her possession. When she wasn’t looking, she slipped the poison into Lana’s tea, and left the scene after stealing what she needed. When probed about the USB, she says that she already passed it on to another member of the organization.
With the suspect having confessed, Klavier calls Ema back to the stand. He and Ema have a conversation, and while Ema is still annoyed by his carefree attitude, she acknowledges that she would’ve been found guilty if Klavier hadn’t given her the opportunity to speak, and thanks him for his help. The judge then pronounces Ema not guilty.
In the defendant lobby, Ema thanks Phoenix and Athena for defending her, and they’re soon joined by Klavier and Trucy. Ema, while thankful that the gang found her innocent, is still understandably traumatized over her sister’s death. She expresses doubts about her career choice, considering she never imagined she’d have to investigate her own sister’s body, and she’s now considering leaving her position permanently.
Phoenix presents her the luminol bottle that she gave to Scout, and asks her to remember when she began to take an interest in forensics. After recounting how her sister had given her a forensics investigations book when she was young, and briefly referencing the events of Rise from the Ashes, Phoenix reminds her of all of the strides she’s made since then, and all of the times she’s helped the Wright Anything Agency solve cases in the past thanks to her impeccable forensics work. He then reminds her that he had to deal with many bumps in the road himself throughout his career as an attorney, and that he had to learn some lessons that changed his outlook on the legal system. He encourages her to follow her own path in life, but reminds her that he and Athena would greatly miss having her around to help solve cases. Ema, moved by Phoenix’s speech, thanks him for the kind words.
Trucy then brings up one last thing that she still doesn’t understand about the trial, those being who Elias Coggs and Phoebe Coronus are. Ema explains that she doesn’t really know who Elias Coggs is, but she does know who Coronus is. She was Ema’s former mentor that took care of her when she first went to Europe to study, and she’s now an international forensics prosecutor. It turns out she intended to be present in the gallery for Ema’s trial, but due to a delay in her flight to LA, she couldn’t make it. Ema then theorizes that working a case with her former mentor might help reinvigorate her love for forensics. Her and Klavier have to attend to some business at the Prosecutor’s Office, and they leave together.
To wrap up the case, Trucy brings up three invitations that Juniper had passed on to her for Phoenix, Athena, and herself to attend a Murder Mystery Party at the Woods Manor out in the mountains as a celebration of Juniper recently graduating from Themis Academy while also serving as a way of thanking Phoenix and Athena for defending her two years prior. Trucy declines her invitation, as she has to practice for her first international gig that she’ll be performing with Klavier and Lamiroir, but she encourages Phoenix and Athena to go. They both agree to go, and the case ends with Phoenix’s internal monologue reminiscing about all of the trials and tribulations he’s had to go through to revamp the legal system, and that he never could’ve gotten there without the help of his colleagues.
Author's notes:
-I know that killing off Lana Skye might be controversial, but I felt that she made the most sense as the first victim, considering her friend from Europe, who I've named Phoebe Coronus, would make a more interesting rival for Athena, as her adherence to the scientific method and traditionalist views on the Jurist System would be a perfect foil to Athena's more psychological driven methods and her desire to revolutionize the court system along with Phoenix. It also gives Ema another character arc of doubting if her childhood dream was really her true calling in life, which I feel would be a natural progression for Ema's character, since she has a different conflict in every game that she appears in. Finally, it just gives more opportunity to expand on Athena's time studying in Europe, since Ema and Coronus could now fit into that timeline organically. Lana's role in the story wouldn't be forgotten after case 1 either, as two of the most important characters in the game have close connections to her, which would have a huge impact on the trajectory of the story as a whole, which I feel is an important aspect that the first case needs to establish.
-The pun names for this case are:
Elias Coggs (Alias and Cogs, which refers to his past under the Witness Protection Program as well as his cyborg like appearance.)
Connie Scout (Con and Scout, because she's conning everybody into thinking she's just an ordinary university student while also being a spy for the Phantom's organization.)
Phoebe Coronus (Her last name refers to her profession as a coroner. Her first and last name actually have a secret meaning as well if one of the letters from her last name is removed, but I'll leave it up to you to see if you can decipher the real meaning behind her name.
-Lastly, here are the basic plotlines for the other cases of the game. These are only going to be a couple sentences each, since this post has gone on long enough already.
Episode 2-Turnabout Judgment: Picking up right where we left off, Phoenix and Athena attend the Murder Mystery Party organized by Juniper's grandmother, Willow Woods, and Juniper notes that the victim in the game bears similarities to how her own grandfather died a year ago. But when one of the guests at the party winds up dead, it's Juniper's grandmother, a former judge, that ends up in the defendant's seat, and Juniper and Athena team up to acquit her of all charges against prosecutor Phoebe Coronus while Phoenix is off helping another guest at the party with a matter of their own. Loosely based on a fancase on Ace Attorney Online: A Game of Turnabout.
Episode 3-The Sponsored Turnabout: During the Summer Olympics, Juniper, Athena, and Simon Blackquill all attend a game together. But when a stray firecracker causes an explosion that causes some debris to crash onto the referee for the game, a former Borginian athlete who had a grudge against the victim and is suspected to be part of the Phantom's organization ends up in the defendant's chair, and Blackquill encourages Athena and Juniper to take on the case due to a previous connection with the defendant, and the trio have to rethink their own biases against the suspect to eventually take down the true culprit of the case, the Executive of the Reality News Network who perpetuated the myth of the Dark Age of the Law after the UR-1 incident. Coronus is still the prosecutor for this case.
Episode 4-Turnabout Roulette: In the filler case of the game, Trucy makes reservations at a fancy bar where she's planning on showing Phoenix part of her upcoming performance, but when the two realize that she accidentally made reservations at the Rivales Casino, and a shooting occurs in the middle of the day, Phoenix is forced into defending Brawly Rivales after his own father was murdered. Coronus is the prosecutor again in this trial, but she's noticably more lenient on Phoenix. The main focus of the case would be on the relationship between Phoenix and Trucy.
Episode 5-Turnabout for Justice: A science expo is being held at the Cosmos Space Center, and the five participants in the showcase are Ema Skye, Phoebe Coronus, Elias Coggs, a C.E.O. of a famous company, who is also sponsoring the event, and surprisingly Aura Blackquill are all participating in the event. But when an accidental explosion occurs in the middle of the event, everyone is evacuated from the scene with two notable exceptions: Phoebe Coronus and Aura Blackquill. After the fire dies down a bit, some officers go in to investigate the scene, and are surprised to find Aura Blackquill leaning over the victim, Phoebe Coronus's body. Aura Blackquill is named the prime suspect for the case, and it's up to Athena and Blackquill to find her innocence, as Phoenix and Trucy don't want anything to do with her after the kidnapping incident two years ago, and Juniper is rooting for her guilt as well, since she remembers how she used to hate Athena all those years ago. Willow Woods would be the judge for this trial, and Miles Edgeworth calls in prosecutor Franziska von Karma to head the case.
Episode Special-Turnabout Reconciliation: It's been one year since Garan has been dethroned, and Khura'in is hosting an international arts festival as an act of goodwill to its new allies. Trucy, Klavier, and Lamiroir are all participating in their own act in the show, and Ema was invited by Prosecutor Nahyuta Sahdmadhi as well. But when a murder happens in the middle of the show, Lamiroir is under suspicion of murder, and Apollo and Trucy finally learn their familial secret. Prosecutor Sahdmadhi is the prosecutor for the case, and Rayfa and Amara make some cameo appearances as well.
Sorry for the long post lol. Tell me what you think of these ideas in the comments.
submitted by TheRawk01 to AceAttorney [link] [comments]

Reading Three-Point Shot Part 5 (V3 Spoilers)

