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Vauhti Casino (PNP) - free spins welcome bonus for Finland!

Vauhti Casino (PNP) - free spins welcome bonus for Finland!

Vauhti Casino Finland Pay N Play Review
Enjoy instant deposits and fast withdrawals at Vauhti Casino! This is one of the best online casinos in Finland that is powered by PNP Trustly feature. Pay N Play now with free spins!
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Vauhti Casino Review

• Suomalaispelaajille räätälöity nettikasino • Rekisteröitymisvapaa sivusto • Maltan lisenssi • Nopeat rahansiirrot Trustlylla
Vauhti Casino on joulukuussa 2020 ovensa avannut suomalaispelaajia varten räätälöity uusi pikakasino. Sivuston taustalta löytyy kokeneiden tekijöiden tiimi, sillä Vauhti Casinon on kehitellyt Ivy Affiliatesin omistama operaattori White Hat Gaming.
Samat tekijät ovat jo aiemmin tuoneet suomalaisten iloksi markkinoille esimerkiksi sellaiset pikakasinot kuin sekä Kasinot ilman rekisteröitymistä ovat pelaajien suuressa suosiossa, joten ei olekaan ihme, että myös Vauhti Casino päätti sisarkasinoidensa tavoin jättää rekisteröitymisprosessin sivustoltaan pois. Pelaamaan sivustolle pääsee siis nopeasti, ja myös rahansiirrot hoituvat käytännössä reaaliaikaisesti Trusrtlyn välityksellä.
Vauhti Casinon valikoimiin kuului heti sivuston avauduttua runsaasti erilaisia pelejä. Valikoimasta löytyy paljon pelejä sekä isolla että pienellä varianssilla sekä parhaiten tuottavat kolikkopelit, eli ne pelit, joissa on suurin palautusprosentti. Vauhti Casino toimii Maltan peliviranomaisten myöntämällä MGA-lisenssillä, joten sen toiminta on tarkkaan valvottua ja pelivoitot aina suomalaisille pelaajille verovapaita.
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Vauhti Casino bonukset

• Ei tervetuliaisbonusta • Ei talletusbonuksia • Ei ilmaiskierroksia
Erittäin monet rekisteröitymisvapaat nettikasinot ovat tehneet selkeän linjauksen sen suhteen, ettei pelaajille ole jaossa minkään valtakunnan bonuksia. Valitettavasti Vauhti Casinokin kuuluu ainakin sivuston avautuessa tähän joukkoon, sillä kaikki huomio on haluttu pitää siinä kaikkein olennaisimmassa, eli pelaamisessa.
Mielellämme näkisimme Vauhti Casinon antavan pelaajilleen ilmaiskierroksia, joilla eri suosikkipelit, kuten Starburst, Gonzo's Quest tai Book of Dead saisi pyörimään ilman omien rahojen sijoittamista, mutta tätä joudumme kuitenkin vielä odottelemaan. Myöskään talletusbonuksia ei ainakaan toistaiseksi ole jaossa.
Pientä toivoa bonusten osalta kuitenkin kenties on, sillä esimerkiksi samaan kasinoperheeseen kuuluva tarjoaa uusille asiakkailleen talletusbonuksen, ja toisella sisarkasinolla Pelataan.comilla on etunaan kanta-asiakkaita palkitseva Pistepörssi. Kasinot ilman rekisteröitymistä ovat ehdottomasti saaneet Vauhti Casinosta hyvän lisäyksen kasvavan joukkonsa jatkoksi, mutta vielä parempi tämä lisäys tulee olemaan sen jälkeen, kun saatavilla on erilaisia kampanoita ja bonuksia.
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Vauhti Casino pelivalikoima

• Kolikkopelit • Pöytäpelit • Live-kasino
White Hat Gaming on tullut tunnetuksi etenkin siitä, että sen kehittelemät sivustot tarjoavat pelaajilleen monipuolisen ja runsaslukuisen pelivalikoiman. Vauhti Casino ei myöskään tee poikkeusta tähän trendiin, vaan kasinon pelivalikoima on melkoisen vaikuttava heti alusta alkaen.
Suurin osa sivustolta löytyvistä useista sadoista peleistä on erilaisia kolikkopelejä, mutta toki mukana ovat myös kaikki kasinoiden tutuimmat ja suosituimmat pöytäpelit blackjackistä rulettiin. Lisäksi halutessaan pääsee tietenkin pelaamaan myös live-kasinolle oikeiden jakajien hoitamiin pelipöytiin. Sivusto on luottanut pelivalikoimaansa koostaessaan alan suurimpiin ja luotetuimpiin pelivalmistajiin, kuten NetEntiin, Microgamingiin, Nyxiin, Play'n GO:hon, Blueprintiin, Quickspiniin sekä Thunderkickiin.
Sivustolla pelejä pääsee selailemaan joko erilaisissa tyypillisissä uusimpien ja suosituimpien pelien kategorioissa. Tämän lisäksi omaa suosikkipeliään pääsee etsimään joko suoraan sen nimellä tai pelivalmistajaa hakemalla. Vauhti Casino on puhdasverinen nettikasino, ja tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että urheiluvedonlyönti ei kuulu sivuston tarjontaan.
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Talletukset ja kotiutukset

• Trustly talletukset • Trustly kotiutukset
Vauhti Casino on lukuisien muiden Pay N Play -sivustojen tapaan päättänyt tarjota pelaajilleen ainoastaan yhden tavan rahansiirtojen hoitamiseen. Onneksi käytössä oleva maksutapa on monien suomalaispelaajien suuri suosikki Trustly.
Trustly-verkkomaksupalvelun avulla talletukset siirtyvät suoraan omasta kotimaisesta nettipankista reaaliaikaisesti Vauhti Casinolle. Ruotsista lähtöisin oleva Trustly on muodostanut palvelusopimukset kaikkien suurimpien suomalaispankkien kanssa, joten turvalliset ja nopeat siirrot onnistuvat lähes kaikista kotimaisista verkkopankeista. Palvelun käyttäminen ei vaadi mitään erillisiä sovelluksia, ja koko prosessi hoituu muutaman yksinkertaisen vaiheen kautta.
Samalla kun teet talletuksen Vauhti Casinolle nettipankistasi, tunnistaudut myös sivuston pelaajaksi. Juuri tämän vahvan tunnistusmahdollisuuden ansiosta Vauhti Casino voi tarjota palvelujaan pelaajille tilivapaasti, eikä pelaajien enää tarvitse vahvistaa henkilöllisyyttään esimerkiksi passi- ja sähkölaskukopioita lähettelemällä. Vauhti Casinolla myös kotiutukset hoituvat nopeasti ja luotettavasti Trustlyn kautta. Siirretyt varat liikkuvat yleensä nopeasti ja ovat parhaimmillaan omalla pankkitililläsi vain 15 minuutin kuluessa.


Vauhti Casinon ulkoasu on erittäin selkeä ja pelkistetty. Sivuston värimaailma koostuu pääosin valkoisesta, jota on elävöitetty oransseilla, vihreillä ja punaisilla yksityiskohdilla. Kokonaisuus on pirteä ja yksinkertainen. Tältä sivustolta on todellakin kaikki ylimääräinen riisuttu täysin pois ja kaikki fokus on pidetty hyvässä pelattavuudessa. Sivustolla liikkuminen on helppoa, ja kaiken tarvitsemansa löytää juuri sieltä, mistä olettaakin.
Vauhti Casinolla ei ole lähdetty kikkailemaan millään omilla maskoteilla tai hahmoilla, vaan etusivulle on nostettu suosikkikolikkopeleistä tuttuja sankareita, kuten The Book of Deadin Rich Wilde. Sivustolla ei myöskään ole mitään varsinaista teemaa, johon se keskittyisi, vaan sen tekijät ovat ilmiselvästi halunneet pitää eräänlaisena teemana lähinnä sivuston rekisteröitymisvapauden ja tämän mukanaan tuoman pelaamisen helppouden. Vauhti Casino on äskettäin rakennettu moderni sivusto, jolta kaikki ylimääräinen on riisuttu pois, joten sivusto myös toimii aina erinomaisen nopeasti.
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Pelaaminen mobiilissa

Nykyään mobiilipelattavuus on noussut yhä tärkeämmäksi ja tärkeämmäksi kriteeriksi nettikasinoita vertailtaessa ja arvosteltaessa. Kaukana ovat ne ajat, jolloin jo keskinkertaisella mobiilisovelluksella saattoi tehdä vaikutuksen asiakkaisiin ja saada paljon plussaa, sillä hyvä mobiilitoimivuus on tänä päivänä jo itsestäänselvyys. Vauhti Casinon kehitystiimissä ollaan myös selvästi oltu tietoisia mobiilipuolen toimivuuden tärkeydestä, sillä tämä sivusto todellakin toimii erinomaisesti kaikilla eri mobiililaitteilla. Voidaan jopa todeta, että koko sivusto vaikuttaisi olevan toteutettu ennen kaikkea juuri mobiilipelattavuus ja -käytettävyys etualalla.
Vauhti Casinon sivusto on yksinkertainen ja helppokäyttöinen ja toimii näin olleen virheettömästi myös mobiililaitteilla. Sivuston mobiilikasino toimii kätevästi suoraan oman älylaitteen selaimessa, joten mitään erillistä sovellusta ei mobiilipelejä varten tarvitse ladata. Pelikokemus Vauhti Casinolla pysyttelee mukavan samanlaisena riippumatta siitä, surffaileeko siellä tietokoneella, puhelimella vai tabletilla. Myöskin suurin osa Vauhti Casinon runsaslukuisesta pelivalikoimasta on pelattavissa eri mobiililaitteilla.

Vauhti Casino kokemuksia

Joulukuussa 2020 avautunut Vauhti Casino on otettu Suomessa pelaajien puolesta hyvin vastaan. Tämä ei olekaan mikään ihme, sillä sivusto on tyylikäs, helppokäyttöinen ja nopea sekä ennen kaikkea rakennettu vastaamaan juuri suomalaispelaajien mieltymyksiin.
Sivuston rahansiirrot hoituvat reaaliaikaisesti Trustlyn välityksellä suoraan kotimaisista verkkopankeista, ja lisäksi sen pelivalikoimaa toteutettaessa on pidetty mielessä suomalaispelaajien mieltymykset ja toiveet. Vauhti Casinon suurin valtti on kuitenkin se, miten nopean pelikokemuksen se pystyy tarjoamaan asiakkailleen. Pelaamaan pääsee vain muutamassa silmänräpäyksessä, mukaan lukien aika, joka tarvitaan talletuksen tekoon kasinolle.
Vauhti Casino tarjoaa pelaajilleen myös hyvän ja monipuolisen pelivalikoiman jo heti ensimetreiltä alkaen. Se, mitä Vauhti Casino sen sijaan ei tarjoa, ovat bonukset. Sivustolla vedetään bonusten suhteen ainakin alussa tiukkaa linjaa, mutta pieniä toiveita elätellään kuitenkin sen suhteen, että bonuksiakin jossain vaiheessa valikoimiin tupsahtaa. Vauhti Casino toimii Maltan lisenssillä, ja sen pelivoitot ovat näin olleen suomalaispelaajille aina verottomia.
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Kazoom Casino (Pay N Play) - free spins bonus for Finland!

Kazoom Casino (Pay N Play) - free spins bonus for Finland!

Kazoom Casino Review
Kazoom Casino is a new Pay N Play casino that opened at lightning speed in 2020 by Mil of Magic. Kazoom Casino is just a joy of gaming and the enthusiasm it generates. Sounds, pictures, momentum, excitement! All of this is served to you by Kazoom Casino, and will overwhelm you with the joy and energy of gaming. BOOMZA!
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Kazoom Casino Review

Deposits and withdrawals are fast. Really fast. So that you can play almost immediately. HEIPPA BUT long forms, endless emails, awkward offers and stuttering games. Kazoom Casino offers you a quick and easy gaming experience. You get to play your favorite games in the blink of an eye, while staying firmly safe.
ZAP! Your bets and withdrawals on the game will take place immediately, moving directly from your bank account and account. Kazoom Casino is integrated with Trustly's Pay N Play features to keep your account transfers guaranteed.
We want to hear from you! / The customer experience is everything to us in everything, and the great types of our customer service are casino fans like you. They understand your needs and solve them in one flash!
Kazoom Casino is registered, approved and supervised by the Maltese Gaming Authority. That means we run Kazoom Casino according to EU laws and standards and you are super safe with us.
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Frumzi Casino (Finland) - Pay N Play and Get Free Bonuses!

Frumzi Casino (Finland) - Pay N Play and Get Free Bonuses!

Frumzi Casino Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
Join Frumzi Casino - pay and play for free! Exclusive online casino for Finland!
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Frumzi is a brand new Pay’n’Play online casino whose priority is to deliver a wide range of games from top reliable and trustworthy providers. Moreover, you do not need to register to play. At Frumzi, you may appreciate numerous generous bonuses and advancements simply as well as fast payments and the wide selection of payment methods that a customer can choose from. Not to mention and that the deposits made through digital wallets and credit cards are processed and credited instantly. When it comes to customer support, Frumzi consists of highly qualified staff who will be happy to assist in solving any problems 24/7 via e-mail or Live Chat.

