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The Call from the Deep

I held up my boarding pass and walked through the gate. My wife, Harper, was right ahead of me, and we both were so loaded with bags and suitcases that we could barely fit between the doorways. Our 10th anniversary was in a couple of days. We both had come into agreement that there was no better way to celebrate than to go on an all-expense-paid cruise to Hawaii.
As we made it up to the deck, we marveled at all the entertainment. There was a band playing to greet us. Pools, water slides, mini-golf, a drive-in sized screen that was displaying boarding information, bars, and restaurants, and that was just what we could see while walking in! This was definitely the right choice for our anniversary vacation. I couldn’t wait to get these bags unloaded and start to enjoy ourselves.
We went into the doors that led to the cabins. There was another beautiful bar down below us. There was a sports bar to the left showing the games on different screens and a small library to our right. Before we made it to the cabins, there was a coffee bar that served specialty coffees and desserts. If religion has it right, I hope that heaven is something like this. You couldn’t walk through a door anywhere without finding something exciting.
Once we made it to our cabin, we dropped all our bags and looked at each other with stars in our eyes. I pulled my wife close for a kiss and then kept my arms around her. I asked eagerly about how we should begin.
“Well, what should we do first? The casino? The arcade?”
She smirked before replying.
“Such a man, don’t forget about the fine dining at 6, followed by the show at the Theatre.”
I drew back and acted faux offended.
“Are you insinuating that I have no culture? I made our reservations before we even boarded, don’t worry. Dinner isn’t for a long time though, how about we go get some of those tacos and a coffee to get ourselves going.”
“Now you’re speaking my language.” She replied with a grin.
“Let’s unpack later. I am starving, and I think that coffee bar right there makes caramel macchiatos.”
Her eyes lit up yet again as I grabbed her hand, and we rushed towards the door. The coffee bar did have macchiatos, which I got with an extra shot of espresso. She ordered a frozen drink that was more sweetness than coffee, and we made our way back onto the deck where the tacos awaited.
The weather was beautiful. It was Fall time, and the sun was just warm enough to be inviting, accompanied by the blissful breeze that blew along the top of the deck. As we drew near to Tito’s Taco Shop, we heard the captain coming through the loudspeakers announcing takeoff. He reminded us about the mandatory safety meeting in a couple of hours and then wished us to have a great time aboard the ship.
It was still strange to be in large groups of people without wearing a mask. The pandemic was finally eradicated once the vaccines were distributed. The cruise and tourism industries were hit hard, as were many others. It seemed that people were at last willing to come back out again, and there was no shortage of cruise-goers ready for a trip to the islands.
I had my phone out and was looking up things to do in Honolulu for the days that we were in port. Scuba diving was a must. I had heard that sometimes you could see sharks or even hold an octopus on your hand if you got lucky enough. I wanted to do some hiking near the volcanoes if we had time. All the spam was going to be strange, but as much as they cook with it, I bet they were able to make it taste like a delicacy.
They were in the process of building a new aquarium. It looked like it was going to be a huge one. Sadly, it did not look like it would be done in time for us to check it out. The black sands beach looked incredible, though. Instead of sand, it said that the whole beach was covered in smooth black lava rocks. We would definitely have to make a stop there.
“Ethan! Do you want salsa on your tacos? Chicken or steak?”
I put my phone away and looked at the meats before responding and did so to the guy who was making them as he finished up my wife’s two glorious looking tacos.
“I’ll take one of both with some of that green salsa. Thank you!”
All the free tacos that you could eat, why couldn’t life always be like that?
“Let’s sit over there by the side, so we can watch the takeoff,” Harper said, before taking a big sip of her frozen coffee.
We took a seat and took in the last sight of land that we would see for about 4 days. Once we arrived, we would tour the different islands, stopping at each port and having a day to explore. There were some people on land waving towards the ship. We joined many others who were near the side waving back. I couldn’t help but feel bad for all of those poor people stuck on the land.
“Bon Voyage to us, I guess.”
I held up my coffee for a cheers, and Harper returned the gesture. Her face was glowing. I couldn’t remember seeing her so happy since the day of our wedding.
“This is really going to be a nice break from reality.” She said as she picked up her taco to take her first bite.
“Yeah, it will. Nothing like this in the world.”
We took our time, enjoying each bite as our view of the coastline became a thing of the past. When we were finished, we looked into each other’s eyes. I reached across the table to hold her hand. She sounded a bit anxious as she spoke.
“It is a lot to take in, isn’t it? There is so much to do that I’m afraid of missing out on something. Where should we go first?”
I squeezed her hand and spoke in a reassuring tone.
“We have plenty of time to take it all in. Let’s just make sure to relax and do whatever makes us happy. It will all work itself out.”
Once we had our fill of gazing into the ocean, we decided that we would head back to the room and get unpacked, while we waited for the safety orientation. The time flew by, and before we knew it, they were calling our section over the loudspeaker.
We arrived with all the other passengers and waited for a moment until the crew member made it so we could begin. They gave us the spiel about the life jackets. They explained how the evacuation process works in case of a problem and let us hear a sample of the siren that would be played if there was an emergency.
I was zoning out and staring out of the window. We were near the bottom of the ship, and you could see the water moving beside us. It put me in a bit of a trance, and I kind of lost myself in it for a moment. I was snapped out of it when I saw something I couldn’t quite comprehend.
It happened pretty fast, and most of the people were looking at the crew member as he spoke. I could have been mistaking, but It looked like a giant tentacle had moved by the window and curled out of sight.
I looked around to see if anyone else had seen what I thought I just saw. There was a teenaged boy who looked excited and shocked. He was tugging at his father’s sleeve and explaining something to him. He seemed to brush him off and looked frustrated at the interruption. Everyone else was paying attention to the speech and had apparently not seen a thing.
Harper noticed how shaken I was and asked me quietly if everything was alright. I shook it off and said I would tell her about it later. We sat through the rest of the orientation. Nothing else went by the window, other than the waves being made by the ship.
As we arrived back on the deck, we were grabbing a drink from the tiki-themed bar. Harper chose one of those blue drinks with the little umbrella on top. After what I had seen, I opted for a straight glass of their best scotch. I had explained my story to her, and she was busy trying to figure out what it could have been that I saw.
“So, you’re sure it was all the way up by the window? Even at that lower level, that must be pretty high up from the water. Maybe it was something that crawled up the side, and it just seemed like it was larger because of forced-perspective?”
I took a big sip of my scotch and shook my head in confusion.
“Yeah, I mean, maybe. I really don’t know.”
She looked as if a light bulb went off in her head, and she shot back a smart remark.
“You’ve been reading a bunch of that H. P. Lovecraft stuff again, haven’t you? I’m sure it wasn’t Cthulhu if that’s what you are thinking.”
I laughed and felt my tension release.
“No, it’s not that. I just thought it was weird, that’s all. Enough about that, let’s figure out what we’re going to do until the formal dinner and play tonight.”
She responded with a grin.
“I seem to remember someone mentioning the arcade and the casino.”
I must have looked like a kid on Christmas morning because she burst out laughing. We finished our drinks and made our way past the large screen that was now cycling through reminders of all the different events that you could attend. Night club, comedy club, it seemed like there was no end to the number of things you could do on this ship.
We walked through the casino that was already bustling with cruise-goers. It looked like a good time. They even had versions of those toy cranes that were set up to pick up huge wads of cash. That might be the next stop, but I had my eyes set on the zombie shooter game with two green guns. The arcade was right past the casino and was full of all kinds of games to keep us entertained.
Not as many people were eager to jump straight for the arcade apparently. Harper and I had the whole place to ourselves. I went to the coin machine to get out some tokens. There was a door that read “Staff Only” right by the machine. I heard a loud slamming noise that caught my attention, even over the music that was playing in the arcade. I leaned in a little and heard a heated conversation on the other side.
“This is so fucked up. I can’t believe that they got loose. They need to tell all of the people!”
“Can you imagine the chaos that would cause? I get where you are coming from, trust me. It’s better this way, though.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right… People would be going crazy.”
The door opened, and I jumped as I was still leaning in to eavesdrop. This must have been apparent to the two kids who walked out because they looked a bit frightened and then hurried right past me. I grabbed the tokens out of the machine and walked over to the machine where my wife was waiting.
“You look like you just saw a ghost or something. Don’t tell me some fish people are walking around on board now.”
I couldn’t even fake a laugh or smile. I explained what I had just heard as I put the coins into the machine and started up the game. She did not seem concerned about the new development.
“They could have been talking about a mechanical issue or something. Try not to worry too much. We deserve to have the time of our lives on this trip. I don’t want you to start to obsess on this and lose sight of why we are here.”
I shrugged at this and answered in a resigned tone.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Worrying isn’t going to fix anything anyway. Could you please start taking out some of these zombies, though? I’m carrying the whole game over here. You have a power-up to use, hit the red button.”
She smacked me with the gun for talking trash, but the mood felt much lighter after that. Before long, we grew tired of the arcade and decided to play a few games at the casino. I have never been the best card player, and she was no better than me. This being the case, we opted for the giant money claw machine.
I swear that both of us grabbed a stack a handful of times each. The claw would never hold its grip, though. Feeling more than a little bit scammed, we decided to blow a bit of time at the slots until we had to go get ready for dinner. As soon as we sat down, the person who went on the money claw right behind us exclaimed loudly as the machine lit up and started to make a loud ringing noise. I looked over to Harper and gestured towards him.
“That seems about right, huh? We pump fifty dollars into that thing, and he walks away with a jackpot after one.”
“Such is life.” She responded as she pumped some tokens into the slot machine.
I couldn’t help but hear two guys on some machines behind us, as they were beginning to get a bit rowdy with each other.
“You tryin’ to say I don’t know what I saw man?”
His friend responded quickly.
“No, no, no, man. I’m not trying to say you’re seeing things or whatever else. I’m just saying that it’s crazy. There is no way it can be right!”
After this, the first man shot up out of his seat, knocking over his stool as he did. This caused quite the scene, and many people were starting to gaze in the direction now.
“Yeah, that’s alright. You think whatever the hell you want. I’m gonna go find someone to talk to about it right now!”
He stormed off, leaving his friend looking a bit shell-shocked and embarrassed. Harper looked toward me, and as if reading her mind, I pushed my seat back away from the machine.
“Yeah, let’s get out of here. We need to get ready for dinner.”
She raised her eyebrows in surprise at what we had just witnessed and responded.
“Sounds good to me. I haven’t won anything anyway. Let’s go.”
I looked back towards the guy’s friend, who he left standing there. After considering it for a moment, I leaned in towards my wife.
“You go ahead, I’ll catch up with you in just a second.”
She looked a bit frustrated but did not fight it.
“Hurry up, I want to make sure we get a good seat. It’s going to take us a while to get ready.”
She kissed me on the cheek and took off towards the deck, which led over towards the cabins. I walked up towards the man who was about to walk off before I caught his attention.
“Excuse me, sir? I overheard you and your friend. What was it that he thinks he saw?”
He looked at me warily. It was clear that he really didn’t want to discuss the matter.
“Look, he’s usually not like that, you know? I don’t know what’s gotten into him, honestly.”
I shook my head. He obviously didn’t understand why I was asking.
“No, I saw something strange as well. I’m not trying to say your friend is going crazy at all. I was just wondering what it is that he was saying he saw.”
This seemed to unnerve him more than help calm his nerves. He looked around to make sure nobody was listening in.
“Man, he was saying that he saw a giant fucking octopus, bro. Like, 30 feet long or so is how he was describing it. It’s ridiculous, there is no way they would allow something like that on one of these ships.”
My heart dropped all the way to my feet. I covered my mouth, and I think he could tell by my reaction that what he said had rocked me to the core. I stammered and managed a weak reply as horror rushed through my body.
“I..I… On the boat??”
He nodded and looked at me with the same type of concern he had been showing to his friend. My face must have been as white as a sheet at this point.
I took off out of the door, in a huge rush to catch up with Harper. I was looking around in a panic, my heart racing and ready to beat right out of my chest. I was about to just take off to the room when I heard Harper’s voice.
“Ethan! Over here, I grabbed some hot tea.”
I saw her over by the edge of the deck, waving me over. I ran up to her and could hardly focus.
“I thought you needed something to help you relax, and it looks like I was right. What are you freaking out about right now?”
I tried to collect my thoughts and was going to respond when she pointed behind me and cut me off.
“Hey, isn’t that the guy that was just going nuts in the casino?”
I turned around, and the man was being dragged towards a door that was marked “Employees Only”. Two larger deckhands were pulling him that way, each with a tight grip on one of his arms. He was fighting hard to try and break their hold and calling out for help. As they made it through the door with the man, I grabbed Harper by the shoulders and looked into her eyes.
“We have to go. Let’s get to the room, I don’t want to explain out here.”
She nodded, and we made our way towards the cabins. Once we were in our own cabin, she put down the hot teas on our dresser and walked right up to me with an exasperated look on her face.
“Babe, what in the heck is going on right now? This isn’t about the freaking tentacle that you saw out the window, is it?”
I looked shiftily around the room and towards our view of the ocean.
“Yes… I mean, no… Well, not really, anyway.”
“You have got to calm down. Just take a deep breath and explain.”
I did as she suggested and took a long deep breath to collect my thoughts. I told her about what the guy’s friend had said back at the casino. She made the connection between this and the man being dragged off the deck against his will. I also explained what I heard from the crew members when we were at the arcade. I could tell she was beginning to take what I was saying seriously.
I looked off into a corner as I made a connection. It seemed like a bit of a stretch to me, but it was the only thing I could think of. I know that she wouldn’t judge me at this point if it sounded a bit outlandish. After thinking it over for a moment, I decided to tell her what I was thinking.
“When I was looking for things to do in Honolulu earlier, there was an advertisement for a new aquarium that was coming soon. One of the main attractions was that they were going to have a bunch of Giant Pacific Octopi.
I didn’t think about it until now, but what if that is what is on this ship? Let me google it really quick, I had never heard of that type of octopus, so I didn’t think much of it.”
I got the search pulled up and nodded in a cold understanding before continuing.
“This is exactly what that guy was describing. I don’t know why they would use a cruise ship to deliver something like that. It’s the only thing that makes any sense right now, though.”
Harper was looking at the google search thoughtfully and responded.
“I mean, I guess that these were two of the hardest-hit economies during the pandemic, tourism, and cruise ships. It makes some kind of twisted sense that they would come together to try and help each other out. Octopi are known to be very mischievous, even when they aren’t the size of a freaking semi-trailer.”
She made a good point. Nothing had really made sense for a few years now with how crazy the world had been. This made as much sense as anything else when it was put into perspective. I just shook my head in amazement and looked towards her.
“Well, what do we do from here?”
“I know this is crazy, but I’m sure they will have a handle on those things. They would not have arranged to have them on board and not prepared for the possibility that they could escape.
I say we get ready and go to dinner as we had planned. We don’t want to spend our whole 10th-anniversary cruise holed-up in the cabin. Even if all this crazy guesswork is correct, and that is what the guy from the casino saw, I’m sure that they have everything under control.”
I pressed my fingers against my eyes and tried to wrap my mind around everything. I may have been scared out of my mind, but she was right. Our best bet was to hope that it was all under control and at least try to enjoy our time on the ship. This was not going to happen again anytime soon, if ever.
“Yeah. Let’s do that, I agree. Let’s just get dressed and try to have a good time. I’m sure if it was too bad, everyone would be on lockdown or something.”
She brightened up a bit with my saying this. We both went into our luggage and began to start the process of getting changed into our formal dining attire. Before long, I was tying the knot in my tie, and she was putting the final touches on her hair. I walked up behind her in the mirror and held her by the shoulders.
“You look incredible. Let’s go and have the time of our lives.”
She gave me a big smile, and I pulled her in for a kiss. I backed up and held out my arm towards her. As she grabbed onto it, we made our way for the door.
The formal dining room was the most luxurious area on the ship by far. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling. There were large wine racks along many of the walls, and the entire dining room was walled in by the most beautiful windows that I had ever seen. There was an ornate window on the ceiling as well. It was just beginning to get dark, and I was sure that soon we would be able to see the stars all across the sky.
The waiter walked up and asked what we would like to drink. He was dressed in a black vest with a bow tie and a white shirt. I told him that we would take a bottle of wine that he recommended. I also asked him to give me a recommendation for my meal. Once Harper heard his suggestion of parmesan encrusted lamb with asparagus, she decided that she would follow suit.
He brought out some bread with olive oil as a complimentary appetizer to go with our wine. As he poured our first glasses and set the bottle down, I grabbed my glass of wine and held it up toward my beautiful wife. She looked every bit as lovely as the day of our wedding, and I was flooded with a flurry of emotions as I said my toast.
“Here is to 10 amazing years. Every one of them has been an adventure, and I look forward to every year that I’ll be lucky enough to spend with you as we continue that adventure.”
She smiled and blushed ever so slightly as she reached her glass to clink off of mine. We both took a sip, and she responded in a relieved manner.
“That’s the spirit, it is starting to actually feel like a relaxing vacation.”
“Hey, that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? It’s so nice to have a break from work, housework, and all the monotony of the day-to-day. We make a pretty good team through all of that drudgery, though. Don’t you think?”
Suddenly, I saw the smile get wiped from her face. The look that crept onto her face was one of sheer terror. Her glass of wine had been in her hand. When her face went from delight to horror, she tossed it on the ground with a crash. A scream came from deep within her, which was blood-curdling and intimated that absolute ruin was imminent.
I turned toward the spot that she was staring at. I understood all at once the doom that awaited all of us in the dining room. A giant octopus came crashing through the windows near the entrance where we all had arrived, knocking over the many racks of wine as it came and turning the floor as red as blood. Seemingly at the same time, another came from the side closest to the ocean and blocked the only other way out of the dining room into the kitchen.
I grabbed Harper’s arm, and we ran toward the corner as far from the beasts as we could manage. It was pandemonium as the whole dining room erupted into turmoil. I flipped a circle table up against the corner so that Harper and I could try to hide behind it for protection.
I saw one man who ran as fast as he could towards a small opening next to the octopus, who was blocking the main entrance. The creature reached a giant tentacle out for him and pulled him into his beak. There were shrieking howls of pain, unlike anything I have ever heard as blood sprayed out from underneath.
A couple of people were able to dart around as the octopus was distracted. Another unfortunate lady was grabbed by one of the spare tentacles, though. He squeezed her around the throat, and we had to watch as her face turned purple. Eventually, the life was squeezed right from her body.
I held Harper tight as she was sobbing like mad and unable to stop her body from shaking. We saw an opening. The one by the front entrance went toward a group of people on the opposite side of the room. As soon as it did, we bolted for the door. As we drew near, another octopus came crashing through the window on the ceiling, crushing a few unfortunate souls as it joined in the massacre. We kept running until we were well onto the deck.
The chaos did not stop in the dining room. People were running like mad all over the deck. I didn’t know where we would be safe, but I thought that maybe we could lock ourselves in our cabin until we could be rescued from this madness. It was a nice thought, but as we went for the doors, another one of those damn things came down to block our way.
We ran for the area in front of the drive-in style screen where Re-Animator was playing. A man was gibbering to himself in a wild manner and hiding behind a chair. As we drew near, I noticed a tear in the screen as another one came through and snatched the man up as he yelled out for help.
Our options for safety were becoming extremely limited. We ran for the bar where we jumped over the top and hid with a large group of people, peaking over to watch it all unfold. That was when we saw what I knew would be the end of us all. There was an army of them descending upon us. I held Harper tight as we waited on the inevitable.
I watched as a family of three were huddling together in the middle of the deck. They were almost surrounded, but the father pushed the mother and child toward an opening so that they could make it to safety with the rest of us. He let out a guttural cry as they ripped him to shreds. His little girl cried in a high-pitched squeal reaching for him until the mother grabbed her and ran towards us.
The mother was getting close when one of the monstrous creatures came hurtling behind her. As she noticed, she reached out with her daughter. I leaned out over the bar and grabbed onto her as the octopus reached the mother and held her tightly. I was pulling my hardest as the mother was holding on tight, and I hoped that they both might be saved.
I was punching and pulling at the tentacles and doing my best to cause him to let the mother go. She released her daughter, and the others brought her down behind the bar. I wouldn’t let go of her mother’s arms as she cried out in distress.
That was when I heard it. It was the deepest and most powerful sound that I have ever heard. It shook the ship violently. The bottles of liquor and glasses were falling all around us. It was hard to describe the immense strength and power that the sound exhibited all around us. When the sound came, though, something strange began to happen.
The octopus that held the child’s mother released her, and we pulled her behind the bar with us quickly. She fell to her daughter and clutched her tightly as they wept in each other’s arms. All of the creatures began to release the people that they were attacking. They were moving in unison towards the edges of the ship. They crawled over the side, and one by one, they made their way into the ocean.
Once all the monsters had left the ship, the people made their way slowly to the side to see what was happening. For some reason, they were all leaving. As quickly as they had descended upon us, they left us. It appeared to be almost in a synchronized manner. They all were swimming in the same direction, and we watched in disbelief. Nobody aboard this ship would ever be the same if they made it out alive, but many of us were saved by what could only be described as a call. A call that came from something massive, much larger than the creatures that had plagued us. It was a call that came from deep within the ocean and was more monstrous than anything that we could have ever imagined.
submitted by MadnessMultiplier to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

