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The USA PATRIOT Act: The Story of an Impulsive Bill that Eviscerated America's Civil Liberties

The USA PATRIOT Act provides a textbook example of how the United States federal government expands its power. An emergency happens, legitimate or otherwise. The media, playing its dutiful role as goad for greater government oversight, demands "something must be done." Government power is massively expanded, with little regard for whether or not what is being done is efficacious, to say nothing of the overall impact on our nation's civil liberties.
No goals are posted, because if targets are hit, this would necessitate the ending or scaling back of the program. Instead, the program becomes normalized. There are no questions asked about whether the program is accomplishing what it set out to do. It is now simply a part of American life and there is no going back.
The American public largely accepts the USA PATRIOT Act as a part of civic life as immutable, perhaps even more so than the Bill of Rights. However, this act – passed in the dead of night, with little to no oversight, in a panic after the biggest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor – is not only novel, it is also fundamentally opposed to virtually every principle on which the United States of America was founded. It might not be going anywhere anytime soon, but patriots, liberty lovers and defenders of Constitutional government should nonetheless familiarize themselves with the onerous provisions of this law, which is nothing short of a full-throttle attack on the American republic.

What’s Even in the USA PATRIOT Act?

What is in the USA PATRIOT Act? In the Michael Moore film Fahrenheit 9/11, then Rep. John Conyers cracked wise about how no one had actually read the Act and how this was in fact par for the course with America's laws. Thus, before delving into the deeper issues surrounding the PATRIOT Act, it is worth discussing what the Act actually says. Here’s a brief look at the 10 Titles in the PATRIOT Act:
Most of the provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act were set to sunset four years after the bill was passed into law. However, the law was extended first by President George W. Bush and then by President Barack H. Obama. The latter is particularly scandalous given that, at least in part, a rejection of the surveillance culture that permeated the Bush Administration was responsible for the election of Obama in 2008.

Passing the USA PATRIOT Act

Next, it’s important to remember the environment in which the USA PATRIOT Act was passed: Post-9/11. It is not the slightest bit of exaggeration to label the environment in which the PATRIOT Act was passed as “hysterical,” nor is “compliant” a misnomer for the Congress of the time. Opposition to the Act was slim and intensive review of one of the most sweeping Acts of Congress in American history was nonexistent.
All told, Congress took a whopping six weeks drafting, revising, reviewing and passing the PATRIOT Act. That’s less time than Congress typically spends on totally uncontroversial and routine bills that don’t gut the Fourth Amendment. The final vote found only 66 opponents in the House and one (Wisconsin Democrat Russ Feingold) in the Senate. The entire passage of the PATRIOT Act, from start to finish, took place behind closed doors. There were no committee reports or hearings for opponents to testify, nor did anyone bother to read the bill.
“Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism” is the bloated and overwrought full name of the bill, crafted by a 23-year-old Congressional staffer named Chris Cylke. This ridiculous name puts the focus not on the surveillance aspects or the erosion of basic civil liberties enshrined in Western society since the Magna Carta, but on patriotism. At the time of its creation, the messaging was very clear: Real patriots support massive intrusions on civil rights. As President George W. Bush said at the time, “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” This sentiment very much seemed to apply to American citizens.
While the argument that if you have nothing to hide you shouldn’t fear investigation is anathema in a Constitutional republic with regard to citizens, it should be standard operating procedure when it comes to our organs of government. If we cannot expect transparency from the United States Congress – elected officials charged with representing the will of the people and protecting the Constitution – then we certainly can’t expect it anywhere else.

The Unfortunate Growth of the USA PATRIOT Act

It’s no surprise to those in the liberty movement that given an inch, the government (in particular the military-intelligence community) took a mile. Even the nebulous definition of “terrorism,” largely centered around a long litany of acts rather than the motivation behind them, has expanded to include receiving military training from a proscribed organization (without actually committing any terrorist acts or even acts of violence of any stripe) as well as “narcoterrorism” – the latter particularly convenient, as the United States government continues its losing “War on Drugs.”
Indeed, in many ways, the War on (Some) Drugs was the template for the War on Terror. Both wars have no defined enemy, no defined terms of victory. Instead, they are waged against a nebulous concept, while enjoying bipartisan support for their ever-expanding budgets. What’s more, it didn’t take long for the Feds to start using the USA PATRIOT Act for things it was never intended for, including prosecuting the War on Drugs.
Perhaps the silliest application of the USA PATRIOT Act is the prosecution of Adam McGaughey. McGaughey maintained a fansite for the television series Stargate SG-1. The Feds charged him with copyright infringement and computer fraud. In the course of their investigation, the FBI leveraged the PATRIOT Act to get financial records from his website’s ISP. This was made possible by the USA PATRIOT Act amending the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, allowing for search and seizure of ISP records.
The New York Times discovered in September 2003, that the USA PATRIOT Act was being used to investigate alleged drug traffickers without what would otherwise be sufficient probable cause. These were investigations into non-terrorist acts using a law ostensibly designed to investigate terrorism. There was some suspicion that the Act was being used to investigate crimes occurring before the Act was passed, violating the ex post facto clause of the United States Constitution.
In one of the biggest power grabs (excluding virtually everything we know from Edward Snowden – more on that below), the FBI sent tens of thousands of “national security letters” and procured over one million financial records from targeted businesses in Las Vegas. These businesses were primarily casinos, car rental bureaus and storage spaces. The data obtained included financial records, credit histories, employment records and even people’s personal health records.
The FBI maintains and databases this – and, indeed, all information collected through the USA PATRIOT Act – indefinitely. In the good old days before the PATRIOT Act, the Feds were compelled to destroy any evidence they collected on someone later found not guilty of a crime. Note that the aforementioned data collection brought to public attention by Edward Snowden (which, again – we’re getting to that) falls under this provision. Not only is the government collecting obscene amounts of private and personal information about you, they’re also storing it indefinitely with no plans to stop.
What’s more, the FBI has approached public libraries to turn over the records for specific terminals, collecting information not about specific users who might be under investigation, but about anyone who has ever used the computer at the public library. Libraries, to their credit, have been very much at the forefront of resistance against the PATRIOT Act, with some litigating compliance despite operating on small budgets and others posting “canary letters,” which effectively say “The FBI Hasn’t Been Here Yet.” The removal of such a letter would warn patrons that the FBI has been sniffing around in their records.
Indeed, the greatest criticism of the PATRIOT Act is the simplest and perhaps most obvious: Why does an Act ostensibly passed to fight terrorism so drastically expand the government’s power to investigate virtually everyone else? The PATRIOT Act is not merely unconstitutional, it is an unprecedented expansion of state power in the Anglosphere, a culture based on restricted government and the primacy of individual rights.
An excellent example of this is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) expansion. Most people are familiar with the term “FISA court,” but very few people actually know what it is – a special federal court created under the Carter Administration that grants approval of electronic surveillance of both citizens and resident aliens in the event that they are accused of acting in the service of a foreign power. The last part of this sentence is very important: The FISA courts are not simply for allowing surveillance of anyone that it might be expedient to collect information about. The scope of their powers is very, very limited.
Or was.
The PATRIOT Act lowered the burden of evidence required to obtain a FISA warrant for electronic surveillance and expanded the overall scope of the FISA courts. Any savvy federal agent can now drape his charges in the garb of (what else?) “national security” and obtain electronic surveillance privileges hitherto only dreamed of by investigators. FISA courts have become pliant tools in the hands of the Feds, gladly approving their requests to monitor phone and internet surveillance, as well as access to medical, financial and educational records.