Frumzi Casino ~ Quality and Variety of Slots and Table Games

In this casino, you will find 3,000+ games from top developers, such as NetEnt, Quickspin, Quickfire, Yggdrasil, Pragmatic Play, Play’n GO, Habanero, Amatic, iSoftBet, ELK and many more. Slots do approximately 90% of all available games. The most peculiar thing about casino slot games is that they all look the same. Still, due to various gaming mechanics, bonus levels, risk games, special symbols, and a different number of pay lines, these games are very diverse.

Desktop and Mobile Supported Platforms and Devices

The casino is fully optimized for all mobile platforms.
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Frumzi Casino ~ Game Fairness and License Quality

As far as the security of your data and the game itself is concerned you don’t need to worry. Frumzi offers only licensed games tested by the independent organization TST, which is one of the world’s largest recognized companies that conducts independent tests on the fairness and accuracy of casino games.

Live Casino at Frumzi ~ Options and Quality of Game Providers

Frumzi has different variations of this classic game. For instance, you can either play simulations with virtual tables and cards or enter the Live Casino section where you can play with real dealers who host and stream games in real-time. On the off chance that it’s you, to begin in a casino, blackjack would be the idealize alternative since it is exceptionally easy to master.

The Mobile Casino of Frumzi

The casino is working within a browser so you can spin reels and activate special features while playing from a phone or any other gadget. Playing on a go or while staying at home is the main benefit of staying at Frumzi.
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Language Options at Frumzi Casino

Finnish and English

Quality and Availability of Frumzi Casino Support

The goal of Frumzi’s support team is to make your visit to as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. You can contact their responsible and qualified team via live chat or by writing an email to [email protected].
Working hours: Finish: 9 AM – 11 PM English: 24/7 German: 9 AM – 11 PM

Withdrawal Limits at Frumzi Casino

Maximum withdrawal amount from the Casino is capped at 25,000 per month, split over 7,000 per week.
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Payment Technicalities at Frumzi Casino ~ Customer Verification Procedures and usual Transaction Fees

The Company may delay the processing of your withdrawal request to perform checks of your identity, account balance, source of funds and of your compliance with the Terms.
As for additional fees we did not find anything on their site. So you are fully responsible in case of charging additional fees during transactions in relation to your country.
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Otto Casino Finland | 50 Free Spins No Deposit Bonus

Otto Casino Finland | 50 Free Spins No Deposit Bonus

Otto Casino free spins welcome bonus
Get 50 Free Spins No Deposit Bonus on Gemix! Join Otto Casino now and Play With No Account! This is a new Pay N Play Casino for Finland!
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Otto Casino is not only easy and fast, but most importantly, Otto is highly rewarding! Ridiculously easy – As simple as possible User Interface Surprisingly fast – Faster than usual due to site stripped to only necessities Relevant and rewarding – Be rewarded instantly and generously as you play Pay N Play – Answering to the need for fast playing Hyper-locally Finnish – 100% focus in our target audience
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– Customer support: Finnish live chat open every day 09-01. International live chat open 24/7 – Email: [email protected]
– Payment details: Deposit: min. €10, max €6,000. Withdrawal: min €10. Deposit/WD time: instant – Provider: Trustly
– Game Providers: Over 70 Game providers have been brought in to deliver a best-in-class casino experience including companies such as NetEnt, Play’n GO, Pragmatic Play, Push Gaming, ELK Studios, Evolution Gaming, Relax Gaming, Microgaming, Yggdrasil, and many others!


Customers signing up for Otto Casino will enjoy the thrills of our first “pay n play” online casino right from the first deposit. Otto’s welcome offer is a 50 Free Spins on Gemix.
If you are interested in promoting Otto Casino on your affiliate site(s), please contact us at [email protected] so that we can discuss the partnership further, and provide you with all the necessary marketing materials
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Leo Vegas Casino Finland 1000€ bonus ja 25 ilmaiskierrosta

Leo Vegas Casino Finland 1000€ bonus ja 25 ilmaiskierrosta

Leo Vegas Casino Finland Ilmaiskierrosta
Leo Vegas Casino uudet slottisankarit voivat lunastaa kasinolta jopa 1000 euron käteisbonuksen sekä 25 ilmaiskierrosta. Etua lunastettaessa, tulee pelaajan tehdä halutun kokoinen talletus ja nauttia sen tuomista etuuksista.
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Leo Vegas Casino - pohjoisen paras mobiilikasino

Leo Vegas on ruotsalainen nettikasino, joka valtasi markkinat ryminällä vuonna 2012 lanseerauksensa jälkeen. Viisi vuotta myöhemmin LeoVegas on yksi alan suurimmista ja kauneimmista mobiilikasinoista, ja merkkinä siitä se on vastaanottanut 'Pohjoismaiden paras mobiilikasino' -palkinnon alan tapahtumassa.
Leijona on viidakon kuningas ja Vegas on täynnä unelmia. LeoVegas-nettikasinolla jahdataan unelmia ruhtinaallisen palvelun siivittämänä pöytäkoneilla tai mobiililaitteilla. LeoVegas tarjoaa kaikille pelaajilleen messeviä tarjouksia ja säännöllisiä promootioita, joissa slottipelajaat saavat kouriinsa mielin määrin ilmaiskierroksia ja muita etuja.
LeoVegasin promootiot vaihtuvat säännöllisesti, joten sen tarjontaa kannattaa käydä katsomassa säännöllisesti viikottain. Lue lisää LeoVegasista alta!

Leo Vegas Casino lyhyesti

  • Lisensoitu: Malta
  • Pelivalikoima: kolikkopelit, videopokeri, livekasino, jackpot-pelit, ruletti ja vedonlyönti
  • Pelimäärä: 700 + kpl.
  • Kielet: suomi, ruotsi, norja, tanska, englanti, saksa, slovenia ja tsekki
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Leo Vegas kasinon pelit ja ohjelmistot

Netticasino Leo Vegasin pelit tulevat yhdeksältä alan ehdottomasti parhaalta valmistajalta joihin kuuluvat: Net Entertainment, Microgaming, NYX Interactive, Viaden Gaming, Nextgen, Evolution Gaming, Cryptologic, Betsoft, Play'N GO ja Yggdrasil Gaming.
Leo Vegas tarjoaa pelaajilleen mahdollisuuden muuttaa elämänsä kerralla nappaamalla yhden uskomattoman suurista jackpoteista Mega Fortunessa, Hall of Godsissa tai muissa massiivisten jättipottien peleissä.
Kolikkopelien lisäksi Leo Vegas tarjoaa klassisia pöytäpelejä Blackjackistä Rulettiin ja videopokerista Hold'emiin. Kasinon pelivalikoima on siis tarpeeksi laaja kattamaan kaikkien erimakuisten pelaajien tarpeet!

Leo Vegas Casino kasinon bonukset ja tarjoukset

Leo Vegas Casino tarjoaa uusille pelaajille uskomattomat tervetuliaisedut. Kyseessä on juuri päivitetty etu, johon pelaajien on helppo rakastua. Uudet kasinolle rekisteröityvät henkilöt pääsevät valitsemaan itselleen sopivimman vaihtoehdon ja nauttimaan laadukkaasta pelaamisesta. Alta lisää kustakin vaihtoehdosta;

Leo Vegas kasinon tervetuliaisetu

Ensitalletuksen yhteydessä ja käteispalkinnon lisäksi, pelaajat nappaavat automaattisesti 25 käteispyöräytystä suosittuun Book of Dead -peliin. Alta lisää kyseisestä edusta:
  • Talleta 10 - 49 euroa ja nappaa 10 euron käteisbonuksen
  • Talleta 50 - 99 euroa ja nappaa 50 euron käteisbonuksen
  • Talleta 100 - 499 euroa ja nappaa 100 euron käteisbonuksen
  • Talleta 500 - 999 euroa ja nappaa 500 euron käteisbonuksen
  • Talleta 1 000 euroa tai enemmän ja nappaa 1 000 euron käteisbonuksen

Leo Vegas livekasinon tervetuliaisetu

Livekasinon pelaajille on luvassa saman tyylinen tervetuliaisetu. Alta lisää aiheesta;
  • Talleta 10 - 49 euroa ja nappaa 10 euron käteispalkinto
  • Talleta 50 - 99 euroa ja nappaa 50 euron käteispalkinto
  • Talleta 100 - 499 euroa ja nappaa 100 euron käteispalkinto
  • Talleta 500 - 999 euroa ja nappaa 500 euron käteispalkinto
  • Talleta 1 000 euroa tai enemmän ja nappaa 1 000 euron käteispalkinto
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Leo Vegas vedonlyönnin tervetuliaisetu

Uusille vedonlyöjille LeoVegas Sports tarjoaa 100% ilmaisvedon. Pelaajat voivat lyödä vetoa mistä tahansa lajista ja millä summalla tahansa. Veto on mahdollista tehdä ennakkoon taikka livenä. Palkkioksi he nappaavat itselleen 100% ilmaisvedon, jota voidaan lunastaa maksimissaan 100 euroa. Ilmaisvedon lunastaminen on mahdollista, kun kerroin on vähintään 1.80. Edun kierrätysvaatimus on 4x ja kierrättämisen tulee tapahtua minimissään 1.80 kertoimella.
Tervetuliaistarjousten ohella Leo Vegas tarjoaa säännöllisesti vaihtuvia promootioita, joiden sisältö vaihtelee ajan myötä. Näissä pelaajat voivat hankkia esimerkiksi ilmaiskierroksia tiettyihin peleihin tai osallistua fantastisten palkintojen arvontoihin.

Leo Vegas vedonlyönti

Leo Vegas Casino lisäsi palveluidensa valikoimaan vedonlyönnin vuoden 2016 alkupuolella. Kuten yllä mainittiin, kasino tarjoaa myös uudelle pelaajalle vedonlyöntibonusta, jolla aloittaa veikkaaminen vauhdikkaasti. Vedonlyöntipuolella LeoVegas tarjoaa vetokohteita kaikista kulloinkin käynnissä olevista ja lähestyvistä suurista urheilutapahtumista.
Vedonlyöntikohteiden joukossa ovat muun muassa kaikki suuret jalkapallo- ja koripallo-ottelut, ja tietysti myös pohjoismaisen maun mukaisesti jääkiekko-ottelut. Kasino keskittyy laaja-alaisesti urheiluun eikä varmasti jätä ketään vedonlyönnin ystävää kylmäksi.

Leo Vegas mobiilikasino

Leo Vegas Casino kutsuu itseään ylpeästi Suomen parhaaksi mobiilikasinoksi. LeoVegasissa voit pelata parhaimpia mobiilipelejä yli sadan pelin valikoimasta kännykälläsi tai tabletillasi missä ikinä liikutkin.
LeoVegasin mobiilikasinolla voit käyttää kaikkia perinteisten nettikasinoiden palveluita talletusrajoituksien asettamisesta rahan nostamiseen sekä tilitietojen päivitykseen. Kaikkia pelejä voi totta kai pelata myös pöytäkoneilla, eli perinteisiä pelaajia ei ole pudotettu kärryiltä kehityksen kehittyessä.
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Leo Vegas kasinon maksutavat

Leo Vegas Casino tukee kaikkia yleisiä maksuvälineitä maksukorteista suosituimpiin e-lompakkopalveluihin, jotka välittävät maksutapahtumia verkossa. Rahan siirtämiseen voit käyttää seuraavia maksutapoja:
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • Neteller
  • Nopea pankkisiirto
  • Paysafecard
*Rahan nostaminen Paysafekortille ei toimi.

Leo Vegasin asiakaspalvelu

Leo Vegasin Casino ystävällinen ja asiantunteva asiakaspalvelu palvelee sinua suomeksi joka päivä välillä 09:00 - 02:00. Asiakaspalvelu palvelee kellon ympäri englanniksi sekä ruotsiksi. Voit ottaa yhteyttä LeoVegasin asiakaspalveluun sähköpostilla ([email protected]), puhelimitse (+358800552) tai Live-chatissa.
Leo Vegas on yksi mobiilikasinoiden edelläkävijöistä Suomessa. Sen palkittu mobiilialusta on räätälöity niin älypuhelimille kuin tableteillekin. LeoVegasin pelivalikoima on laaja ja se tarjoaa todella kilpailukykyset bonukset uusille pelaajilleen.
Suomenkielinen asiakaspalvelu palvelee pelaajia lähes kellon ympäri ja kiireisissä tapauksissa palvelua saa englanniksi ajasta riippumatta. suosittelee Leo Vegasia lämpimästi niille pelaajille, jotka haluavat laatua!
Pääset pelaamaan Leo Vegasilla alla olevasta linkistä, joka vie sinut suoraan kasinon sivuille, joilla pääset luomaan uutta pelitiliä. Onnea kasinoseikkailuun!
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Kalevala Casino (Finland) 20 free spins bonus on registration

Kalevala Casino (Finland) 20 free spins bonus on registration

Kalevala Casino free spins and no deposit bonus
The Welcome Bonus at Kalevala Casino is an interesting one and depending on whether you value the percentage of the bonus or the wagering requirements attached will determine how you decide the best option for you.
So essentially, you get to choose between a €325 Welcome Package which carries 50x wagering requirements or a €95 Welcome Package which carries a 10x wagering requirement.
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€325 Welcome Package
1st Deposit: 100% Bonus up to €150 (50x wagering requirement)
2nd Deposit: 50% Bonus up to €100 (50x wagering requirement)
3rd Deposit: 75% Bonus up to €75 (50x wagering requirement)
€95 Welcome Package
1st Deposit: 30% Bonus up to €45 (10x wagering requirement)
2nd Deposit: 15% Bonus up to €100 (10x wagering requirement)
3rd Deposit: 20% Bonus up to €75 (10x wagering requirement)
So the choice of which welcome package to go for is yours! The minimum deposit at the casino is €20.
You can make a deposit via skrill, neteller, credit card, Siru Mobile, paysafecard, bank wire transfer.
You can play games from NetEnt, Pragmatic Play, Thunderkick, WMS, Yggdrasil, Play n Go, Habanero and Microgaming.
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Introduction to Kalevala Casino

Tailored to meet the demands of the Finnish audience, Kalevala Casino is home to fast and safe transactions, which include several different banking methods. This brand, along with two more well-positioned in our directory, operates under the umbrella of affiliates which are specialized in delivering interesting promos.
Supplied by some of the most renowned content producers, this hub proudly displays multiple games. From freshly-baked titles to all-time favorite hits, the operator made sure to cover everything, so to be interesting to as a range of clients as possible.
The fact that their name…
…actually represents a 19th-century work of epic poetry from Karelian and Finnish oral folklore and mythology is already intriguing enough to inspire us to explore this brand thoroughly.
Stay with us to find out more about this entertainment facility which claims to be the right place for people from the Land of the Thousand Lakes.
Tip: The Standard Customer Due Diligence (CDD) will be applied when accumulated deposits reach 2000€ in a time span of 180 days.