City In Black chapter 3: Old Flame

City In Black chapter 3: Old Flame
I needed to step out for a while. Most of what happened after the match was a blur. Medical staff left me alone after they found out I only had minor wounds and instead focused on the more grievously injured. I doubted there were many survivors. I really hoped Hank was okay. I had no idea how that man could fight through those injuries. After I got out of the arena, I was hounded by rabid fans riding the high of the carnage. They still cheered me on even after the event, which had forced me to seek isolation outside along the shaded side of the warehouse. I needed time to think. I leaned back and gazed at the bustle of The Second’s Reverse Floor far above. At all of the lights flickering and drifting about. I could see the elevator I took down from here.
Tonight was filled with too many emotions. Both good and bad. The rush of authentic combat was something I haven't experienced in a long time, and never at the stakes I’d just endured. I knew being a Freelancer was dangerous, that’s why my parents spent a fortune on my augs in the first place, but I wondered if every job I’d end up doing would be this dangerous. Christ, this wasn’t even part of my current job, this was just me trying to find a setup! I was beginning to wonder if I was competent enough to be a Freelancer. The convoy heist was tomorrow. I spent all this time and I didn’t have any preparations done. Hell, I came here to find a Valkyrie and I might’ve ended up killing her or permanently damaging her in the process. She was my only lead. I might’ve really fucked this up.
I couldn’t afford to doubt myself though. Not after the money my parents sunk into me. Not after the eight years of arduous training I sunk into myself. Not after I sacrificed almost everything I held dear in life, including my body, so I could pursue this dream. I wanted this so bad, and I finally got it. This is where I wanted to be, so the only way I’d give up is if I went irreparably broke or died.
And with how much tiff I made in that match alone, I doubted it would be because of the former. With how things have been going tonight, however, the latter was seeming increasingly likely.
It felt amazing to be back in the ring again. The nostalgia was overbearing and I had to admit that the raving fans were an ego booster, even if I wasn’t in the mood to interact with them. Everything has felt so liquid and unsure since I stopped fighting here years ago. I was happier back then, it was all so clear. Win the next fight and be with my friends. Now for almost a decade I’ve been pursuing something I wasn’t sure would even work out. God I hoped things would fall into place.
The thrill from this return wasn’t worth it. I wish I could’ve left this part of my life in the past. Seeing what it was now, seeing who someone I once called family has turned into was like a perversion of my memories. It turned what was once bittersweet into heartbreak. I’m pretty sure Uncle G hates me, and now I hate him back. He wouldn’t put me through what he did if he still cared about me.
I let out a frustrated growl and looked down. I could see the drying blood still coating my foot and I remembered the man whose life I took. It was so violent and excessive and unnecessary yet it’s something I did. Something I did confidently. The scariest thing was how little it was bothering me. I’d anticipated having to do this one day. Freelancers are paid killers, and he was only the first of many if this played out right. Still, I thought it’d be harder to cope with. Maybe I was just a sociopathic bitch.
“Nala!” My name drew my attention to the corner I was hiding around. Aubrey peeked over, making sure I was here. Her tired face lit up upon seeing me. “Ah! I saw you hide over here, but I thought you needed some space.” Her face softened. “You seemed really off after the fight. Do you need more time to yourself?”
“Nah,” I shook my head. My thoughts weren’t good and I knew being alone wasn’t the best for me right now. “Some company sounds nice actually,” I told her, shifting my gaze back towards the sky.
“Ah,” she began, sliding up next to me and leaning against the wall too. I could feel her eyes on me. “What happened? I thought you didn’t want to fight?”
“I didn’t,” I confessed with a growl. “But I came here for the Valkyrie, and Big G was only gonna let me see her if I fought. I didn’t expect things to go the way they did though.”
“I was worried something like this would happen,” Aubrey admitted sympathetically. “G has been through a lot since you left. You’re not the only one who…” she stopped herself for a second but still continued. “Everything has worn on him. Nala, he’s not a good man anymore.”
“Yeah, I picked up on that,” I sneered before turning my head back to her. “You hear anything about how the Valkyrie and Hank are doing?”
Surprisingly, Aubrey snickered. “Oh I’m sure Hank’s fine. He’s been through much worse and recovered.” I raised a brow. The man was stabbed in the head and impaled. How much worse can you get? Then I remembered the cyborgs that got popped by the Valkyrie. I guess that’s worse. You can’t recover from that.
“As for the Valkyrie, I’m not sure. How hard did you hit her?”
“Hard,” I grimaced. The magical harpy didn’t give me much choice. “But that first uppercut she took would’ve ruined somebody unaugmented and she still got up from it. Either she has some dermal implants or Valkyries are naturally tougher, but I’m no expert. I’m hoping she pulls through.”
“Why’re you after her anyway? Is it a contract?”
I laughed. “Nah, actually. Can you believe it’s not? I heard she’s after the same target I am, and I need help.”
“So you’re going to ask the person you just kicked the shit out of for help?” she cringed.
“That’s the plan.”
“I hope there’s a plan B.”
The two of us went back inside to pull up a pair of stools at one of the food stalls and catch up some more. Well more Aubrey gushing about my fight. And I didn’t eat. My mind was too conflicted and filled with gory images. Hell, and despite a trip to the bathroom to try to clean up, I know I had some giblets stuck to me somewhere. Food was the last thing I wanted. I could sure use a drink though. And a long shower. But I’d have to wait awhile for that second one.
In the midst of our conversation, somebody tapped my shoulder and a soft voice caught my attention.
“Excuse me, ma’am?” Ma’am? I wasn’t nearly old enough for that shit. I turned, stunned to see the forest green hair and tattoos of the Valkyrie. She seemed off compared to when I’d seen her in the pit. Her hair was no longer flowing and her brown eyes were soft and gentle. Her tattoo like runes were a dull white instead of shining. She still wore the tank from the match, but had on a transparent jacket over it. About every second, a wave of bright color would wash over the piece of clothing, cycling through a selection of hues. Instead of normal leggings, now she wore a set of tight leather pants with combat boots. She also applied black lipstick and eyeliner. A bandage was wrapped around the top of her head, a little red seeping through. I couldn’t believe she was alright let alone up and moving already. What struck me most about her appearance, however, wasn’t the makeover or the fact that she wasn’t glowing. It was that she looked so meek. I noticed she was smaller than me in the fight, but now she just looked so… fragile.
“You’re up,” I forced out through my astonishment.
“Yeah, I heal very quickly,” she stated matter of factly in her quiet tone. “May I take a seat with you?”
“Sure?” I gestured to the empty stool to my left. She smiled politely and hopped onto the seat before getting the vendor’s attention to order. I gave Aubrey a glance and she just shot back a shrug, looking just as lost as I was.
Focusing back onto the Valkyrie, I noticed a small black battery on her back with a bunch of warnings of voltage and acid around the device. It was embedded in the jacket and was what the colored light spread from.
“I like your style,” I tried to break the ice once she finished ordering.
“Thanks! You look really nice yourself,” she returned with a sincere smile. “I love the hair.”
I was blown away. Not only that she was up and walking, but she was not at all what I expected. I must’ve sounded awkward as hell to her as I struggled to really take hold of the situation.
“I’m sorry,” I explained. “I’m just-”
“Surprised to see me kicking?” she interjected. “Yeah, I’m lucky. Even with my healing factor you really gave my noggin a good whollup,” she ended with a giggle. “That’s part of why I’m here, actually. I could tell you were holding back. I wanted to thank you for going easy on me even though I was trying really hard to kill you.” That last part really didn’t sound right in her tiny voice. “It’s not everyday I find somebody who can beat me, but you saw right through my limitations. I need to be more careful for people like you.”
“I wouldn’t say I went easy on you,” I confessed. “It was a struggle to stay ahead of you. But still I wasn’t trying to kill you. You’re…” I trailed off, picking my words carefully.
“I get it,” she assured with a wave of her hand. “I’m a rarity. Half the people in Titan think I’m a precious gem that should be protected. The other half wants to kill me simply for the status of being able to kill a Valkyrie.” She spoke so casually, like that wasn’t a huge deal.
“I meant I didn’t spare you for totally selfless reasons, if I’m being honest,” I explained. “Not that I wanted to kill you in the first place. I was coerced into that fight, and didn’t know what I was getting into.” I shook my head and continued. “Anyway, I need your help.”
“Oh?” she tilted her head in curiosity. “With what?”
“There’s a Daitech convoy moving through the lower floors sometime tomorrow hauling important cargo. A prisoner. I heard you were after it.”
“Oh...” she looked like she was thinking for a second. “Hm, if it was anyone else, I’d tell them I don’t know what they’re talking about. But after seeing you in action, bringing you along might not be a bad idea.” It sounded more like she was thinking out loud to herself. “I’ve been wanting to find more people to hit it with anyways, but I’ve been hesitant to ask anyone.”
“Social anxiety?” Aubrey offered jokingly.
“No,” she turned back to us. “I’m not sure who wants to murder me or not. Like I said, it seems like half the people out here want to end me.”
“Sheesh,” Aubrey cringed. “I know The Second isn’t the safest place, but I don’t think it’s that bad.”
“Not for you maybe,” she sighed. The vendor returned with the Valkyrie’s drink and she took a sip. I noticed his eyes lingering on her with a nervous expression. “It’s quite tiring. Strawberry Thunder had the perfect chance to kill me, however, and didn’t take it. I suppose I can trust you. And you seem quite skilled. I’m sure you’d be useful in pulling this off.”
“Please, call me Plan B if you’re going to call me anything,” I directed. “Strawberry Thunder is an old name I’d prefer to leave behind me. Plan B is my Freelancer alias.”
“Of course. You’re a Freelancer,” the Valkyrie chuckled and shook her head. “I’ve thought about getting into the profession. Call me Syra,” she introduced with a nod. Oh yeah, I remembered Big G calling her that in the match.
“Why’d you go with Plan B as an alias?” I heard Aubrey query.
“Freelancers usually work in teams,” I told her the spiel I’d heard over and over during training. “Whether temporary or permanent. Tackling a contract alone is often suicide. You have to find someone to cover your weaknesses. Most ops are done with stealth and subtlety, but I’ve never been so good at that. I’m good at rushing in and doing damage, so when stealth goes out the window, I’m Plan B.”
“So I can assume information gathering isn’t within your skill set?” Syra teased.
“That’s why I’m here,” I told her. “I heard you might have some information on the target. The fact that you can blow shit up with your mind is just a bonus.”
“You’re in luck, I know some, yes,” Syra established. “What do you know?”
“Only that it’s a Daitech convoy going through The Third tomorrow. I don’t know exactly where or when it’s supposed to be moving or anything else for that matter.”
“Well some new things I can tell you is that the convoy begins its journey at 17:00 starting from the Lyndon Rail Yard and is scheduled to arrive at the Lenore Raven Sky Port at 18:20. I’ve already scouted all possible routes and the only one fast enough to line up with that time frame has two points of interest that we could use. A small overpass over the highway, or the construction site of a casino along the side of the highway.
“The overpass I feel is more risky because of the lack of cover and obvious point of attack, but the casino has its own slew of issues to bypass. The most pressing one being the crew stationed there. I doubt they’d let two civilians just stroll onto their site with intentions of starting a firefight with a Corp.”
I blinked, trying to take that all in. “Wow you really did your homework.”
“It pays to be prepared,” she held her head up proudly and smiled before that pride turned into embarrassment. “Although I have no information on the vehicles or numbers we’re dealing with. And I feel we’d be going in woefully under gunned.”
“Maybe I can help out with that last bit,” I offered. I’d already pulled one burned bridge out of the ashes, albeit in a much worse state than when it was left in the fire. What was the harm in dredging another one from its wreckage?
“Aubrey.” The stocky woman looked at me, gulping down some noodles from her bowl. “Where can I find the Street Breed these days?”
The old factory was massive, and very much still functional. I stood across the barren street of the multistory, rectangular structure. Large pyres of smoke shot out from stacks of obelisks lining the roof above. The building was lined with windows emitting dull light and, in the silence of the night, you could hear the hum of multiple air conditioning units that were latched onto the place. The Breed must be doing very well for themselves if this was their base of operations.
I felt bad leaving Aubrey again. Only because I felt like she thought I was never going to return to the Underdown now that my business there was finished. It wasn’t finished. I wasn’t going to let Big G get off scot free. I was going to watch that place burn. It was no place of happiness to me anymore. I’d be back soon.
For now though, Syra had followed my bike in an unassuming grey sedan. Something she said she stole from someone on The First to keep a low profile. She promised they deserved it. The car contrasted greatly from my vibrant, bulky motorcycle and considering what she was, that was for the best. If news of her existence wasn’t well known before, her appearance at a fighting arena would cause Titan to explode with rumors. Blending in was the best idea.
The Valkyrie stood beside me, gazing at the factory as well. Her jacket changed its sheen from its previous see through form to a solid, glossy black, making it look like vinyl. She wore a pair of leather gloves to cover what little runes ran along her hands and zipped up, popping her collar to try to hide the markings on her neck and chest. I suggested she get a scarf to mask herself further. She took it into consideration but we didn’t have time to shop for accessories. Well, at least, not those kinds.
“The people here are trustworthy?” Syra asked, uncertainty in her gentle voice.
“I’m not sure after seeing Big G again,” I admitted. “But we need guns and gear, and these are the only contacts I know that can provide us with both.” I stepped forward waving for her to follow. We reached a reinforced door along the side of the place and I gave it a hardy knock. The metal on metal echoed loudly through the emptiness of the outside.
“Are you certain somebody will be here this late?” Syra’s eyes flicked around.
“They wouldn’t leave their assets unguarded. They’ll have somebody here at night.”
Right on cue, a small slit in the door about eye height slid open to reveal a blue, skeptical gaze from the other side.
“What do you want?” An unfamiliar voice interrogated curtly.
“We’re here to see Pup,” I informed him and the eyes grew more narrow.
“You groupies or something?” He didn’t wait for us to answer. “He ain’t here, he’s at home sleepin.”
“We aren’t groupies,” I growled, annoyed. “I’m an old friend of his. I need to speak with him. It’s important.” The man on the other side sized me up, still unsure.
“Old friend, huh? Give me a sec.” The slit closed and once again we were bathed in silence.
After only a moment the slit reopened and this time the blue eyes were replaced with what looked like two grey plates. There was a gasp from the other side of the door and the slit closed once more before the door swung open.
On the other side was an older man, looking dazed. He wore a leather jacket that covered most of his upper body, but his lower half had grey cargo shorts that showed off primitive, heavy set prosthetic legs that released steam around his joints. His head was adorned with spiky grey hair that extended into a pointy beard. A black bandanna with a circuit design wrapped around his forehead and his eyes were covered with a pair of metal plates. They somehow exaggerated his astounded expression.
“Nala?” He croaked out finally.
“Hey, Rot,” I returned with an awkward smile. “I’m back.”
My world was engulfed in the second hug of the night. A warm embrace that I couldn't help but return. I couldn’t have found someone better right off the bat. Rot was the biggest sweetheart back in the day. A little vulgar and cocky, but at the same time courteous and kind. He was one of mine and Pup’s biggest supporters when we got involved and probably one of the main reasons I was able to get so close to the MC.
After a good few seconds, Rot finally pulled away laughing in embarrassment.
“Sorry,” he apologized, “I just wasn’t expecting you to… well still be alive!”
“Well I’m here,” I announced, still feeling weird. I didn’t think I’d see him again.
“Come in! Come in!” the old biker stepped further in and waved for us to follow. We obliged. “Either of you want a beer?” he called out to me and Syra as he noticed her. He walked around the corner, ducking into another room. “Man I thought this would be a boring shift…” I could hear him murmur to himself as he went.
“Yeah!” I shouted after him.
“None for me, thank you,” Syra told him nervously at the same time I spoke.
To our side sat a young man in similar biker clothes, with short black hair and a septum ring. He eyed us suspiciously without a word. I did my best to ignore him for the small moment we had to deal with his stare, but I saw Syra sneer back at him, challenging him. The man didn’t seem to care.