The Future of the USA PATRIOT Act

Do we still need the PATRIOT Act? Did we ever? All laws are certainly a product of their times. But this seems much more acutely true of the USA PATRIOT Act, which was passed in a rush and under duress without due consideration.
Particularly in light of the revelations from Edward Snowden – that the government is spying on everything they possibly can – it’s worth asking if there’s any walking back. He points out that the police state apparatus was originally for drug dealers, then for terrorists, but ultimately ended up being applied to anyone and everyone.
What’s more, Bob Bullard notes another frightful aspect of the USA PATRIOT Act: Terrorism-related cases are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. This means that there is little or no oversight. There is no surer hallmark of a police state than an all-powerful domestic surveillance agency with no transparency or oversight. While the USA PATRIOT Act might not create an American Stasi as such, it certainly paves the way for one.
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I think I almost got murdered my first time drinking

Growing up I was a very sheltered child. Even in my teen years, I was not allowed to go anywhere without heavy restrictions and another person. When I was 15, I was finally allowed to go across the street to my best friend, Anna's, house.
Anna moved in my sophomore year of high school. Anna and I clicked instantly and soon were taking most of the same classes and hanging out together all of the time. We were inseparable until she moved across the country for college.
One thing Anna and I didn't have in common was the fact that she was an army brat. Her family were friends with other military families living at the military base in Las Vegas, one of whom was Molly. Anna babysat for Molly and soon they started inviting me too.
We were spending a lot of time at the base hanging out with Molly. We worked out at the gym, shopped for shoes at the commissary, attended firework shows. We were all pretty good friends.
I never thought our friendship was weird, but looking back I feel a little odd how much time a woman in her mid-20s wanted to spend with 17-year-olds. There was definitely tension in the household with her husband and it seemed like she just wanted an escape.
One weekend in 2008 when she was fed up she decided we were going to take a camping trip. Anna was psyched because she loved camping and being outdoors. Camping wasn't my favorite thing but if I went with Anna my parents would allow it and I desperately needed to get out of the house.
So that weekend we packed our bags and headed out. We didn't get past the first gas station before Molly pulled over and said we were going to get something special for the trip. She came back with a bag full of 5 Hour Energies and two cases of Mike's Hard Lemonade.
This is where I started to get uneasy. No, I didn't exactly feel safe going out to the woods with them but I figured it couldn't hurt. Once alcohol entered the equation it occurred to me that this could be dangerous, and we could possibly get in trouble.
I didn't drink or do anything of that sort while I lived with my parents because I knew that if I even breathed wrong I would get grounded and wasn't giving them more of a reason to punish me. This was the point of my life when my anxiety was always through the roof.
Being 17 I thought, "Well, I'm already committed to going so there's no backing out now". Realistically though, we were still close enough I could have walked home. Maybe I should have.
So off to the woods we went, about an hour's drive out of Vegas. Of course, since it was one of the first nice weekends of the year, every camping spot was full. Eventually, we found a flat lot not too far from the campground and pitch the tent.
Our tent was a six person sleeper so we could all fit comfortably inside. I was never much for sharing beds with friends so I made myself an area off to one side with my pillow and blankets. That's when they revealed they both somehow forgot to bring pillows and blankets so we would all have to share. This is when I started getting annoyed with them.
That wasn't the only thing they forgot. They basically brought nothing except the items from the gas station, smores supplies, and things to make a fire. Luckily, I filled the cooler I borrowed from my dad with a case of water and snacks like pop tarts. I didn't even want to think about how prepared they would be if something happened to the car in the middle of nowhere.
Soon I was able to get my anxiety to a manageable place while they built a fire. We worked out way through at least a case of Mike's and just talked. I was able to relax and just enjoy time with friends. I was sure this was going to be an awesome memory of my first drink.
After sunset, the temperature dropped and the wind picked up so we decided to go watch YouTube in our tent. Phones with apps and the internet were still brand new to us and seemed more exciting than spending time in nature, besides it was almost pitch black outside anyway.
While we sat there we heard a vehicle pull into the lot. We watched the lights, listened to the crunch of the ground, and noticed it made a beeline straight for our little corner near trees.
We all stopped what we were doing, turned off our screens, and tried to stay as silent as possible. All three of us knew this wasn't going to be a friendly visitor.
All we saw were bright lights on the side of the tent. No silhouettes or anything to get a sense of what was going on outside. A door opened. Someone got out. Then someone then walked quickly into the woods behind us, and the truck moved.
We sat in silence and waited at least 20 more minutes waiting for any sign that the person who entered the woods was coming back in our direction. We didn't hear anything. Finally, Molly suggested getting out and building a bigger fire to scare them away. We were dumb teenagers and tipsy for the first time and thought were going to get murdered so we said, "good idea".
That's what we did. We built a fire even though it's illegal up there, and with good reason. Like I mentioned earlier, we were dumb kids and didn't know how else to potentially scare off a potential murderer.
After sitting there a few minutes, drinking water to sober up as quickly as possible, Anna noticed something. The white truck had never left. It had just moved to the other side of the lot and was almost hidden by how dark it was out there.
Just as we all turned to look the lights started flashing and they were laying on the horn. We had no idea what was going on. We were three small girls, two of whom were teenagers, in the middle of nowhere. We were terrified of what someone could do to us.
The lights continued to flash in an odd rhythm. The person in the truck occasionally took breaks from laying on the horn to stick her head out and scream at us and yelled at us to get over there. Anna tried to subtly dig around in her bag for Molly's car keys, but the old lady in the truck noticed.
We heard her engine start-up and made a mad dash for the car. I thought were just going to lock the doors because we had been drinking, but Molly jumped behind the wheel and started driving. When the headlights hit the truck you could see only one person, the old lady driving. She started to pull out of the lot and follow us, continuing to honk wildly. I don't know how but Molly managed to navigate those twisty mountain roads while only being able to see by the headlights, and I am so glad there was no one else on the streets that time of night.
Neither of my travel companions brought their phones when they dashed for the car. I always keep a tight grip on mine and somehow didn't lose it diving into the back seat. Miraculously, I had a signal.
We were able to contact the authorities, but due to our location, no one could be there for at least 45 minutes. We didn't know what to do. We had no GPS or GoogleMaps, and almost no light. The truck soon disappeared from behind us and Molly just drove down whatever random road she saw. We prayed we wouldn't see another vehicle, especially the truck.
After about an hour of silent wandering, we made our way back towards the campground. A police officer stopped us. No one got out of their cars, he and Molly talked through open car windows.
He asked if we were the ones who called and Molly gave him our story again. He chuckled and said he found the truck and the couple inside just had too much to drink and they were handling it. He said the lady told him that we looked like nice girls and she just wanted to be friends.
Until that moment I had forgotten about the footsteps we heard get out of the truck when they first arrived. He said there was a couple in the truck but I know I only saw the woman. He didn't believe us about that part and told us to go on our way and put out the fire as soon as possible.
Molly and Anna accepted this explanation and we went back to our night. I felt off about it all night and struggled to have fun. Even after returning to our campsite, they were laughing about how scared they were for no reason. Molly pointed out how you could see footsteps around the back of the tent and laughed that we must have set up camp on a trailhead. I never did find a trailhead beginning there on any map.
I knew that we were so ill-prepared that anything could have happened, and I am so thankful it didn't. I can't help but feel like a woman hanging out with teenagers 8 years younger than her should have known better, and probably should not have encouraged us to get shitfaced in the woods. Even though we all had a part in putting ourselves in that position, I found it odd to speak with her after this, and we didn't remain friends.
Maybe I was an anxiety stricken teenager seeing things, or maybe we almost murdered, I will never know. I have since been able to get my anxiety and overall mental health to a good place and never leave my house unprepared. I haven't been camping since, and since I grew up to be a true crime enthusiast, I don't think I will anytime soon.
So creepy old couple in the woods, I don't know what your intentions were, but let's not meet. And the grown woman who wanted to drink and gossip with teens, it's for the best we not meet again.
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Better Know the Ones Left Off the Ballot #18: Cody Ross

We're only a week-and-a-half from the revelation of who gets into the Hall! So I gotta speed this up! Which I've said every single time it hasn't been crunch time but it hasn't happened quite as much as I'd like! We'll see how I do this time! Done with the exclamation points now. If you don't know what this is, the Hall of Fame ballot has a lot of people who qualify for it (10 years of MLB experience), but aren't on it because they were deemed not noteworthy enough. We look at the guys that weren't up to the Selection Committee's standards. You can find the ones that make that number up there so big at the bottom. Now to this dude named Cody.