This is the fifth and final part of me reading and sharing my thoughts on the Danganronpa Fanfic; ‘Three-Point Shot’ by RandomRex6. Here’s the last thread if you missed it, and here’s the actual story if you’re reading along. Spoilers for the canon V3 will be left unmarked, you have been warned, and it’s kind of difficult to spoiler tag the actual final case of a killing game. I’ll do my best, but I will once again implore you to go read the story yourself before reading this.
On that note, if you’re someone who’s struggled to find the time to read this story you may be able to have it read to you instead. A frequent commenter of the story on AO3, Net Neutrality, has their own Youtube Channel where they’ve spent the last couple of years working on a audiobook style video series for this fanfic. It’s not finished yet but the latest update is less than a week old at the time of me posting this, so it’s worth a look in at the very least.
Anyway, we’re kicking off with a big spoiler after the last chapter, so this really is your last chance to stop reading if you haven’t finished the story yourself, don’t start complaining at me if you ignore this and get spoiled
…Ok, that should be long enough. So we return to the cast gathered in the hidden room of the library, having just discovered that somehow, Keebo has taken control of Motherkuma.
He explains that when Kokichi sent him into the virtual world, the Supreme Leader used a flash drive (which I had completely forgotten about) he won back in chapter 2 to create a copy of Keebo’s AI. In the chapter 5 Free Time, Kokichi used a weaker EMP to disable the Nanokumas in the library whilst he placed a stronger EMP next to the door to the hidden room. The whole stand-off where both he and Maki pressed their detonators? Yeah, once of those triggered the library’s EMP, taking out the Nanokumas again and disabling the door to the hidden room (I’ve seen some comments saying this doesn’t make sense, Kokichi would still need the card key to open the door, but I think the story’s good with this one. There are electronic doors out there that actually require power to remain shut, so in the event of a power outage, they’re easy to open and nobody gets trapped inside. I can buy that this is one of those occasions.) When Kokichi fled the group using the flash bomb, he went to hidden room to plug the Keebo USB into Motherkuma, and as soon as the EMP wore off, TDR switched Motherkuma back on remotely, not knowing it was now compromised. Also, when Kokichi sent Keebo off to fight the Exisals, he snipped his antenna off. Kind of feel like that’s something that should’ve come up in the last case, but oh well.
Getting all this information at once is a bit hard for the group to digest, and a lot of them have a hard time believing that Kokichi set all this up knowing that he was going to die as part of this plan. Everyone but Kaede, that is, who seems to have an easy time believing that Kokichi was trying to atone for setting Tenko and Keebo up to die. Honestly, I feel like this shouldn’t be so hard to come to terms with. Not so much the whole, “he felt he had to atone part,” but the idea that he wouldn’t be willing to sacrifice himself when these guys literally just had a trial that ended with him allowing himself to be executed to resolve the unsolvable crime he’d set up. I mean what more proof do they need after that? He literally told them he was more interested in hitting the mastermind where it hurts than his own life. Ambiguous character or not, it’s a whole other story when they were actually alive to explain this stuff to you like he was.
Also, small nitpick, but how does this Keebo know all of this? My understanding is that this Keebo’s memories should end from when Kokichi made the copy, when OG Keebo entered the virtual world. Sure, he can scan Motherkuma’s databanks and learn some of the stuff he missed, but how can he know what happened whilst the EMP’s were active, surely Motherkuma can’t see that either?
Anyway, Keebo’s making the preparations for his Monokuma army (dubbed Kiibokumas/Keebokumas) to detonate at one point in the End Wall to blow a hole so they can escape, but Kaede vetos that idea, worried that they have nowhere to go, no rations prepared, no ID’s and would probably just be recaptured and taken somewhere else. So instead, they send a message to the ones pulling Monokuma’s strings, telling them to make their final ultimatum, or else…they’ll just go with Keebo’s plan.
Of course, the ultimatum proposed is the Danganronpa tradition; one final class trial, if they can solve all the remaining mysteries, they can go free. If they fail, Keebo goes back into his regular body and the game continues. They’re given a small bit of time to investigate, and each have some new evidence in their labs (how did the new evidence get there? Keebo has control of everything but the one Monokuma unit he’s allowing the puppet masters to speak through.) Most of the clues pertain to the canon V3 plot twists; their memories and personalities are fake, and the killing game has happened before. And after a short space of time, the group (joined by Keebo, using a modified Monokuma unit as a vessel) have their final class trial.
The Monokubs are back…again…because we all want that final scrum debate at the end, I’ll give them that. And the start of the trial plays out like you’d expect; they bring up the Gopher Project plan for the first time and swiftly dismiss it as fake news. The information they have on Rantaro suggests this isn’t the first killing game, and from there they figure out that these games exist for people’s entertainment.
They’re shown a video of Rantaro vowing the same things they’re now saying, that he won’t stand for this which…I guess means he failed, since the killing game is still going? …Yeah, the whole ‘Rantaro and Tsumugi are prior participants of the killing game’ thing they’ve been building up kind of ends on a down note. I mean, I know they couldn’t have beat TDR of the game is still going, but I at least thought the pair stayed behind so their friends could go free. But the video message Himiko finds shows Rantaro pleading with his future self to ‘save them,’ so it sounds like he didn’t even manage to accomplish that.
Kaede explains that the clue in her lab was a flashback light, the first in the entire game if you would believe it, only Kaede opted not to watch it, not trusting Monokuma’s intentions. This turns out to have been a close call, as apparently it was supposed to reprogram Kaede’s mind and make her the game’s mastermind. And finally, we meet the game’s mastermind, the mastermind I was spoiled on from the beginning; Kaori Akamatsu, Kaede’s twin sister! She was mentioned a couple of times throughout the story, so it doesn’t come out of nowhere, and Rex left an extremely subtle hint in chapter 20 of the story that I’m not surprised none of us picked up on.
And having went into this story knowing who the mastermind is, I never actually stopped to think about the merits of the decision, and ...I kind of would’ve preferred it if they just went with the teased plan of reprogramming one of the characters we already knew. I mean, the idea that TDR can literally make anyone into the game’s mastermind with their technology paints them as a truly heinous and powerful villain that must be stopped before they can ruin anymore lives…but it also strips those masterminds of their autonomy, they don’t matter. Kaori really isn’t the villain here, and honestly we really don’t know anything about her, she’s not even herself right now because they infused her with the typical mastermind/Junko personality. She’s Kaede’s sister, so we care about her by proxy, but I just feel like this would be more effective if it was a character we were invested in, one we’d really gotten to know throughout the story as opposed to a casual reference every now and then. Don’t get me wrong, she’s not bad, but she’s just sort of…Junko without the shifting personalities.
The mastermind precedes to explain what’s left; who Team Danganronpa are, Keebo’s role in the killing game, they even show some comments made by the ‘show’s’ fans (which are actually comments of the story itself on AO3, which is a nice touch.) That’s basically all the mysteries solved now, so the kids have to make their choice; continue the killing game, or leave, but have their original personalities returned to them.
Kaede doesn’t know what to do, and in a moment that was very DR2-esque ends up in a black void, talking not with her love interest or any of the deceased students, but her pre-game self. I love this idea, these kids confronting their past selves, the versions of them that saw no value in their lives, and threw them away to participate in the killing game. It’s essentially their past selves’ fault that they’ve been put through this mess, so it’s a confrontation that has a lot of potential. Kind of wish the two of them didn’t get along so well though. Past Kaede gives present Kaede some sass before helping her to make a decision.
In the end, Kaede decides they need to take the option to leave and get their old personalities back. She argues they’ve come too far to turn back now, even if this moment doesn’t won’t end Danganronpa, it will plant a seed of doubt in the hearts of those that enjoy the show (which is admittedly a more realistic approach to how TDR would have to be dealt with than the game took. One bad season probably isn’t going to cut it.)
We get the customary final challenge of the MC convincing everyone else to join them; Ryoma joins because if his past trauma is fake, he may have something more meaningful waiting for him out there. Himiko joins to honour Angie and Tenko’s memories (even though Angie didn’t really do much at all for Himiko in this story?) Keebo joins to show he’s a strong, independent robot who don’t need no creator. Maki joins both for the sake of honouring Kaito’s memory, but also to payback TDR for turning her into a weapon through her backstory (kind of the best reason of the lot, imo) and Shuichi joins because he can’t keep hiding away from the truth anymore (even though this Shuichi has already embraced the idea of being a detective as a coping mechanism for his depression)
Kaori tries to argue that once their personalities are back, they won’t want this decision anymore, but Shuichi disagrees, citing the post-trial aftermath of chapter 4, where Miu continued to call Keebo ‘Idabashi’, suggesting that they’ll maintain some of their in-game personas even with their old personalities back, and they’ll just have to take that risk (Like I said, very DR2-esque ending.)
They win the scrum debate with the Monokubs, Kaori admits defeat and takes them to the flashback light terminal to begin work on returning their original personalities. Keebo explains that he’s going to try and hack into TDR’s main servers, and upload his AI into the net, since his physical body can’t leave the academy, he may find freedom there instead. And Kaede and Shuichi kiss (I really feel like this should’ve been the first time they did that, but I forgot to mention they did this in the Free Time chapter of the last section, so whoops.) And the army of Monokumas and the five Kubs self-destruct by the end wall to let the kids re-join the outside world.
Ahem, sorry about that. Anyway, the kids have sort of become figure heads in a protest movement against the show. Their whole gamble about regaining their old personalities paid off about as conveniently as it did for the DR2 cast. They’re pretty much exactly who they were in the game, but they just also have some fond memories of watching the show. Kaori’s seeing a shrink, since they’re struggling to get that Junko personality out of her brain (Can’t help but think this may just be an attempt to dodge having to give Kaori a personality of her own.) Ryoma’s enjoying his new freedom, travelling around the world as a tennis coach. Himiko’s on tour holding magic shows whilst trying to raise awareness of how wrong the killing games are (Kind of feel like that message is kind of diluted when you’re still making use of the talent and personality they gave her as part of the show.) Shuichi’s receiving medication for his depression and I believe is still dating Kaede. And the pair of them overhear that auditions for the next season of the show will be starting soon, but the cast size has shrunk again, since they’re struggling to find participants, and something (Keebo) is making it difficult to access the website.
I love this idea of giving us a small peak into the characters adult lives. Sometimes, you just need something a little more concrete than simply hoping that the characters had a good life once the killing game was over. I’m torn on how they dealt with TDR, I know I said it’s a more realistic approach and it is, but it’s a shame that 3/4 more groups of kids have to participate and die before the show gets shut down.
And, that’s it. My journey through Three-Point Shot is completed, and I’m now obliged to give my final thoughts on the story as a whole.
Before I talk about the story itself, I just want to acknowledge how insanely difficult the format of Danganronpa even is to write for;
When you really break Danganronpa down into those four components, you realise how much of a miracle it is that this series is even a fraction of coherent as it actually is. Most sensible writers wouldn’t touch this idea, they’d tell you it just wouldn’t work. So no matter what I have to say about this, or any other fanfic I read in the future, they all have my upmost respect for even attempting this challenge and having the guts to put their work out there.
(Also, I don’t go over everything that happened in these threads. I say it all the time, I want you to read this stories for yourselves before reading these threads. You should never let someone else’s opinion act as a substitute for your own.)
Telling a story is a two-part process; both coming up with your ideas and then conveying those ideas to your audience. Three Point Shot’s greatest strength was the ideas it came up with. I loved the creativity behind the motives, and the cases. I thought the casino party in chapter 2 and the use of honey in case 3 were great ways to make new use of V3’s already established locations. I loved V3, but my favourite parts of this story were when Rex let their creativity go unrestricted by what the canon dictated. Kokichi blackmailing Maki, only 1 murder in chapter 3, Shuichi’s depression, Angie not knowing whether her thoughts were hers or Atua’s, Keebo wanting a surname, the split vote idea. When the story attempted something new, or injected its own take on the V3 canon, I was generally all for it.
And inversely, when the story repeated something that happened in V3 just for the sake of it, it generally wasn’t received so well by me; night time training in chapter 2, Himiko’s relationships with Tenko and Angie, the way Rantaro’s storyline just sort of ended. The problem isn’t replicating events from the canon, I had no problem with Kokichi’s antics and the student council, but it’s when the story replicates something without considering if what this story’s already changed affects it.
I loved the romances. I’m a sucker for a good romance, but I don’t turn to Danganronpa all that often to get it. Saimatsu and…(checks Google) Harukaito (Really? That’s what we call it?) just felt really genuine in this story. It felt like teenagers falling in love, being awkward about it at times because they’re only teenagers and they don’t know what they’re doing. Just very wholesome, genuine teen romance.
However, one of the issues I brought up quite often towards the end was how the story handled its supporting cast. Kaede, Shuichi, Kaito, Maki and Kokichi were all used to reasonably good effect across their lengthy screen time, but all the other characters kind of suffered for it. This isn’t exactly unexpected, I did say a while ago that it’s impossible to flesh out all 16 characters in Danganronpa, and you have to prioritise the most important ones for your story. It’s just kind of a shame that they went with the characters that already received a lot of screen time and development from the canon. The only characters that made it to this story’s chapter 5, that didn’t make it that far in the canon, were Kaede and Ryoma. I never really got the sense that anyone here was this story’s equivalent to Fuyuhiko, or canon Himiko, someone who initially didn’t seem like much, but develops in such a way where you can’t imagine them not surviving.
It’s not for a lack of trying. Each chapter had three instances when the group split up (when they’re expanding the school, the Free Time chapter, and the investigation) and it consistently tried to give each character some sort of scene in each of these sections, but they kind of gave me a Ultimate Talent Development Plan vibe; they were fun interactions but they didn’t actually build much character. I think that’s partially because the story kept trying to mix and match different people together, so instead of really developing one strong bond with another person, we got several soft bonds with several people. I can see some debate over which approach is better, but I personally prefer the former, consistent interactions with a smaller portion of the group. My favourite interactions was when Gonta showed Angie around his lab, because that was an interaction the story kept up with, but the little three-way dynamic between Himiko, Ryoma and Keebo was also pretty consistent.
I think RandomRex6 showcased that they’re more than competent as a writer. You have to bear in mind that this was just supposed a simple 1-chapter project that exploded into a full-game rewrite and from start to end, the project took just under a year to complete. They came up with some great ideas, and whilst I found faults in the execution at times, there was always some element that made me want to keep going, and Rex was their own harshest critic, never letting themselves of easy after disappointing their audience with Korekiyo at the beginning, and that fuelled them for the rest of the story. Whilst I think the fanfic peaked with chapter 3, I don’t think it ever dipped significantly after that.
And that’s about all I have to say. I’m not gonna type up my thoughts on the characters again, because honestly what I said in the last thread for each of them still stands. I suppose Kaede stepped up more as a leader in this finale.
It might be a couple of weeks before I start another fanfic series like this, and I think it’s time to move away from the V3 related ones for a while, just to give the rest of the franchise a chance.
submitted by darkcrusaderares to danganronpa [link] [comments]