Rot came back with two cans of Sierra Sunrise. My favorite brand! I couldn’t believe he remembered! He handed both of us a can, Syra looking almost offended. I eagerly opened mine up and took a sip while Syra looked at hers like it was a wounded puppy.
“So I bet you’re wanting to talk to Pup, eh?” Rot asked with a smile. “The boss’ll be thrilled to see you!” I felt a pit grow in my stomach and I took a deep gulp of my drink. I wasn’t so sure. Rot had always been an optimist, but I doubted Pup wouldn’t feel any resentment towards me after I ditched everyone. I know it must’ve hurt him more than anyone else. That was my biggest regret about what I did.
“Yeah, I bet,” I beamed back at him, masking my worry as best as I could.
“Yo, Rot, who’re these bimbos?” the young dude to our side snarled. Rot’s expression did a 180 and slowly adjusted his gaze to the guy with the attitude.
“I get why you’re distrustful, prospect, but this is the boss’s ex old lady, and a good friend of the club. So show some fucking respect.”
“If she’s Pup’s ex then I don’t see why she’s important enough to let her inside when we’re on alert,” the prospect shot back without skipping a beat.
“Hey, Nala’s done more for the Street Breed than you can fuckin imagine! She was practically one of us at one point!”
“Then where’s she been while we’ve been dealing with the Corps and The Pack?” It didn’t hit me until now just how tired they both looked. It helped explain why the prospect was so irritated. Rot’s cheerful attitude hid most of his exhaustion, but he didn’t carry himself the way he had before. He always had a pep to his step, but now he moved sluggishly and had a slight hunch. Of course, that could’ve just been him getting older, but I think there’s more to it.
“That’s a good question actually,” Rot turned back to me. “Though it could do with a little less sass. Where have you been? Does it have to do with that new steel you’re packin? Don’t think I didn’t notice that.”
“I’ve been training,” I told him honestly. “I’m a Freelancer now.”
“You let a Freelancer in here!?” The prospect rose, fury in his eyes. “I don’t care what kind of connection to us she had before, who knows who she could be working for!!”
“Gecko, calm down!” Rot snapped back. “You really don’t understand what’s happening here.”
“I understand you’re too trusting, old man!” And with the flip of a switch, the prospect, Gecko’s face went white. “Oh shit.”
Rot, to his credit, remained neutral towards the younger man’s outburst. Yet as he stepped closer to Gecko, the prospect trembled.
“Look, Rot, I’m just wor-” he was cut off by Rot’s fist barreling into his face. The one swift punch was all that was needed to knock the prospect back in his chair, out like a light.
Rot shook his hand and flexed his fingers like he wasn’t expecting himself to hit Gecko that hard.
“Sorry about that,” Rot apologized. “Normally I wouldn’t resort to something like that so quickly, but it’s been a long few days and I really didn’t feel like dealing with his shit.”
“I’m not going to complain about talking without him,” Syra assured, still staring the unconscious man down.
“Yeah he seemed like an asshole,” I added.
“He’s just on edge,” Rot defended the prospect. “Like I said, it’s been a long few days. Anyway, you’re a Freelancer now! Wow! Given our trade, I’m guessing you’re here on business then?”
“Yeah,” I admitted, still feeling that pit in my stomach. “But I do want to see how Pup is doing.”
“I bet you do,” Rot chuckled. “He’s at home getting some rest, but I don’t think he’ll be upset at me for waking him when he finds out you’re here.” He pulled out a phone before adding. “Then we can talk business.”
Time went by agonizingly slow since Rot made the call to Pup. The old biker didn’t mention why Pup needed to rush over here, but he’d made it clear that it was good news. The three of us sat in a lounge area, Rot standing behind a bar and me sitting on a stool. Syra sat a little ways away tucking herself into the corner of a couch, shifting uncomfortably. She seemed paranoid.
Meanwhile, I was filled with dread. The closer it got to me seeing Pup again, the more scared I got. I loved Pup once. I might still, but I don’t know the person he was now. I used to be closer to him than anyone else I’ve ever known. And then I left. I left when he needed me the most. After Zephos arrested half the Street Breed and his dad, who was the leader of the club, Bison, got a life sentence. Pup had to take the reins and lead the struggling club at only twenty three, and I vanished without a word.
God, he’ll be furious at me. Will he hate me? Does he even want to see me again? I wish Rot told him about me over the phone so I could hear it from Rot instead of seeing it on Pup’s face when he gets here. What would he even think about my new body? Would he be disgusted? I tried to drown my thoughts out in whiskey and conversation with Rot, but it wasn’t working.
“So who’s your friend?” Rot asked in a friendly tone, gesturing toward the Valkyrie.
“That’s Syra,” I told him. “She’s not a Freelancer, but she’s skilled and helping me with my current contract.”
“Like hired help or something?”
“Not really.” That never occurred to me until now. “Hey, Syra?” I grabbed her attention. “Why are you after the convoy anyway?”
“Oh,” she began. “I need to talk to the prisoner.”
“That’s… vague. You’re not gonna kill them are you?” She gave me an earnest laugh, letting her loosen up for just a second.
“No, no. I assure you I won’t harm them. They were subdued while investigating Daitech and I believe they found out information I want.”
“Well okay then, as long as I can safely deliver them after.” I turned back to Rot who’s expression had turned dire.
“Daitech, huh?” His tone was more serious than I ever heard before. “So this involves them,”
“Uh, yeah. Is that a problem?”
“Considering they’re breathing down our necks right now, it seems pretty fuckin suspicious that a Freelancer shows up talking about knocking over a convoy of theirs.” Oh no, not this shit again.
“Oh my god, please, Rot,” I groaned, really not wanting to go down this road for a second time tonight. “Big G already mistook me for Corp and tried to kill me. I’m really not in the mood.”
“You’ve been to the Underdown? Why did he think you were Corp?” Rot interrogated accusingly. Oh shit, I fucked up.
“Because,” I sighed in resignation and waved to Syra, who looked up nervously. “I was looking for her.”
“Why’d he think the Corp wanted her?”
The Valkyrie and I locked eyes. She looked doubtful, but I gave her a nod. I could tell she still didn’t like it, but she reached back for the small battery on her back and clicked a button. The black, glossy material faded into its transparent form.
I could see Rot’s brow raise when he caught sight of her runes, astounded.
“Is she legit or are those only tattoos?”
Without the need to coax her, Syra’s eyes began to glow like they did when I was in the pit with her. Her runes illuminated in a color matching her glare while her green hair flowed and sparked with energy.
“H-holy shit…” Rot stammered. Once she decided the biker had his fill, Syra’s light simmered and her hair settled. She reached back to turn her jacket to its dark sheen once more.
“You realize,” Rot struggled, still clearly taken aback, “Almost all of the Valkyries are under Corporate control.”
“I’m not,” Syra took her turn to argue. “I went to Big G to earn some cash for supplies in this heist. Cage fighting sounded like easy money with my abilities. He promised me a fair sum if I just appeared in a surprise match to boost the Underdown’s reputation. He didn’t want me to stick around after that since he knew the Corp would come looking for me.” Her eyes were no longer anxious. Instead her anxiety was replaced with determination. “I can promise you, sir, I don’t serve anyone but myself, and my goals will harm no one but the Corps themselves.”
The look in her eyes would’ve been enough for me. There was something about the Valkyrie that struck me. Looking at her now almost made me think we were back at the Underdown, slugging it out again. I could tell Rot was still reluctant, however, but he relented.
“Fine,” he concluded. “I really want to believe you. So I’ll believe you. I hope I’m not killing this club by doing this.”
“Rot,” I promised, taking his organic hand in my cold, steel one. “I swear this’ll be fine.”
The next few minutes were spent with small talk. The cheerful energy Rot displayed before we mentioned Daitech was gone though. And it only further served the growing worry inside me. Each second that ticked by brought me closer and closer to Pup.
Then the door opened.
“Rot, why is Gecko pa-” his eyes met mine and I could see those beautiful blue orbs light up. He looked so different. So much older. His short, black hair was messy and faded. I could see wiring and neural implants that weren’t there before. He had the new addition of gauges and wiring going down his shallow cheek down from his eye to his chin, telling me he had some sort of optical augment. He had a short, unkempt beard that I’m pretty sure he had because he didn’t find the time to shave. And much like Rot and Gecko, he looked so tired. Dark creases rested below his eyes, and his eyes themselves were those of somebody that had seen too much. Yet he still held himself tall and confidently.
I noticed he wore a messy flannel underneath the same jacket he had years ago. A jacket that had gotten many new additions much like the man who wore it. It was reinforced with armor. I could see the shapes of the plates beneath the old leather. More plates lined the arms and wiring ran down beneath the armpit and up to a small flashlight mounted on his shoulder. My gaze traveled down, seeing worn jeans and black combat boots with a long holster on his side. The wood grip of an old lever action rested within.
He looked ready for action. I wondered if it was because of Daitech or if he was always this armed and armored now.
I don’t know how long we just stared at each other like that, it felt like eons, but in reality it was probably just for a second. Eventually, Pup broke the silence, his wide eyes settling into a more neutral, tired look.
“Nala?” his voice was more gravelly than I remembered. “If I knew you showed up I would’ve cleaned myself up a little.”
Jokes were a good sign right? I could feel my heart pounding.
“Yeah, you look like shit,” I replied with a playful laugh. Fuck! The first thing I tell him after all this time is that he looks awful! But he gave me a small smile. It faded back to an indifferent stare.
“So, what do you want?” His voice was monotone and uncaring. I felt that anxiety creeping through me, causing me to stammer.
“I-I’m a Freelancer,” I told him in a shaky voice, taken aback by his tone.
“We need guns and armor,” Syra interjected for me, looking at me mildly confused. She didn’t understand my situation.
“They’re tipping a Daitech convoy tomorrow,” Rot added. “And don’t worry, I’ve talked to them already, they’re clean.”
“Yeah, what they said,” I finished, embarrassed. Pup stared at no one in particular for a moment, thinking.
“I’m gonna guess you need some higher level gear then,” Pup pondered, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket along with a lighter and lighting one up. When’d he start smoking? “How much money do you two got?”
“Between the two of us,” Syra answered, “we have a fair bit of tiff.”
“Well you’re in luck then,” Pup took a huff of his stick and blew out a puff of smoke. “We got our hands on a fresh shipment of valuable Daitech loot.” He seemed so business. I noticed he didn’t put his eyes on me since the initial shock of seeing me.
“If you’ll follow me,” he began walking towards another door, gesturing for us to come with him. Syra and I both rose, but Rot stayed behind at the bar, looking sympathetic.
We stepped through the door and into a much wider area. Conveyors and machines of all kinds surrounded us, all of which were currently on, filling the air with sounds of manufacturing. Catwalks were sprawled out above, all barren and connecting to various rooms on a second floor. I would’ve been more curious about it all if my mind wasn’t so caught up on Pup. I could see the man in front of me dropping embers from his cig, using the concrete below our feet as an ashtray.
From behind, I could see the patches on his back. The sharp stylization of Street Breed labeling the jacket along with the MC’s logo of the side profile of a brown wolf head snarling and an automatic rifle crossing behind it. I couldn’t help but give a little smirk seeing he was still shorter than me. It wasn’t very surprising, not many people were taller than me, but I found it amusing. He was larger than Syra, at least.
We stepped into an office that’d been converted to an armory. Pup unlocked the door and I could see the walls were lined with racks of guns of all shapes and sizes. Some were so large they looked like they were meant to be mounted on vehicles. Along the wall adjacent to the entrance hung a half dozen uniform outfits. They were all dull grey, heavy industrial looking coats padded out with thick steel armor. Matching pants hung beside each and even armored boots sat below every outfit. Gas masks were displayed above every one as well. A rifle that was partially dismantled laid across an old desk with various tools scattered about underneath a lit lamp.
“Shit,” Pup began, looking over the parts of the weapon. “Looks like Roo’s been playing with the goods.” It was clear he was thinking out loud and wasn’t directed to us. “Anyway, this is all our high end equipment courtesy of Daitech. If you’re planning on going stealthy, you might want to get a couple sets of these.”
He pointed towards the armored suits. “These are Daitech Covert Heavy Miner Combat Rigs. They’re meant for combat inside industrial and mining areas. Been seeing a lot of these being moved around for some reason. They’d still be very effective in the city, and would keep you masked. The armor covers most of your body, the masks themselves have tinted visors, and they have a setting to dull your colors so you don’t have to worry about your hair. They’re a thousand tiff per set. As for weapons, take a look around and see if something strikes you.”
He was so straightforward with his selling points, and still refused to look directly at me. With an internal sigh, I instead focused on the selection around me. I liked the .45 I kept on my hip, but no doubt this heist called for something with more kick. Convoy usually meant armored vehicles and lots of guards. I wanted something big, and thankfully size and power wasn’t a hindrance to me anymore. My augmented limbs, enhanced muscles, and reinforced bones meant I was several times stronger than any all organic human.
My eyes settled on a long, boxy rifle. It looked to be a long ranged weapon if the scope told me anything. The rounds it used must’ve been gigantic with its thick clip size and it sported a vertical hand grip for stability. It was also painted a soft, dark blue which I thought looked nice.
I hefted it off the wall and turned to Pup, who for the first time since he walked into the lounge, looked me in the eyes. “How much for this?”
“Ah, the Daitech .50 cal marksman rifle. Semi auto featuring an adjustable zoom scope, vertical grip, and laser sight. That’d run you about fifteen hundred.” I was really happy I got that extra spending cash from the Underdown. “You sure you want that?” Pup asked, still masking any emotions towards me. “Nobody here has the augs to properly use that thing. Think you can handle it?”
“Trust me, it won’t be a problem.”
I sat in the lounge with Pup. I told him I wanted to talk. Syra had already left with a newly purchased AR as well as her armor. She told me she had a safe place to hide out until tomorrow and we made plans to meet up at the east elevator to the Third at noon. Now I stood at the bar with my freshly bought rifle leaning against the counter beside me. A case filled with my armor and a dozen clips for my rifle, running me fifty tiff each rested to my other side. Big G more than paid for the gear for this heist. At least something good came out of the Underdown mess.
“So,” Pup began after pouring us both a shot of whiskey from the other side of the counter. “I don’t think this talk will go how you’d hoped.”
“That’s fine,” I told him, taking the shot and downing it. The burn helped me a little. “I wasn’t hoping for much anyway.” We both stood in silence for a little bit while we tried to articulate our feelings.
“This was a really bad time,” the biker started finally. “For you to show up I mean. Daitech has been on our asses, we’re all worn out and on edge. A Freelancer showing up on our doorstep doesn’t help. The others will likely be pissed once they find out, and it’ll just add to their stress when they find out it was you.”
“I’m sorry,” I gave him. “I didn’t know. I didn’t have anyone else to turn to with this kind of deal.” There was another bout of silence. “That’s not all I’m sorry for. I know I fucked you over and-”
“Save it,” Pup snapped back. I flinched at the response. I think he was harsher than he meant to be, because once he saw my reaction he softened and gave me an apologetic look. “You hurt me a lot. More than I could ever say.” He poured another shot and twirled it in his hand for a moment, searching for the right words. “It’s nice to see you’re okay after so long. I worried about you so much. But, Nala,” he looked into my bright green eyes, “I don’t love you anymore.” I knew that’d be the case, but it still stung to hear those words. I clenched my hand so hard the shot glass in my grasp cracked and I let my gaze drift down to it. “And, frankly, I don’t think you’d love who I am now. I don’t know what’s gone on with you in the past eight years and, honestly, I’m not sure I wanna know.”
“I…” I fished for words. I don’t know what I was expecting. Nothing good. But even knowing that, hearing what he was saying was no less difficult. It felt like all of my nervousness that’d been piled up since I got here exploded in a nauseating wave of depression. It was like my chest wanted to cave in on itself and I couldn’t think of what I wanted to say.
“Got nothing then?” Pup asked, disappointed. I drew a blank, all I could focus on was the emotions washing over me. “Alright,” the biker leader walked around the counter. “I’m going back to bed.”
As he reached the door, however, he turned around. I gave him a side glance as I propped up my forehead with my palm.
“Just because I don’t love you like I did, doesn’t mean I don’t still care about you.” He opened the door but didn’t leave yet. “I know somebody else that’ll want a stake in your op. I’ll give him a call and give you a little more backup. And once all this shit’s blown over…” He paused tentatively. “Come by again. Maybe we could start over as friends... Get some sleep, Nala.”
Then he left.
submitted by SubjectSigma77 to Cyberpunk [link] [comments]