Cody Ross

Bill James Hall of Fame Monitor: 1
Career bWAR (12 years): 13.5
Stats: .262/.322/.445, 104 OPS+, 904 H, 132 HR,356 XBH, 508 RBI, 449 R
League Leading Stats: Double Plays as OF (4, 2007)
Awards: 2010 NLCS MVP, World Series Ring (2010)
Teams Played For: Tigers (2003), Dodgers (2005-06), Reds (2006), Marlins (2006-2010), Giants (2010-11), Red Sox (2012), Diamondbacks (2013-14), Athletics (2015)
Cody Ross could be one of the more irritating players to have on your team. One week he'd play like a superstar, the next week he wouldn't get a hit and drop a flyball. What he lacked in consistency, he made up for in longevity, managing to qualify for the Hall of Fame ballot. Didn't make it though, which is why he's here. How could someone who played so well (be it sparsely) and who took the nickname "Smiles" for his oh-so-charming grin get left off by the Selection Committee? Did they make a mistake?
What with being a high school All-American and pitching a five-inning perfect game one time, Cody Ross from Carlsbad wasn't a surprising pick for the Tigers in the 4th round of the 1999 draft. Even after going 31-for-142 in Rookie League for a .218 average, 15 of those 31 hits were for extra bases, so to the next level he went. Turns out he got better the higher level of competition he faced, going from a .706 OPS in Rookie ball in 1999 to a .753 OPS in single-A in 2000 to a .798 OPS in high-A in 2001 to a .859 OPS in double-A in 2002. No more perfect games thrown, though, because this was the early 2000s, and two-way players were the type of fantastical beast a grandparent might lull a child to sleep with stories about. After keeping the trend up in AAA in 2003, Ross got a call from the Detroit on July 4th. They wanted him to celebrate America's birthday with them in Kansas City. The Tigers had also won only 20 of the 84 games they'd played that season so things weren't going so great. Maybe Ross could help bring some much needed relief. Or he could ground out, reach on an error but not come around to score, then get hit by a pitch after which manager Alan Trammell subbed in a pinch-runner. And then he got to watch his team lose. Certainly a non-ideal way to start your career, but you just gotta keep at it and- oh you're back in the minors a week later. Hey, it's fine. Keep it up, and you'll get back in no time. That he did, coming up as soon as the rosters expanded, and once he was back, he proved he wanted to stay. In in his 20th ever plate appearance, in his 6th ever game, for his 4th ever hit, Cody Ross hit a grand slam off Cliff Lee. Sammy Sosa went almost 10 years before hitting his first slam, but it took Cody Ross just six games. Apparently the baseball gods didn't want him getting a big head after that, because just two plate appearances later in the same game, Ross tore his ACL trying to reach first on a sacrifice bunt turned E1. Bye bye majority of 2004. He still made it into 60 games with the AAA Las Vegas 51s, but was finished after that. "But wait a second," I hear you say, "surely you mean the Toledo Mud Hens, because they were Detroit's triple-A affiliate during that time, while the 51s were associated with the Dodgers." Remarkably observant, but that brings me to my next point. At the beginning of 2004, the Tigers decided that having bottom-5 pitching in the MLB was not how they wanted to continue (ignore the part where their offense was just as bad if not worse). As a result, Ross was shipped off to LA for relief arm Steve Colyer, and played for the 51s, hitting .273/.328/.538 with 14 homers. Not bad, not bad at all. Would it be enough to propel him into the majors next year?
After spending the first three months of the 2005 season in Nevada, Cody Ross got the call he'd been waiting for. Then, in 14 games between June 26th and July 10th, he... went 4-for-25 with one double and but a single RBI. Back to the minors it was. He'd finish his time in Vegas batting .267/.348/.509, but hadn't yet proved he wasn't like all the other AAAA hitters. He would get chance in spring training, and he took it, making the Opening Day roster, and even appeared in the first game of the season versus the Atlanta Braves, pinch-hitting for Derek Lowe. Flew out and stranded two but he was playing. His fifth game and second start of the season went a whole lot better. Facing the Pirates, in his 59th career plate appearance, Ross hit his second career grand slam. Barry Larkin needed 8991 plate appearances to get two grand slams, and Ross did it in less than 1/150th of the time. Seeing as how hitting home runs was fun, he decided to do it again the next inning, but fell a baserunner short of a slam this time. The Dodgers were so thankful for his contributions that they traded him just a week-and-a-half after that performance. Then again, their outfield already had Kenny Lofton, J.D. Drew, and these up-and-comers named Andre Ethier and Matt Kemp, so that makes sense. And so Ross made his way across the country once again, this time to Cincinnati. The Reds watched him break his finger in his debut game, then assigned him to the AAA to rehab the injury. Called him back up once that was done, only to trade him to the Florida Marlins right after. Those Fish were in the middle of an... interesting season. Three days before they bought this guy with two grand slams in 30 career games, they had a record of 11-31. That was because owner Jeffrey Loria blasted all his best players off into oblivion for nickels and dimes on the dollar because he was mad at the city of Miami for not building him his own stadium, but that's another story. Ross would serve as their 4th outfield option for the rest of that season, making it into 91 games, more than quadrupling his career total up to that point. Sure, he'd bat .212/.284/.396 over that time, but don't ignore the 11 homers and 37 RBIs, including a 3-home-run, 7-RBI onslaught versus the 97-win Mets. Ignoring the part where he did that on 9/11 against a team from New York, it was the best offensive performance of the year. In case you misread that, a dude who didn't have a regular starting spot and was batting .228 at the time had the best offensive performance of the year in the MLB. That performance actually put the Marlins at a 73-71 record, only 2 games back of the NL Wild Card, and made them the first MLB team to claw back above .500 after being 20 games under in the same year. Even after they fell to 78-84 at the end of the season, the Marlins seemed like they were sticking with him. Mainly because he was cheap, but a performance like that didn't hurt. It seemed, after a long and winding road, that Cody Ross had finally found a team that wanted him.
The Marlins kept Cody Ross around for another three years, and unintentionally introduced the world to Dr. Cody and Mr. Ross. His 2006 season could be considered the genesis of the poorly-hitting and betrayal-minded Mr. Ross, but his 2007 season in Florida bore witness to the birth of his better half, Dr. Cody. Once his 12th game of the season was over, his average would never fall below .275 again, and at the year's conclusion, the Doctor would finish at a magnificent .335/.411/.653. The big dents in his MVP campaign were the fact he only played 66 games after missing just over 2 months of the season with a hamstring issue, and the fact the Marlins finished 71-91. The beginning of the next season saw another appearance from Mr. Ross, which resulted in a batting average of .209 in mid-June, despite the other side's best efforts including 10 home runs in May. Dr. Cody would overpower his nemesis for the next month, over which he batted .367 with 5 homers and 21 RBIs in 25 games. The two personalities would continue flip-flopping for a month each until the Toy Cannon (now that's a nickname) finished the year hitting .260/.316/.488 with 22 homers. Not bad for his first year as a regular member of the lineup. Man showed he deserved it too, putting up some real nice fielding numbers in the outfield, including a perfect fielding percentage in 101 games in center. The team was better this year too, going 84-77, though still not good enough for the playoffs. Over his next 271 games, Dr. Cody would bat .323/.375/.512 over 555 at-bats, and Mr. Ross would bat .201/.257/.352 over 458 at-bats. Add it all up, and during his time in a Marlins jersey, Dr. Cody and Mr. Ross combined to give Cody Ross a line of .265/.322/.465 with 80 home runs and a 104 OPS+. Thankfully for the team, the only half on-hand when it came to fielding was Dr. Cody, who contributed 2.4 dWAR with significant time spent in each outfield position. Never made the playoffs, unfortunately, since 87-75 didn't cut it in 2009. And yet, as with all good things, bad things, and in-between things, his time in Florida had to come to an end. Having been, for all intents and purposes, an above-average player for the past several years, Ross had been rewarded with several pay raises, from league minimum his first year all the way up to an expected salary of over $6 million at the end of 2010. The Marlins, who were rather stingy when it came to such extravagant contracts, put their 29-year-old outfielder, who already had 1.6 bWAR to his name that season, on waivers. It made more sense than that might imply, as Florida was out of contention by this point, and they had several younger outfielders to whom they wanted to give playing time. Names like Logan Morrison, Cameron Maybin, and Mike "I won't be Giancarlo for another couple years" Stanton were waiting in the wings, and while Cody Ross was good, he'd been more Mr. Ross than Dr. Cody as of late, and wasn't going to factor into the team's future plans. Thus, on August 22nd of 2010, The San Francisco Giants claimed a perfectly viable outfielder off waivers. Who would show up for them?