CryptoSmarts 4: The Best Free Password Managers

CryptoSmarts 4: The Best Free Password Managers
MintDice is proud to bring you the fourth part of the CryptoSmarts series, a 100% unbiased/non-affiliate paid article set that will focus on relatively simple ways you can boost your privacy, take power away from overbearing governments and corporations while also doing relative good for society all at the same time with minimal effort. Rest assured that anything suggested here is solely for your own benefit.
In this article, we'll take a deep dive into password managers, which applications to go for, how to optimize your password managers and which ones to avoid. It's of increasing importance for all users to adopt a password manager because commonly used passwords and repeated use of log-in + password combinations are the two weakest points in any normal individual's security online. Meanwhile, memorizing dozens of unique and complex passwords is beyond the scope of what most people can do, especially long term. Thus password managers have been created as a way to store multiple passwords into a single file that can help ensure your security and privacy online.
For a little encouragement, we'll share the now extremely famous dialogue between Edward Snowden and John Oliver talking about passwords. As should be painfully obvious by now, password managers are one of the best solutions to this entire dilemma.



We should first note that not all password managers are created the same as we've noted with software across all of our other articles. By and large, we'll be looking for similar characteristics in our password managers as we would our other software which includes open sourced software protocols and best software security practices. And when it comes to Bitcoin, cryptocurrency and your entire life's work on the internet, there is a lot at stake here. I'd argue that it is more important for password managers than for any other application to make sure to get this one correct since it will have your entire livelihood on the line.
The very amazing thing with demanding open sourced software for your password manager is that it by definition will also be free at the most basic level. This is because if it weren't, all it would take would be someone to fork over a program to make it free. So you are in a sense getting the best of both worlds here; a free software that is also of the highest quality. Meanwhile, ironically, many of the more commonly known password managers like Dashlane or Lastpass use closed source software and often charge fees to use their service. Funnily enough, Lastpass, the password manager itself, was actually formerly hacked in the past. One could argue this at least in part had to do with it's closed source software since having open sourced software at least in part makes software more secure. In short, do not used these closed source services that are frequently advertised for on the web as they are detrimental to you in more ways than one.


Bitwarden is our first recommendation. Bitwarden is truly one of the all time greats by approaching password management on the individual, team and even enterprise level to create a one size fits all solution. Bitwarden is compatible on virtually all devices out there from all desktops to mobile devices and so forth. Additionally, while they offer a centralized cloud service for free, Bitwarden is also set up to allow you to run your own private server to keep your own key base entirely under your own control, fully encrypted.

Next up we have KeePassXC which is a fork of one of the longest standing password managers in existence, formerly known as KeePass that halted a lot of it's ongoing development some time ago. KeePassXC was created as a locally held password manager application that could work across platforms. Unlike Bitwarden where your key file is held in cloud storage, KeePassXC is simply a program client and a local file that you must maintain and backup yourself. This has some pros and cons. The good news is that you have full control of everything related to KeePassXC as the program under most situations will not be talking to any online server which could expose private or sensitive information. The bad news is that if you ever were to lose control of your key file, you are completely out of luck. For this reason, it's imperative to back up your encrypted key file in multiple locations to protect against what would be catastrophic loss. You can do this with USB drives, e-mail accounts, cloud storage, safe deposit boxes or a whole host of other creative solutions that you might come up with.
The final recommended option is LessPass. LessPass is very interesting technology because it is a no-knowledge password manager. By inputting a few pieces of information which could be a master password in conjunction with an e-mail address or user name, a password is automatically attached to any URL address. It will simply cross all of these pieces of information via PBKDF2 and SHA-256 to produce random yet consistent outputs for any of your web browsing. The advantage of this program is that it is extremely light weight, and so long as you can remember your e-mail address, account name and master password, you can now gain full access to everything around the internet without the need of any files. The downside is some level of control over password flexibility since the passwords are automatically generated for you.
In summation of these three options, BitWarden is the best overall password manager for most people's use cases. Meanwhile, LessPass is probably best suited for the most casual user who contains fewer accounts across the internet and wants something extremely simple and easy to use. Lastly, KeePassXC, will be the ultimate in privacy password manager technology and is best suited for those that are prepared to take the extra steps to ensure their key file is kept up to date as the months and years tick by.



Once you have chosen a password manager from the above list, it will be important to change all of your account passwords one by one to incorporate it into your new system. This will help you get away from your commonly used log-in and password combinations and over to your new, more secure and robust set up. With your new set up, if you have a key file to back up, you must now start getting in the habit of doing so, especially after major or important changes to your password manager. Or if you wish to use BItWarden with a private cloud server, make sure that that is fully set up and running.
Generally speaking, when choosing password length from your password manager for standard and robust security, 25 random characters, letters (and symbols if you wish, but they aren't necessary), is mostly considered to be uncrackable. This is because while every password is in theory beatable, it takes dramatically more computational energy over time to figure out what your password is, and at some point, it becomes unreasonable. That said, NSA grade security often holds itself up to 50 random characters which is considered to be unbreakable even on a government wide scale.
On that same token, you'll have to use a master password for your password manager. Given that you only need to know one password, it will now be extremely important to make this a very good password. Because a password that you need to remember most likely won't (or perhaps shouldn't) be completely random so that it's easy to remember, it should, at the very least, be long. I would suggest making sure that you come up with a master password that is at least 40 characters long or 125 bits of information. To check out how many bits of entropy your master password is, you can type it into the password field of KeePassXC and it will tell you roughly how secure your master password is. While 40 characters may seem like a lot, do keep in mind that this is now the only gateway between yourself and all of your access keys to all of your accounts held on this account.

Bits of Entropy Example on KeePassXC
Finally, it is worth investing in a YubiKey or similar 2-FA device if you can get one. This can apply to BitWarden and KeePassXC. With the normal password managers, a hacker will need access to not only your password but also your key file in order to have free reign over all of your accounts. However, a sophisticated hacker that has full access to your device with a keylogger could ultimately, in theory, compromise your full set up, and this would be disastrous for you. Fortunately, this can be resolved by buying and activating a Yubikey or other such device. The Yubikey example requires that a Yubikey, with a private key that you set up for your password manager, is present to access your database. Therefore, even if a hacker were to obtain your key file and your master password, they still won't be able gain access to your account. As a precaution, however, if you lose access to your Yubikey and/or private key, you too, will be locked out. Therefore, it is important to keep your Yubikey backed up and to keep extra copies available.