Take off your fanboy goggles and breathe. We've been here before

It took me 5 minutes of post movie discussion to realize that something was wrong. I wrote shit down train of thought style, and I keep coming up with more problems anyway here are my ramblings about why this movie kinda sucked.
First off, I love Star Wars. I went in with bated breath. I assumed that it would be better than the force awakens but I wasn’t aiming too high. There are a LOT of issues I personally with TFA but I’ll try not to get in to that. The movie I thought we were going to get from the trailer is not the one we got. This movie was supposed to blow TFA and all it’s problems out of the water and clear the air for the star wars franchise’s future. After the movie I hoped I would be pumped and wowed and be able to say “that was fucking awesome” and by all rights, I believe it should have been. But when walking out of the theater while others were talking about it, was dead silent still pondering what I had just seen. I had some hyped short conversations about what was cool but that faded and I had to remember to take a deep breath and carefully take off my fanboy goggles to really look at it. Let the adrenaline of the ride fade away, because DURING the film it was all new and exciting you couldn’t ponder what you just heard or saw too long, you had to hang on to the ride til it was over. We’ve all made this mistake before and judging by early critic reviews, history has repeated itself again. It’s not the worst movie you’ve ever seen, far from it. But it is not great and I don’t even think it’s good. Mediocre at best. Ex machina all over the place and general poor story telling. And I think im a fairly average star wars fan and try to watch movies for what they are and open minded And I recognize that some of this is just things that I wanted to happen personally and they didn’t so maybe im upset about that. But I do think they are still better options for the story and the characters so take that as you will. So these are the jumbled up ways without much organized thought that TLJ disappoints if not completely upsets. I’ll do my best to remember what I can and just kinda ramble in bits.
1st Poe- I kinda fucking hate this guy so I might be biased here and, he was initially supposed to die in the first one but I guess JJ abrams liked his cute lil face too much but I digress. Anyway an Xwing casually strolling up and then fuck the shit out of a “fleet destroyer” and a bunch of tie fighters completely solo now. And the prank phone call bit? Went on way too long and ended in a ‘yo mama’ joke. Great. And the ww2 gravity style bombing sequence in space even though we’ve got established and better bomber ships. I guess Rose had a sister who flew one of those fat fragile space boats. Also, aren’t ships supposed to have shields? Poe’s xwing is able to Nat20 critical hit and explode everything he points at and so is everyone else and fly away all nimbly bimbly like. I get it he’s a good pilot but cmon. And people are pissed at poe and died because of him. It’s his fault half of the resistance died if you think about it. He straight up mutinied, and directed a dumbass side mission that didn’t matter AT ALL and in fact ruined purple hair admiral’s plan and got most of everyone killed but that just slap his wrist and it’s all “aw it’s ok ur cute” Purple hair admiral. Who are you? Oh I guess a badass thanks to a throwaway line of dialogue. It would’ve been great with her kamikaze sacrifice if we knew her a little more, perhaps introduced her in the first movie? Overall an unremarkable character whose name I had to google but then forgot. It starts with an H. Also, why didn’t the other ships that were sacrificed slam into the badguys if they were just gonna get fuckered anyhow? And the militaristic first order couldn’t tell that a kamikaze situation was coming their way? Ok maybe im getting too critical there. But purple hair shouldn’t have been a character. Her role in my opinion should have been given to Admiral Ackbar as a character. A minor character sure but one that we like and recognize. It would’ve been a pretty badass thing for the old fish to do instead of purple hair but instead he dies off screen and we get a quick line saying “oh yea him? He’s gone” Heck, it would’ve been a cool thing for Leia to do. I know things are weird with her character because of Carrie Fisher’s death and she might’ve had a bigger role but hey, beats what we got and are probably gonna get in 9. Also purple hair’s plan? The ships are cloaked I guess from radar or w/e. I believe ya. But wait the supreme order has yet another superior technology. WINDOWS. Resistance foiled again. (purple hair’s name is holdo just had to google it a second time)
The epically long and slow space car chase scene- Ok so NOW spaceships have shields that ALSO apparently can last for a whole day of bombardment. Pretty literal and strong plot armor. And tractor beams aren’t a thing either anymore? And also the first order could’ve just jumped in front of them right? Or done something other than match speed cruise control. They had fighters and then didn’t use them all of a sudden? Whatever. ‘we forgot to fill up the tank’ is the “plot” of so much of the movie and was neither interesting or exciting.
Luke’s old lightsaber(laser sword). The sword of his father, Anakin skywalker, the sword obiwan kept after defeating him and gifted to Luke on tatooine. The sword he lost when vader severed his hand over cloud city. The sword that Maz somehow found, gave to Rey which gave her spooky visions and ultimately returned to him. How the fuck did she get it? “a story for another time.” Apparently that time is never by the way. Ugh. Luke isn’t shocked at how this sword has come back to him or ask any questions about who the new delivery girl is but instead just comically chucks it off a cliff. Is this just part of his character, showing his disillusionment and dislike of the force and jedi way? Sure didn’t come off that way.
Leia, Overall her character didn’t feel to significant. Nothing too good or too bad. Her one big scene where she uses the force however, kinda sucked and was at the very least visually awful. I think showing Leia using the force for the first time is a cool idea, but they executed it poorly. She firstly somehow survives the explosion and gets sucked out to space then regains consciousness, force pulls herself, and opens a door which somehow also DOESN’T abide by space vacuum rules. Kinda shit right?. What I would’ve liked would be for her to have a 5 seconds of exposition where she force pulls something from poe or someone and says “oh luke taught me some shit” or what have you. THEN have her do something epic where she moves a torpedo out of the way from hitting her or maybe even one of the resistance torpedos from hitting kylo or something? I dunno just spitballing but something better than what we got there. Other than that there’s just not too much there unfortunately to talk about.
Bb8 – you cute little demi-god motherfucker. Drive an AT-ST? sure. Steal ships and befriend master “code breaker” criminals instantly. Ok. You have a slot machine function? Of course. Cant fix a ship? Smash your dome into it, ya dummy. Home-ball cant even go up stairs. I thought you were cool but you got buffed and are now way to OP.
Snoke- scarred, mysterious, immensely force strong, evil mastermind fuckin with Rey and Kylo and everyone. How does Leia, luke, and everyone know him? What are their relationships? Why and how did he corrupt Kylo? Didn’t he say he was gonna train kylo some more or something dumb? How is he so powerful in the force and the supreme leader dude? Why is he disfigured? Well, he’s dead halfway through the movie and nobody wants to tell us so fuck us. I guess Kylo is the big evil? Well ok then whatever. There’s a lot of this movie that I both hate and like somewhat. The ‘how’ of snokes death was kinda cool and surprised me. But how he didn’t see it coming based on his epic power, I dunno man. Oh and remember the knights of ren that he mentioned in TFA and shown in a flashback? Who supposedly helped kylo destroy the jedi temple or something? Who are they? What did they do? Doesn’t matter, we forgot I guess. Finn- a rogue storm trooper as a character sounds sweet, but I think the execution of his entire character is pretty piss poor overall. I like Boyega and his performance is good but his lines in this one made me wince over and over again. The forced humor on the tier of the lowest marvel/Disney movie was everywhere in this film and finn was a big part of it. And every single thing he did in this movie served ZERO purpose. And it was not interesting in the least bit. The space casino scene was mega long, mega bad, and stealing time away what should have been luke’s. Not to mention the irony of Disney preaching about the evilness of greed. Anyway finn. He straight up sucked in this film and him dying and actually doing something would’ve been good and maybe provided some sort of cool martyr thing which is a trope 5 people in this film wanted to do. And I mentioned earlier but his weirdly paced and placed misadventure is the whole reason why half the resistance got blown up apparently. Oh, and how the heck did they walk alllll all the way back across the barren field from the dumb death star battering ram to inside the base again?
Rose- the new character we are supposed to care about cause her sister just died and also likes to randomly kiss people. She wasn’t bad but also was a pointless new addition for whatever reason and didn’t really do jack all except somehow use super speed on her salt speeder thing to save finn. I don’t have much to say here but her character was weird and her character didn’t feel like a good and natural addition. There was an effort at making a new good character but I think it failed. Fuck your Star Vegas side plot Real quick interjection here. At an accelerating rate everyone starts calling themselves ‘rebels.’ I don’t’ think you’re using that word correctly dawg. In the sense with the empire it worked and the rebel alliance slowly and through great difficulty grew in size. You’re the Resistance. And the first order isn’t an established governmental entity? Wait maybe they are? Ack I dunno it bugged the heck out of me. This movie takes place what looks like mere days after TFA. The first order, whose megabase(which I have like 27 issues with on its own) just got blown up. Apparently snapped their fingers and now has supreme domination over everything. Ya they fucked up the republic a bit but I guess they destroyed ALL of it? The new republic is dead just like that huh? The whole New republic/first orderesistance thing is a huge mess and makes no sense. They were the invading bad guys now right? Some remnants of a hyper nutso splinter group of the empire. Oh and they have unlimited resources. And now there are only like 40 good guys anywhere? We got shit for information on the new republic which is what the rebel alliance became right?
Luke- theres a lot here and im gonna forget some of it but ill continue. The premise of him becoming a kind of grey jedi is a good start. And mark hamil is fantastic. Hamil said however when he first read the script, “I fundamentally disagree with every aspect of your portrayal of my character.” Something very similar to that anyway. And I have to agree with the man himself, I disagree with this portrayal of luke. Let’s start with the fact that this man, our moisture farm boy turned alliance hero and jedi knight who committed to finding the good in his fathethe evilest baddest dude in the galaxy. This same but supposedly wiser man, considered murdering his nephew/pupl in his sleep cause he sensed some darkness in his brain. Ok and he fucked up and felt SO guilty that he just ran away from his friends and family to live with space nuns and drink walrus milk/semen forever. But he left behind an epic map with r2 and that old guy in the beginning of TfA and nobody fucking knows who that guy is either? We were led to believe he went to find the first jedi temple to find something or for some epic significance. His whole reason for being there? Ugh Nope. He’s just ‘here to die.’ I liked SOME of the humor like the hand slappy bit but it was too much and the tone of his character was all over the place. Hans death didn’t seem to bother him too much also bugged me. “The jedi order must end but actually JK rey’s gonna do it now and be LAST last jedi. I only ever gave her a couple fortune cookies of force info but she is apparently the best at everything for no explicable reason.” And the shoulder brush taunt thing to kylo? Gtfo dude. What 12 year old wrote that? There were a lot of moments that felt completely out of character. I would’ve liked more of him and rey or him doing anything maybe even a little lightsaber swingin. The force projection thing was cool and a little twist showing how dope luke is but if he was just gonna die into the force Obi-wan style, he could’ve just been there anyway? Also, why did he die? He exerted himself with the force too much? It was dumb and didn’t feel like the proper way to do it at all. I didn’t really feel what I expected to feel when he just died seconds after doing a cool fake out. Also han’s lucky dice thing was another “what?” moment. Like this is some part of hans character that is supposed to be meaningful to everyone I guess. Pretty ‘bleh’ really.
Captain Phasma- ……I mean. Whatever dude. Should have died off screen in the first one. And ‘chrome dome’ really? Cool armor though. Remember the “TRAITOR” guy from the first one with the spark stick? She should’ve been that guy and her ark could just be “FUCK you finn you dick” but there was zero substance with her in both movies. Maybe 2 minutes of screen time total too and we were led to believe otherwise.
Kylo- I actually liked kylo in this one better. His interactions were cool and added a mystery element that was revealed later to just be some more hot garbage. Was a little more interesting and played with his character some but now hes just the big baddy who yells a lot because he wants to be now? Again, why did he become bad exactly because luke scared him in his sleep he decides to kill everyone? How did snoke corrupt him who are his knights and is there anymore to his relationship with Rey or was snoke just prankin everyone. Haha, classic Snoke. But yea I liked him but he’s intertwined with too much other fuckery. Oh yea, and remember in TFA where he is obsessed with everything darth vader? And how the heck did he get his helmet? Not mentioned once in this film. Dude’s just a weirdo who hits the pawn shops on Endor pretty regularly I think. His big showdown with luke was a bit of a let down and how things are gonna go for him. There’s still too much of the ‘why’ to his character. They’re trying to make him more complex and I think there are a hundred different interesting ways they could’ve taken it especially in connection with luke’s new philosophy.
Rey- I’d like to start by saying I like Rey as a protagonist and daisey ridley as an actress. But I’m gonna cut right down to it here. Her parents. It was strongly suggested that her parents were of some significance in the first one. And now she’s a fuckin nobody? She’s just godlike with the force and all sense of combat cause someone told her she should try it sometime? I think some people will be torn on this saying it’s a better call that she’s nobody but for me it makes me give almost no fuck about her now at all. Why is she so OP? Because the force said so or ‘it makes balance that way.’ Why did luke’s old lightsaber call out to her? Just because. Everything with her is ‘just because.’ This backstory feels like even more of a copout than any other theory and makes her into the ultimate mary sue character. Now they might reverse this and kylo was just bullshitting her to manipulate her. That’s what I was immediately thinking in the theater. I don’t think so anymore and if they do that as the twist in the next movie, it would be the shittiest way to do it but I still think it’s better than her as a nobody. This part is probably just be personal opinion but it’s a strong one. Personally I was expecting them to be Solo siblings and I liked that a lot, there were cool elements of that theory. Other major complaint other than her lineage and lil miss perfect shtick, was the mirror scene with the darkness or whatever. What was all that? I didn’t get it really. I get it’s something along the lines of the tree on Dagobah but her experience in it and why it’s there were confusing. I guess she’s just a nobody and that’s the thing.
Oh I almost forgot, remember Maz Kanata the old goggle wise lady who we see fighting while skyping with poe? Anyway, I guess she’s a badass? She is a 1000 year old pirate queen and I had to google that of course because her showing up doing crazy shit and saying to go find some guy who is definitely not benicio del toro was weird. She's another character who our heroes knew but we still don't. I thought she just owned a cool bacastle and collects mcguffins.
General Hux- the highest in command homie without force powers was assigned to comic relief this entire film. Poor dude
C3PO- worth mentioning just cause. This is really close to after the force awakens and he does a little interjection about having a red arm. Then doesn’t now. It’s stupid and trivial but I noticed it I guess and it was another grain of salt on something that already left a sour taste in my mouth.
Yoda- this surprisingly made me smile and I enjoyed his presence immensely. He was a goofy old wise puppet again if only for a brief period. I think some people might be split on this too but this was one thing I liked. Though I still wonder if lukes been able to talk to him any more at all, why yoda decided to show himself then and some other bits about but hey it’s yoda. I love yoda.
Chewbacca and porgs- I don’t like that Chewbacca has been relegated to someone nobody cares about or interacts with but it’s not his story and he cant talk so good so I get it. The porgs were something I thought id hate from the trailer. I felt the same about bb8 from TFA trailer. I liked em though but I will say they were used just a bit too much.
The resistance can track u through hyperspace now just because. Fine Also, the john Williams scores for these movies feel significantly less memorable than any previous installment. Minor complaint but it’s there Also, at least half of the jokes were painfully bad and/or ruined otherwise serious moments There were parts and moments of course that I did like and it wasn’t a bad performance but this movie should have been better. I don’t know why it wasn’t and that bothers me. Rian Johnson I think is the name of the director so I’ll blame him for now. Take the starwars out of this movie and you’ve got a huge mess of a story. With star wars it just felt offensive. Now again, I enjoyed it while I was watching and there were a lot of good elements in the movie. But there certainly is a heck of a lot of bad too. I might sound like this movie should have 5 percent on rotten tomatoes but im certainly confused as to why it’s score is as high as it is. A personal problem with these new movies is that these aren’t stand alone star wars films. They’re apart of THE saga. And all the nastiness from these new movies dribbles down and taints the original trilogy. I might be getting little too bitchy fanboy here but hear me out. If you really think about it, it makes everything from obiwan and yoda escaping order 66 to luke’s hero’s journey, to han and leia’s relationship to end of the second death star feel somewhat worthless now or less than. All the good has been undone and our heroes of old had a shitty son, the new republic is kaput in seconds, and they all die in unhappy, unsatisfying ways. Leia isn’t yet but they’ll have to now sadly. The original trilogy feels…weaker, maybe even pointless I guess connected to these new movies. This is a shitty comparison, but the new movies are akin to the finale of How I Met Your Mother. Among other reasons It was bad because it invalidated so much of the show and character building before it. Like even looking at how important the deathstar was to the plot of the IV and VI and even V in more distant ways. They even made a movie about the struggle to get the plans to destroy the deathstar and how fuckin dope it is and how they got the technology and idea back from the clone wars and had to mine kyber crystals and research and shit. We don’t even know about starkiller base until halfway through the movie where it immediately shotguns through hyperspace several planets and the entire good guy organization. This thing is also hella bigger than the deathstar and more powerful and more impactful and is also soooo easy to infiltrate and destroy. The last Jedi continues smashing away at what the original trilogy created and honestly I thinks makes watching them less enjoyable now that we know what REALLY happens to our beloved heroes. Disney said all the extended universe stuff isn’t canon anymore. But to me, I prefer to imagine episodes 7,8,9 arent canon. There is one motif that star wars has throughout the series and that is one of hope. But I’m afraid that’s just one thing for future star wars installments that I simply don’t have after this. This did not feel like a Star Wars film. It was just a Disney film. There’s a whole spiel I could get into with what I think is a huge problem in the film industry that this movie exemplifies but I wont. But to quote mark hamill again about the industry, “it’s not important if it’s of high quality. Only if it makes money”
The prequels are starting to look a little better with this new lighting. They're bad sure but in a different way. Oh well it's just a movie Forgive my sloppy writing
submitted by Thebuttholeking69 to TheLastJedi [link] [comments]

