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GME - EndGame Part 2: Cohen, Market Cap, Potential Investors

Hello again folks. This is an extension of my DD last week in which I shared some research on short positions, GME’s debt, and some speculation on institutional investing. Since that post, GME is up 75% and there’s been lots of good bullish / bearish DD on the short term.
In this post, I’m going to cover 3 topics, focusing on the mid-to-long term prospects for GME: 1) Cohen, 2) GME’s market cap potential, and 3) potential investors that could continue to pile in.
TL:DR; You need to think about GME differently. Not as a trader. Not as an investor. You need to think like a venture capitalist. This is an unprecedented opportunity, and the first time I’ve gone all-in - I’m more bullish now than when the stock was trading sub $15. If you’re in GME you need to get in with conviction otherwise you’re going to lose by selling when it drops.

Quick aside - my history and positions:

I’ve been a passive investor for many years. This is literally the first time I’ve taken an interest in becoming an active investor. I opened an RH account in August to start speculating on GME. My first post called out some cheap lottery plays that took my speculating account from $5K - $20K in 3 weeks. I’ve since posted a few times on GME, even trying to tell you to buy the post-earnings dip, and added more to my active trading accounts. I’ve taken $10K -> $130K on RH and $230K -> $480K in IBKR since slowly adding to GME since September.
UPDATE: I have deleted my positions in this post - will explain why in my next post. I'm still holding.
All that being said, thus far I’ve been thinking about GME as a trade - trying to get in at the lowest cost I could for the maximum upside on a near-term exit, but I’ve switched completely into thinking of GME is a ridiculously asymmetric investment with massive potential in the next 2-3 year timeframe - even at $35. Even at $45, $50, $60. That’s why I added roughly 2500 shares on Friday at around $36 despite adding very cautiously when GME was below $20. I’m also completely all-in on RH with options (mostly deep ITM, a few fds) - $0 buying power left.
Grab a drink, sit down. Let me tell you why I’ve gotten more aggressive, and probably why you shouldn’t worry about what price you pay right now, as long as you’re willing to believe and hold.

About Cohen (and friends)

From the recent 8K about the board changes (which you should definitely read if you’re putting serious money in):
As part of the Agreement, RC Ventures has agreed to customary standstill provisions*, which provide that from the date of the Agreement until the earlier of (a) the date that is 30 calendar days prior to the deadline for the submission of director nominations by stockholders for the Company’s* 2022 annual meeting of stockholders and (b) the date that is 120 days prior to the first anniversary of the 2021 Annual Meeting (such period, the “Standstill Period”), RC Ventures will not, among other things: (i) acquire beneficial ownership in, or aggregate economic exposure to, directly or indirectly, more than 19.9% of the Company’s outstanding common stock; (ii) make any proposal for consideration by stockholders at any annual or special meeting of stockholders of the Company; (iii) make any offer or proposal with respect to any extraordinary transactions; or (iv) seek, alone or in concert with others, the appointment, election or removal of any directors in opposition to any recommendation of the Board, in each case as further described in the Agreement. As part of the Agreement, the Company has permitted RC Ventures to acquire, whether in a single transaction or multiple transactions from time to time, additional shares of the Company’s common stock to the extent such acquisitions would result in RC Ventures having beneficial ownership of less than 20.0% of the outstanding shares, without triggering the restrictions that would otherwise be imposed under Section 203 of the Delaware General Corporation Law (the “DGCL”), and RC Ventures has agreed that upon acquiring beneficial ownership 20.0% or more of the outstanding shares of the Company’s common stock, the restrictions under Section 203 of the DGCL would apply to a potential business combination with RC Ventures as an “interested stockholder” (as defined in Section 203 of the DGCL).
This is critical: This agreement was the result of a negotiation between Cohen and the existing board.
  1. After his activist letter calling out the board and then 13D buy after the earnings dip rocketed the stock up from 12 -> 20, it was clear to everyone that RC was the reason GME’s stock was heading up. The GME board was afraid of a hostile takeover / losing their jobs. This agreement allowed Cohen and 2 others on the board as long as he didn’t attempt a hostile takeover.
  2. Cohen wants it all. In the activist letter, he publicly said “no” to just one board seat. He then publicly bought more as soon as Sherman threatened a shelf offering to dilute him below 10%.
In addition to getting added to the board, Cohen brought along 2 execs who built Chewy with him:
He’s not fucking around folks. He wants to build another Chewy, and he’s bringing the people who helped him do it the first time to do it again.
As a result of the agreement, he’s limited to buying up to 20% of shares until 2022. Why not 13%? Simple - Cohen wants the option to buy more. He’s not happy with a single board seat; he’s not going to settle for simply getting added to the board; and he’s not going to settle for 13% ownership.
Also, remember that Alan and Jim have 💲 to buy in as well. I haven't seen their holdings yet. Their time is worth more than their money and they've already decided to put their time in.

Cohen is not an exec - he’s a founder with an all-in mentality

Go read this bloomberg Cohen interview to understand his mindset.
  1. Cohen himself is an all-in person. Key quote:
    1. “When I find things I have a lot of conviction in, I go all-in*.”*
    2. Cohen is a founder that has gone through the successful creation of a startup. When you are startup founder, most of your NW is tied to equity in your company. You are trained to have skin in the game. You’re not allowed to think you have a safety net. You give up years of your life and bet everything because you have to believe in what you’re doing. Founders typically have 30-50% ownership of their company.
    3. “Cohen uses the word “conviction” a lot. He says it’s something he learned from his father, who ran a glassware importing business in Montreal where Cohen grew up. “He taught me how to block the noise from the masses,” says Cohen. “To have a point of view and have conviction and not waver.”
  2. He only sold Chewy rather taking it to IPO because of his Dad’s health. He cut his entrepreneurial career short and he’s itching to get back in.
  3. Cohen sold Chewy for $3.35B, with estimates stating he personally walked away with about $600M after taxes.
  4. Cohen has a lot of capital to buy more. After selling Chewy, he went all-in on Apple & WFC, which as of June was up 40%.
    1. “ Cohen says his portfolio, when including dividends and a few other stock holdings, has returned more than 40% over the past 3 years, beating the market.”
    2. Aapl was his largest holding, and is up another 50% since June 5 when the Bloomberg article was published.
    3. Cohen lives in FL - with no income or capital gains for individuals, unlike other founders who live in CA which taxes all cap gains as ordinary income.
    4. I’m going to estimate his net worth (minus his GME holdings) is around $800M-$1B.
  5. Cohen’s 9,001,000 (it’s over 9000! 🐲🏐) shares have thus far been purchased at something like an average of $12/share, for a total investment of around $110M.
So Cohen has put in $110M out of his $1B into GME. Does that sound like he’s all-in? Absolutely fucking not. Cohen’s going to buy up to the max he can this year (20%), likely by selling some other holdings prior to cap gains tax law changes. He can add more next year after the standstill period is done.

What will lead to Cohen’s next purchase of GME

Thus far, every RC purchase has been about sending a message.
  1. Prior to Q3 earnings, his purchases were signaling an intent to the board that he was serious about wanting to get involved. He also rubbed it in their faces that the stock price was largely appreciating because of him. From the activist letter:
    1. “We recognize that the Board may feel it is insulated from stockholder scrutiny after adding new directors this past spring and seeing a recent stock price uptick (which only came on the heels of RC Ventures filing its 13D)” (what a fucking burn).
  2. If there was any doubt about RC’s impact on the stock price, it was put to rest after Q3’s earnings, where the current leadership’s hubris and threat of diluting RC led to a drop of almost 30%. RC then bought the dip, shoved it in their faces, and the market GME again rocketing GME to 20 in a massive post-earnings recovery. Message sent again - “The market wants me. Let me the fuck in.”
  3. Now that Cohen and the Chewy folks are on the board, he’s going to angle for CEO. He’s not looking to advise GME. He wants to go all-in, to run GME. He’s holding the optionality of buying more based on the success of his attempt to take over GME through non-hostile means.
If you see Cohen buy more GME, he’s sending another message. This time it’s because it’s clear to him he’s going to be CEO and wants to max his skin in the game. If you see Cohen buy, it’s “CEO talks going well” - you fucking buy.

GME’s market cap potential

  1. Cohen sees a $200BN+ total addressable market cap for gaming by 2023. For contrast, Chewy was playing in the pet food/supplies market, which has a total addressable market (TAM) of under $50BN annually. GME’s potential is at base 4x that of Chewy. This does not even account for the pc gaming hardware market, which is another $35BN+.
  2. Chewy’s market cap is $44BN on $6BN of annual revenue.
  3. Chewy’s Q3 quarterly income was up 45% YoY. While GME’s quarterly income was down YoY, its e-commerce revenue was up 257% trouncing Chewy’s growth rate.
  4. GME’s Q4 early sales preview reported 300% E-commerce growth and annual run-rate of $5BN
In other words, even if you give GME’s physical locations no value, GME’s ecommerce business is growing 5x faster than Chewy and already has 75% of online revenue.
Summary: Chewy is priced > 7X times its annual total revenue. GME is priced at .45 its annual ecommerce revenue, despite GME having 5-6 greater TAM and growing its ecommerce business 5X as fast Chewy.
What. The. Fuck.
I’ve never seen a stock more mispriced.
People talking about $100 price targets are suffering from a fucking lack of imagination.
Even if you completely discount
  1. GME’s physical business
  2. its rev sharing partnership with MSFT
  3. its 5x faster growth and 5x TAM
and give GME the same P/S multiple that Chewy has on its ecommerce business, that puts GME currently at a fair market cap above $35BN. That means GME should be at least $500/share.
In pictures:

Comparing Ecommerce Revenue vs Market cap on Chewy vs GME today

Showing what the fair market value Market Cap of GME would be with Chewy's P/S

Fair Market Value (using comps) of GME is at least $500/share.
$35/share is a fucking steal. Who cares about the short-term dips as shorts try to weasel themselves out of their positions. The market will eventually wake up to this sleeping beast. In a year you’re not going to care if you got in at 4, 12, 20, 35, or 50. You’re going to only care if you’re in or not.

Potential Investors

An asset is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it, right? So are the potential buyers of this growing company?
Here’s a list in decreasing order of likelihood.
  1. Elon (Least likely, completely improbable, but cataclysmic event). Elon hates shorts. Elon, with TSLA, went through the pain that GME is going through. TSLA almost went bankrupt because shorts were pushing the price down so it was difficult to raise the cash they needed to survive. Sound familiar? Elon’s wealth swings more in a day than GME is worth in entirety. Elon could buy all the fucking float of GME with what he makes in 8 hours. One call from fellow entrepreneur and aspiring twitter-meme-god would absolutely wreck the game.
    1. If you are short gamestop, you are one meme purchase by the richest man in the world away from a fucking cataclysmic event. "Hey son, I heard you like games. So I bought you gamestop. All of it." 🚀
  2. Buffett (More likely, still improbable). I’m actually amazed that while Buffett & co were lamenting that there are no interesting stocks to invest in and moving to cash, that they absolutely missed the boat on GME while it was at its lows. It’s a complete value play right up his alley (in a business he can understand). My only hypothesis here is that the market cap is too small and he could not make a meaningful investment. Once GME grows to a more respectable market cap ($10b+) I can see Buffett stepping in and making an investment.
  3. Cohen’s connections. (Highly likely if Cohen is CEO). This is the big one. And I mean absolutely nail in the coffin re-pricing of GME for the foreseeable future. Go read this Harvard Business Review piece on Cohen specifically on how Cohen puts importance on raising money and the people that backed him.
    1. Look, I’ve started a startup before in the valley (unsuccessfully unfortunately). However, you don’t start a company without making a shit-ton of venture capitalist & angel investor connections. Cohen has stated that when pitching Chewy he was rejected by over 100 investors. I can absolutely-fucking-guarantee you that every single one of them remembers their mistake and would not miss the opportunity to invest in Cohen again. And don’t forget all of the investors who DID invest with Cohen and reaped the benefits with Chewy. While venture capitalists don’t generally make investments in public equities, this is a truly unique situation. Cohen is treating this like a rebirth, a new venture bootstrapped from GME’s bones. If VCs as a firm will not invest, you can bet your ass that those individuals will throw their personal money at Cohen. However this only happens if he’s CEO. As soon as he’s CEO, a single long weekend trip to the valley might mean 100+ investor meetings with the strategic pitch.
      1. My biggest fear here is that VCs/PE band to take the company private at some small multiple (2-3x) and then reap the benefits while Cohen turns the company around only to re-list it to us 5 years down the road at 30X the valuation.
    2. Thus far, it’s been us retail retards vs the wall street shorts. HFs shorting this thing have the advantage in both tactics and capital. However, if Silicon Valley money starts pouring money into this the game is over. You cannot believe the amount of money that gets thrown into startups with 90% of it burning up into thin air. $3B market cap? That’s nothing. Folks with Silicon Valley money & risk tolerance would have no problem betting on a serial entrepreneur making something amazing out of a company that already has a customer base, revenue, distribution - all in the same business (e-commerce) the entrepreneur already proved themselves in.
  4. You, and every other retard that believes. Look, this was my point at the beginning. You need to think like a VC here. VCs are the ultimate YOLO autists making million dollar bets and not seeing a penny of it for years. They are the ultimate 💎✋🤚. You need to decide if you have conviction for the long term and then buy in. 💎✋🤚 doesn’t mean selling at $100. It doesn’t means selling at $200. It means not selling at all this year no matter the price, and at least until you learn for sure whether Cohen is the new CEO. It means believing so hard that you 20-100X your investment in 2 years when the market wakes up to the ridiculous mispricing.
    1. Remember that if Cohen is elected CEO he can (and likely will) buy more than a 20% stake in 2022.
    2. Remember Buffett’s actual quote: "The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient."
I’ve put every dollar I can into shares in IBKR, minus some April calls. I hold no covered calls except for some call spreads I had in RH prior to recent bump. I have April calls because I will put more cash into GME after taxes are done, and I know much cash I have to use. Calls let me cap the price I would have to pay now.
This is personal research. Do your own DD.
A wiser investor than me gave the advice of “Don’t aim to maximise profit, minimize regret.” If you’re not in GME yet, ask yourself how you would truly feel if what everyone here is saying panned out to be true, and you weren’t participating.
Oh, and of course: 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Update 1: I'm still holding today, but I realized I made a pretty big mistake on the ecommerce revenue analysis. GME's 2019 e-commerce revenue was 1.35B (not 1.35B for the quarter), so divide my price target by 4 - $125/share or $8B market cap.
submitted by FatAspirations to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Minerco, Inc. ($MINE) full in-depth DD