The San Francisco team that Ross joined was one that was on the fringes of playoff contention at 69-56, but had gone 9-11 over the past 20 games and were in desperate need of a spark. With an outfield core of Pat Burrell (eh), Aaron Rowand (could be better), Nate Schierholtz (uh oh), and Andres Torres (literally who?), someone like Cody Ross seemed like a premium pickup at a time like this. Particularly if, since he'd recently spent several weeks in a slump, Dr. Cody could show up for the end of the season. Unfortunately, the Giants got Mr. Ross, who went .195 over the next 20 he played. Even after the Doctor showed up to go 13-for-32 with 3 homers in the final 13 games of the season, that still only raised the team's average to .235 on the month, which was rather disappointing from a team that had maintained a monthly average above .260 four out of the five other times. Turns out, that was still good enough, because the Giants pitching went off in September. That month, the starting rotation allowed just a 2.36 ERA, spearheaded by Tim Lincecum, Madison Bumgarner, and Jonathan Sanchez, who went a combined 12-4 with ERAs of 1.94, 1.13, and 1.01, respectively. The bullpen, somehow, was even better, allowing a minuscule total of 9 runs, one of which was unearned, in 80 innings for a microscopic ERA of 0.90. Brian Wilson was a perfect 11-for-11 in save opportunities, and Sergio Romo and Santiago Casilla combined for 12 holds across 24.1 innings, and together only allowed one run. Because of that unreal display, The Giants went 19-10 in September, just good enough to capture the NL West with a record of 92-70. They, and their new starting outfielder Cody Ross, were off to the NLDS.
SF would face the Atlanta Braves, who had ridden the bats of Chipper Jones, unlikely All-Star Omar Infante, and rookie Jason Heyward, and the arms of Tim Hudson, Jonny Venters, and Billy Wagner to a 91-71 record and the NL East crown. Chipper was out of commission for the Division Series, and they missed him dearly, especially in Game 1. Tim Lincecum pitched one of the best playoff games of the 21st century, going the full nine, only allowing 2 hits and 1 walk, and striking out fourteen. The final score was 1-0, with Dr. Cody's bat driving in Buster Posey for the only run. All four games of the series would be decided by one run, and the Toy Cannon fired off three RBIs, one in each game the Giants won. Talk about clutch hitting and surgical precision. On to the NLCS, where the Doctor would have to face another Doc, Roy Halladay. The only reason Lincecum's impeccable Game 1 wasn't the consensus best playoff pitching performance of this millennium is because it might not have been the best pitching performance of that week. The day before, Roy Halladay of the Philadelphia Phillies threw the second playoff no-hitter in history against the Cincinnati Reds, facing only one more than the minimum after a borderline full count call didn't go his way. It was his second no-hitter of the year, having pitched a perfect game in May against the Florida Marlins. Hey, wait, who was batting 6th in that game? Why it was none other than Mr. Ross, who kicked off a stint as his worse half with that loss. This time, however, Halladay would have to contend with Dr. Cody. And this was a Dr. Cody who was hot off an NLDS where he certainly would have won the MVP if they gave those out. In the first game of the NLCS, after Halladay had faced the minimum through seven batters, Cody Ross stepped up to the plate, and took him deep for a solo home run. Then, two innings later, he did it again, for another solo shot. Those two runs would be critical in a game that eventually ended 4-3 in favor of the Giants. They also set the tone for how Dr. Cody would be slice and dice his way through the Championship Series. He'd go 5-for-18 for the rest of it, hitting 3 doubles and another home run along the way. He drove in 5 (three of whom were himself) and scored another to be responsible for 6 of the 19 runs from San Francisco in a close series. For his contributions, Ross was awarded the 2010 NLCS MVP, because that's what you get after notching a slugging percentage of .950 in a 6-game series. He cooled a bit for the World Series, going 4-for-17 with a double and a home run in a 5-game dispatch of the Texas Rangers to win his very own World Series ring. The Giants, clearly thankful to him for the concoctions he'd prescribed his opponents, gifted Ross a $6.3 million contract for one year. He was yet again a member of an outfield platoon, playing the majority of his games in left, and remaining as inconsistent as ever. When he was on, he hit .311/.444/.600. When he wasn't, he hit .204/.344/.307. Unfortunately for the Giants, Dr. Cody yielded a lot of time to Mr. Ross in 2011, leading to a rather disappointing finish of .240/.325/.405, his lowest batting average and slugging percentage in five years. San Francisco likewise reverted, going only 86-76, which wasn't even good enough for a wild card spot. Mr. Ross even did the unthinkable and showed up in the field, putting up a rather dismal -1.4 dWAR en route to a trip to free agency. Having just had the worst season of the past several years at the age of 30, one might expect Ross to quietly ride off into the sunset with his World Series ring and call it an a-okay career. However, Dr. Cody and Mr. Ross still had business to attend to.
In January of 2012, the Red Sox signed Cody Ross to a one-year, $3.5 million contract. His role was clear: outfield depth. You don't get signed to a team with 2011-MVP-runner-up Jacoby Ellsbury and superstar Carl Crawford on it and expect to be starting the most games on the team in the outfield. Then Cody Ross started the most games in the outfield for the 2012 Boston Red Sox. Injuries galore gutted that team, with Crawford and Ellsbury combining for just 105 games. Ross played more than that by himself, even after he missed a month with a broken foot. What's more is it seemed like Dr. Cody stuck around for the majority of the season, bouncing back to .267/.326/.481 with 22 homers and 81 RBIs. Good enough for a 115 OPS+, Ross' best score over a full season in his career. Pity it didn't translate to the rest of the Red Sox. With key contributors missing so much time (Adrian Gonzalez and David Ortiz even got in on the action), a starting pitcher crop that treated a 4.50 ERA as the floor, and heavy inconsistency in the bullpen, Boston followed up their missed-it-by-that-much 2011 season with a 69-93 showing. Ross, who wasn't a part of the future, was let go, and after he was named the 22nd best free agent available by MLB Trade Rumors, expected a big payday. That he got, with a 3-year, $26 million contract with the Arizona Diamondbacks. He'd be the highest paid outfielder on a roster with youngsters AJ Pollock, Gerardo Parra, and Adam Eaton on it. He'd ultimately disappoint given the contract, playing all of 177 games across two seasons, and hitting .268/.322/.378. Perhaps most startling was the fact he hit only 10 home runs for the Dbacks, a number he had cleared in every single season prior where he'd played more than 20 games. After they didn't like what they saw, Arizona pushed the cancel button in April of 2015, buying out the rest of his contract to release him. A league minimum offer from the Oakland A's was accepted, but after 9 games of going 2-for-22, he wound up released less than a month later. That would be the last we heard from Cody Ross, after he didn't get offered another contract for a year, and retired via a Twitter announcement. Glad this story had a better ending than that other story with a split personality. Wish I could remember what it was called.
Cody Ross was certainly an interesting player. He had such stark streaks so succinct and startling (try saying that five times fast). I don't think I've ever seen another player with so very defined lines as to whether they were on or off. All the other stuff was pretty neat too, from hitting two grand slams within his first twenty hits, to getting perfected by Halladay only to hit two dingers off him in the playoffs, to the stuff I didn't even cover. Like how he's probably a top five all-time batter who hits right-handed and throws left-handed, or that one time he hit three grand slams in 2009, or how he first wanted to ride bulls in the rodeo. He's quite an interesting specimen to grace the history of the MLB. Not Hall-of-Fame ballot-worthy, though. Playoff heroics and interesting aspects set aside, 904 career hits and nothing that could even be classified as "All-Star" levels of quality mean no ballot for you. Even then, certainly not a bad player to write about.
Ross visits the Hall in a Florida Marlins cap for his 502 hits, 80 home runs, and 297 RBIs with the team. He passes by someone who looks suspiciously similar in an Arizona Diamondbacks hat with what appears to be a devilish grin on his face.
Geez Louise there are 17 of these
#1: Randy Choate
#2: Kevin Gregg
#3: Dan Uggla
#4: Josh Hamilton
#5: Delmon Young
#6: Willie Bloomquist
#7: Grady Sizemore
#8: Kevin Correia
#9: David DeJesus
#10: Rafael Betancourt
#11: Clint Barmes
#12: Adam LaRoche
#13: Grant Balfour
#14: Randy Wolf
#15: Rafael Soriano
#16: Chris Denorfia
#17: Bruce Chen
submitted by liljakeyplzandthnx to baseball [link] [comments]