Owning Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies comes with a lot of responsibility if you want to minimize risk. As does maintaining a strong hack-resistant presence online. One of the best defenses you can make is by implementing a password manager. Similar to the previous CryptoSmarts articles that we have written prior, it will take some small amount of set up work to get fully acclimated to your new system, but you'll thank yourself down the road that you have done this. And the sooner you start, the better, as things will only continue to get more complex, with more risk factors at play as the internet plays an ever increasing role in all of our day to day lives.
Finally, while the article is current as of the writing of the article, it will undoubtedly lose merit over time. Be sure to check if everything in this article is up to date or that any password manager that you select from this article continues development or continues to abide by the proper best practice principles.
If you enjoyed this article, we would encourage you to check out our other previous CryptoSmarts articles discussing private e-mails, secure messenger applications and proper web browsers.
submitted by MintDiceOfficial to MintDice [link] [comments]

SynCity Roleplay | Whitelisted Jobs, EMS & LEO

🌃 SynCityRP 🌃
Discord: https://discord.gg/YJFmnnB
Server IP Address: Syncityrp.net
Pictures of Server: https://imgur.com/a/uf3xJph
Server Overview
With our Staff Team here at SynCity, we consistently underline the need for absolute fairness & equal rights of everyone from all types of walks of life.
We here at SynCity have an active Development & Staff Team to provide to our player base and we aim to keep the server fun with a large amount of roleplay but also able to include a more realistic roleplay, if one requires to enjoy a great immersive roleplay experience. We provide many ways for our player base to engage and keep themselves interested throughout their time on the server.
The following is just a glimpse of what SynCity has to offer…
- Active Development Team
- Multi Character Selection
- Housing Shells To Live in and Decorate
- Custom Clothing and Hair for Male and Female
- Extra/Better Female Character Faces
- Custom Heist's and Raid's
- Over 250 Custom Vehicles
- Whitelisted Law Enforcement & Emergency Services
- Custom Gang Scripts that include a Custom Gang Car, MLO Hideout (If Available) & Drug Labs
- Custom Heists
- Casino with Working Blackjack & Slots
- Custom Racing Script and Illegal Underground Racing Scene
- Player Owned Shops and Businesses
- Multiple Drug USB’S(Coke, Weed & Opium)
- Custom Emotes
- Custom Vehicle Control HUD
- New Inventory HUD for Cars & Houses with a Weight Limit
- Custom Drug Scripts including Drug Effects
- Weekly/Bi-Weekly Events
What Syn City offers...
We offer a realistic roleplay experience for veteran roleplayers or even people just starting out, We offer Non-Whitelisted Job & Whitelisted Jobs to go make money for yourself. We here at SynCity are constantly creating Custom Scripts & adding in the best premium scripts that can improve the server. Our server uses a realistic but fair economy. We are always working on adding new scripts and this is what we have planned to add in soon...
**Future Server Updates:**
* Custom Car Mechanic Script
* Custom Vineyard Sidejob
* Custom Game Launcher
* Halloween Special Soon
**Regular Jobs:**
* 🚌 Bus Driver
* 🔒 G4S Security
* 🐟 Fishing
* 🐄 Milkman
* 🐻 Hunting
* 🎥 News Reporter
* ⛽ Fueler
* 🗑️ Garbage Man
* 📧 Postal Worker
* 🚚 Trucker
* 🤿Salvage Diver
**Whitelisted Jobs:**
* ✈️ Pilot (Flight School)
* 🚓 LSPD / BCPD* 🚑 Emergency Medical Services (EMS|EMT)
* 🚗 Car Dealer
* 🚕 Taxi Co.
* 🔧 Mechanic
* 🎰 Casino Owner
* 🏎️ Midnight Club
* 🏘️ Real Estate
* 🍗 Thiccy Chicky
* 👠 Vanilla Unicorn
* 🌊 Galdin Quay Sea Restaurant
* 🌊 Pearls Sea Restaurant
* ☕ Bean Machine Coffee House
* 🚜 Drugs (Collect, Process, Sell)
* 💊 Multiple Types Of Drugs To Sell
* 💊 Drug Effects (Some have Buffs)
* 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Gangs (Custom Hideouts, Clothing & Gang Cars)
* 🏬 Black Market
* 🏪 Store Robberies
* 🏦 Bank Robberies (Hacking, Thermite, Custom Set Up Heists)
* 🏪 House Robberies
* 🏧 ATM Robberies
* 💎 Vangelico Robbery & XGem Jewellery Robbery
* 🌇 Custom Heists
* 👑 Gold Heist
* 🚛 Bank Truck Heist
* 🌿 Drug Heist
* 🚗 Car Scrapping
* Friendly and Welcoming community
* Active EU & NA
* Active & Fair Admin Team
* Lots of Available Positions
* Active Server with a Growing Player Base
submitted by kingcarmojr to GTARP [link] [comments]

SynCity Roleplay | ESX Framework | Serious & Fun RP | 17+

🌃 SynCityRP 🌃

Discord: https://discord.gg/3jCcKYV
Pictures of Server: https://imgur.com/a/uf3xJph
Server IP Address: Syncityrp.net

Server Overview

With our Staff Team here at SynCity, we consistently underline the need for absolute fairness & equal rights of everyone from all types of walks of life.
We here at SynCity have an active Development & Staff Team to provide to our player base and we aim to keep the server fun with a large amount of roleplay but also able to include a more realistic roleplay, if one requires to enjoy a great immersive roleplay experience. We provide many ways for our player base to engage and keep themselves interested throughout their time on the server.
The following is just a glimpse of what SynCity has to offer…
- Active Development Team
- Multi Character Selection
- Housing Shells To Live in and Decorate
- Custom Clothing and Hair for Male and Female
- Extra/Better Female Character Faces
- Custom Heist's and Raid's
- Over 250 Custom Vehicles
- Whitelisted Law Enforcement & Emergency Services
- Custom Gang Scripts that include a Custom Gang Car, MLO Hideout (If Available) & Drug Labs
- Custom Heists
- Casino with Working Blackjack & Slots
- Custom Racing Script and Illegal Underground Racing Scene
- Player Owned Shops and Businesses
- Multiple Drug USB’S(Coke, Weed & Opium)
- Custom Emotes
- Custom Vehicle Control HUD
- New Inventory HUD for Cars & Houses with a Weight Limit
- Custom Drug Scripts including Drug Effects
- Weekly/Bi-Weekly Events

What Syn City offers...

We offer a realistic roleplay experience for veteran roleplayers or even people just starting out, We offer Non-Whitelisted Job & Whitelisted Jobs to go make money for yourself. We here at SynCity are constantly creating Custom Scripts & adding in the best premium scripts that can improve the server. Our server uses a realistic but fair economy. We are always working on adding new scripts and this is what we have planned to add in soon...

Future Server Updates:

* Custom Car Mechanic Script
* Custom Vineyard Sidejob
* Custom Game Launcher
* Halloween Special Soon
**Regular Jobs:**
* 🚌 Bus Driver
* 🔒 G4S Security
* 🐟 Fishing
* 🐄 Milkman
* 🐻 Hunting
* 🎥 News Reporter
* ⛽ Fueler
* 🗑️ Garbage Man
* 📧 Postal Worker
* 🚚 Trucker
* 🤿Salvage Diver

Whitelisted Jobs:

* ✈️ Pilot (Flight School)
* 🚓 LSPD / BCPD * 🚑 Emergency Medical Services (EMS|EMT)
* 🚗 Car Dealer
* 🚕 Taxi Co.
* 🔧 Mechanic
* 🎰 Casino Owner
* 🏎️ Midnight Club
* 🏘️ Real Estate
* 🍗 Thiccy Chicky
* 👠 Vanilla Unicorn
* 🌊 Galdin Quay Sea Restaurant
* 🌊 Pearls Sea Restaurant
* ☕ Bean Machine Coffee House


* 🚜 Drugs (Collect, Process, Sell)
* 💊 Multiple Types Of Drugs To Sell
* 💊 Drug Effects (Some have Buffs)
* 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Gangs (Custom Hideouts, Clothing & Gang Cars)
* 🏬 Black Market
* 🏪 Store Robberies
* 🏦 Bank Robberies (Hacking, Thermite, Custom Set Up Heists)
* 🏪 House Robberies
* 🏧 ATM Robberies
* 💎 Vangelico Robbery & XGem Jewellery Robbery
* 🌇 Custom Heists
* 👑 Gold Heist
* 🚛 Bank Truck Heist
* 🌿 Drug Heist
* 🚗 Car Scrapping


* Friendly and Welcoming community
* Active EU & NA
* Active & Fair Admin Team
* Available Whitelisted Civilian Jobs
* Active Server with a Growing Player Base
submitted by kingcarmojr to GTARP [link] [comments]

SynCityRP | Tokovoip | ESX & Custom Scripts

🌃 SynCityRP 🌃

Discord: https://discord.gg/YJFmnnB
Pictures of Server: https://imgur.com/a/uf3xJph
How To Join:
Open FiveM...
Press F8 & Type 'Connect SynCityRp.Net' or Search SynCityRP.Net

Server Overview

With our Staff Team here at SynCity, we consistently underline the need for absolute fairness & equal rights of everyone from all types of walks of life.
We here at SynCity have an active Development & Staff Team to provide to our player base and we aim to keep the server fun with a large amount of roleplay but also able to include a more realistic roleplay, if one requires to enjoy a great immersive roleplay experience. We provide many ways for our player base to engage and keep themselves interested throughout their time on the server.
The following is just a glimpse of what SynCity has to offer…
- Active Development Team
- Multi Character Selection
- Housing Shells To Live in and Decorate
- Custom Clothing and Hair for Male and Female
- Extra/Better Female Character Faces
- Custom Heist's and Raid's
- Over 250 Custom Vehicles
- Whitelisted Law Enforcement & Emergency Services
- Custom Gang Scripts that include a Custom Gang Car, MLO Hideout (If Available) & Drug Labs
- Custom Heists
- Casino with Working Blackjack & Slots
- Custom Racing Script and Illegal Underground Racing Scene
- Player Owned Shops and Businesses
- Multiple Drug USB’S(Coke, Weed & Opium)
- Custom Emotes
- Custom Vehicle Control HUD
- New Inventory HUD for Cars & Houses with a Weight Limit
- Custom Drug Scripts including Drug Effects
- Weekly/Bi-Weekly Events

What Syn City offers...

We offer a realistic roleplay experience for veteran roleplayers or even people just starting out, We offer Non-Whitelisted Job & Whitelisted Jobs to go make money for yourself. We here at SynCity are constantly creating Custom Scripts & adding in the best premium scripts that can improve the server. Our server uses a realistic but fair economy. We are always working on adding new scripts and this is what we have planned to add in soon...