Kalevala Casino Games

When we say BTG, SYNOT, Pragmatic Play, Evolution Gaming, Eyecon, Booming Games, we don’t have to elaborate a lot about immense quality hidden beneath all those names. And these are just some of the creative factories whose content can be found in Kalevala Casino’s library.
Which games can be found in their portfolio?
Slots and JPs: Book of Dead, Piggy Riches Megaways, Immortal Romance, Gemix, Vault of Anubis, Wheel of Wishes, Grand Gems, Multifly!, All-Star Knockout, Wild Krakatoa, Jewel Scarabs and many other releases.
Table Games: Caribbean Stud, Casino Hold’em, Red Dog, Texas Hold’em, etc.
You see…
…when we said “everything”, we meant within the limits of slot games, as other categories are either non-existent or equipped with a minimum selection. We haven’t discovered any Baccarat, BJ, Roulette, Video Poker, and all those player favorites which are usually available casinos-wide.
On another note, one can test the games in demo mode, prior to making deposits. Also, the lobby is neatly arranged, allowing punters to find the desired title quickly.

Kalevala Mobile Casino

Having a unique story inspired by epic poetry is the first step to draw customers’ attention- but how to keep them interested?
It’s far away from a complicated science…
…as it boils down to single detail- cross-platform optimization. And Kalevala Casino made sure not to miss it.
Wherever you are, whichever device or operating system you use, you will be able to browse this platform smoothly. Of course, provided that a loyal company of reliable internet connection is by your side as well.

Mobile Games

Thanks to a highly intuitive and easily adjustable interface, the ease of navigation will be the same as it is on desktop. The wealthy assortment of digital one-armed bandits will look equally simple to explore, allowing you to activate your favorite game while out and about.

Loyalty Program

Unfortunately, we have encountered no precise information related to any scheme with incentives, but we did discover the following statement:
“The maximum daily/weekly/monthly withdrawal amount depends on the payment method You have selected and on Your loyalty status.”
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We won’t play any guessing games…
…that’s for sure, but at least it gives a hint that there may be some special incentives. However, what it takes to unlock them and which are the rules to follow is still unknown.
What compensates this lack is an introductory package, tied to the first three deposits. It depends on the amount of money one decides to place. Moreover, there’s a possibility to collect iron and gold coins while playing and when the meter is full, these credits can be used to purchase bonus spins or even real money.
“Before opening an account with Kalevalakasino, we ask that you kindly familiarise yourself with the Terms and Conditions below. Knowing the rules and agreeing with them ensures your casino experience is as smooth as possible.”
Quite a coincidence, isn’t it?
That’s EXACTLY what we ask you as well, not only for this specific brand but for any other which has caught your attention. Only a thorough understanding of all rules will minimize the possibility to end up in an unpleasant scenario, and most certainly maximize the chances to have a memorable experience.
Referring to their interest…
…in customizing services for Finnish clients, it’s interesting to mention that this jurisdiction pays special attention to gambling-related marketing content on TV and radio ads. Finland’s Police and Transport and Communications Agency, Traficom, are some of the institutions dealing with illegal ads prevention.


Remember the “umbrella” we mentioned at the beginning? Well, the other brands belonging to the same group include LuckyDino, CasinoJEFE, and Olaspill, of which the first two have received numerous positive comments from the community.
So, what about this brand, where does it stand?
As for the pluses, the versatility of slot games surely deserves high grades, and the registration package looks fine as well. A solid assortment of player protection methods is among the bright sides, showing that the venue does put efforts to create a safe environment.
There’s a decent number of banking options, such as Nordea, Aktia, Pop Pankki, Handelsbanken, etc., as stated-all enabling instant processing time.
…some significant reinforcement in the form of more types of release would certainly be a nice addition to this Malta-licensed facility. More detailed information regarding the Loyalty scheme and better selection of promo packages would add more points as well.
Until those weak points are corrected…
…we could say that Kalevala Casino is an average brand, with plenty of room for improvement. Surely, there’s always a practice mode to take a closer look and decide whether what it has to offer is what you are looking for.
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Kolikkopelit Casino 450 free spins bonus for Finland

Kolikkopelit Casino 450 free spins bonus for Finland

Kolikkopelit Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
Kolikkopelit Casino offers a free spin bonus to all new players: 200% up to 200$ in bonus + 450 free spins (15 per day for 30 days), 1st deposit bonus!
  • Max bonus: 200%
  • Value: 200$
  • Bonus spins: 450
  • Bonus wager requirement: 40x
  • Free spins wager requirement: 40x
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Kolikkopelit Casino Review

“Kolikkopelit” is the Finnish word for “slots”, so it is no surprise that Kolikkopelit aims to provide a gambling service that is very much focused on slot machines and the Finnish betting market. As such, this website is stocked up to the rafters with a vast selection of slot machine titles from some of the best and most innovative game creators in the industry.
On the flip side, the website is only available in Finnish, limiting the scope for international punters to take part in the spinning fun.
In fact, the website is off limits to players in a large number of countries, with some notable territories such as the United Kingdom, the United States of America, France, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Australia and Canada, to name a few. However, if you are Finnish and into slots, then you will be able to benefit from 50 Free spins as soon as they sign up as well as other bonus promotions, not to mention the chance to win one of many progressive jackpot prizes.
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Finnish Casino Brand Based in Malta

Despite the very Finnish feel to this casino website, the brand is actually owned and managed by a company called iGame Malta Ltd which, as you can probably guess, is headquartered on the Mediterranean island of Malta. Nonetheless, the website boasts a claim to more than 350,000 punters from the country of Finland, which would suggest that they have done a pretty good job at marketing themselves to the Northern European country.
And to make sure that all of the players are kept safe while they are having fun, the company has been granted a license under the Malta Gaming Authority, ensuring that all of the rules and regulations of the trade are upheld to a respectable standard.
As part of this casino website's compliance with that licensing authority, Kolikkopelit Casino has some very strong security credentials. This includes the employment of a state of the art SSL encryption code as well as the inclusion of payment methods which have been proven to be safe and secure across the web.
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Plenty of Ways to Pay

Those banking options include a variety of internationally renowned precessing methods, including Mastercard and Visa credit and debit cards as well as e-wallets such as Neteller and Skrill. But, on top of that, customers at the casino can also use a number of online banking services such as Aktia, Danske Bank, Handelsbanken, Nordea, OP-Pohjola, POP Pankki, S Bank, Savings Bank and The Bank of Aland.
When it comes to making a withdrawal, players should note that Visa and Mastercard cards are not available as payout methods. Also, the minimum possible withdrawal is a nice and low €5 while the most that a patron can request to withdraw per day is €3,000. Withdrawals may take up to 10 days to be enacted depending on the payment method used and the casino reserves the right to charge a fee of €2 per outgoing transaction.
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Get in Touch Throughout the Day

Playing at an online casino can sometimes feel a little bit daunting, especially if it is your first time. Luckily, Kolikkopelit Casino does its best to guide new players through the process with an extensive spread of frequently asked questions listed in the support pages. And if you can't find what you are looking in the FAQs, then you will be able to talk directly with a representative from the casino using the live chat portal provided. This service is operational from 8am to 3am throughout the week and from 9am to 3am on the weekends.
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Wide Variety of Slots at Kolikkopelit Casino

Kolikkopelit Casino stays true to its name by making sure that there are loads of slot machines available for its patrons to enjoy. As such, Finnish spinners can get access to the latest and most popular titles from a wide range of game studios, including the likes of Microgaming, NetEnt, NextGen, Play'n Go, Elk Studios, Thunderkick and Quickspin. In fact, among the most played and newest slot machines on the website, players will come across some spectacular spinning games like Gemix by Play'n Go, Great Wild Elk by NextGen, Poltava: Flames of War by Elk Studios and When Pigs Fly by NetEnt.
However, it's not all cutting edge 5-reel video slots at this casino, because the catalogue is home to a decent range of classically inclined 3-reel slots. These simple slots are retro in style and easy to play by their very nature, but there is still plenty of prize winning potential in games like Bell of Fortune, Golden Goal and Mega Joker. The reason that we say that there is still winning potential in these slots is because there are all in fact progressive jackpot slots, sitting alongside some other 5-reel games with ever growing jackpot kitties such as Arabian Nights, Hall of Gods and Cosmic Fortune.
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Some Casino Classics

No online casino would be complete if it didn't feature some truly traditional table games to offer to those punters with an inkling for some authentic gambling action. Luckily, Kolikkopelit Casino serves up a decent range of classic casino options with titles like Mini Baccarat, Ruletti, and good old Blackjack.
If it's poker that you are into, then you will be pleased to know that this casino website has plenty of different poker table games and video poker titles such as Deuces Wild, Jacks or Better, Pai Gow Poker and Casino Hold'em Poker.
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Get off to a Spinning Start

If you are eligible to play at this Finnish facing casino, then you could be in store for some top notch promotional rewards. To begin with, players who create a new account will be rewarded with 50 free spins, meaning that they will be able to test out the validity of the action before they actually deposit any money. When it comes to making that first deposit, spinners will be treated to a 75% match bonus up to a maximum value of €200. That's not a bad way at all to get off to a spinning start.
There are some terms and conditions involved, however. The most notable one being the fact that all bonus funds (including winnings from free spins) must be wagered at least 40x before any cash winnings can be withdrawn.
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Ready for Kolikkopelit Mobile?

Like most good online casinos on the internet nowadays, Kolikkopelit Casino allows its patrons to enjoy the gambling action in more ways than just one. That is thanks to the fact that the casino is optimised for mobile and tablet devices, specifically those which are powered by the latest operating systems provided by Android and iOS.
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To Finnish with…

If you are based in Finland and want to find a respectable online casino with an attractive range of slot machines, then Kolikkopelit Casino is well worth checking out. The casino website is stocked up with many popular games from the crème-de-la-crème of the e-gaming software industry, meaning that there should be something exciting for punters to have a spin of.
That said, this casino product is very much centred on appealing to the Finnish market, meaning that bettors from outside of the country will not be made to feel very welcome with no option to translate the website into English.
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Kalevala Casino 20 free spins no deposit bonus (Finland)

Kalevala Casino 20 free spins no deposit bonus (Finland)

Kalevala Casino Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
Register at Kalevala Casino and receive 20 instant free spins. It's a no deposit bonus for new players. Plus, get a 100% welcome bonus up to €150. General T&C apply. WRx 10 only!
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Kalevala Kasino Review

Kalevala Kasino is an online casino showcasing the blues and whites of its Finnish theme. The colour scheme in use leaves players in no doubt as to where they are playing, with a Finnish warrior sitting atop a treasure chest as the main homepage graphic. The ice cold exterior is visible through the use of an ice sculptured bird of prey and the use of cold blues and whites, skies and waters. So why play here? What does Kalevala Kasino have to offer?
The Kalevala is a work of epic poetry and was written in 1835. Almost 200 years later, Lucky Dino Gaming Limited have developed Kalevala Kasino under the same name and it’s licensed in Malta. This online casino has its own Twitter and Facebook pages but with only a handful of followers and likes, it is not the most popular site at present. The social media links are not obvious at first and can be located under the live chat tab. Kalevala Kasino is presented in Finnish but due to the wonders of Google Translate, it is playable in other languages.

About Kalevala Kasino

Lucky Dino Gaming Limited operate Kalevala Kasino under Maltese jurisdiction and they are also responsible for the more popular Lucky Dino casino and Casino Jefe. They state use of the best possible security and encryption technology to ensure their customers’ details and payment information is kept safe. Their customer services are available via live chat (only in Finnish) between 10:00 and 02:00. There appears to be no email address or phone number to contact outwith these times.