T is for Terrified

Hello everyone! I hope all of you make it here to Harrisburg! Tomorrow will be the first day of the 20th Freddy Fazbear Entertainment Convention. You all will be staying at the Hilton Harrisburg near the Convention Center. More information will be provided in the following link...
My mind is completely blank right now. I am on a two-hour flight to Pennsylvania and I am still in shock that my curiosity and mind took me this far.
NEW MESSAGE: PETE Yo how are you doing bro, i arrived at the airport.
What have I gotten myself into?? I still can’t believe that a stupid theory and hobby have gotten me this far. I look down at my empty paper and think about what I need to say in my part of the panel.
Freddy’s was the biggest incident that has ever happened involving children at a locale of this nature. Big names have talked about this incident such as the likes of Stephen King and James Patterson, and this big tragedy has even garnered a fanbase among the paranormal investigation community. Even though it has been almost 26 years, some families are still affected by what had happened. I have spok-
Midway through my writing, I get a text message.
NEW MESSAGE: PETE Dude, I think you need to hear this. “New development in the suicide of a 16-year old student; Police uncover deeper meaning.” Just hit the WaPo this morning. It talks about this Tanner Albright kid, who dropped out of school and went into hiding. In a nutshell, I am on to something. Tell you more at the port :)
I remember hearing about that, barely a blip on the newsfeed compared to all that coverage about the solar eclipse. That was an interesting text. Why not tell me now. You know what, screw it, I’ll just continue writing.
I have spoken at length about the so-called Missing Children Incident where five children went missing at the pizzeria back in the early 1990s, the disappearances of various night staff over the years, and the shady relationship between Fazbear Entertainment and Afton Robotics. I am here to clear everything u-
Damnit Pete!
NEW MESSAGE: PETE Just a small check in on u. I herd the plane was delayed. Tru?
Just then, the pilot made an announcement:

“Hello folks, we are having a rough time here so just sit back for a moment. Put on your seatbelts everybody!”

You serious right now??? Even in 2017 a brutha can't get a break!
Maybe it was just a simple prank. Let me not freak out the person next to me and piss my pants in the actual piss place.
Luckily I am right next to the bathroom.
I open the door and look in the mirror.
Yo, Isiah, chill out dude. It’s good.
I go back to my seat and go back to my music.
Oh shoot
I feel the migraine coming as the cabin rocks under the turbulence. Shit…
Pete's going to be so mad when he finds out… oh well.
Pete's waiting for me past security
“Ayyee, wassup my guy.” Pete greets me.
“Sup,” I reply.
“How long have you been waiting here, P?”
“Four hours. You hungry from that flight?”
“Yeah, let’s get something to eat.”
We walk around the airport looking for something to eat.
“Mickey Ds?”
“Hell yeah.”
We walk to the McDonald's across from us to get what I think is dinner. We wait in line to get our food. Pete orders a Big Mac and I order a normal cheeseburger with a milkshake. We sit down at the dining plaza tables and start eating.
“So how was your flight?” Pete asks.
"Bit rough," I reply.
"No shit, Isiah!" He pauses then asks, "you been taking the percs again?"
"Man, you gotta cut that shit out!"
"It's aiight… So… whatchu got?"
Pete pulls up the webpage on his iPad; it's that Washington Post article he mentioned in the text earlier, with a picture showing cops at some backwoods crime scene complete with yellow tape. The page linked to another webpage, this one being a local news site for the St. George Metropolitan Area:
Brushton Township police say that Tanner Albright, a high school student that committed suicide several weeks back, had plans to commit mass murder.
Hurricane Police Chief Clay Burke said in a news conference yesterday that detectives found further writings dated August 8 to August 20, detailing a five-step plan for a major killing spree.
An entry dated Aug. 16 said, "...this will be bigger than anything this country's ever seen, .......I've been planning this for a long time, it's going to be so much fun. They won't expect a thing. It will be a stain on American history unlike anything like it."
The entries also praised William Afton of Afton Robotics and the recently-deceased Henry Fasbach of Fazbear Entertainment, making heavy references to the series of child murders throughout the 1990s, believed to have been committed by someone impersonating a mascot at the pizzeria. An entry dated Aug. 17 said, "I'll look into those scared little bitches eyes before I kill them and watch the life pour out of their bodies like the river Nile ... have followers because I'm so awesome I know someone will follow me just like I followed William Afton's ... me and them want close to the same thing, It's going to be fun......They say oh this is horrible but they don't think like us like me Henry and William...."
Tanner's writings made heavy references to Satanism and the occult, and detectives believe the boy expected to die and then "rise again" on August 21, the day of a major solar eclipse. A memo entry dated Aug. 18 said, ".....I'm going to die doing it, I hate those people, when they interview my parents and ask how they didn't see the signs they should know it's not them it's me and it's because of how I see the world....I'll hurt and destroy something so much bigger and they'll all see....."
He had gone missing a week before his body was found nearby an abandoned bunker that he had apparently been inhabiting for the last few months of his high school attendance before dropping out.
On Thursday, the Washington County Medical Examiner ruled Tanner's death inconclusive.
Investigation into Tanner's home was rendered impossible due to a major break-in soon after the body was discovered, with the intruder stealing most if not all of Tanner's belongings and heavily vandalizing the remainder.
Police say the investigation will continue with additional interviews and review of the boy's other documents.
School counselor Harvey Dunn issued a news release Thursday afternoon, noting increased presence by law enforcement in all district buildings.
Oookay… damn. That was one messed-up kid. One look at this pasty white boy's face and I immediately think "this kid be blastin' on them fools". At least he didn't go down that route...
"And you're showing me this because..."
Pete pulls out a folder from his convention bag and shoves it to me. "Dude, it gets even weirder. This guy on Freddit, OracleIntuition, sent me these" he gestures to the contents of the folder; several photographs of a really crappy cosplay of Freddy that someone tried to make look "oh so sp00py" by wrapping red yarn all over it, dunno why.
"So it's a photo of some cosplayer, what does this have to do with-"
"Bruh, that's what I told him too. But he swears 1000% that this is the real deal, some real spooky shit. Like a real-life version of all those urban legends about the animatronics walkin' around at night? And you know the weirdest part? He says this is what Tanner meant when he said 'rise again'"
"Naw… you saying this kid turn himself into a Freddy??" I stop and think for a second.
“This is on some next level werewolf shit bro, I don’t think it’s real. It could be some really thought out fanfic.” I reply.
“Sure, whatever you say. Don’t start crying and running to me when some satanic ‘I Need Jesus’ Freddy comes for your ass.”
Yo, this is forreal on some other worldly stuff. I don’t think there is that much behind this thing, and I am a theorist who talks about dead children for god’s sake.
“Anyways, you wanna know what happened to me on the plane?” I say.
“Let me guess, the perc. I already told you-”
“No, I got this weird ass stalker level text. Sounded like someone from ISIS or some shit.” I show Pete the text message.
“How many codes have you been cracking my dude, Tanner the spirit school shooter is about to murder your ass.” Pete replies.
“This is not funny. I am hella scared right now. Why me though?”
“In all seriousness, this could be a joke or a wrong number thing. Either way it’s weird.”
“True bu-”
“Hi guys, mind if I join you?” a familiar posh-accented voice says.
“Well, you could have as……. HOLY SHIT!” I scream, trying not to freak out even more.
To my surprise, it’s Dawko. The Dawko; the gamer and theorist. Is this real right now?
“Excuse my language, hello, of course you can join us.”
Pete and I give each other a glare. It’s the myth, the man, the legend, Dawko!!
“Sorry for my manners, my name is Isiah and this is Pete. I assume you are also here for the convention?”
“Oh yeah, I am. Are you part of a panel or a fan?”
“I am in the panel with my friend over here, we are under the name of ‘TheFreddleSquad’. You've probably seen our video on Freddy's, that is why we are here.”
“Ah yes I have, you are on the panel with me I think, right? I’ll check the schedule the director gave us.” Dawko looks down at his phone. “Yep.”
"So you just got here too? How was the flight?"
"Oh my God, 10 hours of torture all the way from Heathrow I swear," replies Dawko while stretching his back.
"I can't believe FazCon's been around for like 20 years, and 'cause of what? 'cause of some creepy urban legends here or there? I mean, have you seen the place? 'So come on down to mechanical bear pizza and child casino!!!'" we all get a good giggle out of that one.
We finish eating and we get all our luggage from pickup and we call an Uber.
We see our driver and he drives us to our hotel.
“Have a nice day!” Dawko shouts as he waves us off.
We wave back.
Approaching the lobby, it becomes pretty clear that we're not the only Faz-fans holed up in this joint. Already the place is full of enthusiasts and even some cosplayers. A cardboard Freddy sat down reading his tablet while some Foxy chicks (in BOTH senses of the word) hung round the pillars taking selfies. I even saw these two high as fuck guys dressed in black animal suits and I don't mean black like they used ink for the Ice Bucket challenge but like Vantablack shit.
Me and Pete get our room key from the counter and take the elevator up.
“Damn, we met Dawko.” I say.
“Yes, yes we did.” Pete replies
We get to our room and look around.
“I am glad we chose to upgrade to the two-room suite.” Pete says as he savours the moment.
I also savour it, as we examine every feature of the room, from the king-sized bed to the soft floors, everything is so perfect. While Pete flops down on the bed, I pull out my Surface Pro 4 and check the forums.
"Yo Pete check this out"
I'm on OracleIntuition's instagram account; there's a black and white selfie of a professional photographer, with images far superior to the ones Pete showed me at the airport. The caption was what piqued my interest, however:
oracleintuition Just flew into Harrisburg Intl.! Next stop, FazCon 2017!!!! 😊😄 #oracleintuition #ffp #freddy convention #fazcon
He's here?? Oh this might actually be interesting. I wonder what he has to say about the photos. But, time waits for no bruthas. We pack our gear and head off down the 20-minute walk from the Hilton to the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex, where the FazCon is being held. Strolling past the milling tourists and congoers, we behold the massive convention center, the capital of Freddy's Fandom for the next 4 days. We take a quick power nap because we didn't go to sleep, and it's 6:30 AM and we have to arrive in an hour.
Still, that short nap's long enough for me to have this strange dream. I'm a little boy again, barely knee height and I'm at the pizzeria during a birthday party. I try to get closer but I trip and fall, and by the time I get up, the whole place is dark and empty, like in the middle of the night. Suddenly, I hear movement and a little kid struggling as he's being pushed around by this dude in a purple uniform, squealing all the while because his mouth's been covered. They disappear behind the door and I can hear muffled struggling behind it. I walk towards the door, but there's this huge stink and some weird-ass feeling I can't place. I'm scared.
The stage lights up and there's Freddy, except… where's Bonnie and Chica??? Plus, Freddy's facing the wrong way! I have a choice… go to that door or go to Freddy. I also get this tingling pressure and somehow I know that if I take my eyes off of Freddy for even one second…
Suddenly the door bursts open, breaking my concentration. Instinctively I turn to look and… nothing. Just an empty room. Oh fuck... I want, no, need to get to that door because if I don't, it's going to get me. Doesn't matter what "it" is. I break into a run, but the pizzeria seems to stretch out as my heart hammers, but I finally make it through the door, slamming it behind me. I wait for a few moments, straining to hear if what's out there's gone. Then slowly I turn arou-


I get up with a start, breathing heavily. just a dream, Isiah, just a dream. Shit… I shouldn't have let them photos get to me… fuck. I turn and look at the clock. Oh, 7:05, still have time. I wake up Pete, we wash our faces, and finally leave the hotel, before hailing a taxi to the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex where the FazCon takes place.
And with that, we march headlong into the convention center.