Future Server Updates:

* Custom Car Mechanic Script
* Custom Vineyard Sidejob
* Custom Game Launcher
* Halloween Special Soon
**Regular Jobs:**
* 🚌 Bus Driver
* 🔒 G4S Security
* 🐟 Fishing
* 🐄 Milkman
* 🐻 Hunting
* 🎥 News Reporter
* ⛽ Fueler
* 🗑️ Garbage Man
* 📧 Postal Worker
* 🚚 Trucker
* 🤿Salvage Diver

Whitelisted Jobs:

* ✈️ Pilot (Flight School)
* 🚓 LSPD / BCPD * 🚑 Emergency Medical Services (EMS|EMT)
* 🚗 Car Dealer
* 🚕 Taxi Co.
* 🔧 Mechanic
* 🎰 Casino Owner
* 🏎️ Midnight Club
* 🏘️ Real Estate
* 🍗 Thiccy Chicky
* 👠 Vanilla Unicorn
* 🌊 Galdin Quay Sea Restaurant
* 🌊 Pearls Sea Restaurant
* ☕ Bean Machine Coffee House


* 🚜 Drugs (Collect, Process, Sell)
* 💊 Multiple Types Of Drugs To Sell
* 💊 Drug Effects (Some have Buffs)
* 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Gangs (Custom Hideouts, Clothing & Gang Cars)
* 🏬 Black Market
* 🏪 Store Robberies
* 🏦 Bank Robberies (Hacking, Thermite, Custom Set Up Heists)
* 🏪 House Robberies
* 🏧 ATM Robberies
* 💎 Vangelico Robbery & XGem Jewellery Robbery
* 🌇 Custom Heists
* 👑 Gold Heist
* 🚛 Bank Truck Heist
* 🌿 Drug Heist
* 🚗 Car Scrapping


* Friendly and Welcoming community
* Active EU & NA
* Active & Fair Admin Team
* Lots of Available Positions
* Active Server with a Growing Player Base
submitted by kingcarmojr to GTARP [link] [comments]

Fivem PC Server Syn City Role Play

Syn City RP

Discord: https://discord.gg/VuGmmMV
Regular Jobs:
Whitelisted Jobs:
Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/NbEFqJW
submitted by Syn_City_41 to GTARP [link] [comments]

Syn City Roleplay PC Fivem

Discord: https://discord.gg/VuGmmMV Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/uf3xJph
Regular Jobs:
Whitelisted Jobs:
submitted by Syn_City_41 to GTARP [link] [comments]

SynCityRP - Fivem - PC- RP

Discord: https://discord.gg/7mq7ysc
Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/uf3xJph
**Regular Jobs:**
**Whitelisted Jobs:**
submitted by Syn_City_41 to GTARP [link] [comments]

SynCity Roleplay PC FIVEM

Discord: https://discord.gg/AdUXAxC Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/uf3xJph
Features: - Live anywhere on the map, decorate your own home
Regular Jobs:
Whitelisted Jobs:
submitted by Syn_City_41 to GTARP [link] [comments]

Syn City RP

Discord: https://discord.gg/VuGmmMV
Regular Jobs:
Whitelisted Jobs:
Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/NbEFqJW
submitted by Syn_City_41 to GTARP [link] [comments]

Syn City RP Fivem PC

Discord: https://discord.gg/AdUXAxC Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/uf3xJph
Features: - Live anywhere on the map, decorate your own home
Regular Jobs:
Whitelisted Jobs:
submitted by Syn_City_41 to GTARP [link] [comments]

Syn City Roleplay PC Fivem

Syn City RP
Discord: https://discord.gg/VuGmmMV
Regular Jobs:
Whitelisted Jobs:
Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/NbEFqJW
submitted by Syn_City_41 to GTARP [link] [comments]

What happened at the Wall of Sheep, my take.

Hang on folks, this is a long one! @wallofSheep @sophiekravitz @hackaday @Defcon @packetvillage @secbarbie #RadioInstigator #SigInt @logitech @microsoft @amazon
I'm CrankyLinuxUser (Aka: Josh Conway). I'm a Sysad by trade, and a security researcher and hacker outside of work. And, this was my first year at Defcon.
I was excited at all my firsts this year, and I made comments regarding "Sheep'd the Wall of Sheep". And that's caused a lot of questions directed at myself and the awesome folks whom run the Wall of Sheep. Long story short: I found a vulnerable keyboard/mouse that belonged to one of the people working at the Wall of Sheep, and had it registered on the Wall. At no point did I inject or otherwise hack. They promptly removed it after realizing the vulnerability!
My con started with me taking my RadioInstigator and looking at the RF lay of the land. And of course, with custom hardware, nearly anybody who saw stopped and talked, which I gladly appreciated!
I was interviewed by @Hackaday's @SophieKravitz , an awesome journalist/hacker! And during that interview, I saw that her very machine was vulnerable. My "Attack" was showing Mousejack picking up the data as it was generated by the mouse. Detection/Injection is trivial with the exploit tools, but I felt all I needed was to show was that it was not only doable, but easy.
My worry about attacks was because Jackit is indiscriminate. I can operate safely in a refrigerator, trailer, or metal shed, and keep most unwanted RF inside. Whereas being at Defcon, I may hack my fellow hackers, or worse... I may end up hitting Casino IT, Security, or Operations. Some others may want to play fast and loose with hacking our renters, but that's not going to be me. The antenna I use has gotten me up to .5 mi for mousejacking, so it's definitely an indiscriminately wide area.
I ran across others that were also susceptible. I gladly showed them what my tablet could do, what data it could pick up, and how one could fix the imminent hack at hand (remove the dongle!). During these times, I saw someone with what looked like a mousejacker on a cell. What were they doing? I do not know. I also heard of someone(s) creating a #badgelife that had an auto-mousejack attack built in. I can only speak for mine.
I visited many CTF halls with line after line of fellow hackers at their computers. In the PH mezzanine, I counted at least 30 unique exploitable Mousejack MAC addresses. At no point did I actually inject more than null data, as Jackit (another tool in the similar vein of Mousejack) does report either injectable or not.
After winning an awesome AND!XOR badge as an entrant from @SecBarbie at the Homebrew Hardware Competition on Saturday, I reallllly wanted to see the Wall of Sheep and the Packet Village. I've been hearing about The Wall for at_least 5 years. I visited Wireless village earlier on in the 'Con, so I wanted to see more variety. I obviously had my RadioInstigator out - I AM very proud of it!
As I walk in, I immediately pick up 2 devices: (exploitable) and (non-exploitable). So, paired dongle and keyboard -or- mouse.
I reaffirm on my cell what the Wall Of Sheep is about, and how it is used. My understanding is that it is a way to find credentials in the clear, that lead to significant access. And what is displayed is a redacted username, password, service, and such. The goal was never to actually break in - only to partially name and shame.
I ask a person at the @WallofSheep, and explain my 'attack', which was to see a vulnerable and injectable dongle. I also explained there was another device, which was likely paired. There was some discussion. And since this allowed remote keyboard access directly to a computer it was plugged into, it was allowed!
One of the WoS people took my photo next to the vulnerable MAC address! It was 3 firsts: It was my first Defcon, my first Wall of Sheep listing AND the first Mousejack accepted!
And then, one of WoS people asks if this attack could affect dongles/mice only? I answer that it absolutely can, and that most of what I was seeing in terms of vulns here at @Defcon were explicitly that combination. He shows me the dongle, which was an unbranded variant of the nRF24L, and the mouse. While watching Jackit, he removed the dongle and the injectable device went away. Moving the mouse still showed non-injectable traffic of the same MAC, indicating his machine was indeed the susceptible one.
I alerted him, that there are no fixes since this is a critical vulnerability. The only fix was to remove the dongle from the machine, and throw into the trash! He removed it, thankfully. To me, that's what hacking like this is about. I wasn't about to have someone willingly be vulnerable to an attack that I knew was being exploited elsewhere.
I won a cool WallOfSheep shirt and a kickass sticker, which is on my laptop right now!
My mistake however, was soon after that. I made it sound that I had hacked them, with terms like "Sheep'd the Wall of Sheep". To me, 'Being Sheep'd' meant that you caught a critical vulnerability in the form of a credential, you verified in an acceptable way, and you reported it to the Wall of Sheep. I didn't think, that being at a hacker con, that 'sheepd' could be a colloquialism for hacked. I meant in no way that I took control or otherwise injected stuff on their, or anyone's machine. I did prove beyond a shadow of doubt, that I could have, yet refrained from doing so and informed about the best way to fix the situation.
Don't get me wrong, my adrenaline was pumped primarily because this weekend was so amazing. And it was a personal accomplishment that I had someone listed on the Wall of Sheep. I was just in no way expecting what actually happened.
So, how do you protect yourself? This a humongous question. Simply put, the most inconvenient one is use ONLY wired keyboards and mice. But that's inconvenient. Bluetooth (NOT bt low energy) is safe-r. But anything like @Logitech , @Microsoft , @Amazon Basics or myriads of HID devices on @eBay or @aliexpress are GROSSLY UNSAFE. How do you know for sure? Wired or BT logo is a good indicator of safety. But attacking and/or teardown looking for the wireless chip is really the only way to be sure. Having a USB vid:pid doesn't guarantee you're not vulnerable. It only guarantees that the security researchers didn't know about your specific device.
I'm also sharing this on Twitter and reddit /defcon AND /hacking ; same cranky name :)
submitted by crankylinuxuser to Defcon [link] [comments]

Fivem Rp server Syn city

Discord: https://discord.gg/VuGmmMV
Regular Jobs:
Whitelisted Jobs:
Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/NbEFqJW
submitted by kamelzara to GTARP [link] [comments]

Fivem PC syn city RP

Discord: https://discord.gg/VuGmmMV
Regular Jobs:
Whitelisted Jobs:
Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/NbEFqJW
submitted by Syn_City_41 to GTARP [link] [comments]

Lime Light RP

Thank you for Checking out our post ! This server has been under development for about 4 months. LimeLight RP Runs amazing on a 8 core 64gbs (Dedicated Server)
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**Illegal Jobs**

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***There's more drugs in the city but to learn more about them hop in & discover ;)***

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![Annotation 2020-05-21 213056|690x266](upload://9H06hJS4lclVlQ2VKsAJtyRLUX.jpeg)


![Tuner Shop|690x154](upload://quUqoQSE1NxrDNTSOR1QQWYA8QQ.png)







![POLICE INV|530x500](upload://m9WmJgVbPyxnxXIILOdo1t8VhY5.png)
submitted by BinoSzn to GTAVRP [link] [comments]