Euro’s the Currency Here

Kalevala Kasino offer a wide range of e-wallet and banking options for deposits and withdrawals. The site only operates using the euro currency. Banking methods in use are Visa, MasterCard, Skrill, Neteller, Zimpler, Paysafe, Siru Mobile and bank transfer. The typical minimum deposit amount is €20 with a maximum of €5000 and these are usually transferred immediately and with no charges. For withdrawals, there is a minimum amount of €30 and a maximum of €20,000 dependent on the bank. Withdrawal times can vary from between 24 hours to five working days. There may be charges associated with making withdrawals and this is capped at a maximum of €25. Players are able to set limits on their deposit amounts which allows them to restrict their play and abide by the responsible gambling guidelines.
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Kalevala Bonuses

When players sign up at Kalevala Kasino, they are treated to a 100% deposit bonus on their first deposit and additional bonuses on their second and third deposits. For the first deposit, players can choose to receive a 100% deposit of up to €150 subject to a 50x wagering requirement or a 30% deposit bonus subject to a 10x wagering requirement. This allows players some flexibility and lets them choose the bonus to suit the way the play. There are also 20 free spins to claim on selected games as a welcome bonus.
On a player's second deposit, they can choose to receive a 50% deposit match on €100 with a 50x wager stipulation or a 15% deposit on €30 with a 10x wager requirement. The third and final deposit match offers 75% on a €75 deposit with 50x wager requirement or 20% on €20 subject to 10x wagering. There currently does not appear to be any other offers or bonuses available at Kalevala Kasino as you expect to find at other online casinos. There are usually daily, weekly and sometimes happy hour type bonuses but features like these are not yet offered.

Coin Meter Feature

At Kalevala Kasino, there is no VIP club to speak of. However, on the site, a Coin Meter feature is in use and this is a virtual meter which fills as players play the online video slots. Once full, players are given the option to transfer coins into free spins or even into real cash at the Kalevala shop. Information on this Coin Meter is limited and there is no direct link to the Kalevala shop to transfer these funds.
The operators of Kalevala Kasion offer an affiliates package in place of the more commonly found VIP clubs. There is no direct link from the Kalevala site to the affiliates page but with some online browsing, players will find that they are in fact linked to the Affmore affiliates program. This program can offer players up to 40% revenue reward for attracting other gamblers to the site and rewarding them when they sign up and play. The Kalevala affiliates link on the Affmore site states that it is for loyal affiliates only and to contact their affiliates manager for more information.

Finnish Mobile Play

There is a dedicated mobile-compatible site for Kalevala Kasino, but this is only available in Finnish. The games were unplayable on the mobile site without registering an account but the site itself is optimised for mobile play and the layout and navigation is well suited to the smaller screen. With a website translating app for mobile, the site can be used by non-Finnish speaking players but this could prove to be a bit of a nuisance and would depend on how badly players wanted to use the site.
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Free Plays at Kalevala Casino

There are over 150 online video slot games to choose from at Kalevala Kasino and these include many branded games like Starburst, Guns N Roses, Jack and the Beanstalk and the ever popular Gonzo’s Quest. These are all available to play for free before playing for real money so players can take their pick before they get serious. With four differing versions of video poker and speciality games such as Keno, all types of players can find something that suits. More traditional casino table games are on offer here too with games like baccarat, blackjack, poker, roulette and pontoon. The table games are plenty and they feature various limits catering for players of all limits.

Kalevala Kasino in Conclusion

Kalevala Kasino is a limited online casino as it is only available to players in Finland, Malta and Estonia due to its licensing restrictions. The look of the page is that of a gaming site and the cartoon-like graphics and colour scheme on show are definitely appealing. There is certainly a wide variety of games and limits to choose from if you are able to play and if you speak the language.
To delve into the actual games, players have to choose the small tab at the top of the page. Otherwise, there is not much information available on the homepage other than creating an account. An overhaul of the site would be beneficial and this could result in the site attracting more traffic and players than the social media links would suggest. The ever increasing level of online casinos on offer may prove to be a stumbling block for Kalevala Kasino as it is such a limited site. Finnish players may be attracted here as it suits them best but for everyone else, they may be inclined to take their business elsewhere.
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Rush Casino €900 ($1600) welcome bonus and free spins

Rush Casino €900 ($1600) welcome bonus and free spins

Rush Casino Review & Free Bonus
Open your account with Rush Casino and claim €900 or $1600 free bonus! On top of that, get exclusive free spins on video slots and free bets! Just click on the promo link to qualify. Good luck!
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Rush Casino Review

Launched in 2021, Rush Casino is a new gambling destination where you can enjoy 1,500+ casino games, including live dealer tables. It hit the online gaming market equipped with a licence issued by a trustworthy gaming authority, which is a guarantee for a safe and fair gaming experience.
We love when operators keep things neat and clean, and that’s the first thing you will notice once you enter Rush Casino. Offering a generous welcome package and rewarding loyalty programme, the operator makes sure to cover both new and existing customers. Let’s let’s learn more about all the possibilities you can make use of.
Rush Casino is licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority. If you are familiar with the online gaming market, you probably know that this is one of a few regulatory bodies that keep standards high. That’s why you can rest assured that your sensitive data and fund will be adequately taken care of.
The gambling site accepts only 18+ players and makes sure that all customers are treated fairly. However, there is a long list of restricted countries and territories, so you may not be able to access it all. However, if you come from Germany, Norway, Netherlands, Finland, Canada or some other countries, you can enjoy more than 1,500+ games and make use of lucrative casino deals.
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Rush Casino Live

The Live Casino section at Rush Casino is powered by Evolution Gaming. This means only one thing: a great variety of tables hosted by professional and friendly live dealers who will keep you entertained and well-informed.
Live Casino makes up a standalone section with all the available games listed here. The operator’s no-nonsense approach is something we highly appreciate. While the selection of live dealer tables is not as extensive as on some other gambling sites, it will please casino classics lovers Rush Casino obviously focuses on.

Live Dealer Games

If you are into Roulette, Blackjack, Poker or Baccarat, Rush Casino has got you covered. Players can choose from a total of 11 Live Roulette tables, including Lightning Roulette, Speed Roulette, Immersive Roulette and Double Ball Roulette. The standard versions of the game are available as well, so players can try their luck at European or American Roulette at tables operated by live dealers. If you are willing to invest more money, join VIP Roulette or Auto Roulette VIP.
Blackjack enthusiasts will be delighted at the selection of tables where they can beat the dealer with a hand totalling 21. It includes standard and VIP Live Blackjack tables as well as Free Bet Blackjack, a game variant offering Free Double Down and Split Bets.
Rush Live Casino also features 8 Live Baccarat tables, with Speed Baccarat, No Commission Baccarat and Lighting Baccarat being the most exciting titles. Players who like Poker can use their skills at Caribbean Stud Poker and Casino Hold’em. Another card game available at Rush is Live Football Studio. This game is quite similar to Live Dragon Tiger, yet themed on the most important unimportant thing in the world.
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Bonuses & Promotions

What bonus package you will be offered on sign up depends on the country you are coming from. The basic package includes up to €900 in bonuses plus 100 free spins on the Book of Dead slot. It will be distributed over the initial five deposits starting with a 100% bonus up to €500!
The minimum amount that will qualify you for this bonus is €10. The maximum bet you can place while wagering free cash is limited to €5 and deposits made via Neteller, Skrill and Paysafecard are excluded. The maximum winnings from free spins are capped at €100. Keep in mind that wagers made on live casino games do not contribute to wagering requirements at all.
Besides the bonus created to attract new customers, Rush Casino also offers a unique loyalty scheme designed for existing customers. Every Monday, you can claim 10% of your weekly net losses up to €1,500. To qualify for the offer, your minimum net loss must be €200 per week. The minimum cashback amount is €20 while the maximum amount you can get is limited to €1,500. The best part about this deal is that all money you receive as a cashback will be added to your real money balance, meaning no wagering requirements to meet!

Banking Options

Deposits are processed immediately, with the only exception being payments made through Bank Transfer as they may take between 2 and 5 business days.
The minimum allowed deposit is €10 per transaction while you cannot cash out less than €20 from your account. Keep in mind that your chosen withdrawal method must match the deposit payment method you use. The operator processes withdrawals within 72 hours. After the pending period is over, you may receive your funds instantly if you use an e-wallet. When a cashout is requested through a credit card or Bank Transfer, you may wait for your funds up to 3 to 7 working days .
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While the live casino game Rush Casino offers may not make up the most extensive library, they will definitely please those players who prefer this form of entertainment. If you are looking for the best of live casino solutions, look no further as that’s what Evolution Gaming offers. While the welcome bonus terms and conditions may not be favourable to live casino fans, a weekly cashback may be a deal to rely on when Lady Luck turns her back to them.
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Vauhti Casino Pay N Play (BankID) - free spins bonus!

Vauhti Casino Pay N Play (BankID) - free spins bonus!

Vauhti Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Pay and play for free at Vauhti Casino! This is a brand new no-account (no-registration) casino for Finland. Test it now with free spins bonus on popular slots. Game on!
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At Vauhti, founded in 2020, a sophisticated package of products from casino games to live dealer is offered. Momentarily, the casino has a huge game library with 64 different software studios, who created 2.341+ top games until now. Depending on the country that you reside in the exact number of games may differ. Safety and fairness of the Vauhti online casino are controlled by the Malta Gaming Authority. Alongside English, the casino offers 1 further language option, namely Finnish. Continue reading our Vauhti review to learn everything you should know about the casino.


In terms of games, Vauhti has a lot to offer and should have something for everybody’s preferences. The selection of software studios comprises outstanding names, including Elk Studios, Red Tiger Gaming, and Evolution Gaming, but naturally, you can find the best slots designed by other game providers as well. Users have the option to choose from video slots, classic slot machines, 3D slot games & fixed jackpot slot games. Top games like Relax Gaming’s Money Train, Gremlins from Red7 and Lightning Box’s Silver Lion can be tried out as well. Furthermore, Vauhti also offers games with progressive jackpots, for example, Fortune 8 Cat from Lightning Box and Mega Joker from NetEnt.
As an addition to slot games, you can also test out live dealer games like live blackjack, live baccarat, and live roulette (i.e. from Evolution Gaming). But this is not the only thing – The games portfolio also contains live dealer versions of European Roulette, Dragon Tiger, Sic Bo and Poker. Another part of the game selection are classic table games, for example, Blackjack, Punto Banco, French Roulette, American Roulette as well as European Roulette. As pull tabs, wheel games, scratch cards, keno, and arcade games are also included in the portfolio, there is even more variety. The availability of games, however, may differ for your country, which is why we suggest you look at the games library yourself.
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At Vauhti, users are able to use 2 payment methods to deposit. Additionally, you have the option to use bank transfer options like Trustly, but prepaid options are not permitted. The exact number of payment methods can be different depending on your residence. Have in mind: The deposit limits per payment method might be different. The payment area should contain more info regarding the Vauhti deposit limits.


When withdrawing, players have the chance to utilize 2 withdrawal methods. The casino provides you with payout methods like Trustly or Trustly Pay N Play. Before initiating a payout, keep in mind that there are payout restrictions of at least €20 per transaction. Regarding free withdrawals at Vauhti, there are no restrictions, which means that an unlimited amount of free pay-outs is possible. So, there won’t be any further payout fees charged by Vauhti when withdrawing. All withdrawals that you initiate are processed automatically. The payout will be validated via mail within 48 hours. Keep in mind that your payouts will not be carried out during weekends. Vauhti offers special withdrawal regulations for VIP players, which should be mentioned as another benefit.


Finishing the registration at Vauhti is possible in only a few steps. Initially, you have to click on the registration button and fill in the requested personal information into the form that opens. After typing in your data to the Vauhti registration form it is necessary to approve your account. For this purpose, customers typically are provided with other instructions via SMS or a verification link via email. After this validation procedure, you are able to begin playing.
Finalization of the account verification process is needed in order to carry out withdrawals. For this purpose, the casino asks you to turn in a scan of an official document (Passport or ID Card) as part of a KYC procedure.
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There are quite a few options you can use to contact the Vauhti customer support. For instance, customer care can be contacted via email ([email protected]). Usually, you can expect to receive a reply from the email support staff within a short time period. Additionally, another contact option is the web form that is accessible on the casino website. Besides, the Vauhti live chat is available 24/7 directly on the casino site. When we examined the casino, the customer care team always responded to our questions in a useful and quick way. In addition, some questions should be covered in the small FAQ area that the casino provides.
Every reputable casino has to fulfil high-security demands, or else they lose their licenses. Encoding the site with SSL128 is one of the safety procedures that Vauhti implements. The security is reviewed by the regulatory body (in this case Malta Gaming Authority) regularly.
As it is the case in some other casinos, Vauhti facilitates responsible gaming by providing player protection services. You are granted the possibility to:
  • Restrict your sessions
  • Take a look at your player history.
  • Suspend your account
In addition, Vauhti is referring to the NGO GamblingTherapy that you can reach out to if you have a problem with gambling.
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Sadly new players cannot claim a sign up offer at the moment. However, we cannot give you an explanation as to why there is no deposit package these days. If and at what time the casino will provide the next potential sign up offer is not sure yet. Good to know: You do not have any restrictions regarding games by starting without a welcome package! Keep visiting our site on a regular basis to be one of the first to gain an advantage of any potential upcoming sign up package.


Right now Vauhti does not have further bonuses (i.e. a no deposit bonus or a highroller bonus) other than the welcome package. Whereas some other casinos offer a rewards programme or benefits for VIP players, this is not an option at Vauhti. While some other casinos arrange slot, table games or live casino tournaments, this is not an option at Vauhti.