It. Was. HUGE.
To any '90s kid who was raised on a healthy diet of Freddy's pizza and Surge, this place was practically heaven. The halls were transformed into a giant Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria/museum with practically everything that would satisfy your inner child for days on end! There were arcades of all kinds, deluxe ball pits we could play in for hours on end, vintage Freddy's memorabilia on display including signs, posters, even some old relics like animatronics that never made it to production, each carefully labeled and presented like fashion mannequins at the mall. But instead of rowdy screaming children, the place was crammed full of excited teens and adults, many of whom were having just as much fun as they would at a Dave & Buster's. Tokens clattered as attendees queued up to play the arcade games as if this was Atlantic City instead of Pennsylvania. A group of highschoolers howled and high-fived as they won a goodstuff Bonnie plush at the claw machine. Not to mention the cosplayers. It was like back at the hotel but magnified a hundred fold, and some of the outfits were so good that it was difficult to tell whether they were just here to have fun or whether they were part of the exhibit! Passing by a Foxy and a Mangle dancing to Gangnam Style while waving around a Nerf gun, we entered a room labeled "CAM 01" just in time to watch a riffed vintage episode of Fredbear and Friends! that had everyone laughing their asses off for nearly the full 20 minutes.
After having my fun, I go to rehearsal for my panel. I see multiple familiar faces from FusionZ to WHAT Stephen King?! STEPHEN KING HOLY SHIT I JUST NOTICED. What the hell is he doing here? Isn't he supposed to be writing a book about a gay guy or something? Now I wish I hadn't sold my 1st edition copy of "Under the Dome" before getting his autograph (ugh!) I am going to go speak with him, and hopefully don't make a nuisance out of myself. “Hey Mr. King, odd seeing you around these parts?” I say. “Please, call me Stephen.” he replies. I JUST GOT PERMISSION TO CALL STEPHEN KING ON A FIRST-NAME BASIS OH MY GOD. “So what panel are you on, Stephen?” I just had to rub it in. “Panel 3.”
“Really? So am I!”
“Great! I don't really tell people this but, I am a huge fan of yours, your theories helped me write my book!”
Did Stephen King just call me one of his inspirations??????
We stand there for a while.
“Alright then, catch you later!” I say.
Stephen walks away then waves.
Alright… it's showtime.
It’s finally time for the biggest moment of my so-called career. I see the other panelists around me, most I met during rehearsal. I settle down in my seat while Pete plops down next to me.
“You ready bro?” Pete asks me.
“Yeah, I guess.”
Moment of truth time.
I get up to give my speech.
"Thank you! We are The Freddle Squad and it's so good to be back! Shout out to my boy Pete, FusionZ, Dawko, and the one and only Stephen King himself!"
I wait for the applause to die down before continuing. "Now, Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria was the biggest scandal that has ever happened involving children at a locale of this nature. Big names have talked about the strange phenomena surrounding the restaurant, such as the likes of Stephen King and James Patterson, and this big tragedy has even garnered a fanbase among the paranormal investigation community. Even though it has been almost 26 years, some families are still affected by what had happened. I have spoken at length about the so-called Missing Children Incident where five children disappeared from the pizzeria back in the early 1990s, the unknown whereabouts of various night staff over the years, and the shady relationship between Fazbear Entertainment and Afton Robotics. Pete and I have been researching this for the past few years and we are now here to clear everything up."
I give Pete a soft kick which means it’s his turn.
“As my partner said, these incidents weren’t accidents. The long running partnership between Afton Robotics and Fazbear Entertainment isn’t as sweet as you think. Rumors have been going around that the company owner William Afton, presumably deceased, and his good friend, the late Fazbear Entertainment owner, Henry Fasbach, who had recently taken his own life this past Spring, had a pretty good, hidden friendship when they weren’t making headlines, almost too good of a friendship. Bonding over the experience of having lost their only daughter, they plotted on getting revenge on their own creations. In Henry’s letter before his passing, he wrote 'I was absolutely infuriated and ashamed of my actions, my daughter had died in the hands of my creations. I wanted for people to know the pain.'
Henry and William's plan was to sabotage their own beloved animatronics, to prevent any future tragedy; though both William and Henry were thought to have had shady connections to various - shall I say it - suspicious suppliers and other companies, they felt confident in their success, that is until William's apparent disappearance about a decade later. Henry himself would soon vanish from public spectacle to devote to his research, shunning everyone, including family and friends. With Henry dead, and his ex-wife and nephew not talking, we can only speculate exactly what he discovered and the rationale behind his actions."
And with that we continue into our Freddle Squad spiel, enumerating the known facts about the tangled case that lay before us and then entertaining the most common theories as to what truly went down back at Freddy's. When we finish, the moderator sets up this round table like on ABC, where we discuss and debate the motives and history of the whole sordid affair. All in all, it's really fun, and we're quite proud of ourselves, now that we're talking on par with all the bigshots of this field!
"Well that was fun!" Pete exclaims in relief once we finish signing autographs and get ready to head out.
"Man Pete, we gon' get a LOT of subs for this."
"I know, right?" He finishes packing his gear and we head off to the next few panels.
As the hours go on, Pete's beginning to act a bit wack. I mean he's cool and all but I can tell something ain't right, or at least he thinks so. Keeps looking over his shoulder as if he just stuffed several iPhones down his pants at Target. And the selfies... never knew Pete to be the selfie type…
Suddenly he taps me on the shoulder. "Hey Isiah, I gotta go for a bit, wanna put these in the back?"
"Sure man! Where you gon' be at?"
"Arcade room. You in?"
"Nah, I wanna get some quality swag, want something?"
"It's cool man."
"Meet you in 30 then?"
"Yeah! Oh and one more thing,"
Without warning he pulls me close and snaps a selfie on his phone before heading off. well that was weird… I mean, really? What's with him and selfies all the sudden?
I walk through the crowd looking for anyone else I know. Oh! The photographer snapping pics of us at the panel! Imma go talk to this brutha.
"Hey, nice camera! Did you enjoy the panel?"
"Yeah, it was really illuminating! I especially liked the part where you discussed what happened to the Toy animatronics and-"
He goes on and on about- wait hol' up. I've seen this face round these parts before.
"wait a sec… aren't you that instagram photographer OracleIntuition?"
"Yup! The one and only!"
"Ayyyyyyyyyyyyy sup!" and we greet each other like bruthas do
"Those forest pics were the BOMB on instagram! Where you take those, Yellowstone?"
"Rockies in fact, heh heh" Isaac replies with a toothy smile
"Run into any bears in the woods?"
shit… me and my big-ass mouth...
For one half of a split-fucking-second he look at me like I stepped on his Nike Air Jordans, then gives a forced giggle.
"No bears, no stairs."
"Aw man wouldn't those be nasty!"
this n!gga be tweekin, man! Alright, think man, this is your chance!
"So, uh, what's your favorite animatronic?"
"Mine? Well, normally it'd be a toss-up between Bonnie and Freddy, but now I think I'm more of a Bonnie person-"
"Oh? What happened?"
He looked away for a bit then mused, almost as if to himself,
"Do you really think Henry and William got all of them?" He looks at me, and I feel like he's putting me on the spot.
"Well… " I begin. "Those two made a lot of the guys, who knows if there's one still lying in a dumpster somewhere and we don't even know about it…"
He didn't like that, but cat's out, so time to get direct.
"Why, you think Freddy's comin' for you?"
He bites his lower lip in thought before whispering,
"Utah Museum of Architecture and Robotics… you… you saw the pics, right?
he knows
"Yeah… but don't you think..."
"That it's a load of bear shit? That he's dead and that's it?"
Now he's getting in my face, eyes pleading.
"Listen bro, I don't know what the HELL that was, but what I saw, what I felt... That ain't natural. The more I look, the worse this whole Freddy stuff appears."
I nod, not really understanding what he's getting at.
"Look, I like what you do a lot, hell I've gotten many of my friends to subscribe to Freddle Squad themselves. But if there's one thing to keep in mind, it's-"
Isaac suddenly gasps and turns green before giving me this wide-eyed stare as he stammers; "I-I-gotta go. Catch you up later?" Before I can reply he speedwalks off towards the restrooms. Looking around, I can't see what could have possibl-
"Agh you fucking kids, I'll get even with you for this I swear to God!"
Freddy flails around picking out the stuff sticking to his fur… oh. It's just silly string. He catches me staring. "the fuck's so funny?" then he storms off as we watch in confusion.
What exactly did he want me to keep in mind?
A guy like Isaac? If anything, now I know Isaac ain't fooling around… either he got played, or…
Well he sure as hell believes it.
I had two options to soothe my nerves… percs or merch. Ain't that an easy choice…
Upstairs there's this area labeled "PRIZE CORNER" through some huge double doors, Fazbear Security lookalikes checking for badges. And for good reason.
"PRIZE CORNER" my ass.
This area is perhaps THE biggest room in the entire convention center, size of at least two NBA arenas, all covered from wall to wall with booths selling all kinds of merchandise!!!! Funko Pops, McFarlane sets, posters and wall hangings of all kinds. Still don't know why such popular companies would still endorse such a controversial brand though, better for the fans anyways! Plus, half of the room was fanart and fan crafts anyways, including art (all kinds), plushies (all kinds), and a wide variety of cosmetic and cosplay merch including OC fursuits costing at least 3 grand each.
Is that what I think I see? LIMITED EDITION SANSHEE FREDBEAR PLUSH? HALF OFF!?! GIMME!! I push through the crowd and run towards it like a person running from a killer (off topic, what a coincidence)
15 singles later I'm hauling this brand new Sanshee Fredbear plush I've always been wanting to have to finish my collection in some gift bag over my shoulder, ready to wave it at his face once I finally catch up to him… aaaand Pete's nowhere to be seen. Well… so much for that I guess. Seriously? Dude can't have just bailed on me so soon.
I push past a gaggle of girls dressed up to look like the slutty versions of the Classic Freddy and Friends™ and find Pete talking with this security guard who clearly wasn't a Fazbear fan, occasionally pointing at his cell to show the guard something. As I'm about to call out to him, he finishes the conversation and bumps right into me. He looks very tense, which doesn't help at all.
"Dude, Pete, what's yo problem? Look, let's go somewhere more private so that we don't look like we're slinging rocks or something."
We walk over to this secluded corner and I confront him. "Dangit, boi! You've been acting all sorts of strange since our panel, taking selfies like 'that thot over there' and lookin' around acting all weird and shit. What the hell?!" Pete raises his hands in a defensive posture as I lay it on him.
"Alright Isiah, calm down, I can explain!"
Let's hear the worst.
"You know during that panel, there was this hoodie boy sitting all the way in the back, listening to his iPod or something?" I rack my brains to recall, but nobody in particular stood out to me-
"Was it some skinny Unabomber lookin' fella?"
"Yes! Yes it was!" Pete replies excitedly. "I thought he was just some weirdo at the wrong panel but then he started following us. I'd see him out of the corner of my eye but he'd always vanish like some ghost or something."
oh great, a crazed stalker. This day just keeps getting better and better...
Pete pulls out his cell phone to show me. "Here, have a look," he opens up the gallery and clicks on one particular selfie. All I see is his stupid grin, but then he zooms in on a corner, revealing the sunglasses-wearing "hoodie boy" who clearly looked sketchy as all hell. No drug dealer would be that careless to just walk around in broad daylight… right? Instantly, I'm reminded to that text I got from that creep back in the airplane.
"And that's not all… Isiah, look." He opens up a set of new text messages sent just about half an hour ago.
I see you Good talk, by the way Look before you leap You might not like what you find
Just then, I receive a new text of my own.
NEW MESSAGE: UNKNOWN ID You can still walk away. Or don't, it's up to you.
NEW MESSAGE: UNKNOWN ID Remember, the Shadows have ears.
*Oh hell no. *
“Yo Pete, I just got two texts from the same guy……”
“Who, the one from the airplane?”
Someone is clearly fucking with us, shit, shit, shit
“Maybe… maybe this is some creepy mega fan?”
“THAT'S STILL BAD.” Pete cries.
“Hopefully this is just a joke and it's not that important. You know what, let's get something to eat if that makes you feel better. I heard they have a really good place that make pizzas as good as Freddy's not to far from here. We don’t have to be here again until 4:00, that means we have 5 hours to spend.”
“That seems nice.” Pete replies.
We move through the crowd to get to the entrance, guarded by security wearing faux Freddy’s security guard gear. These guards look like they have something better to do.
We go to the front of the convention center near the pickup area.
“Uber?” Pete asks
I nod in agreement. Pete goes on his phone and pays for the ride.
I should invite Dawko to come eat with us.
I never got to send that text; when I turn around I see an out-of-breath Dawko running from a mob of fangirls.
“HIDE ME!” he pants. We see the uber driver pull up on the curve.
“Hurry, go!” I say, motioning him to get his ass in the car as we follow suit, pulling an OJ Simpson down Main street like a Ford Bronco chased by the po-lice.
“Shit, you good bro?” I ask Dawko during the ride.
“Yeah, I guess.”
I'm now grateful that I'm not as famous as him.
The ride drags along. We talk to our Uber driver and actually have a decent conversation. He looked hella sketchy, though. He looked familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
“Behold, Bacco's!” I say as I get into to an introducing pose.
“Wineries?” Pete says confusingly
As we enter the building, the savoury scent of pizza fills my nose as I look around. When I look, there's this extremely cute girl, sitting by herself eating.
and she T H I C C
Yo brutha, you got this
“Yo dudes, one second.” I tell my party of two. Hopefully no one intervenes and I can talk to her.
“Ay, hold on there buddy-boy. You trying to get some of that, arencha?” Pete says.
It’s always the black man that can’t do anything.
“Yo, what the hell Pete. “
“It’s not my fault that you made it obvious.”
“Well it’s not my fault tha-”
“You know what, let's sit over there then.” Dawko says outta nowhere
Who invited this dude to the conversation?
Dawko talks to waiter for awhile and then we somehow get a table next to her.
I settle down in my seat while the others gather around me.
this is my chance!
Ok, to hook this girl I got to start off smooth and then work my way up.
"Whoa… is that a HERO6????"
Nice way to start a conversation, nerd. What’s next, let me guess, ‘You have some nice camera lenses.’ Dafuq were you thinking?
"Yup! Just came out too; well, it's not mine, really, my sister let me borrow it for this trip."
phew! Okay you can still save this
"Really now? Where you heading?"
"Centralia, just past Route 61."
Pete raises an eyebrow. "The ghost town?"
"Yeah! It's for my journalism class up in Penn State."
"Penn State? Where you from?"
"Oh, well, me and my sister lived in Maryland before I got accepted here."
"Sweet! Pete and I came up from Orlando." I clap him on the shoulder.
"Oh! What brings you all the way up north then?"
We give her a wide grin. "Fazcon 2017 baby!" showing our VIP badges.
“oh you mean the Freddy convention? I did see the ads, plus there's quite a few costumed guys running around the place." The lady shrugs. "Oh! where's my manners, I'm Charisma."
“I'm Isiah, this is Pete. Oh yeah, you probably know him already but this is Dawko, nice to meet you.”
Dawko gives a small wave. I am about to make my move until this guy, who kinda reminds me of that one buffed up jock in a high school movie, shows up and sits right next to Charisma (she still has a cute name- ISIAH KEEP IT TOGETHER.) The guy also puts his arm around her.
Please don't tell me it's her bo-
“Oh, this is Jason, who I'm doing the project with!"
Shit, what kinda project then, chemistry? Seems a bit too close to be a “project partner”
The jock stretches his hand over to me and I shake it. “Nice to meet you.” he says.
“Nice to meet you too.” I reply.
Okay, I need to chill the fuck down.
“So both of you go to Centralia?” I ask
“Yeah.” Charisma replies, her “project partner” nods in agreement.
"Say, wasn't there a Chica's Party World near that area few decades back?" Dawko pipes up.
“Oh yeah, there was. You all probably already know what happened, since you are fans and stuff."
We shot the shit for a few more while finishing up that delicious gourmet pizza, but before long, Charisma and Jason have to get going. They head out in this blue hatchback that looks like it's from the 90s and barely runs. Soon, it's Dawko's turn to leave, and we wish him the best.
Ah well, now it's just the two of us and this tasty pizza. At least there's that right?
"Um… let's just… let's just go back to the hotel, I could use a hot shower, and hey, perhaps you wanna catch up some sleep and oh maybe cuddle Mr. Fredbear?"
Two for flinching, Pete.
We cross the road and head down Strawberry street to ditch our merch back at our room. We pass by those two vantablack cosplayers again in front of the parking lot-
wait hol up
Pete stopped dead cold, no doubt just as spooked as I was. Two lots down, there he was.



Everything 'bout this guy screams "ghetto neighborhood pusher" and part of me wonders what he got in the waistband of those jeans. Black Air Max sneakers, gray hoodie and red baseball cap leaning on a pillar facing away from us while he's smoking a cig. I see something in the garage mirror-
Double fuck.
Them vantablack n!ggas are closing in.
"That's the guy from the-"
"I know! Keep movin, we're almost there."
Plan's to make it to the elevator then swipe the keycard before we haul ass upstairs after locking him and his ninja thugs outside. Please Jesus I hope this works…

Hoodie boy's whistling now, great. Maybe he didn't see us?
Shit this is bad. I hope he's just-
… where'd he go???
"Hey homie, you got a light?"
where did-
This is so fucking bad, man.
I'm about to get mugged by the Unabomber, this rail-thin dude in aviator glasses and a pedo mustache.
I feel cold, like freezer cold…
Heavy breathing…
We're boxed in by his ninja black shadow goons.
fuck, fuck, fuck. We are dead.
"Umm, sorry no, we don't smoke..."
The door is right fucking there… do we run???
“No speak english, mi amigo.” Pete says
Fucking classic Pete. A look at him, he already knows what I am thinking. LET’S NASCAR THIS BIH.
Me and Pete both run from the Vantablacks (I might just call them that now, seems like a good band name) towards the glass enclosure, hoping that we get away in time. One of them, maybe the lead-singer, extends their arms and grabs me. We on some Bendy and the Ink Machine type-shit now WHAT THE FUCK. The other I swear to Lord Almighty fuckin FLASH STEPS RIGHT IN FRONT OF PETE before grabbing him and spinning him round against the glass with a loud THUD. I grab my backpack quick and find my bible.
Momma I'm sorry for throwing this but I need to live.
“LET THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPEL YOU!” I scream as I through the very expensive bible at the lead-singer of the Vantablacks-no. Not at… through. THIS IS SOME FORREAL DEVIL SHIT. WTF. He just looks down then back before he football tackles me against the glass like Pete. There's something yellow on the gro- oh. Fredbear fell out… hoodie boy gon' rob me of my phone, my wallet, AND Mr. Fredbear. fuuck.
Hoodie boy just leans on one of the pylons and watches us squirm with this shit eating grin as if he 'bout to bust us for possession while he walks over and picks up the Good Book before dusting it off. Lazily he flicks through the pages before he talks reeal low; "If there is a God, He will have to beg for my forgiveness" then he slams the bible shut with an echoing clap.
The Vantablacks are… well I don't know what the fuck but the one holding up Pete looked like Toy Bonnie,... 'cept he's no longer a toy, more like a life-sized Annabelle, but ALLL black. It's like he's just a black space cut out from all reality except for those eyes and those… teeth. That means the other guy's… like Freddy but with one ear missing...
"You two," hoodie boy points at each of us individually, "I am impressed."
"You had some really good theories back there. Well, many of them were off, some completely wrong, but for the rest? Close for the most part."
I give a nervous laugh.
“Any suggestions?”
"Two guys, each with a fascination for Fazbear's. Pete… well… doesn't matter why. As for you, Isiah…" Black Freddy turns me around to face hoodie boy. "You wanted to understand something, something that has been nagging at the back of your mind for years." Now his green eyes are inches away from my face. "You were there, weren't you? When it happened. When he took that kid."
Pete looks at me absolutely confused. I never told anyone about that.
"Fascination… obsession… all qualities of a competent journalist, but taken too far, well… you hold onto that and it will tear you apart bit… by bit… by bit…"
"The fuck are you talking about??? What do you want?!" Pete exclaims.
"Always slick on the mouth I see." He then turns to look at me once more.
"You're treading into deep waters, friend. I've seen the end of this road and believe me, it will not be pleasant."
Stepping back, hoodie boy snaps his fingers and before I know it, Vantablack Freddy and Bonnie are back right behind him. Freddy has MY Fredbear plush and is holding it like he holdin' a baby while Bonnie just stares like a damn statue.
"You can still quit while you're ahead, guys. Let the world believe those lies and half-truths about what happened."
He then shrugs. "Or, continue down that rabbit hole… who knows? Maybe you'll be the lucky ones. Nobody ever listens to me anyway."
"then why are you-"
"I'm just here to give you a warning, Freddles. A warning and a choice. Go back to your ordinary lives as YouTube celebrities, accepting the popular opinion, or continue at your own risk. What was that, ah… live or die. Make your choice."
We look at each other for just a moment, and by the time we look back, he's gone. Just GONE. Like he pulled some Criss Angel bullshit.
Best we do the same.
Running into the elevators, we rush into our suite and double lock all the chains and latch, then start making our way to the windows. I walk toward the bed and freeze.
Mr. Fredbear is sitting dead center, staring at me shiftily with his black eyes and stupid purple clothes.
Right on top of momma's ol' family bible.
So much for sleeping tonight…