Inventions I never patented

I have been using my Evernote app since 2004, and I have been putting invention ideas in there for the past 15 years. In my app I have pictures voice notes memos drawings etc of ideas and patents that I've always wanted to create. Some have already been created. No BS I literally have documentation showing that I literally created and had the idea for Uber in 2002. When I used to work for cingular wireless. Called * taxi. I have a documented on three different media platforms and of course my Evernote app.
I have documentation of Instagram that I thought of it way before it was created lol. I know it sounds crazy but it's all documented. (Have you heard of the website (idea-stox)? I used that for some of these wayyyyy back in the day.
another is my instant cold water bottle. Which I got called back to shark tank three times, until they realize I did not have a patent and they wasted my time. I literally drove from California to Las Vegas three separate times They broke my heart.
I also have other ideas and inventions that I just don't have the money for but I have documentation and everyone I've ever told about it have always been really impressed. I thought to myself why not just publish a book, maybe an e-book, with all my inventions that have never been patented. That are still tangible and are still good inventions. My thought is if I could publish a book with all these inventions the cool part would be at least I could look like a badass/lol and also if indeed someone wants to steal it then go for it but at least I show some paper trail that at least I'm the person that thought of it first.
And if indeed someone takes the idea and runs with it then maybe they'll come back to me for my other ideas. I have about 300 ideas that are freaking super cool lol.
The reason why I'm on here I don't even know if it's the right category, but the reason why I'm on here is if indeed there's someone that has the resources and or know how, I'm willing to work with you on most likely putting together this e-book/book because it's already written in my Evernote app over 250 inventions.
One is called "shade-ver-tising" this has four drones, connected to a wire to the ground like a very long fishing wire, which by the way is its own patent because a drone that is connected to a wire has not been patented, basically giving it unlimited battery. These four drones are and a sense connected as if they're on four corners of a piece of paper but a very large piece of paper that is almost like a foil with little holes in it so the wind doesn't bother it. This would allow itself to block the sun on a area as big as a football field. Almost imagine like a big ass canopy. Also part of it for example the back part of the paper the last two drones for example on the right side would actually go down in sync with the sunset. Basically giving yourself shade to shade a whole football field as if you were using it for a graduation or concert of some sort. You're able to basically turn your four drones using this very thin piece of foil that covers a whole football field and below it you could actually have an advertisement. Basically shade-advertising...
Another is called instant car wash ----- (uses a magic marker type sponge, that goes over your car and is full of a powder type soap, when it rains, the rain takes the powder soap and liquifies it to where it goes over the car while it's raining and or you could use a hose, once the powder runs out then just the pure water goes through the sponge once the rain stops, or you stop using the hose, the sponge then soaks up the water, when you pull off the cover your car spotless.)
I have about 240+ other badass/quirky/crazy lol ideas/ inventions.
Lastly another idea/invention I have is when I saw a time-lapse of a bunch of people setting up thousands of chairs. I think it was for some type of concert/invention/event speaking event so on and so forth. I literally watch about 10 people set up four or 5,000 chairs in a huge space that literally took days to do....I remember as a kid having a domino set, and with that domino set came this little machine that I would be able to plug in a bunch of dominoes and it would basically, imagine a pez container if you can basically pushing out one domino at a time and it was driving and laying out each one at a time and its own shape or style. if this could make sense it's kind of not that hard to imagine, but you could basically load a few hundred chairs at a time and this golf cart type machine would be able to lay out a chair every few feet in any design it wanted to basically eliminating all this manpower saving hundreds of thousands of dollars and it's a freaking no-brainer lol. If it doesn't make sense obviously connect with me and we can talk even in more detail :-).
Anyhow I've already let the cat out of the bag on a lot of these things, but if I'm even in the right category space and you are some type of publisheinvestoanything that you believe could make something happen then please reach out to me thanks.
submitted by HAnknash777 to Inventions [link] [comments]