Being launched in 2020, Vauhti is a Whitezip Limited casino brand. Spin Rider, Grand Ivy Casino or Casimba and 12 more online casinos are run by Whitezip Limited. To the best of our knowledge, the company is not publicly listed. To assure a high safety standard, this casino is licensed by the following commission:
  • License from the Malta Gaming Authority with the number MGA/B2C/370/2017
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Overall, Vauhti provides a varied gaming experience for seasoned gamers as well as newbies. At the games collection you can select games from 64 popular gaming providers, which means the slot variation can be described as varied. The selection of deposits and withdrawals could be a little wider, but some usual options are offered. Also, when getting started as a player, you may be able to claim generous promotions. Create an account at Vauhti now to see for yourself!
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Turbo Casino 51 No Deposit Free Spins Bonus Code

Turbo Casino 51 No Deposit Free Spins Bonus Code

Turbo Casino Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
Register at Turbo Casino now and receive 51 gratis spins (no deposit required). Also, get 100 free spins and a 100% bonus on your first deposit. This exclusive promotion is available for players from certain countries, including the Netherlands, Finland and Luxembourg. Good luck!
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Full Review

Turbo Casino is a new masterpiece based on the old casinos such as Polder Casino and Fortuin Casino. The company has a long history in the gambling industry, offering many forms of online gaming and gambling. For example, it offers casino games classic slot machines, video slots and individual brilliant products such as poker, bingo and live dealer games. The operator offers games from various software suppliers such as Microgaming, Big Time Gaming (BTG), Amatic, Netent and many more quality and reliable casino games.
So there is quite an extensive selection to choose from. The operator extends generous bonuses and promotions such as a sign up bonus, reload bonuses and many extras for loyal players. There is also a separate section for VIPs. Furthermore, the site uses the best security technology, offers high-quality support and offers direct help via live chat. Turbo casino is licensed by the Maltese Gaming Authority so that users can count on a safe and transparent gambling environment.

Hundreds of games to choose from

Game selection is neatly divided into separate categories and includes new games, top games, jackpots, video slots, classic slots, table games, card games, live dealers, video poker and casual games. The diversity of the game offer is high and there is a wide choice of games.
In addition to the regular games, Turbo casino also offers an impressive collection of live dealers: Live Roulette and French Roulette, Live Blackjack, Live Baccarat, and much more. Players can choose between different dealers. The live tables are all run by professional dealers and have unique game features such as changing the camera image, HD quality and a chat window with which players can communicate with each other and the dealers.
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Welcome bonus at Turbo Casino

New players who join Turbo Casino can claim a nice welcome bonus from 100% up to € 151 on their first deposit. To claim this bonus, players must make a one-time deposit of € 20 or more. You will then immediately receive 100 free spins. You also get a bonus of 51 spins when you register without having to deposit money!
The most attractive aspect of this bonus is that it is relatively low and easily meets the wagering requirements. In order to be able to withdraw winnings from this bonus, the bonus value and the deposit amount must be used 35 times.

More information about the casino

The Turbo Casino is generally recognizable in terms of appearance in the gambling world. The company behind it is well established in this sector and has many years of experience. The casino department is therefore something to be proud of. The software supplier that runs the casino is one of the pioneers in the online gambling industry and a highly respected and respected brand. The content of the other providers is also excellent and of high quality.
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Accepted payment methods at Turbo Casino

Turbo Casino offers various payment methods that players can use to make a deposit. These include Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, PayPal, Skrill, Neteller and more. Some of these methods can also be used for payout. The minimum deposit and withdrawal limit for all banking methods is € 20. The maximum limits depend on the chosen method. All transactions are free. In addition, most deposits are processed immediately, while the inclusion of an amount usually takes a few days after they have been processed. The recording of credit/debit card transactions can for example take 4, 5 working days.
The site also regularly updates the theoretical RTP values ​​for its games and their payout percentages are published on the website. All games are fair and tested for randomness and fair results. In addition, the casino ensures in its terms and conditions, particularly in its privacy policy, that it will never rent, sell or borrow sensitive data from players to third parties. It also indicates that it uses the best SSL encryption technology to securely perform transactions to and from its servers. The SSL encryption obscures the data sent to and from the website, so that outsiders do not have access to it.

How do I get in touch with Turbo Casino's customer service?

Turbo Casino has a comprehensive FAQ (frequently asked questions) where players can find hundreds of useful articles to answer their questions about the welcome bonus, technical requirements, forgotten passwords, game rules and much more. If you are concerned about the information you share, you can consult their Privacy Policy page. If you can not find it, you can contact customer service.
The customer service staff can be reached live chat and e-mail. The player support is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The employees are responsive, friendly and knowledgeable.
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Conclusion: Premium-quality fast casino

When Turbo Casino took its first step in the casino sector, it gained a lot of recognition and was well received by players. Turbo casino currently offers lots of bonuses and promotions to keep all types of players happy. It also has a large game library with many titles to choose from. In addition to the responsive and helpful customer support team and the variety of banking options, Turbo Casino is definitely a top destination to visit.
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Eskimo Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Eskimo Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Eskimo Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonus
Join Eskimo Casino and receive 110 free spins and a 100% welcome bonus. This includes 10 gratis spins a no deposit bonus! Sign up now and play for free! This is the best online casino for players in the Netherlands, Finland, Luxembourg and Andorra!
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Eskimo Casino Review
Eskimo Casino features a tropical theme, which couldn’t be further from the ‘cool’ name it bears. Owned and operated by Lux Entertainment Limited, Eskimo Casino is the first and only gambling product owned by the company. Eskimo Casino is a new casino, having only launched in 2018, which means it has an uphill task of competing with long-established casinos with a worthy fan-base. However, this Maltese registered company have designed a casino with the player in mind; from easy navigation to an instant play feature. Whatever you love to place a bet on, you will find it here. The casino is accessible across all devices and again, no apps required to play on mobile or tablet devices. Customers can enjoy the casino in the English language only. Promotions-wise, there is the generous welcome offer and that’s it!
Let’s find out more in this Eskimo Casino review!
Design & Features
The design and layout of Eskimo Casino are very unique, what with an uncluttered welcome page waiting to greet you. The latest promotions will be featured to the top of the page and beneath this, is where you will find the games lobby. There is no menu or links to other sections such as promotions because there are none! The colour scheme is blue, to give a feel of an ice cool environment, but the games will soon warm you up. Head to the lower of the page and you will find a handful of links which include terms and conditions, bonuses, payment and contact.

What makes Eskimo Casino one of the best EU online casinos?

The Eskimo on the front page of this casino site is a cute cartoon girl.
We have no idea why this casino site is themed this way, other than almost all the other possible themes for casino sites are gone!
Whether or not you like this cute and approachable look there’s much more to a good casino site than just the front page illustration.
And we think that Eskimo Casino is one of the best EU online casinos and one that you should consider playing at.
This is why we think that.
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Eskimo Casino is licensed, legal and safe

Eskimo Casino is fairly new, with a birthday in 2018, but it’s got a parent company that is slightly older than that in the shape of Lux Entertainment Ltd.
They have licenses from the UK Gambling Commission, and the Malta Gaming Authority, two of the most demanding authorities in the world.
They have a lot more safety and security measures in place too, including auditing and extra online security from Go Daddy, and great links to gambling safety organizations.

Eskimo Casino has the World’s Best Slots

Great titles from great providers are what most players are looking for first. So, after you’ve checked the licensing (as we insist you do), you’re going to browse their games.
There you’ll find some big-name titles like Book of Lords, Finn’s Golden Tavern, Flower Fortunes, Conan, Deco Diamonds, and Jackpot 6000.
These titles show the breadth of games on offer, taking in character games, classic retro games, and novelty titles.
It’s a great selection.

Eskimo Casino has great Live Casino Games

There are really two top quality live casino providers at the moment. They are NetEnt and Evolution Gaming.
At Eskimo Casino, you’ll find the selection from NetEnt live.
This means superb games delivered live and streaming with excellent dealers and croupiers.
The games include all your favourites, like roulette and blackjack, but also a load of variants on those titles and slightly less common games too.

Eskimo Casino Takes Great Payment Methods

To play any of those games you’ll need to have money in your account. And Eskimo allow you to cash up your account via all the industry’s current favourite payment methods.
You can use your Visa and MasterCard cards, as well as their online wallets. But also e-wallets like the industry’s faves, Neteller and Skrill as well as Paysafecard, Trustly, and more.
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Eskimo Casino has 24/7 Help

Help is the last resort for casino players. You don’t want to use it, but it needs to be there. Eskimo go a long way to reassuring you before you call them, and have a good FAQ page and a lot of information around the site.
Help is there though from a customer support team who are available around the clock whenever you fancy playing at Eskimo Casino.
Whether you’re playing video slots, slots, table games or live casino games, you can always find help at Eskimo Casino, one of the coolest sites we’ve ever seen.

Eskimo Casino Games

Amatic, Microgaming and NetEnt are the force behind the games here at Eskimo Casino. That means not as much choice as leading casinos, yet, there is something to suit all tastes and budgets.
The layout of the games lobby is simple and places all the games into the following categories:
  • Popular: Here you will find the games that are played more often than others. Titles will change on a regular basis, so keep checking to see if your favourite games are listed.
  • Video slots: This list is an extensive one, offering games from adventure to sports! Avalon, Alaskan Fishing, Aloha! Cluster Pays, Ariana, Blood Suckers II, Brides Maids, Break Da Bank Again, and Burning Desire are just a few to mention.
  • Slots: In this section of the lobby you will find classic slots, those that feature bars and bells and nostalgic gameplay. Players can choose to play the classic slots with nothing but base game wins, or more modern creations with multipliers and may be even bonuses thrown in for good measure. Cash Splash, Fire & Ice, Hot Scatter, Hot Star, Jackpot 6000 and All Ways Joker are among the 30-odd titles featured.
  • Live casino: Place your bets in an atmosphere that resembles a real-life casino, when you sit at the virtual tables at Eskimo Casino. Common Draw Blackjack, Live Blackjack, Live Mobile Roulette High Roller, Live Roulette, VIP Live Blackjack, and VIP Live Roulette are the tables being beamed directly from NetEnt studios.
  • Table games: There are almost 40 different table games to choose from in this category of the games lobby. Red Dog Progressive, Punto Banco, French Roulette, Pontoon Pro – High Limit, and Caribbean Stud Poker are just a few of the more popular games being played.
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Eskimo Casino welcome bonus and other promos

New customers at Eskimo Casino are welcomed with 10 free spins with no deposit required when they sign up and add a payment method. Don’t worry, nothing will be taken from your bank account unless you wish to take advantage of the welcome offer.
Once you’ve played through your freebies, you can claim a 100% casino bonus up to €100. So if you were to deposit €100, you would have a total of €200 to play with. Not only that, but an additional 100 free spins will be credited to your account and you can use them on the following slots:
  • Finn and the Swirly Spin;
  • Wild Wild West;
  • Shangri-La;
  • Aloha! Cluster Pays;
  • Joker Pro.
All bonuses (so that’s just the welcome offer and the free spins), will be subjected to a 35x wagering requirement. This means that if you were to take advantage of the full welcome offer, not only would you would need to play through any winnings accrued from the free spins, a total of 35x – but a €200 welcome bonus means an eye-watering €7000 turn over requirement before you can request a withdrawal.

Treated like a VIP?

Unfortunately, you will find no loyalty scheme no VIP program on offer at Eskimo Casino. We hope to see these added at a later date.

Banking Options

Deposit options
Funding your casino account can be done through a handful of deposit methods; Visa, MasterCard, Skrill, PaysafeCard and Bank Transfer. The cashier lists useful information and pre-set value buttons, to make the depositing process an easy one. Follow the on-screen instructions and within a few minutes, you will have funds in your account.
  • Currencies accepted are: Euros.
Withdrawals at Eskimo Casino
There’s limited information on the withdrawal process, but Eskimo Casino claim to be able to sort withdrawals within a 24 hour period. Typically, all major credit and debit cards can take up to 3 working days to process. So, if Eskimo Casino can do this in under one day – then that’s fast!
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Safe and trusted

‘We pride ourselves at Eskimo Casino on being able to provide our customers with only the coolest, highest-quality games and our table games, including blackjack and roulette, are just the tip of the iceberg! We also offer players the opportunity to enjoy slots, video slots, live casino games and jackpot games – so there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell we won’t have something to suit your gaming needs! Here at Eskimo Casino, we won’t make your blood run cold. Our RNG (Random Number Generator) games are all fully-licensed and certified and therefore our customers can rest assured that the outcomes of these games are purely random and cannot be influenced in any way.
What’s more, Eskimo Casino offers live dealer games for those customers who come to us seeking the ‘real casino’ vibe. You don’t even have to worry about getting cold feet on your way to the casino! These live dealer games are broadcast to you from state-of-the-art live casino studios so you can feel as if you’re stepping right into the glitz and glamour of a real casino without even having to leave the comfort of your own home!’
Eskimo Casino is licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA), this means that the casino operates in full compliance with the rules and regulations set by the MGA.

What’s the verdict of Eskimo Casino?