Hi all,
Last week I brought you my DD for Greene Concepts, Inc. ($INKW), which shot up +122% the day after I posted. Since then, it has experienced a healthy pullback only to ramp up again to close today around +104% (I hope those of you who decided to invest have been profitable). Just yesterday they announced completion of a $2.875 million funding transaction that will allow the company to continue expansion efforts and the continued expedited growth of the Be Water™ brand. So, great news!
Anyway, moving onto MINERCO, Inc. (The Magic Mushroom Company)
(NOTE: As always, I encourage you to do your own reading as well and stick with current facts. Do not be misled one way or the other, whether bearish or bullish; simply do your own DD and decide for yourself what you would like to invest in. Additionally, don’t ever invest more than you can afford
Additionally, I tried posting this last night but it got auto-removed. Since then, we've seen a jump this morning with healthy pullback as suspected)
Minerco, Inc.
Ticker: $MINE
Sector(s): **Healthcare (**and Consumer Defensive)
Industry: Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic
Location: May Pen, Clarendon, Jamaica
CEO: Julius Jenge
President: Paul Hoonjan (CEO of Lazurus Hollistic, a 3 year old cannabis company based out of Runaway Bay in Jamaica)
Website: https://www.minercoinc.com/
Current Price (Closing 2021-02-09): $0.0158 / share +0.0106 (203.85%) ⬆

About the Company

From their website:
Minerco, Inc. (OTC: MINE), is the world’s first publicly traded company specializing in growing, research, production and distribution of psilocybin mushrooms and marketing worldwide*. In addition,* Minerco seeks to acquire and invest in CBD operating companies’ extraction, edibles, topical, white label products etc.
In addition to dealing with psychedelics and cannabis…
Though cannabis and psilocybin are legal in some areas, and decriminalized in others, they are still classified as Schedule 1’s federally (USA). This presents a challenge for individuals and merchants accepting debit and credit cards at point of sales. MINE is developing a platform to integrate blockchain with your debit card*. MINE established our own token “SHRU” which is currently on seven blockchain exchanges and are expanding to twelve by the end of the first quarter of 2021.”*

About the Industry

There are 3 markets at play here: 1) Psychedelics, 2) Cannabis, and 3) Fintech (CRYP.TO). These are three of the HOTTEST markets right now (aside from Biotech which has been absolutely booming within the last 3-6 months). Here’s some market research info about each of these areas:
According to a report from Data Bridge Market Research, cited in the link below, the psychedelics drug market:
· “…is growing with a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 16.3% in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027 and expected to reach USD 6,859.95 million by 2027*, from USD 2,077.90 million in 2019."*
· “… psychedelic drugs are used to enhance or change sensory perceptions, energy levels, thought processes, and to facilitate spiritual experiences…These drugs are used in the treatment of major depressive disorder, treatment-resistant depression, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and opiate addiction among others.”
· “Psychedelic drugs market has increased with increased number of psychedelic drugs as compared to the past few years and increasing prevalence of depression and mental disorders in the U.S*”*
· “Growing acceptance of psychedelic drugs for treating depression is also increasing market value as the psychedelic drugs has repetitively proven its high rates of effectiveness for treatment for nicotine dependence, alcohol dependence, anxiety associated terminal illness and chronic PTSD as compared to other antidepressants”

According to a report from Grand View Research:
· “The global legal marijuana market is valued at USD 17.7 billion in 2019 and is expected to expand at a significant CAGR of 18.1% over the forecast period (2020-2027)”
· “The rise in the legalization of marijuana in various countries is one of the key factors driving market growth
· “Medical marijuana is used for the treatment of chronic conditions, such as cancer, arthritis, and neurological conditions, such as anxiety, depression, epilepsy, and Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease*. Such a wide scope of application is anticipated to bode well for the product demand.*”
· “The legal marijuana business is creating jobs and opportunities with around 9,397 licenses in the U.S., including cultivators, manufacturers, dispensaries, and deliverers and labs. Owing to these factors, the legalization of cannabis has led to an increase in its demand in these countries and eventually eroding the black market.
· “Through the legalization of recreational cannabis, governments are trying to eradicate the black market and focusing on gaining a substantial amount of tax revenues levied on the sale of these products
· “As the number of countries legalizing medical cannabis and its applications is increasing, the market is expected to witness robust growth in the forthcoming years*.”*

According to Fortune Business Insights:
· “In 2019, the global market was USD 754.0 Mn, and it is anticipated to reach USD 1,758.0 Mn by 2027*, reflecting a* CAGR of 11.2% during the forecast period from 2020 to 2027.”
· “The popularity of virtual or digital currency such as Bitcoins, Litecoins, Ethers, and many more are expected to drive the market in the forthcoming years.
· “Financial disaster is a major issue occurring in traditional banking and the financial sector. Financial uncertainty disturbs the economy by dropping the value of the currency. With Bitcoins or other cryp.tocurrencies, there is no major effect of the financial crisis on it as its value is balanced universally. Cryp.tocurrencies are better options in financial uncertainty for the regions with unstable economical structure, which is becoming a major market driving factor for the market.
Most of us are aware of why and how big these markets are, but it is worth mentioning with relation to Minerco’s strategy here.


Based on what I could find, they are in the development phase and will begin production this year. In terms of profitability, it naturally follows that they are not at breakeven yet. The business model is mainly B2B (and some C) with an exit strategy being that “a major market-player demonstrates strong interest in buying the company”. In my opinion, this would most likely be exercised once they have generated revenue and proven to be profitable for several quarters / years.
Minerco, Inc. ($MINE) had hired EQUIDAM SOFTWARE last month to create a business valuation. This information comes from a press release plus the generated valuation document. EQUIDAM can either be used by an individual to generate the financial projections, or you can tap into their dedicated team of financial analysts (who have to be HIRED). Based on the verbiage they used stating that they “hired” EQUIDAM, I assume the information is vetted to a certain extent. I can only have faith here and take their word for it.
Using EQUIDAM, they created a “business valuation using 3 methods: IPEV (International Private Equity Valuation), DCF (Discounted Cash Flow) with LTG (Long Term Growth) and DCF with multiples model including the TV (Terminal Value) method. Minerco's Valuation report list IPEV at $297M, LTG AT $193M and DCF TV AT $1B”. Yes, 1 BILLION.
Now, I’m not sure how I feel about HOW such a generous pre-money valuation was calculated…oh well I’ll assume it’s correct. Either way it hasn't affected my sentiment toward investing.
If we looked at the current number of outstanding shares (13.04 billion) and multiplied by the current share price ($0.0158) we get a market cap of $206 million, so there’s still some room to grow per this valuation. Moving on.

Projections of EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization):
01/2021 – 12/2021
01/2022 – 12/2022
01/2023 – 12/2023


Pre-December 2019 (Old Company(s))

These may have been the old versions of Minerco that many of the investment and Reddit OGs remember. Different company(s). The one(s) that many remember as a P&D. This was a beverage company that operated via the same ticker $MINE, but is distinct and SEPARATE FROM TODAY’S Minerco, Inc. We all know that Tickers can change ownership so that’s fine. Here’s the old company’s blurb:
Minerco Resources, Inc., through its subsidiary Athena Brands, Inc. (Athena), is engaged in beverage business. Athena is a specialty beverage company, which develops, produces, markets and distributes a diversified portfolio of good-for-you consumer brands. Its brands include VitaminFIZZ, Vitamin Creamer, COFFEE BOOST and The Herbal Collection. Athena also owns a majority interest in Avanzar, a sales and distribution company located in Brea, California
Athena Brands seems to be inactive according to its FB: https://www.facebook.com/AthenaBrandsInc/
The CEO and Chairman of both Minerco Resources (again, the old company) is/was V. Scott Vanis and at one point Milton Murcia (no info on him). Scott Vanis has an inactive LinkedIn profile (you’re free to look it up), which hasn’t been updated in ages (hence the dates not changing), just like the old Organization page on LinkedIn:
Notice this was categorized as an Oil & Energy company. Who knows how many times this ticker ($MINE) has changed hands and was used by different companies.
Either way, based on this information and recent activity it is apparent that the new Minerco, Inc. aka TODAY’s company (2020-Present) is a distinct entity operating under the same ticker. Not only is the industry and targeted market different, the CEO and President are different people.

Accomplishments in 2019-2020

From 2019-2020 alone, the following has happened with Minerco, Inc. ($MINE):
  1. December 2019: Company has been acquired by a specialized investment firm, and entered into the psilocybin "Magic Mushrooms" market. The $MINE Ticker is backronym’d to fit the new direction of operations
(Mushrooms InterNational Enterprises, or MINE).

2) January 17, 2020: Completed acquisition of 12-acre parcel of land in Jamaica for relocation and production facility. This will be where they will create and build the largest psilocybin operation in North America, and are expecting it to produce upwards of 10,000 kilos annually for export to licensed countries/states. Jamaica “…does not have any laws labeling magic mushrooms as illicit drugs. In fact, Jamaica is at the forefront in furthering research into the healing powers of magic mushrooms and how they can be safely applied towards medicinal purposes. This, following the launch of the world's first magic mushroom research center, located at the University of the West Indies in Mona, Jamaica.
(Trivia: did you know Jamaica and Brazil are the only 2 countries where Psilocybin is fully legal? They are able to freely export easily without going over US airspace)

3) October 22, 2020: Announcement that they have developed a Shroom Blockchain token (SHRU, on the ETH platform) for Shroom investment, and to raise additional capital for their Jamaica project. As mentioned earlier, the strategy here was to circumvent the fact that psychedelics are still classified as Schedule 1’s federally (USA), by creating an alternate avenue for sales. This will allow dispensaries to accept Debit Card purchases for psilocybin (and cannabis) even though it is federally illegal.

4) December 14, 2020: Minerco’s SHRU token gets approval to launch on 7 Blockchain exchanges: Bitcratic, ForkDelta, EtherDelta, Bamboolay, SwitchDex, SaturnDex, and McAfee.

5) December 17, 2020: Cleaned up $MINE financials (ongoing, due to previous owners) and OTC listing. Retained SEC registered Crowd Fund platform for capital raise. “Upon raising funds, MINE has 4 key strategies targeted with funds.
a) Acquire and Retire Toxic Debt to create a stronger and stable balance sheet*.*
b) Acquire equipment needed to produce 1m psilocybin tablets daily to be sold to wholesale purchasers in Oregon, Vermont, domestically and Jamaica, Amsterdam, Canada globally.
c) Establish cash collateral reserves for MINE'S blockchain gateway and token SHRU*. This cash collateral will spring board SHRU token onto the top Exchanges worldwide.*
d) Acquire and renovate properties for Production and lease in Oregon, Vermont, Jamaica*.”*

6) December 20, 2020: Minerco, Inc. and Anything Technologies Media host the world’s first “Shroom Zoom” (meet and greet with company + viewing and discussion of CNN’s “Psychedelic Healing” special)

7) December 21, 2020: Minerco, Inc. the Magic Mushroom Company Gains Acceptance in Psychedelic Invest Index made up of 20 companies listed (Nasdaq, AQL, CNX, and OTC are exchanges representing the collectives in the industry)

8) December 28, 2020 (originally reported): EQUIDAM Software hired for Pre-Money Business Valuation

News in 2021

After a relatively busy 2020 with planning and implementing a strategy in the middle of a global pandemic, Minerco’s news streak continues in 2021 as follows:
  1. January 4, 2021: Minerco, Inc. signs a joint venture letter of intent (LOI) with Jamaican Firm Lazurus Holistic (CEO Paul Hoonjan) to grow, process, and extract psilocybin and cannabis for export to Canada and Europe

2) January 11, 2021: Paul Hoonjan (CEO of Lazurus Holistic) is appointed as the President of Minerco, Inc. ($MINE)
Hoonjan brings extensive experience, notably in the development and management of strategic opportunities, corporate alliances and bringing therapeutic products to market.
For almost 6 years, Hoonjan has overseen Cannabis and Mushroom development in Runaway Bay, Jamaica managing international client base. Hoonjan's expertise in shipping, contracting, negotiating, labor development, and building supply lines will reinforce Minerco's leadership in the emerging market.”

3) January 24, 2021: Minerco, Inc. hosts Sankofa Shareholder and Vision Summit.

Upcoming company plans for 2021

These plans are as stated by Paul Hoonjan himself during the January 24th 2021 Shareholder summit, which he is confident will be met:
  1. Start February 2021: Begin Capital Raise of $5M
  2. Start February 2021: Pilot Production of psilocybin and cannabis once they finalize partnership between Minerco, Inc. and Lazurus (in February 2021) in the form of a SPV or SPAC
  3. Complete by April 2021: Payment Gateway available for SHRU on Apple and Android
  4. Complete by May 2021: Finish Capital Raise of $5M
  5. Complete by July 2021: Jamaica Expansion / US Office. Also will begin producing their microdose tablets (microdots) during this month, from the raw products produced from February 2021. Paul is cited as saying that they can produce 4,480 microdots for every pound of mushroom. This amounts to an approximate $21,000 of revenue per pound of mushroom
  6. Start August 2021: GENERATE REVENUE

Source (I recommend starting at 57:15 for Paul’s segment, and if you wish to skip over what some consider the “airy-fairy” side of being into psychedelics i.e. meditation, visions boards etc.):

External Catalysts

Pretty much any positive news (or research) pertaining to legalization of cannabis and/or psychedelics, along with increased positive sentiment towards cryp.tocurrencies (this covers the 3 markets Minerco, Inc. is operating within).
For example …

My Thoughts

Minerco, Inc. is venturing into an industry that has a few small key players (think NUMI, TRIP, MMED etc). With respect to psychedelics specifically, the “Shroom Boom” has just gotten started after an exciting 2H 2020. I am optimistic of their growth in this area based on their location (strategically placed in a legalized Jamaica), and impressed by the idea of leveraging cryp.to to circumvent any purchase barriers that some businesses or customers could have in their country.
Whoever is taking care of their PR and timing the releases, has been doing an excellent job. Everything has been timed so well to keep bumping the stock up, which has increased over 900% in the last 1.5 weeks alone (though it was somewhat steadily hovering between 0.0015-0.002 for some time). I’m expecting a healthy pullback soon (no guarantee), which I would plan on holding through anyway. As far as I am concerned, this is the ground floor for this company and as long as they keep up the steady growth, they have the potential to be a pretty decent contender in the market. Note that I am not considering fundamentals since they are pre-money. What I’ve observed in my time investing, is that the market has become so detached from fundamentals that big institutions themselves are coming around to “market sentiment” being a bigger factor than fundamentals alone (think TESLA crushing valuations and absolutely MOONING above all expectations through 2020). Of course this applies to some securities more than others.
My feeling is that Paul Hoonjan comes across as a competent President that can steer this company in the right direction. What I love most, as “airy” as they can be in the first 20-30 minutes, are the opportunities to join Zoom calls with the company. That is face-time with shareholders that many companies don’t bother to have. For me, that is valuable since I want to know who I am dealing with. When we invest, we either invest in the product, the people, or both. Paul seems very confident that they can meet all their goals this year, and as a shareholder that brings me relief and a sense of excitement for what is outlined and on the horizon for 2021 (and beyond). I am not only investing in my conviction that psychedelics, cannabis, and cryp.to will continue to grow, but also in the Minerco, Inc. team.