Tales Of A Slot Machine Technician! Ep 1: The Worst Hack Job I Ever Did

Greetings TFTS! I would like to introduce myself. I am Craz and I am a slot machine technician at a small-ish casino. Now, I am not the typical tech support of answering phones and listening to panicked executives wonder where their proposal went while they stored it in their deleted folder, but I get to deal with the issues of both people, hardware, and sometimes mother nature.
So I get to do what a lot of you guys do, deciphering the uneducated and over-estimated speak and all!
But today! Today, I am here to tell you of the worst hack job I ever had to do to get one of our cabinets working! But before we begin, TO THE INTRO!
The casino I work at has had it's business stripped nearly to nothing because of the recession. The owners are not exactly business savvy but because of the location and the nature of gambling, the place was making so much money without them trying. Recession hit, people stopped showing up, everything gets cut back. Now, I don't work for the casino, I am contracted by another company to maintain the video lottery terminals, or VLT's, in the building. When I came on, there were only six working at this particular casino.
Me: The best tech ever, I won't let the truth or facts say other wise.
The Nice Gal: A part timer, mid forties, horrible with a screw driver but a real nice and hard worker.
The Submariner: Another part timer, worked in a submarine for the navy and then for a major weapons contractor as a tech for years. Great guy to work with, very methodical.
The Godfather: This guy has been with the company for twenty years now. It's almost impossible to not like the guy. Hates conflict, decent with a wrench, brute forces his way through troubleshooting with parts changing, or leaving it for the Gearhead
The Jaded Employee: Been with the company for almost a decade. A very blunt, no bulls#$t guy. He never plays politics, likes to play chicken with management, a great technician, and a great business smarts guy. But since he -hates- the company now, he is hardly working when he doesn't have to.
The Gearhead: This guy is in the wrong profession, I think. One of the best techs in the state. The guy is a workhorse and refuses to let something stop him from finishing a repair. He knows pretty much everything about tech work in this field and is very good at innovative thinking. He also is building a bitching 10 second car and changes my brakes and oil for a twelve pack.
Our job is to simply make sure the VLT's are running. Paper outs, Bill jams are the most common. Boring. When it comes to actual tech work, we replace pre-built boards, printers, wire harnesses, buttons, monitors. No board level work, for the most part.
So, about eight months in, I get a call to a machine that isn't working anymore. Real descriptive. So, I grab my keys, radio, walk up to the floor and scout out the machine. Now, while I don't normally have trouble with this specific machine, this type of cabinet is known for being an absolute rage inducing piece of sh....
Ok, so we work on many vendors machines. The vast majority use their own home brew or hacked up linux operating system. Except this company. Now, lets call this company M. Company M uses embedded XP with auto launched program that auto launches the slot game. Now, these machines normally run fine, bring in good business, hardly have problems.
But when there IS a problem, it is catastrophic unless it's a monitor. I wish I was that lucky. Now, I come to the machine, it has power, no video. Reboot, video returns! Ah ha! I wait on the 17 minute boot. Yes, SEVENTEEN minutes to boot it. It boots up fine, game comes on, starts to play, locks up, goes black.
Long story short, it started failing when it started to put load on the GPU. So, shut the machine out, facility pay the patron, roll up my sleeves and go to work. This cabinet is pretty much set up like a typical computer. Motherboard, GPU in a box, PSU is external, lots of USB's and plugs for various other stuff to work. But it's all crammed in there and cramped and all the other stuff that pisses tech people off!
So, I pull out the GPU, fan is melted. Yep, lets replace it! Plug it all in, turn it on, now it won't boot at all. After some simple diagnostics, it's the HDD.
"God damnit."
So, yank the box out, grab a imaged HDD, plug it in, boots up, XP loads. Huzzah! Loads up the launcher, starts verification and......
Red bad. That's bad. Means something isn't where it needs to be either with the dongles or some config files. Now, this is where the real story begins.
So, I start with the diagnostics. Make sure the dongles are plugged in and haven't failed. Everything checked out. Which means the config files are screwed. Which doesn't make any sense because this is a freshly imaged drive. So I call over Gearhead and told him what was going on.
Gearhead: "Huh, Ok then. Uh. Grab the config file from the other one and try that."
Luckily, this machine has a brother across the casino. So I go over, grab the file on a thumb drive, go back to the trouble machine, replace the config files, boot up the launcher....and fails verification again.
"What in the....."
So, I start trying to mix and match the two config files to their locations....nothing. Once more, time to call Gearhead.
Gearhead: "Well, this is interesting. Try grabbing the config file from all the games. One has to work."
Mind you, he is enjoying watching me get flustered over the past two hours. Snickering and all. But damnit, I'm going to get this damn game up. Now, we have eight different games that run in this kind of cabinet. Which means, seven more config files to try. I spend a half hour running around and grabbing files. Now, with all of them, I will be victorious, right?
I start the process of mixing and matching these config files. Nothing, nothing, and....nothing.
"This stupid f@%$ing piece of s&%$"
Half way through the brute forcing config mixing, progress! It passed verification! But once the game loads, door alarms go off for doors that....don't exist. Like, they have been hard wired to close the circuit do they don't trigger. That and the one door that does exist, it's closed! But progress! By now, I am three hours in.
EDIT: What I mean by door's is that the door's to open various elements of the cabinet, such as the belly door, main door, logic box, all have switches on them. If a switch is not triggered, that door is considered "open" by the game and the game locks up until it is fixed. It's to prevent tampering.
Well, by hour four of failures, I go back to the file that worked to see wtf was going on. Well, this is a common file extension seen in many-a-PC games, so I open up note pad and scan through. I start comparing config files and they all look the same, or maybe I was just blurring text locations from my rage. Either or, I remember something from my very short stint in programming. The doors have comments over them, telling the door locations!
Well, I tried changing door locations but....nope. Doors keep staying open, and they don't exist! So in my frustration, a moment of "F#%K IT," I commented out the doors entirely.
And behold......
"Are you god damn kidding me?"
It worked and it passed verification. Cue me on a cursing spree as I storm off to the office to report this to Gearhead, who, by the way, is quite amused at my annoyance. But he was even more amused at the fix. But I had one question:
Me: So, is this like legal?
Gearhead: I doubt it.
Me: So, should I just revert it and put it down?
Gearhead: Hell no, after all of that? You really want to give up that repair on your sheet? For four hours?
Me: ....f$#k that.
I havn't seen a rep or a tech from that company in a while, as they sometimes stop over to do maintenance for their machines but I can only imagine that they are going to laugh at my misfortune.
TL:DR Dead GPU -> Corrupted HDD -> Corrupted.....config file? -> Go fish with config files -> Doors suddenly exist -> Doors don't exist with questionable legalities!
Edit1:The English is strong with this one.
submitted by tehcraz to talesfromtechsupport [link] [comments]