Submitted in honor of the victims of the 2018 Parkland Shooting
You will not be forgotten.
submitted by thehatsmol to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

T is for Terrified

Hello everyone! I hope all of you make it here to Harrisburg! Tomorrow will be the first day of the 20th Freddy Fazbear Entertainment Convention. You all will be staying at the Hilton Harrisburg near the Convention Center. More information will be provided in the following link...
My mind is completely blank right now. I am on a two-hour flight to Pennsylvania and I am still in shock that my curiosity and mind took me this far.
NEW MESSAGE: PETE Yo how are you doing bro, i arrived at the airport.
What have I gotten myself into?? I still can’t believe that a stupid theory and hobby have gotten me this far. I look down at my empty paper and think about what I need to say in my part of the panel.
Freddy’s was the biggest incident that has ever happened involving children at a locale of this nature. Big names have talked about this incident such as the likes of Stephen King and James Patterson, and this big tragedy has even garnered a fanbase among the paranormal investigation community. Even though it has been almost 26 years, some families are still affected by what had happened. I have spok-
Midway through my writing, I get a text message.
NEW MESSAGE: PETE Dude, I think you need to hear this. “New development in the suicide of a 16-year old student; Police uncover deeper meaning.” Just hit the WaPo this morning. It talks about this Tanner Albright kid, who dropped out of school and went into hiding. In a nutshell, I am on to something. Tell you more at the port :)
I remember hearing about that, barely a blip on the newsfeed compared to all that coverage about the solar eclipse. That was an interesting text. Why not tell me now. You know what, screw it, I’ll just continue writing.
I have spoken at length about the so-called Missing Children Incident where five children went missing at the pizzeria back in the early 1990s, the disappearances of various night staff over the years, and the shady relationship between Fazbear Entertainment and Afton Robotics. I am here to clear everything u-
Damnit Pete!
NEW MESSAGE: PETE Just a small check in on u. I herd the plane was delayed. Tru?
Just then, the pilot made an announcement:

“Hello folks, we are having a rough time here so just sit back for a moment. Put on your seatbelts everybody!”

You serious right now??? Even in 2017 a brutha can't get a break!
Maybe it was just a simple prank. Let me not freak out the person next to me and piss my pants in the actual piss place.
Luckily I am right next to the bathroom.
I open the door and look in the mirror.
Yo, Isiah, chill out dude. It’s good.
I go back to my seat and go back to my music.
Oh shoot
I feel the migraine coming as the cabin rocks under the turbulence. Shit…
Pete's going to be so mad when he finds out… oh well.
Pete's waiting for me past security
“Ayyee, wassup my guy.” Pete greets me.
“Sup,” I reply.
“How long have you been waiting here, P?”
“Four hours. You hungry from that flight?”
“Yeah, let’s get something to eat.”
We walk around the airport looking for something to eat.
“Mickey Ds?”
“Hell yeah.”
We walk to the McDonald's across from us to get what I think is dinner. We wait in line to get our food. Pete orders a Big Mac and I order a normal cheeseburger with a milkshake. We sit down at the dining plaza tables and start eating.
“So how was your flight?” Pete asks.
"Bit rough," I reply.
"No shit, Isiah!" He pauses then asks, "you been taking the percs again?"
"Man, you gotta cut that shit out!"
"It's aiight… So… whatchu got?"
Pete pulls up the webpage on his iPad; it's that Washington Post article he mentioned in the text earlier, with a picture showing cops at some backwoods crime scene complete with yellow tape. The page linked to another webpage, this one being a local news site for the St. George Metropolitan Area:
Brushton Township police say that Tanner Albright, a high school student that committed suicide several weeks back, had plans to commit mass murder.
Hurricane Police Chief Clay Burke said in a news conference yesterday that detectives found further writings dated August 8 to August 20, detailing a five-step plan for a major killing spree.
An entry dated Aug. 16 said, "...this will be bigger than anything this country's ever seen, .......I've been planning this for a long time, it's going to be so much fun. They won't expect a thing. It will be a stain on American history unlike anything like it."
The entries also praised William Afton of Afton Robotics and the recently-deceased Henry Fasbach of Fazbear Entertainment, making heavy references to the series of child murders throughout the 1990s, believed to have been committed by someone impersonating a mascot at the pizzeria. An entry dated Aug. 17 said, "I'll look into those scared little bitches eyes before I kill them and watch the life pour out of their bodies like the river Nile ... have followers because I'm so awesome I know someone will follow me just like I followed William Afton's ... me and them want close to the same thing, It's going to be fun......They say oh this is horrible but they don't think like us like me Henry and William...."
Tanner's writings made heavy references to Satanism and the occult, and detectives believe the boy expected to die and then "rise again" on August 21, the day of a major solar eclipse. A memo entry dated Aug. 18 said, ".....I'm going to die doing it, I hate those people, when they interview my parents and ask how they didn't see the signs they should know it's not them it's me and it's because of how I see the world....I'll hurt and destroy something so much bigger and they'll all see....."
He had gone missing a week before his body was found nearby an abandoned bunker that he had apparently been inhabiting for the last few months of his high school attendance before dropping out.
On Thursday, the Washington County Medical Examiner ruled Tanner's death inconclusive.
Investigation into Tanner's home was rendered impossible due to a major break-in soon after the body was discovered, with the intruder stealing most if not all of Tanner's belongings and heavily vandalizing the remainder.
Police say the investigation will continue with additional interviews and review of the boy's other documents.
School counselor Harvey Dunn issued a news release Thursday afternoon, noting increased presence by law enforcement in all district buildings.
Oookay… damn. That was one messed-up kid. One look at this pasty white boy's face and I immediately think "this kid be blastin' on them fools". At least he didn't go down that route...
"And you're showing me this because..."
Pete pulls out a folder from his convention bag and shoves it to me. "Dude, it gets even weirder. This guy on Freddit, OracleIntuition, sent me these" he gestures to the contents of the folder; several photographs of a really crappy cosplay of Freddy that someone tried to make look "oh so sp00py" by wrapping red yarn all over it, dunno why.
"So it's a photo of some cosplayer, what does this have to do with-"
"Bruh, that's what I told him too. But he swears 1000% that this is the real deal, some real spooky shit. Like a real-life version of all those urban legends about the animatronics walkin' around at night? And you know the weirdest part? He says this is what Tanner meant when he said 'rise again'"
"Naw… you saying this kid turn himself into a Freddy??" I stop and think for a second.
“This is on some next level werewolf shit bro, I don’t think it’s real. It could be some really thought out fanfic.” I reply.
“Sure, whatever you say. Don’t start crying and running to me when some satanic ‘I Need Jesus’ Freddy comes for your ass.”
Yo, this is forreal on some other worldly stuff. I don’t think there is that much behind this thing, and I am a theorist who talks about dead children for god’s sake.
“Anyways, you wanna know what happened to me on the plane?” I say.
“Let me guess, the perc. I already told you-”
“No, I got this weird ass stalker level text. Sounded like someone from ISIS or some shit.” I show Pete the text message.
“How many codes have you been cracking my dude, Tanner the spirit school shooter is about to murder your ass.” Pete replies.
“This is not funny. I am hella scared right now. Why me though?”
“In all seriousness, this could be a joke or a wrong number thing. Either way it’s weird.”
“True bu-”
“Hi guys, mind if I join you?” a familiar posh-accented voice says.
“Well, you could have as……. HOLY SHIT!” I scream, trying not to freak out even more.
To my surprise, it’s Dawko. The Dawko; the gamer and theorist. Is this real right now?
“Excuse my language, hello, of course you can join us.”
Pete and I give each other a glare. It’s the myth, the man, the legend, Dawko!!
“Sorry for my manners, my name is Isiah and this is Pete. I assume you are also here for the convention?”
“Oh yeah, I am. Are you part of a panel or a fan?”
“I am in the panel with my friend over here, we are under the name of ‘TheFreddleSquad’. You've probably seen our video on Freddy's, that is why we are here.”
“Ah yes I have, you are on the panel with me I think, right? I’ll check the schedule the director gave us.” Dawko looks down at his phone. “Yep.”
"So you just got here too? How was the flight?"
"Oh my God, 10 hours of torture all the way from Heathrow I swear," replies Dawko while stretching his back.
"I can't believe FazCon's been around for like 20 years, and 'cause of what? 'cause of some creepy urban legends here or there? I mean, have you seen the place? 'So come on down to mechanical bear pizza and child casino!!!'" we all get a good giggle out of that one.
We finish eating and we get all our luggage from pickup and we call an Uber.
We see our driver and he drives us to our hotel.
“Have a nice day!” Dawko shouts as he waves us off.
We wave back.
Approaching the lobby, it becomes pretty clear that we're not the only Faz-fans holed up in this joint. Already the place is full of enthusiasts and even some cosplayers. A cardboard Freddy sat down reading his tablet while some Foxy chicks (in BOTH senses of the word) hung round the pillars taking selfies. I even saw these two high as fuck guys dressed in black animal suits and I don't mean black like they used ink for the Ice Bucket challenge but like Vantablack shit.
Me and Pete get our room key from the counter and take the elevator up.
“Damn, we met Dawko.” I say.
“Yes, yes we did.” Pete replies
We get to our room and look around.
“I am glad we chose to upgrade to the two-room suite.” Pete says as he savours the moment.
I also savour it, as we examine every feature of the room, from the king-sized bed to the soft floors, everything is so perfect. While Pete flops down on the bed, I pull out my Surface Pro 4 and check the forums.
"Yo Pete check this out"
I'm on OracleIntuition's instagram account; there's a black and white selfie of a professional photographer, with images far superior to the ones Pete showed me at the airport. The caption was what piqued my interest, however:
oracleintuition Just flew into Harrisburg Intl.! Next stop, FazCon 2017!!!! 😊😄 #oracleintuition #ffp #freddy convention #fazcon
He's here?? Oh this might actually be interesting. I wonder what he has to say about the photos. But, time waits for no bruthas. We pack our gear and head off down the 20-minute walk from the Hilton to the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex, where the FazCon is being held. Strolling past the milling tourists and congoers, we behold the massive convention center, the capital of Freddy's Fandom for the next 4 days. We take a quick power nap because we didn't go to sleep, and it's 6:30 AM and we have to arrive in an hour.
Still, that short nap's long enough for me to have this strange dream. I'm a little boy again, barely knee height and I'm at the pizzeria during a birthday party. I try to get closer but I trip and fall, and by the time I get up, the whole place is dark and empty, like in the middle of the night. Suddenly, I hear movement and a little kid struggling as he's being pushed around by this dude in a purple uniform, squealing all the while because his mouth's been covered. They disappear behind the door and I can hear muffled struggling behind it. I walk towards the door, but there's this huge stink and some weird-ass feeling I can't place. I'm scared.
The stage lights up and there's Freddy, except… where's Bonnie and Chica??? Plus, Freddy's facing the wrong way! I have a choice… go to that door or go to Freddy. I also get this tingling pressure and somehow I know that if I take my eyes off of Freddy for even one second…
Suddenly the door bursts open, breaking my concentration. Instinctively I turn to look and… nothing. Just an empty room. Oh fuck... I want, no, need to get to that door because if I don't, it's going to get me. Doesn't matter what "it" is. I break into a run, but the pizzeria seems to stretch out as my heart hammers, but I finally make it through the door, slamming it behind me. I wait for a few moments, straining to hear if what's out there's gone. Then slowly I turn arou-


I get up with a start, breathing heavily. just a dream, Isiah, just a dream. Shit… I shouldn't have let them photos get to me… fuck. I turn and look at the clock. Oh, 7:05, still have time. I wake up Pete, we wash our faces, and finally leave the hotel, before hailing a taxi to the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex where the FazCon takes place.
And with that, we march headlong into the convention center.