Fountain of Youth

The mist of water spraying from the fountain cast a rainbow like glow across the air, through the golden hues of sunset. The air was warm, thick and slightly claustrophobic, like a blanket that was tucked in around you just a little bit too tightly. Still, the day was glorious. The weather for the whole week had been. Las Vegas was a good choice for an anniversary holiday, especially as they needed to slow down for Alex’s knees. They could spend a whole day at the pool, lost in a good book with a steady stream of cocktails miraculously appearing at your side. They may even meet another couple there, maybe even another British couple, and they could have a laugh about all the weird American idiosyncrasies. Could head out for a bus tour along the miles and miles of ‘The Stretch’, pointing at all the things they had seen in movies and taking pictures for the kids to see. Or a show! Wasn’t Britney Spears in residency here? Weren’t there a million magic shows they could see?
The world was their oyster.
But they weren’t doing any of that. Instead, they were sitting there on a bench, eating an ice-cream from some van that cost them a pretty penny. It was something they could easily have done in Blyth, but here they were, almost 18 hours of flying later, sitting on a bench watching the world go by in absolute silence. You could take the girls out of Blyth but-
A scream peeled through the thick air, wafting over to them. For Mary, panic set in. Her hand flew to Alex’s knee and she scanned the crowd, trying to work out where the danger was coming from.
They were in America. What on earth were they thinking?! Coming to bloody America of all places. Americans were bloody maniacs, wandering around the guns and bloody well using them on each other all the time. Savages, utter savages-
Then she saw them. Half soaked, sun kissed skin. Long, lean legs. Arms held out in a waltz stance, like they were ballroom dancers who had forgotten their costumes and only had some summer wear. The smiles on their faces were radiant and their mirthful laughter was contagious. Even though they were nothing like the dancers on Strictly and they stood on each others toes and yelped every time they were caught by a spray of water, they were captivating.
Mary huffed a small, nostalgic sigh as she watched the young couple giggle, squeal and swirl through the jets of the walk-through water fountain, trying to avoid the more vicious and vigorous spurts. They looked at each other like there was no one else there in the world. It was like something out of a Jack Vettriano painting, like the one they got for one of their other anniversaries from the kids.
Mary gently squeezed Alex’s knee once more and wistfully stated, “We used to be like that, you know.”
“Like what?” Alex harrumphed between licks of ice cream, like it was her duty to ensure that not a single bead of ice-cream dared to breach the walls of its cone. It was a fight she was almost losing.
“You didn’t even - l-like them! Look! Look at them! Young-”
Alex continued her battle but glanced upwards towards the spectacle before them, making furtive glances at the ice-cream cone to monitor her success at keeping the flood at bay. She hadn’t even registered the yelps and screams, nor the crowd that surrounded the fountain and the dancing couple. It took her a moment to pick them up out of the crowd, but when she did, she clucked in disapproval, “You mean ‘stupid’?”
“They’ll die of hypothermia, if they don’t get arrested first.”
“-full of love – hypothermia? Alex, it’s 14 degrees! That’s Summer in Newcastle.”
“Look at what they’re wearing! If they don’t have hypothermia by the end of the night, I’ll be surprised. That or sun stroke. You know, once the sun’s gone, they’ll freeze to death. We might well be in a desert, but it still gets cold in a desert, you know. I read an article a while ago about snow in the desert. I can’t remember where it was... Anyway, it said that it snowed there for the first time in a long time, but the point is, it gets dead cold. I reckon it must’ve been the Sahara - or was it the Serengeti? I always...”
Mary turned back to face the couple, her shoulders sagging in defeat. She heard this one before. After 25 years and two children, was there anything that she hadn’t heard? Alex read so many articles, but it felt like Mary heard the same 10 over and over again. Every once in a while, a new one would slip into the rotation and old one would disappear. At least until one of the kids called to see how they were doing and then it was all about the life cycles of the African elephants all over again.
How did they find themselves like this? Alex used to have a lust for adventure, wanting to bring Mary and the kids around the world. Before the kids were around, they spent two months traveling through the coastal towns and islands that surrounded the Indian Ocean, letting Alex satisfy that itch for discovery and Mary to dabble into new cuisines.
The rich foods and stories spiced their lives with colour and flavour, something that Mary honed into her first cookbook. It was more of a ‘hidden gem’ than a best seller, something of an aficionado's book, something that the professional chef’s referred to. Word spread among those in the know and suddenly, Mary and Alex’s lives were filled with invites to dinner parties and book launches all around the world. The kids followed as well, of course.
She could hardly do that now here in Las Vegas. The best years were behind them.
The young couple drifted off, the rest of their lives still ahead of them.
“We still are, though.”
Mary furrowed her brow, pulled out of her fond memories of the full life they had lived together, still wondering when their youth had left them exactly. “’Still are’ what?”
Alex’s worn, ice-cream sugared hand brushed across Mary’s palm, linking fingers with her wife’s. The gentleness and care Alex took to caress her thumb over Mary’s was a welcome familiarity, “We’re still full of love.”
A smile blossomed on Mary’s face. That was a sight Alex never got tired of.
“I suppose so.”
A moment of quiet passed, the two lovers’ hands linked as they watched the fountain run through its sequence one more time before Alex declared, “Alright! We’ve still to spend the rest of kids’ inheritance. I think The Venetian won’t have you pegged as a card counter.”
Mary pursed her lips, gently swatting Alex’s lap at her little quip, “I thought it was 22, not 21!”
“Oh, of course, of course. Might be best to keep you on the slots, though.”
submitted by slekster to creativewriting [link] [comments]

[RO] Fountain of Youth

The mist of water spraying from the fountain cast a rainbow like glow across the air, through the golden hues of sunset. The air was warm, thick and slightly claustrophobic, like a blanket that was tucked in around you just a little bit too tightly. Still, the day was glorious. The weather for the whole week had been. Las Vegas was a good choice for an anniversary holiday, especially as they needed to slow down for Alex’s knees. They could spend a whole day at the pool, lost in a good book with a steady stream of cocktails miraculously appearing at your side. They may even meet another couple there, maybe even another British couple, and they could have a laugh about all the weird American idiosyncrasies. Could head out for a bus tour along the miles and miles of ‘The Stretch’, pointing at all the things they had seen in movies and taking pictures for the kids to see. Or a show! Wasn’t Britney Spears in residency here? Weren’t there a million magic shows they could see?
The world was their oyster.
But they weren’t doing any of that. Instead, they were sitting there on a bench, eating an ice-cream from some van that cost them a pretty penny. It was something they could easily have done in Blyth, but here they were, almost 18 hours of flying later, sitting on a bench watching the world go by in absolute silence. You could take the girls out of Blyth but-
A scream peeled through the thick air, wafting over to them. For Mary, panic set in. Her hand flew to Alex’s knee and she scanned the crowd, trying to work out where the danger was coming from.
They were in America. What on earth were they thinking?! Coming to bloody America of all places. Americans were bloody maniacs, wandering around the guns and bloody well using them on each other all the time. Savages, utter savages-
Then she saw them. Half soaked, sun kissed skin. Long, lean legs. Arms held out in a waltz stance, like they were ballroom dancers who had forgotten their costumes and only had some summer wear. The smiles on their faces were radiant and their mirthful laughter was contagious. Even though they were nothing like the dancers on Strictly and they stood on each others toes and yelped every time they were caught by a spray of water, they were captivating.
Mary huffed a small, nostalgic sigh as she watched the young couple giggle, squeal and swirl through the jets of the walk-through water fountain, trying to avoid the more vicious and vigorous spurts. They looked at each other like there was no one else there in the world. It was like something out of a Jack Vettriano painting, like the one they got for one of their other anniversaries from the kids.
Mary gently squeezed Alex’s knee once more and wistfully stated, “We used to be like that, you know.”
“Like what?” Alex harrumphed between licks of ice cream, like it was her duty to ensure that not a single bead of ice-cream dared to breach the walls of its cone. It was a fight she was almost losing.
“You didn’t even - l-like them! Look! Look at them! Young-”
Alex continued her battle but glanced upwards towards the spectacle before them, making furtive glances at the ice-cream cone to monitor her success at keeping the flood at bay. She hadn’t even registered the yelps and screams, nor the crowd that surrounded the fountain and the dancing couple. It took her a moment to pick them up out of the crowd, but when she did, she clucked in disapproval, “You mean ‘stupid’?”
“They’ll die of hypothermia, if they don’t get arrested first.”
“-full of love – hypothermia? Alex, it’s 14 degrees! That’s Summer in Newcastle.”
“Look at what they’re wearing! If they don’t have hypothermia by the end of the night, I’ll be surprised. That or sun stroke. You know, once the sun’s gone, they’ll freeze to death. We might well be in a desert, but it still gets cold in a desert, you know. I read an article a while ago about snow in the desert. I can’t remember where it was... Anyway, it said that it snowed there for the first time in a long time, but the point is, it gets dead cold. I reckon it must’ve been the Sahara - or was it the Serengeti? I always...”
Mary turned back to face the couple, her shoulders sagging in defeat. She heard this one before. After 25 years and two children, was there anything that she hadn’t heard? Alex read so many articles, but it felt like Mary heard the same 10 over and over again. Every once in a while, a new one would slip into the rotation and old one would disappear. At least until one of the kids called to see how they were doing and then it was all about the life cycles of the African elephants all over again.
How did they find themselves like this? Alex used to have a lust for adventure, wanting to bring Mary and the kids around the world. Before the kids were around, they spent two months traveling through the coastal towns and islands that surrounded the Indian Ocean, letting Alex satisfy that itch for discovery and Mary to dabble into new cuisines.
The rich foods and stories spiced their lives with colour and flavour, something that Mary honed into her first cookbook. It was more of a ‘hidden gem’ than a best seller, something of an aficionado's book, something that the professional chef’s referred to. Word spread among those in the know and suddenly, Mary and Alex’s lives were filled with invites to dinner parties and book launches all around the world. The kids followed as well, of course.
She could hardly do that now here in Las Vegas. The best years were behind them.
The young couple drifted off, the rest of their lives still ahead of them.
“We still are, though.”
Mary furrowed her brow, pulled out of her fond memories of the full life they had lived together, still wondering when their youth had left them exactly. “’Still are’ what?”
Alex’s worn, ice-cream sugared hand brushed across Mary’s palm, linking fingers with her wife’s. The gentleness and care Alex took to caress her thumb over Mary’s was a welcome familiarity, “We’re still full of love.”
A smile blossomed on Mary’s face. That was a sight Alex never got tired of.
“I suppose so.”
A moment of quiet passed, the two lovers’ hands linked as they watched the fountain run through its sequence one more time before Alex declared, “Alright! We’ve still to spend the rest of kids’ inheritance. I think The Venetian won’t have you pegged as a card counter.”
Mary pursed her lips, gently swatting Alex’s lap at her little quip, “I thought it was 22, not 21!”
“Oh, of course, of course. Might be best to keep you on the slots, though.”
submitted by slekster to shortstories [link] [comments]