Two things I’d like to address before I wrap this up. There was one Reddit user in particular that was on a rampage to tear this company and call it a scam on a recent post, without any evidence. I could’ve sworn I saw this user post 10 times in the same thread. There wasn’t any evidence to point to their claims, other than perhaps the practices of the OLD COMPANY BEFORE ACQUISITION. It also didn’t help that they were very upset about investing $10…
Earlier today, I had a back and forth with another Reddit user who was also making accusations against the company. In my post I posted a screenshot of the shareholder call slides, which lead to them accusing me of misleading others. How can I mislead someone by literally reposting news? This user stated that Minerco, Inc. lied about partnering with Mydecine in a press release, and proceeded to call them a scam company. I scoured for references online and realized that they were most likely referring to the following article related to the partnership between Minerco, Inc. and Lazurus (which is very real and verified by the presence of Paul Hoonjan):
In it, Mydecine is cited once in PASSING “Lazurus Holisitic, an expert in mycelium, recently completed their first export of Psilocybin mushrooms to Mydecine Innovations Group Inc. in Canada”. To me, it is easy to understand that they are not alluding to any partnership or transaction between Mydecine and Minerco, Inc.
(said user realized their mistake in mis-reading, and deleted their earlier comments to me)

All of that to say, please consider being responsible with the information you put out there. Everything I’ve outlined above (aside from my thoughts) is public information and available online. I’ve simply compiled it so it’s easier to digest; should you go looking for it online, it is easily accessible to you. Ultimately, you decide what you want to do with the information. However I ask that for any stock, you don’t make accusations or assertions (positive or negative) that are not backed by facts. It’s just as bad to fan euphoria with no facts aside from posting “OMG THIS IS HITTING $1 TOMORROW BETTER BUY NOW STUPID BEARS!” on a forum. You not only hurt the company in the process, but you also hurt fellow shareholders.

Of course, this is not financial advice and I am no professional. Ultimately, it is up to you what you would like to invest in. Always invest responsibly and if you decide to do so, ensure that you aren’t taking on greater debt. Always make your own informed decisions. Hopefully this DD has at least provided you with some clarity and a wealth of information regarding Minerco, Inc. ($MINE)
GLTA; I wish that your families are well in this time and your (net) trades forever remain profitable.

My current position 1,000,000 shares @ $0.002. For me, this is a BUY AND HOLD
submitted by beardedkingface to pennystocks [link] [comments]

GME Tribe: A Story About How Ryan Cohen is About to Kick Down Sherman's Door and Drink His Milkshake 🚀🚀🚀

Come gather ‘round GME management wherever you roam. And admit that the waters around you have grown and accept it that soon you’ll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you is worth saving, then you better start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone, for the times they are a-changin’.
Story time for the GME crew. All those who are certain tHis iS bLoCkBusTer or the paper hands that sold yesterday can just keep scrolling. We wish you the best of luck in the best of all possible worlds: this one, dear Pangloss.
**I’ve tried to submit this three times now and the moderators keep rejecting it. Maybe because I use too many naughty words? I guess I’ll try to clean that up a bit, which runs counter to all my instincts.
Did we have a good day Wednesday after that Q3 call? No, we did not. Do you know who lost over $20M (at least on paper) yesterday? Mr. Ryan Cohen. How do you think he felt about that CC and that inexplicable shelf registration that is, as one stocktwits commentator put it, a “poor man’s poison pill” and as obvious of a FU to Cohen and shareholders that the Board could have possibly designed? Do you think he was happy to see that?
I think he was thrilled to see it.
And now I’m going to tell you why.
This is a long post, so I’m going to give the TL/DR sum up for you Paste Eating Rocket Kids, and this will serve as a warning that there are, in fact, a lot of words that you may choose to read or not. So if I still see one goddamn comment about this being a lot of words and where’s the rockets maaaaan, I might just transport myself through this internet connection and [removed to satisfy the delicate sensibilities of the robot moderators].
So here’s the TL/DR: I believe that Cohen is executing a plan to take out the GME Board. And I think that Sherman just walked right into Cohen’s trap because he’s a dumb, selfish Boomer with a huge ego and a Broken Brain. And Cohen is going to be a legend because of it after he executes this plan, triggers the MOASS, and takes control of GME to convert it to a tech-first gaming juggernaut.
Now, if you’re in on this GME shit, you likely know the outlines of the story here. But here’s a good link to refresh your memory about why we’re all here:
And for further background, my recent post about the battle here between George Sherman, out-of-touch Hired Gun B&M Boomer CEO with the Boomer-est of all possible Boomer names, and Ryan Cohen, Boy Genius, Actual Good Guy, and Man With The Chewy-fication Plan: https://www.reddit.com/wallstreetbets/comments/k9apx5/gme_q3_call_thoughts_on_the_clash_between_cohen/
So: are we ready to start READING and THINKING, children? Good.
Now what were you doing in the summer of 2020? I don’t give a shit what you were doing. But I do give a shit about what Ryan Cohen was doing. And there is a decent amount of evidence that Ryan Cohen spent the summer of 2020 hiring a bad ass lawyer and crafting a pretty solid plan to wrest control of a struggling Mall-based gaming retailer from its out of touch Boomer Board and CEO so he can turn it into an ecommerce juggernaut like his baby Chewy. And I think we are about to enter the next phase of that plan here shortly.
But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s first all get acquainted with Christopher P. Davis, Esquire, the attorney listed on each of the 13Ds filed by RC Ventures.
Chris Davis, Activist Attorney Extraordinaire and His Successful Use of the Consent Solicitation to Remove Dipshit Boards/CEOs
To cut to the chase, Chris Davis (who is definitely NOT the same dude playing first base for the Orioles) is a badass NYC attorney recently recognized as one of the nation’s premier shareholder activist lawyers. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/kleinberg-kaplan-partner-chris-davis-recognized-by-chambers-usa-as-leading-shareholder-activist-lawyer-301090571.html.
So what was Chris Davis doing in the summer of 2020? So glad you asked. He was celebrating a major win he helped engineer on behalf of a “first time activist Michael Gorzynski” for a wholesale replacement of the sitting Board at HC2 Holdings, Inc (sounds fancy). He helped engineer this takeover via a “high stakes consent solicitation rather than the more typical proxy contest.”
Learn more about this here: https://www.kkwc.com/insights/kleinberg-kaplan-advises-mg-capital-management-in-its-consent-solicitation-and-successful-settlement-with-hc2-holdings/
Here’s a few more links if you care to learn more about that and how it all went down (spoiler alert: the activists settled for two seats on the Board and then the new Board very quickly ousted the dipshit Boomer CEO, Phil Falcone)
In sum: if you look into Chris Davis, you can see that this guy is dialed the fuck in and knows how to get activist shareholders a win—even in very challenging circumstances.
The Summer of ’20 Out-of-the-Blue Boy Genius Media Campaign and Cohen’s 13D Filing in August
I’m going to return to the “consent solicitation” thing at the bottom and why I think it matters here, but I don’t want to lose momentum on the timeline and evidence. And the consent solicitation is Advanced Level Shit that I barely understand anyway. But I think it’s likely to be goddamn important so I’ll get to it.
Now, where were we? Oh yes, the inexplicable media campaign.
RC Ventures files its 13D on August 18th announcing that Ryan Cohen is now the proud owner of 5.8M shares or 9% (later increased to 9.8%) of That Cluttered Video Game Geekery You Used to Pass on Your Way to Jamba Juice or Wherever People Go in Malls. Uh, ok man. But then this is when the SP of this Future Blockbuster™ starts its real run as more catch on that Cohen has taken a huge stake and that is also part of the portfolio of Mr. Big Short himself and a bunch of institutions and they actually have cash and are definitely not going bankrupt and oh have you heard about the insane short percentage of float and the upcoming console cycle that invariably corresponds to a sharp spike in SP? Well have you? But to return to the point: RC was and is the largest shareholder.
But prior to the date Cohen filed his 13D, there is a renewed media campaign focused on Ryan Cohen, Ecommerce Billionaire Genius who built Chewy, kicked Amazon’s ass, and then sold it for $3.35B way back in the heady mask-free days of ‘17. Why the sudden re-emergence of Mr. Cohen in the summer of 2020 in such a prominent way with this glowing media campaign about a guy who sold a very successful pet supply business over three years ago? Fawning media exposure like that doesn’t just happen (or not usually). It’s engineered. Or, more charitably, helped along by people who know people and can introduce those people to Interesting Topics to Write About. And my guess is that Chris Davis, bad ass activist attorney based in New York City, Knows People and had a little something to do with it.
Here are the links to all of the glowing media pieces starting in the summer of 2020 (all absolutely worth a read to get to know who this guy is and what makes him tick):
June 5 (Bloomberg) https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-05/chewy-founder-cashes-out-bets-on-apple-wells-fargo
August 4 (CNBC) https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/04/chewy-co-founder-ryan-cohen-this-is-the-side-hustle-id-start-now.html
August 16 (Forbes) https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackfriedman/2020/08/16/entrepreneur-chewy-founder-ryan-cohen-shares-his-best-advice/?sh=41e1370e5840
October 15 (Business Insider) https://www.businessinsider.com/chewy-ryan-cohen-warren-buffett-lessons-apple-investment-2020-10
And a lot of the speculation I’m wheeling and dealing here was introduced by our man Justin Dopierala at Seeking Alpha way back in a September article not too long after the 13D filings: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4373819-gamestop-chewys-founder-ryan-cohen-finds-whats-next
But for now let’s “put a pin” on Mr. Dopierala, as George Sherman or some other Corporate Robot Dipshit might say, as he will be important to the story here again soon.
The November 16th “F U Old Man” Letter
If you haven’t read this ballsy letter Cohen wrote to the Board last month, you really should. We’ll wait for you. https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/documents/RC_Ventures_Letter_to_GameStop.pdf
OK, ready again?
I don’t want to question Cohen’s possible writing abilities or give away too many tricks of the lawyer trade here (AI should take care of that in about a decade), but that letter was 100% written by Chris Davis. I’d literally bet my entire portfolio on that fact alone. That’s why you hire gunners like him. The letter has that has deliciously direct and aggressive lawyerly tone—the kind you use when you want to send a very clear message to some asshole without spelling it all out. I fucking love this letter. It was one of the main reasons I put the rest of my chips into the GME basket. I doubt I’m alone there.
And what did we learn from this letter? Well: a lot. But I’m going to focus on a few quick things. First, we learned that over the Summer, Cohen had “private conversations” with the Board and Sherman about the need to pivot toward becoming a technology-driven business with a new strategic vision. And he calls out Sherman and the Board directly for lacking this vision, using Mainstreet-Friendly pejoratives like “c-suite” and “boardroom.” He takes a direct shot at Hired Gun Sherman’s Boomer-Ass Business Record (Advanced Auto Parts! Cool!) and his obvious bent towards what he knows: Boring Ass Low Margin B&M Bullshit Companies and straight-up calls him a dumb-ass old man (“twentieth-century focus!”) who Just Doesn’t Fucking Get It. He alleges that he and the Board have presided over “massive value destruction” (almost makes it sound intentional, or at least grossly negligent) and have never taken “full accountability” for all their fuck-ups and intransigence.
Some folks have suggested that, sure, Cohen wants change and yeah he seemed like he had a bit of a bee in his bonnet, but if he doesn’t get some good movement in those areas, he’ll just sell his 6.5M shares to tank the stock and take his ball and go home to play with his dog, who loves him No Matter What. In this interpretation, the letter is just Cohen Asking To Speak To The Manager and then if the response is not to his liking, well then, He Will Just Take His Business Elsewhere, thankyouverymuch.
I do not think that is what is going on here. Not with Ryan Cohen and Chris Davis. This letter is Ryan Cohen Crossing The Fucking Rubicon.
He did the honorable thing and took his vision to the Board and Sherman. How genuine he was in that effort, I have no idea, as my thesis is that he has had a takeover plan in place since he hired Chris Davis. But whatever the initial motivations, it was the honorable thing to do to discuss his vision with Sherman and the Board before he and Chris Davis eventually rip their fucking hearts out (which, spoiler: I believe he is getting ready to do as we speak).
Reasonable minds can disagree here, but I do not think you write a letter like that unless you have a plan to handle all possible responses to it. He just torched his collegial relationship, such as there ever was or could have been, with that CEO and that Board. He flaunts Chewy’s world-class infrastructure and market cap versus their lame ass sub-$1B Dying Mall Store Bullshit. And he makes a very public rejection of a seat on the board (and the reason given: because you fuckheads would just ignore me and drive me nuts while you continue doing Dumb Boomer Shit with my money all goddamn day), which made it 100% clear to me that this is Cohen Serving Goddamn Notice that unless they get serious about the scope of their turnaround and start listening to him and convey this new direction to shareholders asap, that he’s coming for them. He even alludes to his own turnaround plan but then tells them to do their jobs like the Big Capable Adults they are.
And then Cohen attaches this letter to an amended 13D to ensure that all shareholders see it and also see that he still holds all of his shares. Within hours, the WSJ had an article on this: https://www.wsj.com/articles/gamestops-new-billionaire-investor-calls-for-tech-centric-makeover-11605565458?mod=hp_lista_pos5.
And guess what’s neat? If you are an interested shareholder or a habitual reader of the Wall Street Journal (I, sir, am not) and you saw that article, you might have wondered what this Cohen guy is all about? You know, Mortimer, the dog guy—made billions. And thanks to the recent out-of-the-blue marketing campaign that was definitely NOT engineered by Chris Davis as part of a takeover plan, your subsequent Google searches, and the recent articles they produced, likely made you think: this guy is a fucking whiz kid and I like the cut of his jib.
Cohen Quietly Meets With Funds/Investors
In the weeks leading up to earnings, sharp observers also notice something: Ryan Cohen is meeting with various large shareholders for some reason. There were several reports of this on stocktwits (links are lost to eternity in that cluttered hellhole unless some astute commentator can find and link in the comments), so some salt is a necessary accompaniment here (I like to cite my evidence), but we have at least one confirmed meeting with the head of DOMO Capital: Mr. Justin Dopierala. Now, Justin happens to be a pro-GME writer (and a sharp one at that) at Seeking Alpha. You know, that paywall website where people purporting to know what they’re talking about get paid peanuts to write purposefully inane articles for maximum clicks from other idiots? That one. Well Justin is one of the good ones there, and DOMO Capital is also a large shareholder of GME. (Conflict of interest, you say? Shut yo’ mouth!).
On November 30, at 9:19 AM (the payin’ for inanity crew can go see this – the comment is still there), Dopierala made the following comment on another SA article:
“I've recently had the pleasure of having a 1 on 1 video meeting with Ryan Cohen that lasted over an hour.
Going forward, I no longer feel comfortable commenting on the topic (of Ryan Cohen), so please understand when I do not respond to any of your questions on this specific topic.
Ryan is a very intelligent man, and I remain as bullish as ever on GameStop's future."
So what can we extrapolate from this?
Ryan Cohen likely reached out to DOMO Capital/Dopierala to discuss his strategic vision. I do not know if he announced his plans directly, or what the purpose of the call was (see the very below on how I think this all could relate to a consent solicitation to recall the board) but I’m sure, at the very least, the text, if not the subtext, was heavy as fuck on that Zoom call. And why do I think Cohen contacted him and not the other way around? Because Dopierala, a writer for SA that I’m sure would love to publish even an anodyne Q&A with Ryan Cohen to Get Him All the Clicks, didn’t get an on-the-record interview. Not even some softball about whether his dog prefers his Apple investment decision or his Wells Fargo one. No: he got the concession (assuming he did) to simply acknowledge that a discussion took place (buried in a comment on some other dude’s SA article), but he explicitly says he’s not going to talk about anything related to Cohen going forward. No sir, no how. But if Cohen is just a regular old fellow shareholder (Cue Ryan: “And Justin, please: the pleasure is all mine”), then why the fuck are you making a cagy comment and acting like you Have A Big Fucking Secret and Oh God I Wish I Could Tell You Something But I Just Cant! with that comment, Justin? The Man Doth Protesting and Shit, I say.
Here’s the article link for you Seeking Alpha Super Sleuths: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4380313-gamestop-likely-already-digital-revenue-sharing-sony-up-to-10
And even yesterday, Dopierala can’t help himself. In a discussion about Cohen’s tweet yesterday (you saw the tweet right? What kind of GME-to-da-moon! investor are you anyway? https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1336775515101949963), Dopierala gets all Jim Carey As The Riddler on us in a response to “EricinPDX,” (some dude living in the Portland Airport) who writes:
I take his tweet as a total negative .. the Jim Cramer thing.
I have no position at the moment.
Our man Dopierala then responds “then you are wrong yet right.”
So I think he’s having a little fun talking like a slightly less backwardsy Yoda saying: yeah, that Cohen tweet was obviously negative because he’s highlighting how fucked GME seems after that Q3 call (and also, check out how Chewy’s doin’ in that clip!). But it’s also not negative because it means Cohen is about to rip Sherman’s still-beating heart out and Shock And Awe our asses with a vote. And I, Justin Dopierala, head of DOMO Capital, can be a little wink winky about this because, oh I don’t know, on our hour long call Cohen maybe used puppetry to act out “Bryan Flohen’s” plan to call a vote and supplant the Bad Man “Gerald Shorman” while asking “Would You Theoretically Be With Bryan Flohen?” with a few well-timed arch of the eyebrows. Or he got his explicit consent to his plan (see below re consent solicitations). We just do not know.
In conclusion: We know that Cohen met with shareholders in the period between the day he sent that letter and the date of the Q3 call. We just do not know what was said. But we do know that Dopierella, either out of a sense of journalistic ethics (Stop laughing you guys! Seriously!) or out of concern about possible SEC lookie-loos, decides to be up-front about his inability to even utter the name Ryan Cohen from now on.
General George “Custard” Sherman’s Lame-Ass Empire Striking Back
Let’s recall the letter now. I’m guessing a rich, egotistical pampered-ass hired gun Boomer CEO named George goddamn Sherman didn’t like someone who reminds him of his asshole kids talking to him like that.
We all know what happened next: the Q3 “Say Omnichannel One More Time Motherfucker!” call. As I mentioned in my prior post on this (link above if you care), Sherman pulled the boomer-ist of boomer moves in an act of self-sabotage that is likely to be studied in business courses once this whole story plays out. You see, that letter that Cohen/Davis sent was a trap. And Sherman and the Board and their Big Fucking Corporate Brains clearly lack an inner Admiral Ackbar.
Cohen sent that letter three weeks before the earnings call. And demanded that they conduct *another* strategic review and present a plan to shareholders outlining how they are going to fully pivot into a new technology focused company. Cohen knows they have no intention of doing this. He’s apparently been hectoring them all summer about it. And I’m guessing he talked to Sherman enough to know that the dude is just not on the level (as all of us who listened to that fumbling bland-ass corporate caveat-speak on that call got to experience as well). So he knows, like we all did, that Q3 earnings are likely to be middling at best. But unlike me, who clearly thought that the one way out of this for Sherman and the Board was to give some exciting guidance on Q4, maybe even a share buyback (as they are authorized to do) and some more info on the Microsoft deal, likely revenue, other possible similar deals with Nintendo and Sony. I don’t know, but Something. No, Cohen and Davis are way smarter than me and know Sherman a bit better and probably assumed that Sherman is likely to whiff on a response to his letter. And lo and behold, whiff he does. Nothing. We get no response to the letter and no real plan to transform GME into a tech-driven gaming company (Sherman: “but, but…I said Omnichannel you guys! What do you want from me beyond bland corporate robot speak!?”).
But what else happens? Sherman and the Board inexplicably authorize a shelf registration for up to $100M worth of ATM shares. This from a company that just bought back shares, is authorized to buy back more, paid down debt early—and now is about to be flush with Sweet, Sweet New Console Cash. What in the everlasting fuck?
And in case you were inclined to give Sherman and the Board the benefit of the doubt here, the reason was simple and straightforward and included within the S3 filing itself. And that is: “Hey Cohen: Fuck Off. And if we have to dilute our shareholders to get you to fuck off, by God that’s the kind of shortsighted ME-first move that got George Sherman where he is today! So go find another company to hassle you ungrateful Millennial Start Up Dog Store Bro and let the adults handle this.”
Here is the provision in the S-3 (under the heading: Anti-Takeover Provisions):
Authorized But Unissued Shares
The authorized but unissued shares of common stock and preferred stock are available for future issuance without stockholder approval. These additional shares may be utilized for a variety of corporate purposes, including future public offerings to raise additional capital, corporate acquisitions and employee benefit plans. The existence of authorized but unissued shares of common stock and preferred stock could render more difficult or discourage an attempt to obtain control of us by means of a proxy contest, tender offer, merger or otherwise.
So instead of crushing the call and giving some dope guidance about Q4 and trigger the MOASS so we all revere the name George Sherman for All Eternity, Sherman and the Board make a lame-ass move to try to protect their jobs and--lo and behold!--THIS is the main takeaway of the report and call. And what drives the precipitous dive in SP AH and yesterday. A dive so steep that it removes well over $100M in market cap in value, the kinda-lame amount that you’re trying to stick Cohen with (and dilute all of us) so you can keep your Big Fancy-Man Job and the bonus you’re counting on so you and the misses can jet off to Sandals Jamaica like you always do. George: Whoops? Knew we should have gone with a higher number! A lame ass “poor man’s poison pill” as u/snowk88 on stocktwits put it (shout out because he also helped me flush out this thesis a bit and clued me in on Chris Davis’s work for MC).
So back to how I started this missive, back when we were all younger and maybe a bit more naïve, right? Anyway. Yesterday Ryan Cohen lost over $20M on paper because George Sherman thought the best way to handle that Punk-Ass Millennial was to use shareholders as a hostage in any possible fight over control of this company he’s been building his entire—oh, eh, the last 18 months because he’s just a hired gun that goes where the money is and waits for his ka-ching moment before splitting because who gives a fuck he’s George Sherman and You’re Not. But guess what happens when you do that? (Hand down, George: you’ve had your turn). You ENRAGE the shareholders who you want to have your back and vote for you in any possible proxy fight or takeover offer! What strategery! You must have been involved in planning the Iraq war, George.
But guess who was likely laughing their ass off yesterday at their colossal good fortune at this misstep? Ryan Cohen and Chris Davis. Because now Sherman has opened the door even wider than it was before and made it that much easier for Cohen to get the votes and kick down his fucking door.
And yesterday, to no one’s surprise, the SP falls almost 20% and even Jim Fucking Cramer piles on and tells all his braindead Boomer TV watchers that this is The Next Blockbuster like all the other Super Sophisticated Analysts out there.
And now we see the #WeWantCohen and #InstallCohen hashtags (which you all should consider using frequently if you dig all this and think Sherman needs to go).
What are you thinking if you’re Ryan Cohen? Take your ball and go home time? Or: maybe that it’s time to Show George Sherman that You Do Not Fuck With a Super Nice Guy With Really Good Ideas That Are Usually Respectfully Presented (Unless You Piss Me Off) Like Ryan Goddamn Cohen?
I’m thinking it’s the latter. Taking all of this, I think Cohen and Chris Davis have been planning some kind of takeover, possibly even via consent solicitation like Davis did in his MC matter, since the summer and that George Sherman’s ironic attempt to save his own skin is about to backfire stupendously to help Cohen lock in the votes he needs. And it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy—excuse me—I mean: Smug Asshole.
Epilogue: The Consent Solicitation
Ed: the consent solicitation is not likely in play here. But Cohen is definitely still coming for Sherman and Co - we just don't know exactly how yet.
Now, just what in the hell is a consent solicitation and why does it matter? I confess that I didn’t know shit about this until I started READING ALL THE WORDS, but our friends at theactivistinvestor.com have some useful information to help those of us with tiny little baby brains understand what it is and why it may be relevant here (relevant excerpts below, but it you really want to geek out on this shit, I would recommend clicking the link, reading the words and THINKING BIG THOUGHTS). And also, hoping that some folks can respond in comments to help flush this out further because it’s late and I’ve already written too many words.
But, before I drop some k-n-o knowledge from our friends at theactivistinvestor.com, just to remind you: GameStop is a Delaware Corporation.
Now imagine being magically whisked away to…Delaware! (Hi. I’m in Delaware).
From: http://www.theactivistinvestor.com/The_Activist_InvestoConsent_Solicitations.html
[Ed: removed quoted text] *****
CPT Hubbard here again. I’ll release you momentarily. But study those steps a bit and ponder where Cohen might be in that process. And also recall that we know that Cohen had an “off the record” meeting with our man Dopierala from DOMO Capital and we have no idea what they talked about. Could Cohen have been getting shareholders consent? No idea. But it certainly seems possible. If that is the case, the 60 day clock is ticking. Which means that, assuming Dopierala was stop #1 (probably doubtful, but it’s the one data point we have), we should know something by at least late January if Cohen is actually initiating a consent solicitation on this incompetent Board and probably a lot closer to mid-January (Sorry Jan call holders) since I assume Cohen started reaching out around the time he sent that letter on Nov 16th.
To which I say to Cohen: Little old me and my 20,000 shares consent! We consent most emphatically, sir. And no one will ever accuse you, Mr. Cohen, of not seeking consent. You may retain this for your records.
To conclude, Cohen is Young, Scrappy and Hungry and He’s Not Throwing Away His Shot. And Fuck George Sherman.
**To be clear: this missive is for information purposes only and I would advise against following my example in any way, shape or form, as this pandemic has quite plainly knocked a screw loose if I'm here writing novelas to a bunch of Paste-Eating Rocket Kids.
submitted by CPTHubbard to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Minerco Full DD