Can we start with Eskimo Casino’s claim to be the ‘friendliest bonus system online’; ‘Every online casino has its own bonus system but why would you settle for something lukewarm when you could join Eskimo Casino and enjoy the coolest and friendliest bonus system of them all. Here at Eskimo Casino, your bonuses are kept available in a separate wallet. As an Eskimo Casino customer, you will always play your own cash first and if and when your cash funds are lost, you will then be able to continue playing with your bonus funds.
The advantage of this is that Eskimo Casino customers and players are never bonded to our bonus terms whilst playing with their own cash funds. If one of our customers wins big with their own cash funds, they are always then able to cancel their bonus funds and continue playing in our live online casino, or withdraw their profits.’
Now, anyone who has ever played at an online casino knows that cash is spent before bonuses, so I’m not sure how this is even considered as friendly!
There is a decent selection of games to choose from and some life-changing cash up for grabs, but the lack of bonuses and loyalty scheme are noticeable. You can tell that the company who owns Eskimo Casino don’t have much experience in the online gambling industry because they are doing nothing to keep players coming back for more. It’s all very well and good offering a generous welcome bonus, but once claimed, what do customers have to look forward to? That being said, the 5x wagering terms are hefty and I’m not sure how anyone could cash out from that.
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Casino Sieger €5 no deposit + 40 gratis spins + 110% free bonus

Casino Sieger €5 no deposit + 40 gratis spins + 110% free bonus

Casino Sieger Free Bonus & Free Spins
Ho Ho Ho! Welcome to our exclusive Casino Sieger gift website! Here you can grab €5 FREE (no deposit bonus) after registration. Next, you will receive 2 welcome bonuses after your first deposit: 40 free spins and 110% up to €200!
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Wide Choice Of Games

Live and virtual casino are covered like an astronaut’s hermetically spacesuit. No holes in that offering! As I said, I like slots. They have slots I never even heard of. I didn’t count them all, but it’s got to be easily a thousand. Easily! I feel a bit like Marco Polo on a discovery of new, wealthy goodness. Polo went looking for spices and things. I’m happy with slot discovery. There’s a slot called Marco Polo, by the way. Their casino offerings are backed up by some of the most influential names in the industry, from NetEnt, Bally Wulff, BetSoft, Booming, ELK Studios, Gamomat, iSoftBet, Kalamba, Merkur, Oryx, Pragmatic Play, QuickSpin, RedRake. Booming is my personal favourite provider, so I was pleased to see that Sieger represents that brand so well.


Online slot machines are probably the most famous type of online casino games, and at Casino Sieger, you won't be disappointed because you have a really broad selection of slots. In the next list, I will include the best online slot machines that Casino Sieger has to offer to its players:
  • Wild Ocean- the software provider, is Booming and the RTP is currently unknown
  • Mermaids Galore- the software provider, is Kalamba Games, and the RTP is 97.52%
  • Win Blaster- the software provider, is Gamomat, and the RTP is currently unknown
  • Gates Of Persia- the software provider is Bally Wulff, and the RTP is 96.13%
  • Old Fisherman- the software provider is Bally Wulff, and the RTP is 96.11%
  • Duck Shooter- the software provider is Gamomat, and the RTP is 96.09%

Table Games

Casino Sieger offers a wide variety of table games:
  • Blackjack- from the software provider NetEnt
  • Poker- Carribean Stud Poker and Casino Hold'Em
  • Baccarat- from the software provider NetEnt
  • Scratch Cards- from the software provider NetEnt
  • Roulette- from NetEnt
  • Video Poker

Live Casino

Casino Sieger has one live casino game, and it is developed by one of the biggest software companies in the gaming industry, and that happens to be NetEnt. Once you have decided to test your luck with this Casino Sieger game, you will be taken to a brand-new screen where you will be able to experience what it's like to have fun in a traditional casino. There will be a live human dealer who will help you with every problem you may experience during the time you play this Casino Sieger game. You can communicate with the live dealer via Live Chat, and he will answer you every question like he did when I played this NetEnt live online casino game.
One thing is sure, and that is that I definitely recommend this game to every gaming fan around the world.
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Casino Sieger Sportsbook

Among the casino games, slots, promotions, and live casino games, you can see that Casino Sieger has a sportsbook section. You can bet on live games from many countries on basically any sport of your liking. Personally, I like sports and slots. They are a draw for me. The sportsbook is very comprehensive. It’s really all there. I lived in Finland for 10 years. It’s hard to live there and not get well into ice hockey. Finnish Liiga hockey is covered nicely on Sieger, which I was happy to see. Also, soccer, basketball, boxing, darts, e-sports etc. Coming from a software background, I really appreciate the well-designed and immersive quality of the interface. Being able to bet while the game’s still on, is also great.
On the following list, I will share with you on how many sports you can bet at Casino Sieger:
  • Soccer
  • Cricket
  • Darts
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Hockey
  • Rugby
  • American Football
  • Cycling
  • Golf
  • Handball

Banking Options

Having a variety of payment methods is crucial for any online casino who wants to stay on business for as long as Casino Sieger has. Now, I will tell you what withdrawal methods Casino Sieger has to offer to its gaming fans:
  • Bank Wire Transfer
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
The time which takes for withdrawal is in this list:
  • For E-Wallets, it takes from one to two business days
  • For bank transfers, it may take three to five business days
  • For cheques and credit cards isn’t offered
The deposit methods of Casino Sieger are these ones:
Euteller, Entercash, MasterCard, Neteller, Paysafe Card, Skrill, Trustly, Visa, Wire Transfer, Zimpler, Sofort Banking, SafetyPay, PassNGo, Bancontact/Mister Cash, Giropay, Przelewy24, MultiBanco.
Also, the banking options are available in one currency: the Euro.
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Casino Sieger Customer Support

The customer support team of Casino Sieger will help any player across the world, but the main focus would be to help the players from these countries:
  • Germany
  • Sweden
  • Norway
The support staff will be there to answer questions also in English, and you will be in a position to communicate with the support team via live chat and e-mail, which is great. You will have the opportunity to contact the staff every day of the week and any time of the day, which gives the players the notion that Casino Sieger definitely cares about them.
In a situation where the live chat perhaps isn't available at the time, there is one special section at the Casino Sieger website which I found to be extremely helpful. That is the FAQ or frequently asked questions where you will find a list of some common questions. I can tell you that particular section at Casino Sieger is there to answer the questions regarding:
  • Technical issues
  • Payment methods
  • Specifics of the promotions
To add, the customer support team was very friendly with me, and they always answered my every question like the professional they are.


You can set up the website on a couple of languages, and people who are able to speak the following languages can play games at the Casino Sieger website:
  • German
  • English
  • Swedish
  • Norwegian
  • Finnish

Mobile Compatibility

Being able to attract more players is a goal that every casino wants to keep fulfilling. Some players like to play their favourite online casino games from their homes, and some enjoy them on the go. Now, the players who have the following devices can play Casino Sieger games:
  • iPhone
  • Android smartphone
  • Tablet

They’re In The Business Really Long

Since its launch in the year 2009, Casino Sieger has been and stayed in the gaming business for quite a while. Casino Sieger received an insignificant amount of complaints, but all of them were not serious, so I can say with certainty that this online casino is pretty reliable given the fact that it didn’t have any major issues, even though the casino is present on the gaming market for quite a while.
The immediate and initial draw; I liked the simple, uncluttered layout of it. It’s rather plain-looking. I mean that in a positive way. Yes, since when has the word “plain” been a positive attribute? Well, there’s a lot to be said for plain. I like a good plate of spaghetti, but it doesn’t mean I want that kind of disarray on my casino website. is easy to navigate. It’s effortless to find what you want. It looks like it was designed by players for players. That would certainly be my presumption, anyway. It looks good on my mobile, too.
All in all, it’s a good place to while away the hours and enjoys solid entertainment.
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Turbo Casino 51 gratis spins + 100% bonus + 100 free spins

Turbo Casino 51 gratis spins + 100% bonus + 100 free spins

Turbo Casino Review & Gratis Spins
Grab 51 Free Spins Gratis when you sign up at Turbo Casino. Next, get 100 free spins and 100 EUR free money bonus after depositing. Only players from Netherlands, Luxembourg and Finland qyalify for this promotion. Have fun!
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Turbo Casino Review

Ready to kick your casino experience in a higher gear? Turbo Casino is definitely about having the most fun you can in the shortest time possible. Licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA), we will examine the casino in detail today.
What is that sets this operator apart from the rest? Is it its reputation or selection of gaming vendors? Perhaps, but even more importantly – it’s the user experience. We spent hours identifying potential flaws with the customer experience, but our research led us to conclude one thing.
Turbo Casino takes excellent care of its players. However, you should approach the casino with the idea that the brand is quite new, set up only on August 1, 2018. Therefore, this certainly means that there is a lot of room for improvement. We are here to help you see why this brand is a good choice and what can perhaps be improved.

Turbo Casino Welcome Bonus Package & Promotions

Turbo Casino’s interface is very easy on the eyes. You will be able to find every aspect of the gameplay in no time at all. As soon as you register, you will get the no deposit bonus which comes in the form of 51 free spins.
But that’s not all – you also get up to 100 spins when you make your first deposit. That deposit will be subject to a 100% bonus up to €151. That’s quite the whack you can pack there with a very modest initial investment on your part.
However, to confirm whether the bonus is really worth your while, you will need to look closer at the wagering requirements. In order to qualify, you will need to put down €10 which will be matched by 100%. You can deposit a maximum of €100.
You will have 30 days to play through your money – either on the slot or “other” games. For slots, that’s only 2 days, but you will have absolutely no trouble playing through them. There is a total wagering requirement 40x your bonus amount before you can cash any winnings.
So long as you stick with the T&C’s, you will find Turbo Casino to be very accommodating. Nevertheless, you need to keep in mind that any attempt to withdraw earlier results in an automatic loss of the funds.
If you need any assistance from customer support while playing through your bonus, you can rest assured that you will get the proper help right away. So far as the no deposit 50 free spins go, you can only claim as much as €100 as your total winnings.
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Other Promotions to Consider

It’s always a good idea to keep your eyes open for any new promotion. That’s why the casino will send you any seasonal or holiday offers as soon as they are put up on the website. Remember to check your email regularly to never miss on something cool.

Turbo Casino Security & Licenses

Turbo Casino focuses exclusively on operating as a remote gaming operator. Put simply, they are licensed by the Malta Gaming License (MGA) which gives them credibility in Europe. The website is completely secured from any interventions thanks to the comprehensive SSL offer that the casino runs to guarantee your funds are protected.
The website uses a GoDaddy SSL certification which allows it to keep your private date just that – private. Speaking of the security of the website, you won’t find any flashy banners or other security risks. Looking at the HTML code, we concluded that the website was properly coded, something you can see for yourself when you browse around without any problems.

Turbo Live Casino

Turbo Casino has chosen an interesting partner to power its live dealer games – NetEnt Games. NetEnt is the world’s leading developer for slot games, but as you can imagine they also have a very cool live portfolio. The available games include
  • Live Roulette
  • Blackjack Common Draw High
  • Live Blackjack Pro
  • Automatic Roulette Highroller
  • Live Blackjack
With a mix of table limits and opportunities to play as a high roller, it’s definitely worth checking out what Turbo Casino’s live vertical has displayed. We are sure that the games will grow and more live dealers will soon appear on the shopping windows of this operator.

Slot Games & Providers

There are two main categories for the slots here – video and classic (simply called “slots,” however). You will find fewer classic games, but they are worth your while. We have tested and determined that as long as you have a mobile device, you can enjoy these games on the go. Definitely a big plus for gamers who don’t get so much time to play, but more on that later.
In the meantime, it’s good to know that you will find such awesome titles as Rapid Reels, CashSplash 3 Reel, Classic Joker 5Reels, Wild Stars, Twin Joker, and many other awesome games.
If you move over to the video slots section, Turbo Casino will introduce you to some of the best Microgaming and NetEnt titles. Yes, these two studios provide the casino with the better part of the existing games. This is good – especially if you are a player looking to turn a profit while they play.
So long as you are registered, you will be able to experience the casino’s offer for free – no questions asked. However, for security reasons and to comply with its licensing, Turbo Casino expects you to have verified your identity.
Once again, you can expect to find HTML5-compatible games here.
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Mobile Compatibility

Speaking of HTML5, you probably know that this is indicative of being able to play from tablets and smartphones. The majority of vendors that provide games for Turbo Casino have adapted most of their titles for this tech. As a result, iOS users will have nothing to worry about in the slightest.
Other than that, we definitely can see room for improvement insofar as the mobile user interface is concerned. Browsing is a little clunky from a phone, but it’s completely fine in-game

Turbo Casino Payment & Withdrawal Methods

It’s always a good idea to check whether a casino can offer you enough payment options. All deposits are carried out instantly and so are withdrawals – although there could be a delay of up to 24 hours for the casino to make sure that everything is in check.
Some of the available payment methods include Credit Cards (Visa & MasterCard), Bank Transfer and e-Wallets, such as Skrill, Neteller & Zimpler, among others. Keep in mind that to carry out any financial operation at Turbo Casino, you will need to verify your identity by showing the necessary documents, such as a utility bill, a valid ID, a copy of your credit card oand a bank statement. Not all information is required, but some will be.
Make sure to comply with the process and you will be able to play at Turbo Casino before long. Need to confirm something specific about the payment options? We recommend that you drop by the customer support page and see what’s in for you there.