Ok It's Time for my...Annual *Pre-Burning Man Rant and Predictions!!

Ok It's Time for my . . . Annual Pre-Burning Man Rant and Predictions!!!
After 22+ years of attendance, I have watched this festival go from what was described by Wired Magazine in 1997 as, "what the internet would be like if it was happening in reality" to 2020 where, "What? In reality, this festival is happening on the internet" ?!? What a serious head fuck . . .
So strap in or strap on and get ready for disappointment . . . like virtually everything in this virtual world right now.
Here goes this year's Virtual Rant!
The Virtual Burn is going the be everything you think it could be . . . an underwhelming and depressing reminder that you are not going the real Burning Man this year.
While it is still better than nothing, nothing is an extremely low bar. Get ready for a clusterfuck of 8 separately-produced interpretive video game dreamscapes, made by skilled teams of programmers eager to prove that their world-building technology will be able to make future financial investors a shitload of money.
Burning Man 2021 is a 50/50 chance at best. 2022 is not looking that great either. Between The Org burning cash on side projects, the FEDs wanting to crack down hard and the Bureau of Land Management clearly pretty fucking stoked that they did not have to deal with the whole shitshow this year, it's going to be an uphill battle for the festival to return.
Huge changes will need to be made.
Those few gluttons for punishment who do decide to go to the playa this week will be treated to Burning Man without the Burning Man Experience.
It will take all the hard work, organization and preparation for survival in the middle of a harsh desert environment for a week of Burning Man . . . just without the Burning Man.
If there is one silver lining of the event not happening this year, it's the fact that I don't have to pack up my dust covered Burning Man bullshit from last year, drive 19 hours, then have to smuggle drugs inside my ass to make it past the BLM rangers just go camping in one of the most fucking miserable and inhospitable places on earth.
Without Shirtcockers, Megaphones and Massive Thumping Soundsystems, it's just a bogus camping trip in bad weather with a shitload of cops.
This year we will NOT be seeing the usual post-Burn MASSSIVE FLOOD of social media posts from Burners who lost their nice $60 water bottle/container somewhere on the playa, often accompanied by a story of why this particular water container was of importance because it has a strap on it, followed by a brief description of unique camps stickers on it and a photo of said missing water bottle/container. In fact, while we are starting to think about cutting costs -- How about lost and found stops giving a fuck about your overpriced water bottle. You lost it, Becky . . . let it go. You spent 20 times More Money on Cocaine for the week than the price of your fucking stoopid-Smart-Bottle-container.
This year’s Virtual Burn brings about more questions than it does answers.
How will Shirtcockers express their hatred of pants without a Burning Man? In a virtual world, they become no different than unsolicited dick pics.
How will Artcar Owners be able to swing their metaphorical dicks around without their Artcars booming Deep House music to show the world their girth. Sure, you can build one in the Minecraft world for this years Burn . . .But lets face it: No one is gonna be like "Who did that 3D CAD drawing, I totally wanna fuck them!"
What will all the Assholes with Megaphones do without Burners to heckle?
Without handheld amplified audio devices and wide-open spaces, they become no different than Internet Trolls.
How will Hippies on a Vision Quest be able find their spirit animal online? Without a guided shamanic ritual and Temple to burn, they become no different than someone playing Animal Crossing.
If there is no moop or trash to clean up in a virtual Burning Man how can Moop-shamers be able to prove to campmates and others that they are better at "doing Burning Man " than everyone else? In a virtual world they become no different than a Sarah McLaughlin Green Peace commercial.
How will Dooshbonnets and Dooshbags be able to gain followers on Instagram without the giant Robot Heart to climb?
How can they show the world that they not only have braved the pool of Piranhas chomping for position for line, negotiated past the all-seeing and all-knowing doorgirl with a clipboard, proving that they have climbed both the social and physical ladder to reach the top of the Robot Heart, so that they may look down upon the lowly dancefloor with both spite and pity for the unwashed masses who where not able achieve such greatness.
Without this accomplishment, they become no different than average Twitter users vying for Celebrity attention.
How will Burning Man DJs be able to disappoint us with poorly executed timing and bullshit Michael Jackson remixes? Without huge Soundsystems to bang out the worst in modern electronic music, DJs just become . . . The SAME TERRIBLE DJs just now on Twitch! #playatech #Djstreaming #Djsofburningman
Although each Virtual World must have been an amazing feat of programming in its scope and size, it kinda feels like a huge project that was done in a short amount of time. None of the Eight Worlds, in any way, reflect the typical Burning Man experience.
However, there are a few non-official super realistic Burning Man simulators out there.
By far the most realistic experience has to be the "Getting Out More This Year" Simulator.
The player is welcomed to a rich and tangible 3D World of Chris's DopeAss 70s RV, which is camped way out on 4:30 and H, where your avatar can spend all day and all night doing fun things like Ketamine, or other colorful interactive game play such as snorting Ketamine, and even interact with the virtual Chris’s chat box and watch his avatar do Ketamine.
Other game play options include doing Ketamine, talking about doing Ketamine and also doing Ketamine.
The more days and nights spent doing Ketamine, the higher the score! If you want to experience what a typical Burner really does the whole week, than this one is for you!!
Then we have: "Let's Go Party" . . . the online multi-player game where the objective is to get your group of more than 6 Burners to try and leave camp, and all go out to party together.
I did not have much fun playing. I was never able to leave the front of camp. 14 hours of game play later, Brenda still needs to go back for chapstick and Ricky can’t find his bag of blow. Then once Brenda arrives ready, Kaleporia is cold and needs a scarf. Darkwad David is going back to get some blinky lights for the 3rd time. Now Timmy can't find his cigarettes . . . Fuck.
“ManBun Boyfriend”. In this first person POV game, you (the ManBun) has little to no control within the game, with only a single "Ok, Sure" button to navigate within the world. The game play opens as the player is dragged out of bed at 6 AM by the onscreen girlfriend who takes you (the ManBun) on an treacherous journey of sunrise yoga classes, self help lectures, think and grow rich seminars, yoga, positive affirmation workshops, mindful guided mediations, yoga, healing arts ceremonies, wellness and well-being talks, yoga, vegan lifestyle in the new age conferences, yoga, mindful-and-wellness-group-chat and also yoga.
Extra points if you can score a selfie in front of the Giant BELIEVE letters!!
After 8 grueling hours of game play, it simply flashes a screen where girlfriend says "I'm Tired", and the “ManBun Boyfriend” simulator then restarts game play to opening sequence.
“DJs Girlfriend”. This simulation offers a similar experience to “ManBun Boyfriend”. However, in this first person POV game, you (the DJs Girlfriend) is invited to Follow "Dj GlockTrigger" on a dubstep-and-monster-energy-drink-filled adventure as you (the DJs Girlfriend) is rushed from empty dancefloor to empty dancefloor, while picking up extra points if you can find him a "line of blow". After 12 hours of game play the screen flashes "Hey babe I'm gonna go drink with the boyies" and game play is reset.