Hi all,
Last week I brought you my DD for Greene Concepts, Inc. ($INKW), which shot up +122% the day after I posted. Since then, it has experienced a healthy pullback only to ramp up again to close today around +104% (I hope those of you who decided to invest have been profitable). Just yesterday they announced completion of a $2.875 million funding transaction that will allow the company to continue expansion efforts and the continued expedited growth of the Be Water™ brand. So, great news!
Anyway, moving onto MINERCO, Inc. (The Magic Mushroom Company)
(NOTE: As always, I encourage you to do your own reading as well and stick with current facts. Do not be misled one way or the other, whether bearish or bullish; simply do your own DD and decide for yourself what you would like to invest in. Additionally, don’t ever invest more than you can afford)
Minerco, Inc.
Ticker: $MINE
Sector(s): **Healthcare (**and Consumer Defensive)
Industry: Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic
Location: May Pen, Clarendon, Jamaica
CEO: Julius Jenge
President: Paul Hoonjan (CEO of Lazurus Hollistic, a 3 year old cannabis company based out of Runaway Bay in Jamaica)
Website: https://www.minercoinc.com/
Current Price (Closing 2021-02-09): $0.0158 / share +0.0106 (203.85%) ⬆

About the Company

From their website:
Minerco, Inc. (OTC: MINE), is the world’s first publicly traded company specializing in growing, research, production and distribution of psilocybin mushrooms and marketing worldwide*. In addition,* Minerco seeks to acquire and invest in CBD operating companies’ extraction, edibles, topical, white label products etc.
In addition to dealing with psychedelics and cannabis…
Though cannabis and psilocybin are legal in some areas, and decriminalized in others, they are still classified as Schedule 1’s federally (USA). This presents a challenge for individuals and merchants accepting debit and credit cards at point of sales. MINE is developing a platform to integrate blockchain with your debit card*. MINE established our own token “SHRU” which is currently on seven blockchain exchanges and are expanding to twelve by the end of the first quarter of 2021.”*

About the Industry

There are 3 markets at play here: 1) Psychedelics, 2) Cannabis, and 3) Fintech (CRYP.TO). These are three of the HOTTEST markets right now (aside from Biotech which has been absolutely booming within the last 3-6 months). Here’s some market research info about each of these areas:
According to a report from Data Bridge Market Research, cited in the link below, the psychedelics drug market:
· “…is growing with a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 16.3% in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027 and expected to reach USD 6,859.95 million by 2027*, from USD 2,077.90 million in 2019."*
· “… psychedelic drugs are used to enhance or change sensory perceptions, energy levels, thought processes, and to facilitate spiritual experiences…These drugs are used in the treatment of major depressive disorder, treatment-resistant depression, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and opiate addiction among others.”
· “Psychedelic drugs market has increased with increased number of psychedelic drugs as compared to the past few years and increasing prevalence of depression and mental disorders in the U.S*”*
· “Growing acceptance of psychedelic drugs for treating depression is also increasing market value as the psychedelic drugs has repetitively proven its high rates of effectiveness for treatment for nicotine dependence, alcohol dependence, anxiety associated terminal illness and chronic PTSD as compared to other antidepressants”

According to a report from Grand View Research:
· “The global legal marijuana market is valued at USD 17.7 billion in 2019 and is expected to expand at a significant CAGR of 18.1% over the forecast period (2020-2027)”
· “The rise in the legalization of marijuana in various countries is one of the key factors driving market growth
· “Medical marijuana is used for the treatment of chronic conditions, such as cancer, arthritis, and neurological conditions, such as anxiety, depression, epilepsy, and Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease*. Such a wide scope of application is anticipated to bode well for the product demand.*”
· “The legal marijuana business is creating jobs and opportunities with around 9,397 licenses in the U.S., including cultivators, manufacturers, dispensaries, and deliverers and labs. Owing to these factors, the legalization of cannabis has led to an increase in its demand in these countries and eventually eroding the black market.
· “Through the legalization of recreational cannabis, governments are trying to eradicate the black market and focusing on gaining a substantial amount of tax revenues levied on the sale of these products
· “As the number of countries legalizing medical cannabis and its applications is increasing, the market is expected to witness robust growth in the forthcoming years*.”*

According to Fortune Business Insights:
· “In 2019, the global market was USD 754.0 Mn, and it is anticipated to reach USD 1,758.0 Mn by 2027*, reflecting a* CAGR of 11.2% during the forecast period from 2020 to 2027.”
· “The popularity of virtual or digital currency such as Bitcoins, Litecoins, Ethers, and many more are expected to drive the market in the forthcoming years.
· “Financial disaster is a major issue occurring in traditional banking and the financial sector. Financial uncertainty disturbs the economy by dropping the value of the currency. With Bitcoins or other cryp.tocurrencies, there is no major effect of the financial crisis on it as its value is balanced universally. Cryp.tocurrencies are better options in financial uncertainty for the regions with unstable economical structure, which is becoming a major market driving factor for the market.
Most of us are aware of why and how big these markets are, but it is worth mentioning with relation to Minerco’s strategy here.