Customer Service

Mistakes do happen, but the good news is that they are very easy to solve at Turbo Casino. This is all made possible by the intuitive customer support options that you will find here. Whether you want to get in touch with the casino or just check things out on your own, you will definitely be happy with the level and quality of the helpline here.
Let’s start with the fact that you can read up on your own in the Q&A section. Not really sure if that’s something that you would really enjoy yourself? Well, there is no need to worry either, because if you can’t find your way in the Q&A, you will find the casino’s customer care agents available 24/7. You can get in touch by using one of the following methods:
We generally recommend going for live chat as it’s quick, a bit impersonal, and ultimately very effective. Sometimes you may be required to call – or get a call – to make sure that everything is in order. If you think your issue can wait a few hours, then you can perhaps drop a line at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) – this is a no rush customer care option that does the trick.
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Turbo Casino has a long way to go still and there is no mistaking that. However, the casino already displays the signs of a great online casino. In our own list of recommendations are things such as game variety, and perhaps a little more comprehensive bonus systems.
In terms of mobile execution, the casino can use a slight update in speed, but overall the results are very satisfactory. Looking to have a mighty good t
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Turbo Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Turbo Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Gratis Spins and Free Bonuses
Join Turbo Casino and receive 51 Free Spins Bonus Without Deposit! On top of that, get a 100% match bonus and 100 gratis spins on your 1st deposit. This promotion is available for all new players from the Netherlands, Finland, Andorra and Luxembourg.
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Turbo Casino Review

Turbo Casino is a modern online Casino owned and operated by Lux Entertainment Ltd, a big Casino name in Malta. They only came up with Turbo Casino in 2018, and in the few years of Operation, they can boast of many loyal customers. Currently, Turbo Casino is widespread in many European nations and features many Casino games on their platforms, provided by seasoned game developers such as Microgaming, Evolution Gaming, Amatic Industries, NetEnt, Stakelogic, and Big Time Gaming. Turbo Casino is licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority, which is an internationally recognized casino licensing organization that makes sure that players get fair treatment. However, there is a team of help desk experts working round the clock to help players whenever they are faced with a challenge.


Turbo Casino is a one-stop online Casino for exciting slot games. A good number of Slot games and video slots can be found. Some popular slots like Lucky bells, couch potato, hot neon, etc. are available for play on this casino and are provided by reputable game partners worldwide. Players can try the games for free without registering.

Table Games

Turbo Casino has an extensive collection of table games such as Casino Hold’em, Baccarat, Blackjacks. Roulette etc. Each of them has a good number of their variants. For example, several Roulette games have American Roulette, European Roulette, French Roulette, and many more.

Live Casino

This online Casino offers a live dealership function, which is now a trend among modern casinos. The live dealership is an avenue for online gamers to experience the real-world casino feeling right through the internet. Some of the live games include Roulette silver live, Blackjack gold live, Roulette Rapid live, etc.

Mobile Casino

Even though Turbo Casino doesn’t have a dedicated mobile app on the respective app stores now, it has a website that is developed to match the screen resolution and displays well on mobile devices. When you log in, the website will automatically adjust to meet the requirements of your smartphone devices.
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Customer Support

Turbo Casino has done well to provide adequate support agents to attend to players’ inquiries when they arise. These help desk agents work 24/7 to make sure that your challenges get treated swiftly. The first point of stop for you should be at the FAQ section, but there are other channels available to reach the agents: live chat, email ([email protected]), and phone number (+356 3550 5030). The live chat feature is the fastest.


The design of Turbo Casino is simple and professional. There are not many images that could be distractive, just the picture of a model, a table game, and some fruits. These images perfectly blend with the blue background color. The buttons are located toward the top left part of the screen, and thus it is not difficult to find your way back and forth at any point in time. The supported languages on this casino include English, German, Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish.


Turbo Casino is licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority, which is one of the foremost licensing authorities in the world. They ensure that online Casinos follow best practices and that players are treated fairly. Therefore, players do not have to be bothered about the credibility of Turbo Casino.


Turbo Casino supports multiple payment and withdrawal methods, including Neteller, MasterCard, Visa, Skrill, Paysafecard, Sofort, iDeal and Direct Bank Transfer. The speed of processing of payment varies from one platform to the other, but overall, your finds will be available in a couple of days.
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Turbo Casino is from Lux Entertainment Ltd, one of the largest Casino company from Malta. Turbo Casino came into existence in 2018, and its service cut across several countries in Europe. Within the few years of operation, they have built credibility, and coupled with the fact that they are involved in aggressive advertisement, their membership has grown by leaps and bounds, so they are one to reckon with today. They make use of simple graphics that are appealing to look at, and the functions are placed in an area where it is easy to locate. They collaborate with several gaming giants like Microgaming, Evolution Gaming, Amatic Industries, NetEnt, Stakelogic, and Big Time Gaming. No matter your taste for Casino games, you will find one that perfectly suits you on these online Casinos. Different types of slot games, table games, jackpots, and live dealership (that allows players to experience real-world casinos via the Internet) are available here. They also allow players to try any game for free; therefore, newbies can practice well before playing for real money. The supported languages include includes English, German, Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish. Since their maker is already a popular name in the Casino world and the Malta Gaming Authorities also license them, they are credible. Malta Gaming Authorities takes Casinos through rigorous vetting procedures to ensure that they abide by best practices. Players, therefore, need not worry about getting cheated. There is also a dedicated team of online representatives ready to attend to players’ challenges anytime they arise. Players can make inquiries through multiple channels such as email, live chat, and phone calls. The supported payment methods are Neteller, MasterCard, Visa, Skrill, Paysafecard, Sofort, iDeal, and Direct Bank Transfer.
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Eskimo Casino - 110 No Deposit Free Spins Bonus Code

Eskimo Casino - 110 No Deposit Free Spins Bonus Code

Eskimo Casino Review & Bonuses
Open your account with Eskimo Casino today and receive 10 No Deposit Free Spins! In addition, get 100 gratis spins and 100% up to 100 EUR welcome bonus on your first deposit! All players from The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Finland are welcome!
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Eskimo Casino Full Review

Launched in 2018, Eskimo Casino has been offering stellar games to players worldwide. The attractive theme is enjoyable and you will benefit from fast access to top games. This international casino features popular payment methods and offers extreme player protection as it holds a Malta license. Get ready to access the best slots online or take some time to try your luck at the table games, offered as standard or live dealer options.


Slots are the main attraction at Eskimo Casino and you will find games from top providers like NetEnt, Microgaming, and Amatic. With free and real money games offered, you have endless options. All games here ate tested for fairness and slots have an average RTP of 96%. If you like a classic game, there are plenty of these, but the focus is on the latest video slots. Enjoy amazing graphics and bonus features with titles like Girls with Guns, High Society, and Jack and the Beanstalk. As for jackpots, these are quite large at Eskimo and you can spin for the chance to win millions on games like Mega Moolah and Hall of Gods.

Table Games

Enjoy more than 40 amazing table and card games when you sign up for a player account. These games deliver a great experience and can be played for various bet amounts as well as for free! If you like baccarat, be sure to check out the many options supported or play some hands on the popular games like Red Dog Progressive or Casino Hold’em Poker.
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Live Casino

Want to play realistic games in real-time? Check out the live casino featured at Eskimo. Here, you can play top games from NetEnt and will enjoy many variations of blackjack, roulette, and poker. Games are streamed live from a land location and are only available for real money play. With live games, you can use strategies to enhance the chances of winning and will always have the ability to chat with players and dealers.

Mobile Casino

Many players are using a mobile device to engage in real money gambling and at Eskimo Casino, you will find a mobile-friendly platform offered. Any smartphone or tablet can be used to access the site and there are no apps required. The site offers access to all popular games and you can connect with customer support, manage accounts, and redeem promotions. We have tested the mobile site and games load quickly with no operating problems or lags.
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Customer Support

Customer support is available 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. The site provides live chat, which is our preferred method of contact. There is also email support that will offer a 24 hour response time or you can call the casino to speak directly with a trained support agent. All support services are offered in English.


At Eskimo Casino, you will enjoy a unique theme and a clutter-free design. You will be greeted by Eskimos in their igloos when you access the site and will find simple navigation menu options that will lead you to your favorite games and all casino services. The design used on the mobile platform offers the same user-friendly interface.


To ensure your protection and safety, this casino holds a license from the Government of Malta. Licensed casinos adhere to gambling laws and meet industry standards. We at CasinoBernie always urge players to only play at the licensed casinos we have listed to ensure their protection.
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All payments processed at Eskimo Casino are safe and secure and players will benefit from instant deposits and very fast withdrawals. The site offers popular methods that can be used to manage an account and players can view the options by visiting the cashier. When you are ready to play for real money, a deposit can be made using Visa, MasterCard, Trustly, Skrill, Neteller, Paysafecard, and bank transfers. A verification process will be required to be completed when players deposit a total of $2000 or more from the date of registration or within 180 days.

Responsible Gambling

Responsible Gaming is a focus at Eskimo Casino and the site takes all steps to ensure that no minors have access to real money games. Some tools can be used to set deposit and play limits. Those that have a problem with gambling can get links to resources that can assist with any gambling problem.
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Ready to play some of the best games online? Access instant play titles from Microgaming and NetEnt on your PC or mobile device at Eskimo Casino. This licensed site has been offering free and real money titles since 2018 and has become a top choice for gamblers globally. Featuring the most trusted banking options and superb 24-hour support, you will always have a positive experience. Create your new account to get started and see why Eskimo is one of CasinoBernie’s top choices.
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Eskimo Casino 10 gratis spins + 100% bonus + 100 free spins

Eskimo Casino 10 gratis spins + 100% bonus + 100 free spins

Eskimo Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Get 10 Gratis Spins to Eskimo Casino Online! This is a no deposit bonus for new players from the Netherlands, Finland, Luxembourg and Andorra! Also, enjoy a 100% match bonus (up to 100 EUR) and 100 extra spins after 1st deposit. No bonus code needed! No download games required!
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Software Provider & Casino Games

At the time of writing Eskimo Casino is powered by just a few online casino software providers and two of the most notable providers include Microgaming and NetEnt. This trusted Dutch online casino also has an ever-growing selection of online slots from a company called Amatic Industries, so if you’re looking to play on some of the most well-known online slots in the world and also on a portfolio of online slots that can’t be found at many other Dutch online casinos, then look no further than Eskimo Casino. The main game categories here include video slots, classic slots (fruit machine style slots), live casino games and regular table & card games.
Some of the most popular games that are being played here at the time of writing include MulitPlayer 4Player, Golden Joker, Book of Lords, Hot Fruit 40, NetEnt Live Roulette, Dead or Alive II and Joker Pro. There’s also Gonzo’s Quest, Bonanza, Wild Worlds, Turn Your Fortune, Fire & Ice, Classic Blackjack, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, Temple of Nudges and Flying Dutchman. You can also find major titles such as Jumanji, Starburst, Mega Moolah, Playboy, Motörhead, Dragonz, Jurassic Park, Game of Thrones, Terminator 2, Planet of the Apes and Vikings.

Desktop Casino Experience

Eskimo Casino is one of the coolest looking online casinos out there today, literally. Its unique winter theme has icy blue and white colours that are easy on the eye and in a way this makes the casino look clean, fresh and sharp. There’s no download option available here which means that you can play instantly in your web browser on any of the games. You can visit this casino using any decent Windows or Mac operating desktop or laptop computer and the website’s user-friendly design and layout means that you can pretty much find everything that you’re looking for right there on the homepage.
You just need to scroll down the page a little bit to find the games and here you can just click on the responsive buttons to filter the games by category. You can also use the useful game search engine to quickly find that games that you’re looking in no time at all. As soon as you start typing the name of the game in to the required field, the appropriate games will instantly appear for you. The only bad thing that we would say about this casino is that finding the jackpot games can prove a little annoying, unless you know the name of the game that you’re looking for because there’s no designated jackpot section. The live chat support feature is also only ever a click away and to get in touch with the team all you need to do is click on the button which is always located towards the bottom right hand side of the casino website.
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Mobile and Tablet Casino Experience

You can now play at Eskimo Mobile Casino from almost any smartphone or tablet device simply by typing the casino’s name into the website search engine on your handheld device. If you already have an account at the desktop version of Eskimo Casino then you can use those same login details to play at the mobile version of the casino. There are more than 350 mobile casino games to choose from and they all have fast-loading times. The user-friendly mobile casino interface is easy to use and the design is just as cool and inviting as the desktop version of the casino.
You don’t need to download any software onto your handset to play at Eskimo Mobile Casino. Just login and start playing. On all devices you can count on instantly loading games with sharp HD graphics, smooth animated sequences and responsive player controls. This impressive Dutch mobile casino caters to everyone from low rollers and high rollers and from newbies to seasoned pros and it has a unique range of gamers that can’t be found at many other Dutch mobile casinos. This is definitely the place to visit if you’re looking to play on a wide range of online slots and other mobile casino games from Amatic Industries, NetEnt and Microgaming.