Secure paper wallet tutorial

This is my handout for paranoid people who want a way to store bitcoin safely. It requires a little work, but this is the method I use because it should be resistant to risks associated with:
  1. Bad random number generators
  2. Malicious or flawed software
  3. Hacked computers
If you want a method that is less secure but easier, skip to the bottom of this post.
The Secure Method
  1. Download bitaddress.org. (Try going to the website and pressing "ctrl+s")
  2. Put the bitaddress.org file on a computer with an operating system that has not interacted with the internet much or at all. The computer should not be hooked up to the internet when you do this. You could put the bitaddress file on a USB stick, and then turn off your computer, unplug the internet, and boot it up using a boot-from-CD copy of linux (Ubuntu or Mint for example). This prevents any mal-ware you may have accumulated from running and capturing your keystrokes. I use an old android smart phone that I have done a factory reset on. It has no sim-card and does not have the password to my home wifi. Also the phone wifi is turned off. If you are using a fresh operating system, and do not have a connection to the internet, then your private key will probably not escape the computer.
  3. Roll a die 62 times and write down the sequence of numbers. This gives you 2160 possible outcomes, which is the maximum that Bitcoin supports.
  4. Run bitaddress.org from your offline computer. Input the sequence of numbers from the die rolls into the "Brain Wallet" tab. By providing your own source of randomness, you do not have to worry that the random number generator used by your computer is too weak. I'm looking at you, NSA ಠ_ಠ
  5. Brain Wallet tab creates a private key and address.
  6. Write down the address and private key by hand or print them on a dumb printer. (Dumb printer means not the one at your office with the hard drive. Maybe not the 4 in 1 printer that scans and faxes and makes waffles.) If you hand copy them you may want to hand copy more than one format. (WIF and HEX). If you are crazy and are storing your life savings in Bitcoin, and you hand copy the private key, do a double-check by typing the private key back into the tool on the "Wallet Details" tab and confirm that it recreates the same public address.
  7. Load your paper wallet by sending your bitcoin to the public address. You can do this as many times as you like.
  8. You can view the current balance of your paper wallet by typing the public address into the search box at blockchain.info
  9. If you are using an old cell phone or tablet do a factory reset when you are finished so that the memory of the private keys is destroyed. If you are using a computer with a boot-from-CD copy of linux, I think you can just power down the computer and the private keys will be gone. (Maybe someone can confirm for me that the private keys would not be able to be cached by bitaddress?)
  10. To spend your paper wallet, you will need to either create an offline transaction, or import the private key into a hot wallet. Creating an offline transaction is dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. Importing to a client side wallet like Bitcoin-Qt, Electrum, MultiBit or Armory is a good idea. You can also import to an online wallet such as Blockchain.info or Coinbase.
Trusting bitaddress.org
The only thing you need bitaddress.org to do is to honestly convert the brainwallet passphrase into the corresponding private key and address. You can verify that it is doing this honestly by running several test passphrases through the copy of bitaddress that you plan on using, and several other brainwallet generators. For example, you could use the online version of bitaddress, and brainwallet and safepaperwallet and bitcoinpaperwallet. If you are fancy with the linux command line, you can also try "echo -n my_die_rolls | sha256sum". The linux operating system should reply with the same private key that bitaddress makes. This protects you from a malicious paper wallet generator.
Trusting your copy of bitaddress.org
Bitaddress publishes the sha1 hash of the bitaddress.org website at this location:
The message is signed by the creator, pointbiz. I found his PGP fingerprint here:
"527B 5C82 B1F6 B2DB 72A0 ECBF 8749 7B91 6397 4F5A"
With this fingerprint, you can authenticate the signed message, which gives you the hash of the current bitaddress.org file. Then you can hash your copy of the file and authenticate the file.
I do not have a way to authenticate the fingerprint itself, sorry. According to the website I linked to, git has cryptographic traceability that would enable a person to do some research and authenticate the fingerprint. If you want to go that far, knock yourself out. I think that the techniques described in this document do not really rely on bitaddress being un-corrupt. Anyway, how do we know pointbiz is a good guy? ;-)
There are a lot of skilled eyes watching bitaddress.org and the signed sha1 hash. To gain the most benefit from all of those eyes, it's probably worthwhile to check your copy by hashing it and comparing to the published hash.
"But we aren't supposed to use brainwallets"
You are not supposed to use brainwallets that have predictable passphrases. People think they are pretty clever about how they pick their passphrases, but a lot of bitcoins have been stolen because people tend to come up with similar ideas. If you let dice generate the passphrase, then it is totally random, and you just need to make sure to roll enough times.
How to avoid spending your life rolling dice
When I first started doing this, I rolled a die 62 times for each private key. This is not necessary. You can simply roll the die 62 times and keep the sequence of 62 numbers as a "seed". The first paper address you create would use "my die rolls-1" as the passphrase, the second would be "my die rolls-2" and so on. This is safe because SHA256 prevents any computable relationship between the resulting private key family.
Of course this has a certain bad security scenario -- if anyone obtains the seed they can reconstruct all of your paper wallets. So this is not for everyone! On the other hand, it also means that if you happen to lose one of your paper wallets, you could reconstruct it so long as you still had the seed.
One way to reduce this risk is to add an easy to remember password like this: "my die rolls-password-1".
If you prefer, you can use a technique called diceware to convert your die rolls to words that still contain the same quantity of entropy, but which could be easier to work with. I don't use diceware because it's another piece of software that I have to trust, and I'm just copy/pasting my high entropy seed, so I don't care about how ugly it is.
Why not input the dice as a Base 6 private key on the Wallet Details tab?
Two reasons. First of all, this option requires that you roll the die 99 times, but you do not get meaningful additional protection by rolling more than 62 times. Why roll more times if you don't have to? Second, I use the "high entropy seed" method to generate multiple private keys from the same die rolls. Using the Base 6 option would require rolling 99 times for every private key.
I'm a big nerd with exotic dice. How many times to roll?
Put this formula in Excel to get the number of times to roll: "=160*LOG(2,f)" where f = number of faces on the die. For example, you would roll a d16 40 times. By the way, somewhat unbelievably casino dice are more fair than ordinary dice
The "Change address" problem:
You should understand change addresses because some people have accidentally lost money by not understanding it.
Imagine your paper wallet is a 10 dollar bill. You use it to buy a candy bar. To do this you give the cashier the entire 10 dollar bill. They keep 1 dollar and give you 9 dollars back as change.
With Bitcoin, you have to explicitly say that you want 9 dollars back, and you have to provide an address where it should go to. If you just hand over the 10 dollar bill, and don't say you want 9 dollars back, then the miner who processes the transaction gives 1 dollar to the store and keeps the remainder themselves.
Wallet software like Bitcoin-Qt handles this automatically for you. They automatically make "change addresses" and they automatically construct transactions that make the change go to the change address.
There are three ways I know of that the change problem can bite you:
  1. You generate a raw transaction by hand, and screw up. If you are generating a transaction "by hand" with a raw transaction editor, you need to be extra careful that your outputs add up to the same number as your inputs. Otherwise, the very lucky miner who puts your transaction in a block will keep the difference.
  2. You import a paper wallet into a wallet software and spend part of it, and then think that the change is in the paper wallet. The change is not in the paper wallet. It is in a change address that the wallet software generated. That means that if you lose your wallet.dat file you will lose all the change. The paper wallet is empty.
  3. You import a paper wallet into a wallet software and spend part of it, and then think that the change is in the change address that the wallet software generated. If the transaction did not need to consume all of the "outputs" used to fund the paper wallet, then there could be some unspent outputs still located at the address of the paper wallet. If you destroyed the paper wallet, and destroyed the copy of the private key imported to the wallet software, then you could not access this money. (E.g. if you restored the software wallet from its seed, thinking all of the money was moved to the wallet-generated change addresses.)
For more on this, see here
The hot paper wallet problem
Your bitcoin in your paper wallet are secure, so long as the piece of paper is secure, until you go to spend it. When you spend it, you put the private key onto a computer that is connected to the internet. At this point you must regard your paper wallet address as hot because the computer you used may have been compromised. It now provides much less protection against theft of your coins. If you need the level of protection that a cold paper wallet provides, you need to create a new one and send your coins to it.
Destroying your paper wallet address
Do not destroy the only copy of a private key without verifying that there is no money at that address. Your client may have sent change to your paper wallet address without you realizing it. Your client may have not consumed all of the unspent outputs available at the paper wallet address. You can go to blockchain.info and type the public address into the search window to see the current balance. I don't bother destroying my used/empty paper wallet addresses. I just file them away.
Encrypting your private key
BIP 0038 describes a standardized way to encrypt your paper wallet private key. A normal paper wallet is vulnerable because if anyone sees the private key they can take the coins. The BIP38 protocol is even resistant to brute force attacks because it uses a memory intensive encryption algorithm called scrypt. If you want to encrypt your wallets using BIP38, I recommend that you use bitcoinpaperwallet because they will let you type in your own private key and will encrypt it for you. As with bitaddress, for high security you should only use a local copy of this website on a computer that will never get connected to the internet.
Splitting your private key
Another option for protecting the private key is to convert it into multiple fragments that must be brought together. This method allows you to store pieces of your key with separate people in separate locations. It can be set up so that you can reconstitute the private key when you have any 2 out of the 3 fragments. This technique is called Shamir's Secret Sharing. I have not tried this technique, but you may find it valuable. You could try using this website http://passguardian.com/ which will help you split up a key. As before, you should do this on an offline computer. Keep in mind if you use this service that you are trusting it to work properly. It would be good to find other independently created tools that could be used to validate the operation of passguardian. Personally, I would be nervous destroying the only copy of a private key and relying entirely on the fragments generated by the website.
Looks like Bitaddress has an implementation of Shamir's Secret Sharing now under the "Split Wallet" tab. However it would appear that you cannot provide your own key for this, so you would have to trust bitaddress.
Durable Media
Pay attention to the media you use to record your paper wallet. Some kinds of ink fade, some kinds of paper disintegrate. Moisture and heat are your enemies.
In addition to keeping copies of my paper wallet addresses I did the following:
  1. Order a set of numeric metal stamps. ($10)
  2. Buy a square galvanized steel outlet cover from the hardware store ($1)
  3. Buy a sledgehammer from the hardware store
  4. Write the die rolls on the steel plate using a sharpie
  5. Use the hammer to stamp the metal. Do all the 1's, then all the 2's etc. Please use eye protection, as metal stamp may emit sparks or fly unexpectedly across the garage. :-)
  6. Use nail polish remover to erase the sharpie
If you trust electrum you might try running it on an offline computer, and having it generate a series of private keys from a seed. I don't have experience with this software, but it sounds like there are some slick possibilities there that could save you time if you are working with a lot of addresses.
Message to the downvoters
I would appreciate it if you would comment, so that I can learn from your opinion. Thanks!
The Easy Method
This method is probably suitable for small quantities of bitcoin. I would not trust it for life-altering sums of money.
  1. Download the bitaddress.org website to your hard drive.
  2. Close your browser
  3. Disconnect from the internet
  4. Open the bitaddress.org website from your hard drive.
  5. Print a paper wallet on your printer
  6. Close your browser
submitted by moral_agent to BitcoinWallet [link] [comments]

Gangstar Vegas Hack Mod Get Diamonds and Cash

If you are one of the people who was looking for this Gangstar Vegas Hack Mod, then you came in the right place because our team has just released this tool and starting from today you can use it out the way you want. In this game, the main thing you have to do is to have fun. Stealing cars and racing is a thing you have to do. You can even go to casinos and have fun there. You can play through 80 missions in the game and these missions are going to be full of races, shooting and even more. Performing stunts with ragdoll effects is really cool in this game and a lot of people like it because of that. There is even a leaderboard in this one in which you have to overcome challenges including air, water and also street auto races. Becoming the best sniper in the city is a thing which you can do while playing this game out. You can also use some insane weapons in this one and also upgrade your skills while doing so. Thanks to this Gangstar Vegas Hack Mod, you can have an improved fun because it is going to add the needed Diamonds and Cash really fast. This Gangstar Vegas mod apk is working online without any problem and the best thing about it is the fact that you don`t need to download anything from us. You can stay secured while using it and this is due to the Anti-Ban Feature which protects you. This Gangstar Vegas Hack Online assures you that you are 100% protected against any threats like someone finding that you are cheating. This is due to the fact that the IP you are using is going to be hidden by an IP generated by our system. You can have fun with this Gangstar Vegas Cheat and if you decide to take full advantage of it, you will manage to achieve all of your in-game goals. This new Gangstar Vegas Hack Online Trick works really well on both Android and iOS devices. You don`t need to jailbreak or to root your device.
Gangstar Vegas Hack Online Preview!!!
Gangstar Vegas Hack Online Features:
• Get Diamonds
• Get Cash
• Tested on Android , iOS devices as well as iPhone , iPad , iPod , iPad Mini
• You don’t need to root your Android device or jailbreak your iOS device!
• 24/7 free online access!
• There’s no need to download or install anything at all!
• These hacks are updated at the same time with the games!
• The Anti-Ban Feature offers 100% security for your account so you’ll never get banned while using our cheats
• It has a very user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use by any person , no matter the age
• Gain access to unlimited Diamonds and Cash and get a huge advantage in this Gangstar Vegas game
Steps to follow for this Gangstar Vegas Hack Online:
1 – Click on the “Access Online Generator” button available below to access our Gangstar Vegas hack online page!
2 – If you are using an Android , iOS , Windows device enter your Gangstar Vegas username and select your platform! If you have a computer or a notebook connect the device to the PC , Notebook , Mac via USB cable/bluetooth and choose the device then add the name of the device in the username field. Very important after you connect the device open the game and leave the game open to read the data from the game account. After this steps just click the button Connect.
3 – Select the number of Diamonds and Cash you want to have added to your account and click on “Generate”.
4 – Wait only a few seconds for your request to be processed!
5 – After your request will be processed you will have to finish a verification formality. Don’t worry , it’s really easy! We do this because we need to prevent abusive usage of our cheats. It will be very hard to keep the hacks working if they will be overloaded by fake accounts owners.
6 – As soon as you will finish the verification you will need to reboot the game and the Diamonds and Cash will appear in your account!
7 – Take advantage of our Gangstar Vegas Hack Online and become one of the best players of this game!
Very important!!! Don’t miss any of the steps listed above! If you encounter any errors while using our Gangstar Vegas Hack Online please contact our support team. You can do this from our contact page and we will do our best to offer the best solution to any issues you might have.
Feel free to share this website with your friends so they can take advantage of the best tricks for free.
Check our latest Online Hacks right here!
submitted by christienb to gamerlifehack [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: ItalyInformatica top posts from 2016-08-22 to 2017-08-21 00:37 PDT