Based on what I could find, they are in the development phase and will begin production this year. In terms of profitability, it naturally follows that they are not at breakeven yet. The business model is mainly B2B (and some C) with an exit strategy being that “a major market-player demonstrates strong interest in buying the company”. In my opinion, this would most likely be exercised once they have generated revenue and proven to be profitable for several quarters / years.
Minerco, Inc. ($MINE) had hired EQUIDAM SOFTWARE last month to create a business valuation. This information comes from a press release plus the generated valuation document. EQUIDAM can either be used by an individual to generate the financial projections, or you can tap into their dedicated team of financial analysts (who have to be HIRED). Based on the verbiage they used stating that they “hired” EQUIDAM, I assume the information is vetted to a certain extent. I can only have faith here and take their word for it.
Using EQUIDAM, they created a “business valuation using 3 methods: IPEV (International Private Equity Valuation), DCF (Discounted Cash Flow) with LTG (Long Term Growth) and DCF with multiples model including the TV (Terminal Value) method. Minerco's Valuation report list IPEV at $297M, LTG AT $193M and DCF TV AT $1B”. Yes, 1 BILLION.
Now, I’m not sure how I feel about HOW such a generous pre-money valuation was calculated…oh well I’ll assume it’s correct. Either way it hasn't affected my sentiment toward investing.
If we looked at the current number of outstanding shares (13.04 billion) and multiplied by the current share price ($0.0158) we get a market cap of $206 million, so there’s still some room to grow per this valuation. Moving on.

Projections of EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization):
01/2021 – 12/2021
01/2022 – 12/2022
01/2023 – 12/2023


Pre-December 2019 (Old Company(s))

These may have been the old versions of Minerco that many of the investment and Reddit OGs remember. Different company(s). The one(s) that many remember as a P&D. This was a beverage company that operated via the same ticker $MINE, but is distinct and SEPARATE FROM TODAY’S Minerco, Inc. We all know that Tickers can change ownership so that’s fine. Here’s the old company’s blurb:
Minerco Resources, Inc., through its subsidiary Athena Brands, Inc. (Athena), is engaged in beverage business. Athena is a specialty beverage company, which develops, produces, markets and distributes a diversified portfolio of good-for-you consumer brands. Its brands include VitaminFIZZ, Vitamin Creamer, COFFEE BOOST and The Herbal Collection. Athena also owns a majority interest in Avanzar, a sales and distribution company located in Brea, California
Athena Brands seems to be inactive according to its FB: https://www.facebook.com/AthenaBrandsInc/
The CEO and Chairman of both Minerco Resources (again, the old company) is/was V. Scott Vanis and at one point Milton Murcia (no info on him). Scott Vanis has an inactive LinkedIn profile (you’re free to look it up), which hasn’t been updated in ages (hence the dates not changing), just like the old Organization page on LinkedIn:
Notice this was categorized as an Oil & Energy company. Who knows how many times this ticker ($MINE) has changed hands and was used by different companies.
Either way, based on this information and recent activity it is apparent that the new Minerco, Inc. aka TODAY’s company (2020-Present) is a distinct entity operating under the same ticker. Not only is the industry and targeted market different, the CEO and President are different people.

Accomplishments in 2019-2020

From 2019-2020 alone, the following has happened with Minerco, Inc. ($MINE):
  1. December 2019: Company has been acquired by a specialized investment firm, and entered into the psilocybin "Magic Mushrooms" market. The $MINE Ticker is backronym’d to fit the new direction of operations
(Mushrooms InterNational Enterprises, or MINE).

2) January 17, 2020: Completed acquisition of 12-acre parcel of land in Jamaica for relocation and production facility. This will be where they will create and build the largest psilocybin operation in North America, and are expecting it to produce upwards of 10,000 kilos annually for export to licensed countries/states. Jamaica “…does not have any laws labeling magic mushrooms as illicit drugs. In fact, Jamaica is at the forefront in furthering research into the healing powers of magic mushrooms and how they can be safely applied towards medicinal purposes. This, following the launch of the world's first magic mushroom research center, located at the University of the West Indies in Mona, Jamaica.
(Trivia: did you know Jamaica and Brazil are the only 2 countries where Psilocybin is fully legal? They are able to freely export easily without going over US airspace)

3) October 22, 2020: Announcement that they have developed a Shroom Blockchain token (SHRU, on the ETH platform) for Shroom investment, and to raise additional capital for their Jamaica project. As mentioned earlier, the strategy here was to circumvent the fact that psychedelics are still classified as Schedule 1’s federally (USA), by creating an alternate avenue for sales. This will allow dispensaries to accept Debit Card purchases for psilocybin (and cannabis) even though it is federally illegal.

4) December 14, 2020: Minerco’s SHRU token gets approval to launch on 7 Blockchain exchanges: Bitcratic, ForkDelta, EtherDelta, Bamboolay, SwitchDex, SaturnDex, and McAfee.

5) December 17, 2020: Cleaned up $MINE financials (ongoing, due to previous owners) and OTC listing. Retained SEC registered Crowd Fund platform for capital raise. “Upon raising funds, MINE has 4 key strategies targeted with funds.
a) Acquire and Retire Toxic Debt to create a stronger and stable balance sheet*.*
b) Acquire equipment needed to produce 1m psilocybin tablets daily to be sold to wholesale purchasers in Oregon, Vermont, domestically and Jamaica, Amsterdam, Canada globally.
c) Establish cash collateral reserves for MINE'S blockchain gateway and token SHRU*. This cash collateral will spring board SHRU token onto the top Exchanges worldwide.*
d) Acquire and renovate properties for Production and lease in Oregon, Vermont, Jamaica*.”*

6) December 20, 2020: Minerco, Inc. and Anything Technologies Media host the world’s first “Shroom Zoom” (meet and greet with company + viewing and discussion of CNN’s “Psychedelic Healing” special)

7) December 21, 2020: Minerco, Inc. the Magic Mushroom Company Gains Acceptance in Psychedelic Invest Index made up of 20 companies listed (Nasdaq, AQL, CNX, and OTC are exchanges representing the collectives in the industry)

8) December 28, 2020 (originally reported): EQUIDAM Software hired for Pre-Money Business Valuation

News in 2021

After a relatively busy 2020 with planning and implementing a strategy in the middle of a global pandemic, Minerco’s news streak continues in 2021 as follows:
  1. January 4, 2021: Minerco, Inc. signs a joint venture letter of intent (LOI) with Jamaican Firm Lazurus Holistic (CEO Paul Hoonjan) to grow, process, and extract psilocybin and cannabis for export to Canada and Europe

2) January 11, 2021: Paul Hoonjan (CEO of Lazurus Holistic) is appointed as the President of Minerco, Inc. ($MINE)
Hoonjan brings extensive experience, notably in the development and management of strategic opportunities, corporate alliances and bringing therapeutic products to market.
For almost 6 years, Hoonjan has overseen Cannabis and Mushroom development in Runaway Bay, Jamaica managing international client base. Hoonjan's expertise in shipping, contracting, negotiating, labor development, and building supply lines will reinforce Minerco's leadership in the emerging market.”

3) January 24, 2021: Minerco, Inc. hosts Sankofa Shareholder and Vision Summit.

Upcoming company plans for 2021

These plans are as stated by Paul Hoonjan himself during the January 24th 2021 Shareholder summit, which he is confident will be met:
  1. Start February 2021: Begin Capital Raise of $5M
  2. Start February 2021: Pilot Production of psilocybin and cannabis once they finalize partnership between Minerco, Inc. and Lazurus (in February 2021) in the form of a SPV or SPAC
  3. Complete by April 2021: Payment Gateway available for SHRU on Apple and Android
  4. Complete by May 2021: Finish Capital Raise of $5M
  5. Complete by July 2021: Jamaica Expansion / US Office. Also will begin producing their microdose tablets (microdots) during this month, from the raw products produced from February 2021. Paul is cited as saying that they can produce 4,480 microdots for every pound of mushroom. This amounts to an approximate $21,000 of revenue per pound of mushroom
  6. Start August 2021: GENERATE REVENUE

Source (I recommend starting at 57:15 for Paul’s segment, and if you wish to skip over what some consider the “airy-fairy” side of being into psychedelics i.e. meditation, visions boards etc.):

External Catalysts

Pretty much any positive news (or research) pertaining to legalization of cannabis and/or psychedelics, along with increased positive sentiment towards cryp.tocurrencies (this covers the 3 markets Minerco, Inc. is operating within).
For example …

My Thoughts

Minerco, Inc. is venturing into an industry that has a few small key players (think NUMI, TRIP, MMED etc). With respect to psychedelics specifically, the “Shroom Boom” has just gotten started after an exciting 2H 2020. I am optimistic of their growth in this area based on their location (strategically placed in a legalized Jamaica), and impressed by the idea of leveraging cryp.to to circumvent any purchase barriers that some businesses or customers could have in their country.
Whoever is taking care of their PR and timing the releases, has been doing an excellent job. Everything has been timed so well to keep bumping the stock up, which has increased over 900% in the last 1.5 weeks alone (though it was somewhat steadily hovering between 0.0015-0.002 for some time). I’m expecting a healthy pullback soon (no guarantee), which I would plan on holding through anyway. As far as I am concerned, this is the ground floor for this company and as long as they keep up the steady growth, they have the potential to be a pretty decent contender in the market. Note that I am not considering fundamentals since they are pre-money. What I’ve observed in my time investing, is that the market has become so detached from fundamentals that big institutions themselves are coming around to “market sentiment” being a bigger factor than fundamentals alone (think TESLA crushing valuations and absolutely MOONING above all expectations through 2020). Of course this applies to some securities more than others.
My feeling is that Paul Hoonjan comes across as a competent President that can steer this company in the right direction. What I love most, as “airy” as they can be in the first 20-30 minutes, are the opportunities to join Zoom calls with the company. That is face-time with shareholders that many companies don’t bother to have. For me, that is valuable since I want to know who I am dealing with. When we invest, we either invest in the product, the people, or both. Paul seems very confident that they can meet all their goals this year, and as a shareholder that brings me relief and a sense of excitement for what is outlined and on the horizon for 2021 (and beyond). I am not only investing in my conviction that psychedelics, cannabis, and cryp.to will continue to grow, but also in the Minerco, Inc. team.

Two things I’d like to address before I wrap this up. There was one Reddit user in particular that was on a rampage to tear this company and call it a scam on a recent post, without any evidence. I could’ve sworn I saw this user post 10 times in the same thread. There wasn’t any evidence to point to their claims, other than perhaps the practices of the OLD COMPANY BEFORE ACQUISITION. It also didn’t help that they were very upset about investing $10…
Earlier today, I had a back and forth with another Reddit user who was also making accusations against the company. In my post I posted a screenshot of the shareholder call slides, which lead to them accusing me of misleading others. How can I mislead someone by literally reposting news? This user stated that Minerco, Inc. lied about partnering with Mydecine in a press release, and proceeded to call them a scam company. I scoured for references online and realized that they were most likely referring to the following article related to the partnership between Minerco, Inc. and Lazurus (which is very real and verified by the presence of Paul Hoonjan):
In it, Mydecine is cited once in PASSING “Lazurus Holisitic, an expert in mycelium, recently completed their first export of Psilocybin mushrooms to Mydecine Innovations Group Inc. in Canada”. To me, it is easy to understand that they are not alluding to any partnership or transaction between Mydecine and Minerco, Inc.
(said user realized their mistake in mis-reading, and deleted their earlier comments to me)

All of that to say, please consider being responsible with the information you put out there. Everything I’ve outlined above (aside from my thoughts) is public information and available online. I’ve simply compiled it so it’s easier to digest; should you go looking for it online, it is easily accessible to you. Ultimately, you decide what you want to do with the information. However I ask that for any stock, you don’t make accusations or assertions (positive or negative) that are not backed by facts. It’s just as bad to fan euphoria with no facts aside from posting “OMG THIS IS HITTING $1 TOMORROW BETTER BUY NOW STUPID BEARS!” on a forum. You not only hurt the company in the process, but you also hurt fellow shareholders.

Of course, this is not financial advice and I am no professional. Ultimately, it is up to you what you would like to invest in. Always invest responsibly and if you decide to do so, ensure that you aren’t taking on greater debt. Always make your own informed decisions. Hopefully this DD has at least provided you with some clarity and a wealth of information regarding Minerco, Inc. ($MINE)
GLTA; I wish that your families are well in this time and your (net) trades forever remain profitable.

My current position 1,000,000 shares @ $0.002. For me, this is a BUY AND HOLD
submitted by beardedkingface to minerco [link] [comments]

Minerco Full DD

Hi all,
Last week I brought you my DD for Greene Concepts, Inc. ($INKW), which shot up +122% the day after I posted. Since then, it has experienced a healthy pullback only to ramp up again to close today around +104% (I hope those of you who decided to invest have been profitable). Just yesterday they announced completion of a $2.875 million funding transaction that will allow the company to continue expansion efforts and the continued expedited growth of the Be Water™ brand. So, great news!
Anyway, moving onto MINERCO, Inc. (The Magic Mushroom Company)
(NOTE: As always, I encourage you to do your own reading as well and stick with current facts. Do not be misled one way or the other, whether bearish or bullish; simply do your own DD and decide for yourself what you would like to invest in. Additionally, don’t ever invest more than you can afford)
Minerco, Inc.
Ticker: $MINE
Sector(s): **Healthcare (**and Consumer Defensive)
Industry: Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic
Location: May Pen, Clarendon, Jamaica
CEO: Julius Jenge
President: Paul Hoonjan (CEO of Lazurus Hollistic, a 3 year old cannabis company based out of Runaway Bay in Jamaica)
Website: https://www.minercoinc.com/
Current Price (Closing 2021-02-09): $0.0158 / share +0.0106 (203.85%) ⬆

About the Company

From their website:
Minerco, Inc. (OTC: MINE), is the world’s first publicly traded company specializing in growing, research, production and distribution of psilocybin mushrooms and marketing worldwide*. In addition,* Minerco seeks to acquire and invest in CBD operating companies’ extraction, edibles, topical, white label products etc.
In addition to dealing with psychedelics and cannabis…
Though cannabis and psilocybin are legal in some areas, and decriminalized in others, they are still classified as Schedule 1’s federally (USA). This presents a challenge for individuals and merchants accepting debit and credit cards at point of sales. MINE is developing a platform to integrate blockchain with your debit card*. MINE established our own token “SHRU” which is currently on seven blockchain exchanges and are expanding to twelve by the end of the first quarter of 2021.”*

About the Industry

There are 3 markets at play here: 1) Psychedelics, 2) Cannabis, and 3) Fintech (CRYP.TO). These are three of the HOTTEST markets right now (aside from Biotech which has been absolutely booming within the last 3-6 months). Here’s some market research info about each of these areas:
According to a report from Data Bridge Market Research, cited in the link below, the psychedelics drug market:
· “…is growing with a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 16.3% in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027 and expected to reach USD 6,859.95 million by 2027*, from USD 2,077.90 million in 2019."*
· “… psychedelic drugs are used to enhance or change sensory perceptions, energy levels, thought processes, and to facilitate spiritual experiences…These drugs are used in the treatment of major depressive disorder, treatment-resistant depression, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and opiate addiction among others.”
· “Psychedelic drugs market has increased with increased number of psychedelic drugs as compared to the past few years and increasing prevalence of depression and mental disorders in the U.S*”*
· “Growing acceptance of psychedelic drugs for treating depression is also increasing market value as the psychedelic drugs has repetitively proven its high rates of effectiveness for treatment for nicotine dependence, alcohol dependence, anxiety associated terminal illness and chronic PTSD as compared to other antidepressants”

According to a report from Grand View Research:
· “The global legal marijuana market is valued at USD 17.7 billion in 2019 and is expected to expand at a significant CAGR of 18.1% over the forecast period (2020-2027)”
· “The rise in the legalization of marijuana in various countries is one of the key factors driving market growth
· “Medical marijuana is used for the treatment of chronic conditions, such as cancer, arthritis, and neurological conditions, such as anxiety, depression, epilepsy, and Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease*. Such a wide scope of application is anticipated to bode well for the product demand.*”
· “The legal marijuana business is creating jobs and opportunities with around 9,397 licenses in the U.S., including cultivators, manufacturers, dispensaries, and deliverers and labs. Owing to these factors, the legalization of cannabis has led to an increase in its demand in these countries and eventually eroding the black market.
· “Through the legalization of recreational cannabis, governments are trying to eradicate the black market and focusing on gaining a substantial amount of tax revenues levied on the sale of these products
· “As the number of countries legalizing medical cannabis and its applications is increasing, the market is expected to witness robust growth in the forthcoming years*.”*

According to Fortune Business Insights:
· “In 2019, the global market was USD 754.0 Mn, and it is anticipated to reach USD 1,758.0 Mn by 2027*, reflecting a* CAGR of 11.2% during the forecast period from 2020 to 2027.”
· “The popularity of virtual or digital currency such as Bitcoins, Litecoins, Ethers, and many more are expected to drive the market in the forthcoming years.
· “Financial disaster is a major issue occurring in traditional banking and the financial sector. Financial uncertainty disturbs the economy by dropping the value of the currency. With Bitcoins or other cryp.tocurrencies, there is no major effect of the financial crisis on it as its value is balanced universally. Cryp.tocurrencies are better options in financial uncertainty for the regions with unstable economical structure, which is becoming a major market driving factor for the market.
Most of us are aware of why and how big these markets are, but it is worth mentioning with relation to Minerco’s strategy here.