Banking Options For Deposits and Withdrawals

The main online payment options that Dutch players can use to deposit and withdraw at Eskimo Casino include popular credit and debit cards such as Visa and Mastercard, plus several e-wallets are accepted, as well as prepaid cards, bank transfers and wire transfers. Examples of some of these alternative banking options that are currently accepted here include paysafecard, NETELLER, Skrill and iDeal.
The minimum deposit required for most of these methods is just €10 (apart from wire transfers which require at least a €30 deposit) and in recent times the deposit and withdrawal times have greatly improved which means that you can generally count on instant deposits and on withdrawals being processed in anywhere from just a couple of hours up to 48 hours. BitCoin and other cryptocurrencies are NOT yet accepted here.
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Final Words

If you’re looking for an online casino with 1,000 or more games from 15 to 20 individual software providers, then this isn’t the casino for you. However, if you’re happy with just playing on some of Microgaming and NetEnt’s best online casino games then this could be just the right kind of casino for you. Don’t forget that Eskimo Casino also has that unique portfolio of slots from Amatic Industries. This may not be your primary casino that you play at the most, but it’s one of those casinos that you will definitely keep on returning to when you sign up here, and we can definitely recommend checking it out at some point, especially if you’re looking for somewhere new to play .
The bonus system here is unique and different to most online casinos and the loyalty rewards program isn’t very clear either. However, you will get rewarded for your play if you keep on playing here frequently in the real money mode. There aren’t too many promotional offers to take part in either, so if it’s prize draws, slot tourneys or raffles that you’re looking for where you can win real world prizes such as the latest gadgets, cars and luxury vacations, then once again, perhaps this isn’t the casino for you. Definitely check it out though because you may end up loving this Dutch online casino more than any others that are featured on our website. And, if you enjoy playing here then you also need to check out Turbo Casino (known as Eskimo Casino’s little brother).
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Betsson Casino - Gratis Spins, Free Bonus, Free Bets, Promotions

Betsson Casino - Gratis Spins, Free Bonus, Free Bets, Promotions

Betsson Casino Exclusive Bonuses
Register account with Betsson Casino and claim 100, 200 or 600 free spins no deposit bonus. These no deposit offers are valid for players from Norway, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Canada, New Zealand, Poland, Peru, etc. Click on the promo link and check how many free spins you have won!
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Betsson Casino full review

Betsson Casino is well-known in the Nordics but outside this they are maybe not as recognised as the other big-ticket online casinos available to play on the internet, but it still provides a first-class service to its ever-growing base of happy and satisfied customers. Founded in Sweden, this online casino is currently based in Malta where it obtained a license to provide online gambling products in 2006.
The Betsson gambling company owns shares to fellow Swedish company Net Entertainment, one of the top casino game software providers in the world. The website also plays host to other leading names in the software industry such as Microgaming and Evolution Gaming.
You can take full advantage of the many exciting slot machine games and other timeless casino games that are available to play both online and on your mobile phone or tablet device. There are also plenty of rolling jackpots to try your luck at, meaning that you are always in with a chance of winning some seriously big money.

An expanding reputation

Although the name might not be as instantly recognizable as other online casino providers, Betsson is quickly gaining a strong reputation in in Europe. With a proud history that can be traced back to 1963, Swedish betting company Betsson is constantly on the move to expand and acquire business from its direct competitors, making it a force to be reckoned with in the online gambling trade.
In 2011, Betsson bought out all the shares of the Betsafe gambling group, expanding its customer base by a good few hundreds of thousands while also expanding its reach to UK based betting markets. The company also did business with a Chinese state-run betting company to establish a joint venture in online gaming operations within the country – making it one of few betting companies to successfully tap into the Chinese gambling market.
The Swedish gambling giants continue to venture into new markets around the world, ever-increasing its reputation as a seriously top quality online casino provider. To date, Betsson has acquired casino and betting brands across Scandinavia, The Netherlands and Georgia.
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A superb spread of slot machines

If it's amazing animations, quality graphics, and silky smooth slot machine gameplay that you're in the mood for, then this is the right online casino for you. The company makes sure of this by going to the likes of NetEnt, Microgaming and Evolution Gaming to get its software. With big names like that working behind the scenes, you are guaranteed to get full on entertainment value for your money.
As for the games themselves, you will be spoilt for choice with a wide selection of different slot machine styles and themes. There are new titles in the video slots section being added all the time as well as a solid selection of timeless classics.
All the important slot machine boxes are ticked, meaning that you can play a variety of 3-reel, 5-reel, 3D animated, classic and progressive jackpot slots. Some of the more popular slot machine games available on Betsson Casino are Mega Fortune, Glow, Starburst, Gonzo's Quest, and Hall of Gods.
Some of the more popular slot machines available to play on BetSpin include the groovalicious Disco Spins, the big-hitting Rugby Stars and the quite frankly weird Machine Gun Unicorn. But hey, whatever tickles your fancy.
As well as the well-known classics listed above – all of which you can find pretty much everywhere nowadays – there are also many slot machines which cater for more niche tastes. Embark on a voyage to the underwater abyss with Eye of the Kraken, enter into the magical realm of Merlin's Magic Respins or explore the wacky wonders of Wonky Wabbits.
You will also be treated to some slot machine reels inspired by the cinema reels with film-themed games such as Jurassic Park, Terminator 2 and Bruce Lee. You can also lay your claim to the Iron Throne with the hugely popular Microgaming designed Game of Throne theme.

Nice one by Betsson Casino

If you happen to get tired of all the great slot machines that Betsson Casino has to offer, then you can explore the many other casino related games available to play on the website. There is everything from casino table games such as roulette and blackjack to video poker and live casino.

Betsson Casino Payments

Even though the casino is run by Swedish operators in Malta, it is still perfectly easy and safe to make a payment to or from you account from any country they accept players from. There are ample payment methods available – including credit/debit cards, e-wallets, and prepaid vouchers – all of which are protected by the website's Verisign certified SSL encryption.
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Betsson Welcome Bonuses

Everyone loves a nice little welcome bonus and Betsson Casino has a pretty rewarding one available to new customers. The only problem is, the Betsson Casino welcome bonus is only available to new customers from certian countries.
The €200 bonus is structured as, deposit €100 and get 100% free. You would have to bet 35 times that amount before you would be able to withdraw any winnings. So, depending on which way you look at it, you might actually end up without the hassle of a hefty play-through target.
All customers of the site will be able to take advantage of some rewarding on-going promotions, all of which give you the chance to win anything from a few free spins on the slot machines to vouchers for electronic goodies worth up to €1,000.

Betsson mobile casino

If you fancy yourself a cheeky bit of casino action while you're out and about, you can do so with the excellent Betsson Casino mobile and tablet app. It's readily available to download for both Android smartphones and iOS iPhones and iPads and includes more or less all of the same fun casino features as the desktop version.
So kiss you thumbs for good luck and start spinning to your heart's content wherever you are in the world.

Good casino but where's the bonus?

For a betting company that doesn't get a lot of advertisement exposure (outside Scandanavia) compared to some other online gambling services, Betsson offers an adequately professional online casino service. The software runs smoothly and professionally, just like a truly big name casino site would, but you know that you will be getting a more personal and attentive service when it comes to customer support.
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Race Casino 100% welcome bonus and 100 free spins (PNP)

Race Casino 100% welcome bonus and 100 free spins (PNP)

Race Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Join Race Casino and play for free! As a new player, you will get 100% extra on first deposit, 10% cashback and 100 free spins! This casino offers Pay N Play (PNP) feature as well as register and play. The casino accepts players from many countries, including Finland and Sweden.
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Race Casino Review

It is always satisfying to see an established and trusted operator like L&L Europe launching a new gaming hangout, especially when they are known for their integrity and high level of player satisfaction. Thus, hearing that Race Casino has just opened its virtual doors had me in a mad dash to take my first tour of the gaming circuit. Built as a hybrid casino it will offer Pay N Play where possible and standard registration for all others, which means that players from most countries can sign up.
Players from select countries such as Finland and Sweden will be able to make use of the Pay N Play concept which allows them to deposit via Trustly and instantly start to play any of the games. No account registration as such is needed as Race Casino will create one in the background with details it receive from Trustly via secure data transmission. All others, can simply hit the Register button and sign up as usual. We strongly recommend to completing the KYC procedure at your earliest convenience to avoid any delays with withdrawals. Keeping in line with regulations, players might also go through Source of Wealth (SOW) and Source of Funds (SOF) checks at appropriate times.
As part of L&L Europe, Race Casino is offering the group-common games portfolio that includes all major and a number of smaller and upcoming studios. Altogether they combine to an exciting mix of slots, table games and live dealer tables that should ensure that everyone will find their favourites as well as new games to try for the first time. Also listed is a good range of Slingo (hybrid between slot and bingo) games, video pokers and lotteries. All live casino games are powered by NetEnt Live and Evolution Gaming.
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Race Casino Bonuses and Promotions

Before venturing out onto the casino circuit, make sure to claim your welcome bonus for the first deposit. Players from select countries including the United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and India will have their first deposit matched, putting them on pole position for a thrilling gaming experience (subject to change). Please note that wagering requirements, as well as bet and game restrictions, apply according to the bonus terms. Always read them carefully to avoid any disappointment.
The rewards and extras do not stop there. The casino group is known for it’s generous Cashback program that is available for all players. They will credit a 10% cashback for every lost bonus-free deposit. Worth noting is that any withdrawals will reduce or eliminate the available cashback. It can be easily claimed in the player account setting 24 hours after the qualifying deposit and will be instantly credited without any wagering requirements. And there is more. Race Casino offers daily, weekly and monthly tournaments where players compete for the top spots on the leader boards and extra prizes.
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While Trustly is at the forefront of payment methods, Race Casino offers a whole range of means to fund your casino accounts. Included are debit cards, credit cards (UK excluded), instant banking options, prepaid vouchers and mobile phone solutions. Withdrawals for Pay N Play customers are virtually instant or in minutes, with the transfer going back to their bank accounts. For all others, cashouts are processed daily including weekends and public holidays.
For any queries and questions, Race Casino is offering customer support via a range of channels. Email and onsite messages are answered throughout the day, including weekends. In turn, Live Chat and phone lines are open from 08:00 AM to 01:00 AM (CET) and manned with multi-lingual support agents. Plus, the website is currently available in three languages – English, Finnish and Swedish.
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Responsible Gaming

Race Casino is committed to delivering a fun and entertaining gaming experience while offering all tools for Responsible Gambling that will allow its players to stay in control of their spending on the site. A range of limits for deposits, session time and losses can be self-set or cool-off periods and self-exclusions activated. We strongly recommend making use of the provided options. The casino is also part of GAMSTOP for UK players and Spelpaus for Swedish customers.
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Betsson Casino Free Spins & No Deposit Bonus Codes

Betsson Casino Free Spins & No Deposit Bonus Codes

Betsson Casino free spins and welcome bonuses
Welcome to Betsson Casino Exclusive Bonus Page. Get 50, 100, 200 and even 600 free spins to play on Betsson's slots. This is a no deposit bonus for new players. Click on the link below to register and play for free.
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Betsson Bonuses per country

Rest of the World: 100% up to €100 + 101 Free Spins
Brazil: 100% up to R$400
Colombia: 100% up to US$100 or $100 000 + 50 FS on Starburst
Germany: 100% up to €200 + 200 FS on Book of Dead
Spain: Double your first deposit up to €200
Finland: 100% bonus up to 200 € + 600 FS
Iceland: 3 deposit offers and 150 FS
Mexico: 100% up to $100 on your first deposit
Norway: 200% up to 2000 NOK + 100 FS
Peru: 100% up to S/300
Poland: 200% up to 500 PLN + 200 FS in Gonzo’s Quest + 50 PLN Live Casino bonus!
Serbia: 100% up to €25
Sweden: Get up to 100 SEK extra on your first deposit


Games and Slots

At this casino, all players have a wide selection of games from many different providers. The classics from NetEnt like Jack Hammer, Immortal Romance to Microgaming and The Dark Knight Rises as well as games from WMS like Spartacus and many more are included in this popular online casino. At Betsson, customers can find classic and popular slots such as Cowboy Treasure, Jazz of New Orleans and Ring the Bells.
Betsson offers many different virtual table games as well as roulette games and cards. These include many variations of Caribbean Poker, Roulette and Blackjack as well as TXS Hold'em, Oasis Poker, Casino Hold'em, and Baccarat.
When it comes to video poker, customers can choose from 4 variants: Joker Wild, Jacks or Better, Deuces Wild, and All-American Poker. All poker variants can be played with up to 100 hands.
There is also a category called Other Games. This is for all customers who want to play something completely different. Games like bingo, bonus keno, scratch cards and many others are in this category.
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Live Dealer Games

For those who want to experience a bit of a gaming thrill, Betsson also offers live dealer games supported by Evolution Gaming. There, players can play blackjack, baccarat, or roulette, which is managed in real-time by a professional dealer. Talk about having a great casino experience! Cool!

Mobile Experience

Of course, the mobile version of the Casino is very important and that's why Betsson hasn’t forgotten that, and therefore has a great mobile version that can be used with any HTML5 compatible browser. It is available on all smart devices, namely tablets and smartphones. For iPhone owners, the application is available for download from the iStore.

Welcome Bonus

There are several bonus variations available at Betsson. It comes with a rewarding welcome bonus where you can get 100% up to €200 plus up to 600 free spins with a minimum deposit of €10. The bonus on the second deposit of at least €10 contains 50% up to €150 and the third deposit of at least €10 is 25% up to €150. With a minimum deposit of €200, you get 200 cash spins in the wonderful Starburst slot game.
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Support and Security

Betsson Casino truly values their customer service and considers it to be very important. Therefore, the live chat is available from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and during this period customers can ask anything they want and of course, get help when needed. Phone support is also available and you can get in touch by email too.
Betsson is a very reputable and secure casino, and understands the importance of personal data encryption. It has SSL encryption, which ensures that bank details, credit card numbers and other information are not given to third parties.
The SKL and TST random number generator at Betsson Casino ensures that the game is fair and guarantees security at the highest level.


Betsson online casino is really wonderful for everyone who wants to have some fun and also increase their chances of making money. The bonuses and the numerous promotions that this casino offers are responsible for this. The selection of games is enormous and suitable for every taste. So whether you prefer to sit in front of the computer or play exciting online casino games on the go with your smartphone, this trusted casino has you covered.
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