Period: 363.60 days
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Total 1000 9907
Rate (per day) 2.75 27.16
Unique Redditors 373 987
Combined Score 8058 18836

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 471 points, 57 submissions: fen0x
    1. Un saluto al sub dalla Mecca del nerdismo mondiale (30 points, 14 comments)
    2. TIL che per aggirare il blocco di Twitter in Turchia, si usavano i graffiti sui muri (20 points, 4 comments)
    3. Cosa succede quando apro un file DOCX (17 points, 1 comment)
    4. Dentro al kernel Linux (17 points, 0 comments)
    5. Le prime build di LineageOS (successore di CyanogenMod) sono online (17 points, 2 comments)
    6. PC Building Simulator (14 points, 4 comments)
    7. Nostalgia canaglia: mi sono andato a rileggere il fumetto con cui spiegarono il lancio di Chrome (12 points, 1 comment)
    8. Secondo voi, qual è il prossimo social network che farà il botto? (12 points, 15 comments)
    9. Unicredit, attacchi hacker su 400mila clienti. "Nessun conto a rischio" (12 points, 10 comments)
    10. [ENG] Microsoft eBook Giveaway (12 points, 0 comments)
  2. 350 points, 39 submissions: MonsieurCellophane
    1. Tutta Internet, 1973 (25 points, 6 comments)
    2. E' siciliano il genio del web che fa "girare"i colossi della Rete (23 points, 4 comments)
    3. Guardare prima di incollare. (23 points, 16 comments)
    4. Repetita non Juvant (user support) (22 points, 16 comments)
    5. Com'è strutturato il DBMS di Wikipedia e perché non serve NoSQL. [ENG] (18 points, 6 comments)
    6. Linux: Identificare l'HW installato senza guardare sotto il cofano. (17 points, 5 comments)
    7. Il nuovo CIO della Casa Bianca (15 points, 2 comments)
    8. "Il progettone" Seconda stagione. (14 points, 5 comments)
    9. PACKT: tutto a 5$ per Natale. (14 points, 2 comments)
    10. Project lives! (un post in forma di standard) (14 points, 23 comments)
  3. 293 points, 41 submissions: KarlFiabeschi
    1. Rtv: Browse Reddit from your terminal (17 points, 11 comments)
    2. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python (14 points, 3 comments)
    3. Interactive Vim tutorial (13 points, 3 comments)
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    5. flameshot - screenshot tool (11 points, 7 comments)
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    9. Commandline Challenge [da linux] (9 points, 1 comment)
    10. KDE - Plasma 5.9 Beta Kicks off 2017 in Style. (9 points, 0 comments)
  4. 293 points, 22 submissions: vitalijzad
    1. Definizione di backup (91 points, 5 comments)
    2. Mickey Mouse Hacks a Military Computer (25 points, 3 comments)
    3. Quando ti mettono fretta prima di fare un rilascio in produzione (25 points, 16 comments)
    4. Ubuntu 18.04 sarà basato su Gnome e non Unity (22 points, 10 comments)
    5. We' waglio', vuoi venire a lavorare nella mia startup? (21 points, 5 comments)
    6. Kotlin è ora ufficialmente supportato su Android come linguaggio di programmazione (16 points, 25 comments)
    7. L'Olivetti Elea 9003 è un capolavoro dell'ingegneria informatica italiana (10 points, 2 comments)
    8. Incontro Haskell-ITA Inverno 2017 a Milano il 25 febbraio (9 points, 4 comments)
    9. P101 – Quando l’Italia inventò il personal computer. (9 points, 2 comments)
    10. Traduttore di codice morse in Haskell (9 points, 0 comments)
  5. 204 points, 30 submissions: cybertex1969
    1. [Annuncio] Domani, Venerdì 21, AMA con Salvatore Sanfilippo, AKA Antirez. Dalle 09.00 in poi. (17 points, 3 comments)
    2. Google Brain Cleans Up Low-Res Photos by Turning Everyone Into a Glitched Out Monster (12 points, 1 comment)
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    6. Come funziona un computer quantistico (9 points, 1 comment)
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    10. [AskII] Controllo / blocco remoto del telefono (8 points, 9 comments)
  6. 202 points, 15 submissions: Jianlucah
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    2. TL;DR inizia così (21 points, 20 comments)
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    9. [serhack] Anti-DDoS Amazon Web Services Infrastructure (13 points, 7 comments)
    10. ItalyInformatica cerca articolisti per li suo nuovo sito! (11 points, 13 comments)
  7. 170 points, 11 submissions: timendum
    1. Da ieri youtube-dl è in grado di scaricare i video da RaiPlay (36 points, 12 comments)
    2. Youtube-dl ora è in grado anche di scaricare video da Mediaset (29 points, 6 comments)
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    10. Burger King ha sfruttato Ok Google e Wikipedia per una sua pubblicità (3 points, 7 comments)
  8. 157 points, 20 submissions: _samux_
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  9. 111 points, 8 submissions: sempiternum
    1. Net Neutrality Day - Che cos’è la net neutrality e vale la pena interessarsene? (29 points, 39 comments)
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    8. Firefox 54 punta su Electrolysis e separa i siti web dal resto del browser (4 points, 2 comments)
  10. 100 points, 14 submissions: Tippete
    1. Piccoli vps per grandi progetti (18 points, 30 comments)
    2. Reverse engineering di un termometro da cucina (13 points, 0 comments)
    3. BYOD, che ne pensate? (9 points, 25 comments)
    4. [ENG] Munich city planning to move back to Windows and Office from open-source software (8 points, 15 comments)
    5. Building a Billion User Load Balancer (7 points, 0 comments)
    6. IT, come eseguite la manutenzione delle vostre infrastrutture? (7 points, 5 comments)
    7. A man flying in a hot air balloon.. (6 points, 2 comments)
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    9. Come si aggiornano gli utenti di II? (5 points, 1 comment)
    10. Rilasciato Proxmox VE 5.0 (5 points, 2 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. fen0x (887 points, 440 comments)
  2. cybertex1969 (529 points, 244 comments)
  3. KarlFiabeschi (511 points, 269 comments)
  4. MonsieurCellophane (443 points, 203 comments)
  5. alerighi (435 points, 200 comments)
  6. veon_fpo (421 points, 257 comments)
  7. pokerissimo (295 points, 135 comments)
  8. toyg (289 points, 117 comments)
  9. Jianlucah (248 points, 138 comments)
  10. Tippete (224 points, 121 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. Definizione di backup by vitalijzad (91 points, 5 comments)
  2. Sono Salvatore Sanfilippo aka "antirez". AMA! by antirez (70 points, 146 comments)
  3. Ciao ItalyInformatica, qui Italo Vignoli. AMA! by italinux (55 points, 99 comments)
  4. CIA toolbox revealed by wikileaks.org by Matagyah (52 points, 7 comments)
  5. Errore contabile, creativo dovrà restituire all’azienda parte della visibilità con cui è stato pagato by alo75 (40 points, 1 comment)
  6. Sono il Presidente di Italian Linux Society. AMA! by m4db0b (37 points, 39 comments)
  7. Sono Matteo "matt3o" Spinelli, sviluppo tastiere meccaniche. AMA! by matt3o (36 points, 47 comments)
  8. Da ieri youtube-dl è in grado di scaricare i video da RaiPlay by timendum (36 points, 12 comments)
  9. Credo di aver trovato una falla nella sicurezza di un sito italiano abbastanza utilizzato, chi ha voglia di aiutarmi a confermare? by JackHeuston (35 points, 46 comments)
  10. Sono Igor Falcomatà aka "koba(iashi)". AMA! by kobakai (34 points, 52 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 55 points: MonsieurCellophane's comment in Esistono programmatori non nerd?
  2. 30 points: alerighi's comment in Perché serve matematica in informatica?
  3. 22 points: mikiita's comment in Attacco hacker mondiale: virus "Wannacry" chiede il riscatto, ospedali britannici in tilt. "Usato codice Nsa"
  4. 22 points: timendum's comment in GIVEAWAY!
  5. 18 points: cybertex1969's comment in Mentre finisce di installare... [Settimana 14/2017]
  6. 18 points: fen0x's comment in Il sito di cui parlavo è Hoepli. Sembra abbiano sistemato la falla più grave
  7. 18 points: kobakai's comment in Sono Igor Falcomatà aka "koba(iashi)". AMA!
  8. 17 points: Kwbmm's comment in Qual è il vostro browser preferito?
  9. 16 points: KarlFiabeschi's comment in ACCOUNT TWITTER DI PERSONE REALI CERCASI!
  10. 16 points: chhap's comment in Ubuntu 18.04 sarà basato su Gnome e non Unity
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