Based on what I could find, they are in the development phase and will begin production this year. In terms of profitability, it naturally follows that they are not at breakeven yet. The business model is mainly B2B (and some C) with an exit strategy being that “a major market-player demonstrates strong interest in buying the company”. In my opinion, this would most likely be exercised once they have generated revenue and proven to be profitable for several quarters / years.
Minerco, Inc. ($MINE) had hired EQUIDAM SOFTWARE last month to create a business valuation. This information comes from a press release plus the generated valuation document. EQUIDAM can either be used by an individual to generate the financial projections, or you can tap into their dedicated team of financial analysts (who have to be HIRED). Based on the verbiage they used stating that they “hired” EQUIDAM, I assume the information is vetted to a certain extent. I can only have faith here and take their word for it.
Using EQUIDAM, they created a “business valuation using 3 methods: IPEV (International Private Equity Valuation), DCF (Discounted Cash Flow) with LTG (Long Term Growth) and DCF with multiples model including the TV (Terminal Value) method. Minerco's Valuation report list IPEV at $297M, LTG AT $193M and DCF TV AT $1B”. Yes, 1 BILLION.
Now, I’m not sure how I feel about HOW such a generous pre-money valuation was calculated…oh well I’ll assume it’s correct. Either way it hasn't affected my sentiment toward investing.
If we looked at the current number of outstanding shares (13.04 billion) and multiplied by the current share price ($0.0158) we get a market cap of $206 million, so there’s still some room to grow per this valuation. Moving on.

Projections of EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization):
01/2021 – 12/2021
01/2022 – 12/2022
01/2023 – 12/2023


Pre-December 2019 (Old Company(s))

These may have been the old versions of Minerco that many of the investment and Reddit OGs remember. Different company(s). The one(s) that many remember as a P&D. This was a beverage company that operated via the same ticker $MINE, but is distinct and SEPARATE FROM TODAY’S Minerco, Inc. We all know that Tickers can change ownership so that’s fine. Here’s the old company’s blurb:
Minerco Resources, Inc., through its subsidiary Athena Brands, Inc. (Athena), is engaged in beverage business. Athena is a specialty beverage company, which develops, produces, markets and distributes a diversified portfolio of good-for-you consumer brands. Its brands include VitaminFIZZ, Vitamin Creamer, COFFEE BOOST and The Herbal Collection. Athena also owns a majority interest in Avanzar, a sales and distribution company located in Brea, California
Athena Brands seems to be inactive according to its FB: https://www.facebook.com/AthenaBrandsInc/
The CEO and Chairman of both Minerco Resources (again, the old company) is/was V. Scott Vanis and at one point Milton Murcia (no info on him). Scott Vanis has an inactive LinkedIn profile (you’re free to look it up), which hasn’t been updated in ages (hence the dates not changing), just like the old Organization page on LinkedIn:
Notice this was categorized as an Oil & Energy company. Who knows how many times this ticker ($MINE) has changed hands and was used by different companies.
Either way, based on this information and recent activity it is apparent that the new Minerco, Inc. aka TODAY’s company (2020-Present) is a distinct entity operating under the same ticker. Not only is the industry and targeted market different, the CEO and President are different people.

Accomplishments in 2019-2020

From 2019-2020 alone, the following has happened with Minerco, Inc. ($MINE):
  1. December 2019: Company has been acquired by a specialized investment firm, and entered into the psilocybin "Magic Mushrooms" market. The $MINE Ticker is backronym’d to fit the new direction of operations
(Mushrooms InterNational Enterprises, or MINE).

2) January 17, 2020: Completed acquisition of 12-acre parcel of land in Jamaica for relocation and production facility. This will be where they will create and build the largest psilocybin operation in North America, and are expecting it to produce upwards of 10,000 kilos annually for export to licensed countries/states. Jamaica “…does not have any laws labeling magic mushrooms as illicit drugs. In fact, Jamaica is at the forefront in furthering research into the healing powers of magic mushrooms and how they can be safely applied towards medicinal purposes. This, following the launch of the world's first magic mushroom research center, located at the University of the West Indies in Mona, Jamaica.
(Trivia: did you know Jamaica and Brazil are the only 2 countries where Psilocybin is fully legal? They are able to freely export easily without going over US airspace)

3) October 22, 2020: Announcement that they have developed a Shroom Blockchain token (SHRU, on the ETH platform) for Shroom investment, and to raise additional capital for their Jamaica project. As mentioned earlier, the strategy here was to circumvent the fact that psychedelics are still classified as Schedule 1’s federally (USA), by creating an alternate avenue for sales. This will allow dispensaries to accept Debit Card purchases for psilocybin (and cannabis) even though it is federally illegal.

4) December 14, 2020: Minerco’s SHRU token gets approval to launch on 7 Blockchain exchanges: Bitcratic, ForkDelta, EtherDelta, Bamboolay, SwitchDex, SaturnDex, and McAfee.

5) December 17, 2020: Cleaned up $MINE financials (ongoing, due to previous owners) and OTC listing. Retained SEC registered Crowd Fund platform for capital raise. “Upon raising funds, MINE has 4 key strategies targeted with funds.
a) Acquire and Retire Toxic Debt to create a stronger and stable balance sheet*.*
b) Acquire equipment needed to produce 1m psilocybin tablets daily to be sold to wholesale purchasers in Oregon, Vermont, domestically and Jamaica, Amsterdam, Canada globally.
c) Establish cash collateral reserves for MINE'S blockchain gateway and token SHRU*. This cash collateral will spring board SHRU token onto the top Exchanges worldwide.*
d) Acquire and renovate properties for Production and lease in Oregon, Vermont, Jamaica*.”*

6) December 20, 2020: Minerco, Inc. and Anything Technologies Media host the world’s first “Shroom Zoom” (meet and greet with company + viewing and discussion of CNN’s “Psychedelic Healing” special)

7) December 21, 2020: Minerco, Inc. the Magic Mushroom Company Gains Acceptance in Psychedelic Invest Index made up of 20 companies listed (Nasdaq, AQL, CNX, and OTC are exchanges representing the collectives in the industry)

8) December 28, 2020 (originally reported): EQUIDAM Software hired for Pre-Money Business Valuation

News in 2021

After a relatively busy 2020 with planning and implementing a strategy in the middle of a global pandemic, Minerco’s news streak continues in 2021 as follows:
  1. January 4, 2021: Minerco, Inc. signs a joint venture letter of intent (LOI) with Jamaican Firm Lazurus Holistic (CEO Paul Hoonjan) to grow, process, and extract psilocybin and cannabis for export to Canada and Europe

2) January 11, 2021: Paul Hoonjan (CEO of Lazurus Holistic) is appointed as the President of Minerco, Inc. ($MINE)
Hoonjan brings extensive experience, notably in the development and management of strategic opportunities, corporate alliances and bringing therapeutic products to market.
For almost 6 years, Hoonjan has overseen Cannabis and Mushroom development in Runaway Bay, Jamaica managing international client base. Hoonjan's expertise in shipping, contracting, negotiating, labor development, and building supply lines will reinforce Minerco's leadership in the emerging market.”

3) January 24, 2021: Minerco, Inc. hosts Sankofa Shareholder and Vision Summit.

Upcoming company plans for 2021

These plans are as stated by Paul Hoonjan himself during the January 24th 2021 Shareholder summit, which he is confident will be met:
  1. Start February 2021: Begin Capital Raise of $5M
  2. Start February 2021: Pilot Production of psilocybin and cannabis once they finalize partnership between Minerco, Inc. and Lazurus (in February 2021) in the form of a SPV or SPAC
  3. Complete by April 2021: Payment Gateway available for SHRU on Apple and Android
  4. Complete by May 2021: Finish Capital Raise of $5M
  5. Complete by July 2021: Jamaica Expansion / US Office. Also will begin producing their microdose tablets (microdots) during this month, from the raw products produced from February 2021. Paul is cited as saying that they can produce 4,480 microdots for every pound of mushroom. This amounts to an approximate $21,000 of revenue per pound of mushroom
  6. Start August 2021: GENERATE REVENUE

Source (I recommend starting at 57:15 for Paul’s segment, and if you wish to skip over what some consider the “airy-fairy” side of being into psychedelics i.e. meditation, visions boards etc.):

External Catalysts

Pretty much any positive news (or research) pertaining to legalization of cannabis and/or psychedelics, along with increased positive sentiment towards cryp.tocurrencies (this covers the 3 markets Minerco, Inc. is operating within).
For example …

My Thoughts

Minerco, Inc. is venturing into an industry that has a few small key players (think NUMI, TRIP, MMED etc). With respect to psychedelics specifically, the “Shroom Boom” has just gotten started after an exciting 2H 2020. I am optimistic of their growth in this area based on their location (strategically placed in a legalized Jamaica), and impressed by the idea of leveraging cryp.to to circumvent any purchase barriers that some businesses or customers could have in their country.
Whoever is taking care of their PR and timing the releases, has been doing an excellent job. Everything has been timed so well to keep bumping the stock up, which has increased over 900% in the last 1.5 weeks alone (though it was somewhat steadily hovering between 0.0015-0.002 for some time). I’m expecting a healthy pullback soon (no guarantee), which I would plan on holding through anyway. As far as I am concerned, this is the ground floor for this company and as long as they keep up the steady growth, they have the potential to be a pretty decent contender in the market. Note that I am not considering fundamentals since they are pre-money. What I’ve observed in my time investing, is that the market has become so detached from fundamentals that big institutions themselves are coming around to “market sentiment” being a bigger factor than fundamentals alone (think TESLA crushing valuations and absolutely MOONING above all expectations through 2020). Of course this applies to some securities more than others.
My feeling is that Paul Hoonjan comes across as a competent President that can steer this company in the right direction. What I love most, as “airy” as they can be in the first 20-30 minutes, are the opportunities to join Zoom calls with the company. That is face-time with shareholders that many companies don’t bother to have. For me, that is valuable since I want to know who I am dealing with. When we invest, we either invest in the product, the people, or both. Paul seems very confident that they can meet all their goals this year, and as a shareholder that brings me relief and a sense of excitement for what is outlined and on the horizon for 2021 (and beyond). I am not only investing in my conviction that psychedelics, cannabis, and cryp.to will continue to grow, but also in the Minerco, Inc. team.

Two things I’d like to address before I wrap this up. There was one Reddit user in particular that was on a rampage to tear this company and call it a scam on a recent post, without any evidence. I could’ve sworn I saw this user post 10 times in the same thread. There wasn’t any evidence to point to their claims, other than perhaps the practices of the OLD COMPANY BEFORE ACQUISITION. It also didn’t help that they were very upset about investing $10…
Earlier today, I had a back and forth with another Reddit user who was also making accusations against the company. In my post I posted a screenshot of the shareholder call slides, which lead to them accusing me of misleading others. How can I mislead someone by literally reposting news? This user stated that Minerco, Inc. lied about partnering with Mydecine in a press release, and proceeded to call them a scam company. I scoured for references online and realized that they were most likely referring to the following article related to the partnership between Minerco, Inc. and Lazurus (which is very real and verified by the presence of Paul Hoonjan):
In it, Mydecine is cited once in PASSING “Lazurus Holisitic, an expert in mycelium, recently completed their first export of Psilocybin mushrooms to Mydecine Innovations Group Inc. in Canada”. To me, it is easy to understand that they are not alluding to any partnership or transaction between Mydecine and Minerco, Inc.
(said user realized their mistake in mis-reading, and deleted their earlier comments to me)

All of that to say, please consider being responsible with the information you put out there. Everything I’ve outlined above (aside from my thoughts) is public information and available online. I’ve simply compiled it so it’s easier to digest; should you go looking for it online, it is easily accessible to you. Ultimately, you decide what you want to do with the information. However I ask that for any stock, you don’t make accusations or assertions (positive or negative) that are not backed by facts. It’s just as bad to fan euphoria with no facts aside from posting “OMG THIS IS HITTING $1 TOMORROW BETTER BUY NOW STUPID BEARS!” on a forum. You not only hurt the company in the process, but you also hurt fellow shareholders.

Of course, this is not financial advice and I am no professional. Ultimately, it is up to you what you would like to invest in. Always invest responsibly and if you decide to do so, ensure that you aren’t taking on greater debt. Always make your own informed decisions. Hopefully this DD has at least provided you with some clarity and a wealth of information regarding Minerco, Inc. ($MINE)
GLTA; I wish that your families are well in this time and your (net) trades forever remain profitable.