It. Was. HUGE.
To any '90s kid who was raised on a healthy diet of Freddy's pizza and Surge, this place was practically heaven. The halls were transformed into a giant Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria/museum with practically everything that would satisfy your inner child for days on end! There were arcades of all kinds, deluxe ball pits we could play in for hours on end, vintage Freddy's memorabilia on display including signs, posters, even some old relics like animatronics that never made it to production, each carefully labeled and presented like fashion mannequins at the mall. But instead of rowdy screaming children, the place was crammed full of excited teens and adults, many of whom were having just as much fun as they would at a Dave & Buster's. Tokens clattered as attendees queued up to play the arcade games as if this was Atlantic City instead of Pennsylvania. A group of highschoolers howled and high-fived as they won a goodstuff Bonnie plush at the claw machine. Not to mention the cosplayers. It was like back at the hotel but magnified a hundred fold, and some of the outfits were so good that it was difficult to tell whether they were just here to have fun or whether they were part of the exhibit! Passing by a Foxy and a Mangle dancing to Gangnam Style while waving around a Nerf gun, we entered a room labeled "CAM 01" just in time to watch a riffed vintage episode of Fredbear and Friends! that had everyone laughing their asses off for nearly the full 20 minutes.
After having my fun, I go to rehearsal for my panel. I see multiple familiar faces from FusionZ to WHAT Stephen King?! STEPHEN KING HOLY SHIT I JUST NOTICED. What the hell is he doing here? Isn't he supposed to be writing a book about a gay guy or something? Now I wish I hadn't sold my 1st edition copy of "Under the Dome" before getting his autograph (ugh!) I am going to go speak with him, and hopefully don't make a nuisance out of myself. “Hey Mr. King, odd seeing you around these parts?” I say. “Please, call me Stephen.” he replies. I JUST GOT PERMISSION TO CALL STEPHEN KING ON A FIRST-NAME BASIS OH MY GOD. “So what panel are you on, Stephen?” I just had to rub it in. “Panel 3.”
“Really? So am I!”
“Great! I don't really tell people this but, I am a huge fan of yours, your theories helped me write my book!”
Did Stephen King just call me one of his inspirations??????
We stand there for a while.
“Alright then, catch you later!” I say.
Stephen walks away then waves.
Alright… it's showtime.
It’s finally time for the biggest moment of my so-called career. I see the other panelists around me, most I met during rehearsal. I settle down in my seat while Pete plops down next to me.
“You ready bro?” Pete asks me.
“Yeah, I guess.”
Moment of truth time.
I get up to give my speech.
"Thank you! We are The Freddle Squad and it's so good to be back! Shout out to my boy Pete, FusionZ, Dawko, and the one and only Stephen King himself!"
I wait for the applause to die down before continuing. "Now, Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria was the biggest scandal that has ever happened involving children at a locale of this nature. Big names have talked about the strange phenomena surrounding the restaurant, such as the likes of Stephen King and James Patterson, and this big tragedy has even garnered a fanbase among the paranormal investigation community. Even though it has been almost 26 years, some families are still affected by what had happened. I have spoken at length about the so-called Missing Children Incident where five children disappeared from the pizzeria back in the early 1990s, the unknown whereabouts of various night staff over the years, and the shady relationship between Fazbear Entertainment and Afton Robotics. Pete and I have been researching this for the past few years and we are now here to clear everything up."
I give Pete a soft kick which means it’s his turn.
“As my partner said, these incidents weren’t accidents. The long running partnership between Afton Robotics and Fazbear Entertainment isn’t as sweet as you think. Rumors have been going around that the company owner William Afton, presumably deceased, and his good friend, the late Fazbear Entertainment owner, Henry Fasbach, who had recently taken his own life this past Spring, had a pretty good, hidden friendship when they weren’t making headlines, almost too good of a friendship. Bonding over the experience of having lost their only daughter, they plotted on getting revenge on their own creations. In Henry’s letter before his passing, he wrote 'I was absolutely infuriated and ashamed of my actions, my daughter had died in the hands of my creations. I wanted for people to know the pain.'
Henry and William's plan was to sabotage their own beloved animatronics, to prevent any future tragedy; though both William and Henry were thought to have had shady connections to various - shall I say it - suspicious suppliers and other companies, they felt confident in their success, that is until William's apparent disappearance about a decade later. Henry himself would soon vanish from public spectacle to devote to his research, shunning everyone, including family and friends. With Henry dead, and his ex-wife and nephew not talking, we can only speculate exactly what he discovered and the rationale behind his actions."
And with that we continue into our Freddle Squad spiel, enumerating the known facts about the tangled case that lay before us and then entertaining the most common theories as to what truly went down back at Freddy's. When we finish, the moderator sets up this round table like on ABC, where we discuss and debate the motives and history of the whole sordid affair. All in all, it's really fun, and we're quite proud of ourselves, now that we're talking on par with all the bigshots of this field!
"Well that was fun!" Pete exclaims in relief once we finish signing autographs and get ready to head out.
"Man Pete, we gon' get a LOT of subs for this."
"I know, right?" He finishes packing his gear and we head off to the next few panels.
As the hours go on, Pete's beginning to act a bit wack. I mean he's cool and all but I can tell something ain't right, or at least he thinks so. Keeps looking over his shoulder as if he just stuffed several iPhones down his pants at Target. And the selfies... never knew Pete to be the selfie type…
Suddenly he taps me on the shoulder. "Hey Isiah, I gotta go for a bit, wanna put these in the back?"
"Sure man! Where you gon' be at?"
"Arcade room. You in?"
"Nah, I wanna get some quality swag, want something?"
"It's cool man."
"Meet you in 30 then?"
"Yeah! Oh and one more thing,"
Without warning he pulls me close and snaps a selfie on his phone before heading off. well that was weird… I mean, really? What's with him and selfies all the sudden?
I walk through the crowd looking for anyone else I know. Oh! The photographer snapping pics of us at the panel! Imma go talk to this brutha.
"Hey, nice camera! Did you enjoy the panel?"
"Yeah, it was really illuminating! I especially liked the part where you discussed what happened to the Toy animatronics and-"
He goes on and on about- wait hol' up. I've seen this face round these parts before.
"wait a sec… aren't you that instagram photographer OracleIntuition?"
"Yup! The one and only!"
"Ayyyyyyyyyyyyy sup!" and we greet each other like bruthas do
"Those forest pics were the BOMB on instagram! Where you take those, Yellowstone?"
"Rockies in fact, heh heh" Isaac replies with a toothy smile
"Run into any bears in the woods?"
shit… me and my big-ass mouth...
For one half of a split-fucking-second he look at me like I stepped on his Nike Air Jordans, then gives a forced giggle.
"No bears, no stairs."
"Aw man wouldn't those be nasty!"
this nigga be tweekin, man! Alright, think man, this is your chance!
"So, uh, what's your favorite animatronic?"
"Mine? Well, normally it'd be a toss-up between Bonnie and Freddy, but now I think I'm more of a Bonnie person-"
"Oh? What happened?"
He looked away for a bit then mused, almost as if to himself,
"Do you really think Henry and William got all of them?" He looks at me, and I feel like he's putting me on the spot.
"Well… " I begin. "Those two made a lot of the guys, who knows if there's one still lying in a dumpster somewhere and we don't even know about it…"
He didn't like that, but cat's out, so time to get direct.
"Why, you think Freddy's comin' for you?"
He bites his lower lip in thought before whispering,
"Utah Museum of Architecture and Robotics… you… you saw the pics, right?
he knows
"Yeah… but don't you think..."
"That it's a load of bear shit? That he's dead and that's it?"
Now he's getting in my face, eyes pleading.
"Listen bro, I don't know what the HELL that was, but what I saw, what I felt... That ain't natural. The more I look, the worse this whole Freddy stuff appears."
I nod, not really understanding what he's getting at.
"Look, I like what you do a lot, hell I've gotten many of my friends to subscribe to Freddle Squad themselves. But if there's one thing to keep in mind, it's-"
Isaac suddenly gasps and turns green before giving me this wide-eyed stare as he stammers; "I-I-gotta go. Catch you up later?" Before I can reply he speedwalks off towards the restrooms. Looking around, I can't see what could have possibl-
"Agh you fucking kids, I'll get even with you for this I swear to God!"
Freddy flails around picking out the stuff sticking to his fur… oh. It's just silly string. He catches me staring. "the fuck's so funny?" then he storms off as we watch in confusion.
What exactly did he want me to keep in mind?
A guy like Isaac? If anything, now I know Isaac ain't fooling around… either he got played, or…
Well he sure as hell believes it.
I had two options to soothe my nerves… percs or merch. Ain't that an easy choice…
Upstairs there's this area labeled "PRIZE CORNER" through some huge double doors, Fazbear Security lookalikes checking for badges. And for good reason.
"PRIZE CORNER" my ass.
This area is perhaps THE biggest room in the entire convention center, size of at least two NBA arenas, all covered from wall to wall with booths selling all kinds of merchandise!!!! Funko Pops, McFarlane sets, posters and wall hangings of all kinds. Still don't know why such popular companies would still endorse such a controversial brand though, better for the fans anyways! Plus, half of the room was fanart and fan crafts anyways, including art (all kinds), plushies (all kinds), and a wide variety of cosmetic and cosplay merch including OC fursuits costing at least 3 grand each.
Is that what I think I see? LIMITED EDITION SANSHEE FREDBEAR PLUSH? HALF OFF!?! GIMME!! I push through the crowd and run towards it like a person running from a killer (off topic, what a coincidence)
15 singles later I'm hauling this brand new Sanshee Fredbear plush I've always been wanting to have to finish my collection in some gift bag over my shoulder, ready to wave it at his face once I finally catch up to him… aaaand Pete's nowhere to be seen. Well… so much for that I guess. Seriously? Dude can't have just bailed on me so soon.
I push past a gaggle of girls dressed up to look like the slutty versions of the Classic Freddy and Friends™ and find Pete talking with this security guard who clearly wasn't a Fazbear fan, occasionally pointing at his cell to show the guard something. As I'm about to call out to him, he finishes the conversation and bumps right into me. He looks very tense, which doesn't help at all.
"Dude, Pete, what's yo problem? Look, let's go somewhere more private so that we don't look like we're slinging rocks or something."
We walk over to this secluded corner and I confront him. "Dangit, boi! You've been acting all sorts of strange since our panel, taking selfies like 'that thot over there' and lookin' around acting all weird and shit. What the hell?!" Pete raises his hands in a defensive posture as I lay it on him.
"Alright Isiah, calm down, I can explain!"
Let's hear the worst.
"You know during that panel, there was this hoodie boy sitting all the way in the back, listening to his iPod or something?" I rack my brains to recall, but nobody in particular stood out to me-
"Was it some skinny Unabomber lookin' fella?"
"Yes! Yes it was!" Pete replies excitedly. "I thought he was just some weirdo at the wrong panel but then he started following us. I'd see him out of the corner of my eye but he'd always vanish like some ghost or something."
oh great, a crazed stalker. This day just keeps getting better and better...
Pete pulls out his cell phone to show me. "Here, have a look," he opens up the gallery and clicks on one particular selfie. All I see is his stupid grin, but then he zooms in on a corner, revealing the sunglasses-wearing "hoodie boy" who clearly looked sketchy as all hell. No drug dealer would be that careless to just walk around in broad daylight… right? Instantly, I'm reminded to that text I got from that creep back in the airplane.
"And that's not all… Isiah, look." He opens up a set of new text messages sent just about half an hour ago.
I see you Good talk, by the way Look before you leap You might not like what you find
Just then, I receive a new text of my own.
NEW MESSAGE: UNKNOWN ID You can still walk away. Or don't, it's up to you.
NEW MESSAGE: UNKNOWN ID Remember, the Shadows have ears.
*Oh hell no. *
“Yo Pete, I just got two texts from the same guy……”
“Who, the one from the airplane?”
Someone is clearly fucking with us, shit, shit, shit
“Maybe… maybe this is some creepy mega fan?”
“THAT'S STILL BAD.” Pete cries.
“Hopefully this is just a joke and it's not that important. You know what, let's get something to eat if that makes you feel better. I heard they have a really good place that make pizzas as good as Freddy's not to far from here. We don’t have to be here again until 4:00, that means we have 5 hours to spend.”
“That seems nice.” Pete replies.
We move through the crowd to get to the entrance, guarded by security wearing faux Freddy’s security guard gear. These guards look like they have something better to do.
We go to the front of the convention center near the pickup area.
“Uber?” Pete asks
I nod in agreement. Pete goes on his phone and pays for the ride.
I should invite Dawko to come eat with us.
I never got to send that text; when I turn around I see an out-of-breath Dawko running from a mob of fangirls.
“HIDE ME!” he pants. We see the uber driver pull up on the curve.
“Hurry, go!” I say, motioning him to get his ass in the car as we follow suit, pulling an OJ Simpson down Main street like a Ford Bronco chased by the po-lice.
“Shit, you good bro?” I ask Dawko during the ride.
“Yeah, I guess.”
I'm now grateful that I'm not as famous as him.
The ride drags along. We talk to our Uber driver and actually have a decent conversation. He looked hella sketchy, though. He looked familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
“Behold, Bacco's!” I say as I get into to an introducing pose.
“Wineries?” Pete says confusingly
As we enter the building, the savoury scent of pizza fills my nose as I look around. When I look, there's this extremely cute girl, sitting by herself eating.
and she T H I C C
Yo brutha, you got this
“Yo dudes, one second.” I tell my party of two. Hopefully no one intervenes and I can talk to her.
“Ay, hold on there buddy-boy. You trying to get some of that, arencha?” Pete says.
It’s always the black man that can’t do anything.
“Yo, what the hell Pete. “
“It’s not my fault that you made it obvious.”
“Well it’s not my fault tha-”
“You know what, let's sit over there then.” Dawko says outta nowhere
Who invited this dude to the conversation?
Dawko talks to waiter for awhile and then we somehow get a table next to her.
I settle down in my seat while the others gather around me.
this is my chance!
Ok, to hook this girl I got to start off smooth and then work my way up.
"Whoa… is that a HERO6????"
Nice way to start a conversation, nerd. What’s next, let me guess, ‘You have some nice camera lenses.’ Dafuq were you thinking?
"Yup! Just came out too; well, it's not mine, really, my sister let me borrow it for this trip."
phew! Okay you can still save this
"Really now? Where you heading?"
"Centralia, just past Route 61."
Pete raises an eyebrow. "The ghost town?"
"Yeah! It's for my journalism class up in Penn State."
"Penn State? Where you from?"
"Oh, well, me and my sister lived in Maryland before I got accepted here."
"Sweet! Pete and I came up from Orlando." I clap him on the shoulder.
"Oh! What brings you all the way up north then?"
We give her a wide grin. "Fazcon 2017 baby!" showing our VIP badges.
“oh you mean the Freddy convention? I did see the ads, plus there's quite a few costumed guys running around the place." The lady shrugs. "Oh! where's my manners, I'm Charisma."
“I'm Isiah, this is Pete. Oh yeah, you probably know him already but this is Dawko, nice to meet you.”
Dawko gives a small wave. I am about to make my move until this guy, who kinda reminds me of that one buffed up jock in a high school movie, shows up and sits right next to Charisma (she still has a cute name- ISIAH KEEP IT TOGETHER.) The guy also puts his arm around her.
Please don't tell me it's her bo-
“Oh, this is Jason, who I'm doing the project with!"
Shit, what kinda project then, chemistry? Seems a bit too close to be a “project partner”
The jock stretches his hand over to me and I shake it. “Nice to meet you.” he says.
“Nice to meet you too.” I reply.
Okay, I need to chill the fuck down.
“So both of you go to Centralia?” I ask
“Yeah.” Charisma replies, her “project partner” nods in agreement.
"Say, wasn't there a Chica's Party World near that area few decades back?" Dawko pipes up.
“Oh yeah, there was. You all probably already know what happened, since you are fans and stuff."
We shot the shit for a few more while finishing up that delicious gourmet pizza, but before long, Charisma and Jason have to get going. They head out in this blue hatchback that looks like it's from the 90s and barely runs. Soon, it's Dawko's turn to leave, and we wish him the best.
Ah well, now it's just the two of us and this tasty pizza. At least there's that right?
"Um… let's just… let's just go back to the hotel, I could use a hot shower, and hey, perhaps you wanna catch up some sleep and oh maybe cuddle Mr. Fredbear?"
Two for flinching, Pete.
We cross the road and head down Strawberry street to ditch our merch back at our room. We pass by those two vantablack cosplayers again in front of the parking lot-
wait hol up
Pete stopped dead cold, no doubt just as spooked as I was. Two lots down, there he was.



Everything 'bout this guy screams "ghetto neighborhood pusher" and part of me wonders what he got in the waistband of those jeans. Black Air Max sneakers, gray hoodie and red baseball cap leaning on a pillar facing away from us while he's smoking a cig. I see something in the garage mirror-
Double fuck.
Them vantablack niggas are closing in.
"That's the guy from the-"
"I know! Keep movin, we're almost there."
Plan's to make it to the elevator then swipe the keycard before we haul ass upstairs after locking him and his ninja thugs outside. Please Jesus I hope this works…

Hoodie boy's whistling now, great. Maybe he didn't see us?
Shit this is bad. I hope he's just-
… where'd he go???
"Hey homie, you got a light?"
where did-
This is so fucking bad, man.
I'm about to get mugged by the Unabomber, this rail-thin dude in aviator glasses and a pedo mustache.
I feel cold, like freezer cold…
Heavy breathing…
We're boxed in by his ninja black shadow goons.
fuck, fuck, fuck. We are dead.
"Umm, sorry no, we don't smoke..."
The door is right fucking there… do we run???
“No speak english, mi amigo.” Pete says
Fucking classic Pete. A look at him, he already knows what I am thinking. LET’S NASCAR THIS BIH.
Me and Pete both run from the Vantablacks (I might just call them that now, seems like a good band name) towards the glass enclosure, hoping that we get away in time. One of them, maybe the lead-singer, extends their arms and grabs me. We on some Bendy and the Ink Machine type-shit now WHAT THE FUCK. The other I swear to Lord Almighty fuckin FLASH STEPS RIGHT IN FRONT OF PETE before grabbing him and spinning him round against the glass with a loud THUD. I grab my backpack quick and find my bible.
Momma I'm sorry for throwing this but I need to live.
“LET THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPEL YOU!” I scream as I through the very expensive bible at the lead-singer of the Vantablacks-no. Not at… through. THIS IS SOME FORREAL DEVIL SHIT. WTF. He just looks down then back before he football tackles me against the glass like Pete. There's something yellow on the gro- oh. Fredbear fell out… hoodie boy gon' rob me of my phone, my wallet, AND Mr. Fredbear. fuuck.
Hoodie boy just leans on one of the pylons and watches us squirm with this shit eating grin as if he 'bout to bust us for possession while he walks over and picks up the Good Book before dusting it off. Lazily he flicks through the pages before he talks reeal low; "If there is a God, He will have to beg for my forgiveness" then he slams the bible shut with an echoing clap.
The Vantablacks are… well I don't know what the fuck but the one holding up Pete looked like Toy Bonnie,... 'cept he's no longer a toy, more like a life-sized Annabelle, but ALLL black. It's like he's just a black space cut out from all reality except for those eyes and those… teeth. That means the other guy's… like Freddy but with one ear missing...
"You two," hoodie boy points at each of us individually, "I am impressed."
"You had some really good theories back there. Well, many of them were off, some completely wrong, but for the rest? Close for the most part."
I give a nervous laugh.
“Any suggestions?”
"Two guys, each with a fascination for Fazbear's. Pete… well… doesn't matter why. As for you, Isiah…" Black Freddy turns me around to face hoodie boy. "You wanted to understand something, something that has been nagging at the back of your mind for years." Now his green eyes are inches away from my face. "You were there, weren't you? When it happened. When he took that kid."
Pete looks at me absolutely confused. I never told anyone about that.
"Fascination… obsession… all qualities of a competent journalist, but taken too far, well… you hold onto that and it will tear you apart bit… by bit… by bit…"
"The fuck are you talking about??? What do you want?!" Pete exclaims.
"Always slick on the mouth I see." He then turns to look at me once more.
"You're treading into deep waters, friend. I've seen the end of this road and believe me, it will not be pleasant."
Stepping back, hoodie boy snaps his fingers and before I know it, Vantablack Freddy and Bonnie are back right behind him. Freddy has MY Fredbear plush and is holding it like he holdin' a baby while Bonnie just stares like a damn statue.
"You can still quit while you're ahead, guys. Let the world believe those lies and half-truths about what happened."
He then shrugs. "Or, continue down that rabbit hole… who knows? Maybe you'll be the lucky ones. Nobody ever listens to me anyway."
"then why are you-"
"I'm just here to give you a warning, Freddles. A warning and a choice. Go back to your ordinary lives as YouTube celebrities, accepting the popular opinion, or continue at your own risk. What was that, ah… live or die. Make your choice."
We look at each other for just a moment, and by the time we look back, he's gone. Just GONE. Like he pulled some Criss Angel bullshit.
Best we do the same.
Running into the elevators, we rush into our suite and double lock all the chains and latch, then start making our way to the windows. I walk toward the bed and freeze.
Mr. Fredbear is sitting dead center, staring at me shiftily with his black eyes and stupid purple clothes.
Right on top of momma's ol' family bible.
So much for sleeping tonight…


Submitted in honor of the victims of the 2018 Parkland Shooting
You will not be forgotten.
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