My current position 1,000,000 shares @ $0.002. For me, this is a BUY AND HOLD
submitted by beardedkingface to shroomstocks [link] [comments]

ATNF (180 Life Sciences) Super low float MASSIVE potential with a ALL STAR DREAM TEAM MANAGEMENT with a proven track record second to none. 40X or more return very likely. Please read in full:

ATNF (180 Life sciences) Super low floater massive potential under the radar Gem with a "DREAM TEAM All STAR MANAGEMENT" THE BEST OF THE BEST IN BIOPHARMA WORLD WITH AN IMPECCABLE SECOND TO NONE RECORD. Will run many multiples from here in due time.
👉🏻👉🏻 ATNF (180 Life Sciences) Under the radar gem is an understatement. Potentially and very likely will soar 40X or more the current stock price ($4.60 at time of writing). ATNF is in phase 3 the last phase of a potential $7.5 Billion Early Dupuytren's therapy just in the US and UK. Worldwide its probably around $20 Billion or more. There is NO current treatment and NO competition for Early Dupuytren's therapy. Phase 2 exceeded all primary endpoints with a 95% chance this therapy gets FDA approval with the proven track record of this All Star Management Team. Multiple other therapies in pipeline also with a much larger market with projected revenues over $150 Billion worldwide. Co-Founded by Prof. Raphael Mechoulam "THE GODFATHER Of CANNABIS RESEARCH" (1 of 6 Super Stars of Management) Best known for discovering the Endocannabinoid system and isolating the two primary compounds, CBD and THC. 180 Life sciences Synthetic CBD Analogs therapies would potentially replace or very least upheaval the addictive OPIOID drug market. ATNF has a Tiny 1 million share true float with over $150 Billion in potential pipeline therapies on the number #1 cause of all autoimmune diseases in the world (Inflammation) and Chronic Pain Therapies with the absolute Best Minds in the world. All Star Dream Team Management created drugs and companies that sold well over $100 Billion. This could easily run 40X or more the current stock price ($4.60 at time of writing) They are fully funded with grants (Only the best of the best with proven track records 1% ers get grants) and cash on hand (NO Dilution) for 3 years as per CEO in last presentation on January 11th 2021. Management owns 50% of the outstanding shares and 72% of outstanding shares are locked up for 12 months. Management are NOT taking salaries. Market cap is tiny around $85 million. 180 Life sciences is an applicant and licensee of growing patent portfolio for three major drug platforms in the areas of inflammation, fibrosis and pain. The patent portfolio covers 16 patent families with 42 patents issues and 32 pending in several important jurisdictions including the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan and China. The 74 Incredible Patent portfolio alone is worth 8X the current stock price with more patents to be added as they are processed.
👉🏻👉🏻VANGUARD filed 2 separate 13G’s on February 10th 2021 taking a 13% stake of the outstanding shares.
👉🏻👉🏻PT:$200.00 - $300.00 within a 1-2 year time frame if it happens sooner so be it. Not a pie in the sky number but very realistic and highly probable. (WITHOUT CBD pipeline therapies for Pain and Inflammation)
👉🏻👉🏻PT:$700+ which is conservative if they nail the CBD program therapies and get FDA approval. Would disrupt and potentially replace the highly addictive and deadly OPIOID market. Again if they succeed with these therapies that price target is conservative.
👉🏻Synthetic CBD Analogs (SCAs) for Pain and Inflammation•Safe and non-psychoactive• Formulated to offer improved oral bioavailability Rigorously tested in clinical trials for inflammatory pain (efficacy and dosing)•Granted market approval by FDA, EMA and others•👉🏻A real alternative to unregulated consumption of medical cannabis or OTC CBD (no clinical evidence, not FDA approved, unreliable composition, unpredictable dosing and safety)
👉🏻Need: 125 Million Americans have chronic inflammatory conditions, 61 million have more than one. Over 400 Million worldwide suffer from persistent pain, often associated with inflammatory diseases. 180 Life sciences is focused on providing effective therapies. Developing three families of novel drugs addressing significant market opportunities in inflammation, fibrosis and pain:
👉🏻👉🏻Anti-TNF for inflammation driven Fibrosis
👉🏻👉🏻Synthetic CBD analogs (SCAs) for inflammation and Pain (Synthetic CBD analogs are man-made derivatives of cannabidiol (CBD). These compounds have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anxiolytic properties, making it a potential treatment for arthritic conditions. This program is led by Professor Marc Feldmann with key players Professor Raphael Mechoulam , who discovered tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabinol, the main compounds in cannabis, and led pioneering research into the endocannabinoid system and also Gallily and Domb
👉🏻👉🏻a7nAChR nicotinic agonist for inflammation Numerous near-term inflection points for anti-TNF programs:
👉🏻First Clinical program fully enrolled in phase 2b/3 trial
👉🏻Two additional clinical programs projected to start 2H 2021
👉🏻First two anti-TNF clinical trials funded by UK grants and modest 180LS investment
👉🏻Very efficient cash flow model
👉🏻👉🏻Strong IP portfolio with a long lifespan, providing coverage up to 2039
180 Life Sciences Corp. (180 Profile) since the founders have significant expertise in developing new therapeutics that were sold to big pharma for billions. They are renowned for development of some of the largest-selling drugs to ever come to market. Now they aim to do it again with a pipeline of drug candidates in sequential stages of development that address large untapped markets. The founding scientists at 180 Life Sciences discovered the anti-TNF drug class that led to Remicade, the fourth all-time best-selling drug in the world. Presently owned by Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ), Remicade has exceeded $90 billion in total sales since approval. AbbVie Inc. (NYSE: ABBV) licensed the anti-TNF patents from these scientists for use with Humira, the second best-selling drug in the world, with lifetime sales of $137 billion. Amgen Inc. (NASDAQ: AMGN) owns the seventh best seller, Enbrel, that treats psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis and has generated over $81 billion in lifetime sales. Novartis AG (NYSE: NVS) owns the world’s 12th best-selling drug, Diovan, which treats high blood pressure and heart failure and has over $60 billion in lifetime sales.
180 Life Sciences is led by Dr. James Woody: 👉🏻Dr. James N. Woody CEO•Discovered Remicade at Centocor•Founded Avidiaand Proteolix, which were sold to Amgen•GP of LatterellVenture Partners•25+ years of pharmaceutical research and management experience•General Manager of Roche Biosciences (Former Syntex) Chief Executive Officer Jim Woody has more than 25 years of pharmaceutical research and management expertise He currently serves as Chairman of Oncomed Pharmaceuticals, where he was previously a founder and CEO; he is also a General Partner at Latterell Venture Partners, a venture capital group focusing on early-stage healthcare companies He has served in a variety of health and management roles including as President of Roche Bioscience, and CSO and Senior Vice President of R&D for Centocor. At Centocor, Jim was part of the team that discovered Remicade, ($5.03 Billion in sales in 2019)used to treat arthritis and which is now one of the best-selling drugs in the world. He served as Commanding Officer and Director at the US Naval Medical Research and Development Command in Bethesda, Maryland trained in pediatric immunology at Duke University and Boston Children’s Hospital (Harvard) He further holds a PhD in Immunology from the University of London, and has co-authored more than 140 publications.
👉🏻Prof Sir Marc Feldmann Co-Chairman•Pioneer of anti-TNF therapy, world’s biggest drug class ($40 billion) Anti-TNF discovery eventually led to Centocor’sacquisition by J&J for $4.9 Billion •7 International awards for Biomedical Innovation, including Crafoordand Lasker Awards Co-Chairman Professor Sir Marc Feldmann, AC FAA FRS FRCP Fmedsci is a pre-eminent immunologist, and an Emeritus professor at the University of Oxford. At the Kennedy in Insitute in London in the 1980's, he identified TNF as a target in the treatment of arthritis. Prof Sir Marc Feldmann led clinical trails of monocional antiTNF antibody in treatment resistant rheumatoid arthritis, which Centercor had generated and now called Infliximab, which J&J now sells as Remicade. Remicade was the main driver of the $4.9 Billion acquisition of Centocor by Johnson and Johnson . Since its approval of Remicade has sold over $50 Billion worldwide, and remains J&J's biggest selling drug. Feldmann is credited for the generation of anti-TNFs as the worlds biggest drug class since 2013, with global sales of $36 to $40 Billion in recent years. Sir Marc is intimately involved in the development of 2 of the 3 projects being developed by 180 Life Sciences, new uses of anti-TNF and synthetic cannabidiol analogues. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society and a foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences, USA.This major impact on medical therapy led to his receiving a knighthood and also the Australian equivalent, Companion of the order of Australia. Sir Marc Feldmann is a fellow of the Royal Society, Australian Academy of sciences and a Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences, USA.
👉🏻Prof Lawrence Steinman Co-Chairman•Discovered role of integrins, led to Natalizumab, highly effective treatment for MS and IBD•Tysabri sold to Biogen in 2017 for $3.25 Billion Member of National Academy of Sciences, 4 International awards for Biomedical Innovation including Charcot Prize; founder of Centocor Prof Lawrence Steinman is currently is the George A. Zimmermann Endowed Chair in Neurology department at Stanford University. His lab at Stanford University is dedicated to understanding the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, particularly multiple sclerosis. Professor Steinman has overseen success in the pharmaceuticals industry; he was on the board of Centocor, sold to Johnson and Johnson for $4.9 Billion and was founder of Neurocrine Biosciences(NASDAQ:NBIX) which went public in 1997. Neurocrine Biosciences, a NASDAQ-listed company with an approximately $8.6 billion market cap. He served on the Board of Centocor and currently serves as an advisor to Atreca. Prof. Steinman received a B.A. from Dartmouth College and M.D. from Harvard Medical School, and is a Member of the National Academy of Sciences, USA.
👉🏻Dr Jonathan Rothbard Chief Scientific Officer•Stanford University, broad experience in small molecule development•Founder of 5 biotech companies; Amylin sold to AstraZeneca and Bristol Myer Squibb for $7 Billion in 2012. Chief Scientific Officer Dr Jonathan Rothbard works in the neurology department at Stanford University Dr. Rothbard headed the mocecular Immunology Labortory at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund in London in 1990, where he first worked with Professor Sir Marc Feldmann Dr Rothbard has been involved at the high level with start-up pharmaceuticals discovery; in 1987 he founded Amylin in San Diego and has also founded start-ups CellGate and Immulogic Amylin was sold in 2012 to Brstol-Myers Squibb for $7 billion.
👉🏻Prof Raphael Mechoulam CO-Founder, 180 LS•Godfather of cannabinoid chemistry.Labeled as "THE GOD FATHER" of cannabis research, having worked on the chemistry with credited for the discovery of CBD and THC, pharmacology and clinical effects of natural products, including cannabis for over 50 years. He isolated numerous cannabinoids, including the active constituent of cannabis, delta9-THC, and elucidated its structure and CBD. This also paved the way to his discovery of 2AG and anandamide, both endogenous cannabinoids in late 1990s. He has published over 400 papers in esteemed scientific journals and be awarded several notable prizes including the Israeli Prize in Exact Sciences in 2000, NIDA discovery award in 2011, 2012 Rothschild Prize in Chemical Sciences and Physical Sciences, and Lifetime achievement award at CannaMed in 2016. Nominated for the NOBEL PRIZE Currently his work focuses on generating novel cannabinoids and anandamide-like compounds which are being developed as drugs.
👉🏻Prof Jagdeep Nanchahal Chairman of Clinical Advisory Board•Surgeon-scientist, Leading 2b/3 trial funded by WellcomeTrust and UKDept. of health•Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons; discovered new treatments for fibrosis. Professor Nanchahal is a surgeon at the University of Oxford, focused on defining the molecular mechanisms of common diseases such as fibrosis He has pioneered the treatment of fibrosis of the hand(Dupuytren's disease).
👉🏻Word from the CEO James Woody:' TAKES TIME TO GET WORD OUT'": Noting that the company has only been public since November 9th, James Woody acknowledged there hasn't been"a lot of time for analysts to come on board." I think the most important points are that we have a phenomenal team of people, and our projects are also quite exciting.It just takes time to get the word out," he added. (From an exclusive interview with the The Fly). I’d like to close by telling you why I took the role as CEO and what my personal goal is for the Company. My goal and the goal of the other members of management is to build stockholder value by developing world leading products to solve unmet medical needs. As management and insiders currently own over 50% of the Company, we believe our goals are directly aligned with the stockholders of the Company. Many members of our management team have not taken a salary to date. The good news for stockholders is that my team and I have done this before. We are a team who have developed not one but many blockbuster drugs. Our goal for 180 Life Sciences is to execute on a model we all know well, building upon past success, experience, and relationships to bring our pipeline candidates to market. We look forward to working hard for our collective benefit and communicating with you regularly moving forward. Thank you again for your invaluable support.
James Woody MD, PhD
CEO, 180Life Sciences
Many people are asking what happened with the stock price when it dropped from $11 to $2. First you have to understand how SPACs work to get this price movement. 1. This was a very old SPAC that started in 2017 and took forever and ever to complete merger 2. Because of delays, lot of shareholders "redeemed" their shares (You can do this in SPACs) 3. This gave a false impression that the company might not be good 4. This SPAC had 12 million rights that automatically convert into 1.2 million shares after the merger. 5. Most of the right holders bought them between .10 and .30(which equates to $1 to $3 in price) 6. After the merger, most of the rights holders dumped their shares to lock in profit or break even rather than wait for the common to go up 7. Hence the big drop from $11 to $2 8. The fundamentals of this company and team are world class. So it's just a matter of time it's true value is reflected in the share price. 9. SPAC managers are NOT involved in the operations or management of ATNF in any way shape or form. They have nothing to do with ATNF anymore. 10. All the SPAC issues are behind them now 11. THE END
submitted by Stocksunfiltered to u/Stocksunfiltered [link] [comments]

Minerco Full DD

Hi all,
Last week I brought you my DD for Greene Concepts, Inc. ($INKW), which shot up +122% the day after I posted. Since then, it has experienced a healthy pullback only to ramp up again to close today around +104% (I hope those of you who decided to invest have been profitable). Just yesterday they announced completion of a $2.875 million funding transaction that will allow the company to continue expansion efforts and the continued expedited growth of the Be Water™ brand. So, great news!
Anyway, moving onto MINERCO, Inc. (The Magic Mushroom Company)
(NOTE: As always, I encourage you to do your own reading as well and stick with current facts. Do not be misled one way or the other, whether bearish or bullish; simply do your own DD and decide for yourself what you would like to invest in. Additionally, don’t ever invest more than you can afford)
Minerco, Inc.
Ticker: $MINE
Sector(s): **Healthcare (**and Consumer Defensive)
Industry: Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic
Location: May Pen, Clarendon, Jamaica
CEO: Julius Jenge
President: Paul Hoonjan (CEO of Lazurus Hollistic, a 3 year old cannabis company based out of Runaway Bay in Jamaica)
Website: https://www.minercoinc.com/
Current Price (Closing 2021-02-09): $0.0158 / share +0.0106 (203.85%) ⬆

About the Company

From their website:
Minerco, Inc. (OTC: MINE), is the world’s first publicly traded company specializing in growing, research, production and distribution of psilocybin mushrooms and marketing worldwide*. In addition,* Minerco seeks to acquire and invest in CBD operating companies’ extraction, edibles, topical, white label products etc.
In addition to dealing with psychedelics and cannabis…
Though cannabis and psilocybin are legal in some areas, and decriminalized in others, they are still classified as Schedule 1’s federally (USA). This presents a challenge for individuals and merchants accepting debit and credit cards at point of sales. MINE is developing a platform to integrate blockchain with your debit card*. MINE established our own token “SHRU” which is currently on seven blockchain exchanges and are expanding to twelve by the end of the first quarter of 2021.”*

About the Industry

There are 3 markets at play here: 1) Psychedelics, 2) Cannabis, and 3) Fintech (CRYP.TO). These are three of the HOTTEST markets right now (aside from Biotech which has been absolutely booming within the last 3-6 months). Here’s some market research info about each of these areas:
According to a report from Data Bridge Market Research, cited in the link below, the psychedelics drug market:
· “…is growing with a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 16.3% in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027 and expected to reach USD 6,859.95 million by 2027*, from USD 2,077.90 million in 2019."*
· “… psychedelic drugs are used to enhance or change sensory perceptions, energy levels, thought processes, and to facilitate spiritual experiences…These drugs are used in the treatment of major depressive disorder, treatment-resistant depression, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and opiate addiction among others.”
· “Psychedelic drugs market has increased with increased number of psychedelic drugs as compared to the past few years and increasing prevalence of depression and mental disorders in the U.S*”*
· “Growing acceptance of psychedelic drugs for treating depression is also increasing market value as the psychedelic drugs has repetitively proven its high rates of effectiveness for treatment for nicotine dependence, alcohol dependence, anxiety associated terminal illness and chronic PTSD as compared to other antidepressants”

According to a report from Grand View Research:
· “The global legal marijuana market is valued at USD 17.7 billion in 2019 and is expected to expand at a significant CAGR of 18.1% over the forecast period (2020-2027)”
· “The rise in the legalization of marijuana in various countries is one of the key factors driving market growth
· “Medical marijuana is used for the treatment of chronic conditions, such as cancer, arthritis, and neurological conditions, such as anxiety, depression, epilepsy, and Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease*. Such a wide scope of application is anticipated to bode well for the product demand.*”
· “The legal marijuana business is creating jobs and opportunities with around 9,397 licenses in the U.S., including cultivators, manufacturers, dispensaries, and deliverers and labs. Owing to these factors, the legalization of cannabis has led to an increase in its demand in these countries and eventually eroding the black market.
· “Through the legalization of recreational cannabis, governments are trying to eradicate the black market and focusing on gaining a substantial amount of tax revenues levied on the sale of these products
· “As the number of countries legalizing medical cannabis and its applications is increasing, the market is expected to witness robust growth in the forthcoming years*.”*

According to Fortune Business Insights:
· “In 2019, the global market was USD 754.0 Mn, and it is anticipated to reach USD 1,758.0 Mn by 2027*, reflecting a* CAGR of 11.2% during the forecast period from 2020 to 2027.”
· “The popularity of virtual or digital currency such as Bitcoins, Litecoins, Ethers, and many more are expected to drive the market in the forthcoming years.
· “Financial disaster is a major issue occurring in traditional banking and the financial sector. Financial uncertainty disturbs the economy by dropping the value of the currency. With Bitcoins or other cryp.tocurrencies, there is no major effect of the financial crisis on it as its value is balanced universally. Cryp.tocurrencies are better options in financial uncertainty for the regions with unstable economical structure, which is becoming a major market driving factor for the market.
Most of us are aware of why and how big these markets are, but it is worth mentioning with relation to Minerco’s strategy here.


Based on what I could find, they are in the development phase and will begin production this year. In terms of profitability, it naturally follows that they are not at breakeven yet. The business model is mainly B2B (and some C) with an exit strategy being that “a major market-player demonstrates strong interest in buying the company”. In my opinion, this would most likely be exercised once they have generated revenue and proven to be profitable for several quarters / years.
Minerco, Inc. ($MINE) had hired EQUIDAM SOFTWARE last month to create a business valuation. This information comes from a press release plus the generated valuation document. EQUIDAM can either be used by an individual to generate the financial projections, or you can tap into their dedicated team of financial analysts (who have to be HIRED). Based on the verbiage they used stating that they “hired” EQUIDAM, I assume the information is vetted to a certain extent. I can only have faith here and take their word for it.
Using EQUIDAM, they created a “business valuation using 3 methods: IPEV (International Private Equity Valuation), DCF (Discounted Cash Flow) with LTG (Long Term Growth) and DCF with multiples model including the TV (Terminal Value) method. Minerco's Valuation report list IPEV at $297M, LTG AT $193M and DCF TV AT $1B”. Yes, 1 BILLION.
Now, I’m not sure how I feel about HOW such a generous pre-money valuation was calculated…oh well I’ll assume it’s correct. Either way it hasn't affected my sentiment toward investing.
If we looked at the current number of outstanding shares (13.04 billion) and multiplied by the current share price ($0.0158) we get a market cap of $206 million, so there’s still some room to grow per this valuation. Moving on.

Projections of EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization):
01/2021 – 12/2021
01/2022 – 12/2022
01/2023 – 12/2023


Pre-December 2019 (Old Company(s))

These may have been the old versions of Minerco that many of the investment and Reddit OGs remember. Different company(s). The one(s) that many remember as a P&D. This was a beverage company that operated via the same ticker $MINE, but is distinct and SEPARATE FROM TODAY’S Minerco, Inc. We all know that Tickers can change ownership so that’s fine. Here’s the old company’s blurb:
Minerco Resources, Inc., through its subsidiary Athena Brands, Inc. (Athena), is engaged in beverage business. Athena is a specialty beverage company, which develops, produces, markets and distributes a diversified portfolio of good-for-you consumer brands. Its brands include VitaminFIZZ, Vitamin Creamer, COFFEE BOOST and The Herbal Collection. Athena also owns a majority interest in Avanzar, a sales and distribution company located in Brea, California
Athena Brands seems to be inactive according to its FB: https://www.facebook.com/AthenaBrandsInc/
The CEO and Chairman of both Minerco Resources (again, the old company) is/was V. Scott Vanis and at one point Milton Murcia (no info on him). Scott Vanis has an inactive LinkedIn profile (you’re free to look it up), which hasn’t been updated in ages (hence the dates not changing), just like the old Organization page on LinkedIn:
Notice this was categorized as an Oil & Energy company. Who knows how many times this ticker ($MINE) has changed hands and was used by different companies.
Either way, based on this information and recent activity it is apparent that the new Minerco, Inc. aka TODAY’s company (2020-Present) is a distinct entity operating under the same ticker. Not only is the industry and targeted market different, the CEO and President are different people.

Accomplishments in 2019-2020

From 2019-2020 alone, the following has happened with Minerco, Inc. ($MINE):
  1. December 2019: Company has been acquired by a specialized investment firm, and entered into the psilocybin "Magic Mushrooms" market. The $MINE Ticker is backronym’d to fit the new direction of operations
(Mushrooms InterNational Enterprises, or MINE).

2) January 17, 2020: Completed acquisition of 12-acre parcel of land in Jamaica for relocation and production facility. This will be where they will create and build the largest psilocybin operation in North America, and are expecting it to produce upwards of 10,000 kilos annually for export to licensed countries/states. Jamaica “…does not have any laws labeling magic mushrooms as illicit drugs. In fact, Jamaica is at the forefront in furthering research into the healing powers of magic mushrooms and how they can be safely applied towards medicinal purposes. This, following the launch of the world's first magic mushroom research center, located at the University of the West Indies in Mona, Jamaica.
(Trivia: did you know Jamaica and Brazil are the only 2 countries where Psilocybin is fully legal? They are able to freely export easily without going over US airspace)

3) October 22, 2020: Announcement that they have developed a Shroom Blockchain token (SHRU, on the ETH platform) for Shroom investment, and to raise additional capital for their Jamaica project. As mentioned earlier, the strategy here was to circumvent the fact that psychedelics are still classified as Schedule 1’s federally (USA), by creating an alternate avenue for sales. This will allow dispensaries to accept Debit Card purchases for psilocybin (and cannabis) even though it is federally illegal.

4) December 14, 2020: Minerco’s SHRU token gets approval to launch on 7 Blockchain exchanges: Bitcratic, ForkDelta, EtherDelta, Bamboolay, SwitchDex, SaturnDex, and McAfee.

5) December 17, 2020: Cleaned up $MINE financials (ongoing, due to previous owners) and OTC listing. Retained SEC registered Crowd Fund platform for capital raise. “Upon raising funds, MINE has 4 key strategies targeted with funds.
a) Acquire and Retire Toxic Debt to create a stronger and stable balance sheet*.*
b) Acquire equipment needed to produce 1m psilocybin tablets daily to be sold to wholesale purchasers in Oregon, Vermont, domestically and Jamaica, Amsterdam, Canada globally.
c) Establish cash collateral reserves for MINE'S blockchain gateway and token SHRU*. This cash collateral will spring board SHRU token onto the top Exchanges worldwide.*
d) Acquire and renovate properties for Production and lease in Oregon, Vermont, Jamaica*.”*

6) December 20, 2020: Minerco, Inc. and Anything Technologies Media host the world’s first “Shroom Zoom” (meet and greet with company + viewing and discussion of CNN’s “Psychedelic Healing” special)

7) December 21, 2020: Minerco, Inc. the Magic Mushroom Company Gains Acceptance in Psychedelic Invest Index made up of 20 companies listed (Nasdaq, AQL, CNX, and OTC are exchanges representing the collectives in the industry)

8) December 28, 2020 (originally reported): EQUIDAM Software hired for Pre-Money Business Valuation

News in 2021

After a relatively busy 2020 with planning and implementing a strategy in the middle of a global pandemic, Minerco’s news streak continues in 2021 as follows:
  1. January 4, 2021: Minerco, Inc. signs a joint venture letter of intent (LOI) with Jamaican Firm Lazurus Holistic (CEO Paul Hoonjan) to grow, process, and extract psilocybin and cannabis for export to Canada and Europe

2) January 11, 2021: Paul Hoonjan (CEO of Lazurus Holistic) is appointed as the President of Minerco, Inc. ($MINE)
Hoonjan brings extensive experience, notably in the development and management of strategic opportunities, corporate alliances and bringing therapeutic products to market.
For almost 6 years, Hoonjan has overseen Cannabis and Mushroom development in Runaway Bay, Jamaica managing international client base. Hoonjan's expertise in shipping, contracting, negotiating, labor development, and building supply lines will reinforce Minerco's leadership in the emerging market.”

3) January 24, 2021: Minerco, Inc. hosts Sankofa Shareholder and Vision Summit.

Upcoming company plans for 2021

These plans are as stated by Paul Hoonjan himself during the January 24th 2021 Shareholder summit, which he is confident will be met:
  1. Start February 2021: Begin Capital Raise of $5M
  2. Start February 2021: Pilot Production of psilocybin and cannabis once they finalize partnership between Minerco, Inc. and Lazurus (in February 2021) in the form of a SPV or SPAC
  3. Complete by April 2021: Payment Gateway available for SHRU on Apple and Android
  4. Complete by May 2021: Finish Capital Raise of $5M
  5. Complete by July 2021: Jamaica Expansion / US Office. Also will begin producing their microdose tablets (microdots) during this month, from the raw products produced from February 2021. Paul is cited as saying that they can produce 4,480 microdots for every pound of mushroom. This amounts to an approximate $21,000 of revenue per pound of mushroom
  6. Start August 2021: GENERATE REVENUE

Source (I recommend starting at 57:15 for Paul’s segment, and if you wish to skip over what some consider the “airy-fairy” side of being into psychedelics i.e. meditation, visions boards etc.):

External Catalysts

Pretty much any positive news (or research) pertaining to legalization of cannabis and/or psychedelics, along with increased positive sentiment towards cryp.tocurrencies (this covers the 3 markets Minerco, Inc. is operating within).
For example …

My Thoughts

Minerco, Inc. is venturing into an industry that has a few small key players (think NUMI, TRIP, MMED etc). With respect to psychedelics specifically, the “Shroom Boom” has just gotten started after an exciting 2H 2020. I am optimistic of their growth in this area based on their location (strategically placed in a legalized Jamaica), and impressed by the idea of leveraging cryp.to to circumvent any purchase barriers that some businesses or customers could have in their country.
Whoever is taking care of their PR and timing the releases, has been doing an excellent job. Everything has been timed so well to keep bumping the stock up, which has increased over 900% in the last 1.5 weeks alone (though it was somewhat steadily hovering between 0.0015-0.002 for some time). I’m expecting a healthy pullback soon (no guarantee), which I would plan on holding through anyway. As far as I am concerned, this is the ground floor for this company and as long as they keep up the steady growth, they have the potential to be a pretty decent contender in the market. Note that I am not considering fundamentals since they are pre-money. What I’ve observed in my time investing, is that the market has become so detached from fundamentals that big institutions themselves are coming around to “market sentiment” being a bigger factor than fundamentals alone (think TESLA crushing valuations and absolutely MOONING above all expectations through 2020). Of course this applies to some securities more than others.
My feeling is that Paul Hoonjan comes across as a competent President that can steer this company in the right direction. What I love most, as “airy” as they can be in the first 20-30 minutes, are the opportunities to join Zoom calls with the company. That is face-time with shareholders that many companies don’t bother to have. For me, that is valuable since I want to know who I am dealing with. When we invest, we either invest in the product, the people, or both. Paul seems very confident that they can meet all their goals this year, and as a shareholder that brings me relief and a sense of excitement for what is outlined and on the horizon for 2021 (and beyond). I am not only investing in my conviction that psychedelics, cannabis, and cryp.to will continue to grow, but also in the Minerco, Inc. team.

Two things I’d like to address before I wrap this up. There was one Reddit user in particular that was on a rampage to tear this company and call it a scam on a recent post, without any evidence. I could’ve sworn I saw this user post 10 times in the same thread. There wasn’t any evidence to point to their claims, other than perhaps the practices of the OLD COMPANY BEFORE ACQUISITION. It also didn’t help that they were very upset about investing $10…
Earlier today, I had a back and forth with another Reddit user who was also making accusations against the company. In my post I posted a screenshot of the shareholder call slides, which lead to them accusing me of misleading others. How can I mislead someone by literally reposting news? This user stated that Minerco, Inc. lied about partnering with Mydecine in a press release, and proceeded to call them a scam company. I scoured for references online and realized that they were most likely referring to the following article related to the partnership between Minerco, Inc. and Lazurus (which is very real and verified by the presence of Paul Hoonjan):
In it, Mydecine is cited once in PASSING “Lazurus Holisitic, an expert in mycelium, recently completed their first export of Psilocybin mushrooms to Mydecine Innovations Group Inc. in Canada”. To me, it is easy to understand that they are not alluding to any partnership or transaction between Mydecine and Minerco, Inc.
(said user realized their mistake in mis-reading, and deleted their earlier comments to me)

All of that to say, please consider being responsible with the information you put out there. Everything I’ve outlined above (aside from my thoughts) is public information and available online. I’ve simply compiled it so it’s easier to digest; should you go looking for it online, it is easily accessible to you. Ultimately, you decide what you want to do with the information. However I ask that for any stock, you don’t make accusations or assertions (positive or negative) that are not backed by facts. It’s just as bad to fan euphoria with no facts aside from posting “OMG THIS IS HITTING $1 TOMORROW BETTER BUY NOW STUPID BEARS!” on a forum. You not only hurt the company in the process, but you also hurt fellow shareholders.

Of course, this is not financial advice and I am no professional. Ultimately, it is up to you what you would like to invest in. Always invest responsibly and if you decide to do so, ensure that you aren’t taking on greater debt. Always make your own informed decisions. Hopefully this DD has at least provided you with some clarity and a wealth of information regarding Minerco, Inc. ($MINE)
GLTA; I wish that your families are well in this time and your (net) trades forever remain profitable.

My current position 1,000,000 shares @ $0.002. For me, this is a BUY AND HOLD
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