I am not that great at finance. Obviously. I’ve been to Burning Man 22 times. That should tell you enough about my poor financial / life choices.
But even this burnout Burner can do the math and see that the Burning Man Org is in financial trouble.
Burning Man may need to sell out to save itself. It would not be the first time..
Burning Man "sold out" to the PsyTrance community in 1997. To help ticket sales, the Bay Area was flooded with seriously lame underproduced Rave flyers. Or maybe Dr. Dre can toss in a few million to keep The Org afloat once again.
Or hey why don't we start tickling Elon Musk's balls again, and see if we can start choking on his shaft in return for some sweet corporate demon semen sponsorship.
The Org has already gone pinky finger deep with him. Like when Tesla brought out a full-on Electric Car Expo. That's right, in 2007, at Burning Man, right at fucking Esplanade & 9:00, they had what can only be described as an “anonymous car dealership” from “the green future”, complete with lengthy-worded displays filled with lofty promises of clean energy, infused with subtle corporate propaganda.
In the center of the exhibit sat a life-size solid black plastic model Tesla car.
As well as someone on guard 24/7 to make sure no one tagged or fucked with the stoopid thing. I personally got chased out for drawing a dick in the DUST on the window! All I know is they should have burnt it down or blew it up by the end of the week, but that lame ass mother fucker was still there on Sunday when I journeyed back to draw a dick on it again -- this time with a PAINT PEN. After executing a perfect fat-sacked-choad-headed-donger on the hood, I was once again chased out by rangers, this time with pitchforks screaming bloody murder for my head!!
Fuck you, Ranger Doug! You will never be able to prove that was Me!!!
So Look, it's not the first time The Org spread its asscheeks for a little bit of corporate dick on the side. They also bent over back in 2013 and let Mark Fucking Zuckerberg bring a Giant Golden 'LIKE' sculpture out there. I just hope they did the right thing by the end of week and it was killed with fire.
SO we know The Org is corporateBiCurious. Time to snuggle up, get out of the corporate cocksucking closet and cash in on the fact that this place sold out a long time ago.
Start flirting with attractive corporate entities like Mark Z, the Google Boys, Elon, Tommy Boy from Myspace, or maybe even P-Diddy to toss in some cash to get this fucking party started again!
Yo, Elon! How can we have Burning Man on Mars in 2050 as planned, if we can’t keep it going on Earth for the next 30 years?
At this point, The Org can spread their legs in the backseat of that Tesla and change next years theme to Space-X. I could give a FUCK!!!!! As long as we can keep Old Naked Dudes On Bikes rolling free.
Let some of these cocksucking limpdick corporations like Doritos -- who have already profited from using our Artcars and culture in a their fabricated commercials -- actually fucking pay us money and we will let them shoot a real commercial out there. Have fun pixelating the nipples out of the background actors. I COULD GIVE A FUCK as long as Shirtcockers have a natural habitat to dongslap and roam free. Let build the Temple! I sincerely really don't care what they do . . . as long as Assholes with Megaphones have wide open spaces to heckle Burners in the Black Rock Desert like GOD intended.
Maybe The Org will stop fisting themselves in the burnhole with all the Cultural-Direction-Bullshit and get down to brass tax here.
They have spent years trying to market the festival as a family-friendly-non-offensive-all-inclusive-experience for the suburban upperclass while still catering to the super elite.
We need The Org to provide the DPW and Tickets . . .
Not for Cultural Direction, or Large Scale Art Funding Circle Jerks, Abstract Charity Causes, International Involvement, or any of the Meaningless Feel-Good Propaganda tools they use to control the image of the festival!
The number one focus from here on out needs to be the festival itself taking place once again in Black Rock City!
This defacto-defunding of The Org is a blessing. Look, when it comes down to it, it's not about the lame fucking themes each year. It's about the Burners who come and contribute to the festival that makes it special.
It’s not about overpriced art grants, or Rich-Dick Theme Camp placement priorities. It about the shitty unofficial un-themed camp at 7:00 and J blaring Discotrance music on a distorted soundsystem while giving away room temperature margaritas!
I could give a fuck about all of the elaborate expensive blinking bullshit! Cuts cost! Make the Burning Man effigy from toothpicks for all I give a fuck. None of that shit really matters. The spirit of Burning Man is in the person giving away ice cream from a cooler out in deep playa on a hot afternoon.
The soul of the festival is in Old Naked Dudes on a Bikes rolling free across the desert!
The heart of the festival is the Nightmare Hippy Chick on Acid rolling around in the dust, screaming about her spirit vegetable.
Believe me if The Org had its way, Burning Man would be nothing but Transformational Mediation Seminars, Yoga Classes, Ultra Overpriced Sculptures, and TED talks about how to get rich quick selling a new type of investment portfolio.
I am perfectly happy with the crappy bars and half-assed theme camps that are there just to have a good time. We don't need The Org's unique brand of new age capital-elitism bullshit.
They have clearly dropped the ball on the Cultural Direction for years, and the less they steer the ship, the better, cuz we have already washed up on the rocks.
“Top 10 Burning Man Pictures You Must See To Believe!”
And once clicked, sure enough it’s nothing but a bunch of super basic-ass photos of some super-hot-Coachella-swinger-couple at sunset in front of the most gentrified “OMG I need to get a selfie in front that to show my followers on Instagram” artwork on the playa.
You already know exactly where these fucksticks took the stoopid photo is front of, OF fucking course it's in front of the BELIEVE letters. It’s Basically the "live, laugh, love" of playa art.
Really, I won't believe this ?!
What I won't believe is that their relationship is going to last beyond next week . . . cuz there’s a 90% chance they are gonna join the wrong gangbang at the Orgy Dome and suddenly someone is not happy about the amount of buttfucking the other one received.
Thanks Business Insider Magazine for exposing the public to the wild and crazy world that is Burning Man. Now every fucking Chad and Becky from Wall Street is trying to come here to get laid. "Bro if I was there I would bang so many Hot Chicks on top of those letters" . . . "OMG I LOVE those Letters!! We are SOOO going to Burning Man to meet our future husbands <3."
How about 10 REAL photos you won’t believe?
Too bad the cameras weren’t there to snap a picture of the guy who took a shower with a fat chick and midget porn star!
It’s a shame no one from the Daily Mail UK was there to catch video of the guy who was tripping his nuts off and could not figure out how to unlock the door of the porta-potty -- escaping only by busting through the plastic roof and climbing out the top several hours later.
Or how about that chick at the meditation camp that was able to summon a higher power of consciousness and transcended the spacetime continuum for a short/infinite amount of time!
Where the fuck was to catch a photo of the person who was hit with a rubber dildo when it was carelessly thrown from the top of the Space Pirate ship into the Mayan Warrior crowd.
Now That’s some real stuff that happens out there that I would be happy to clickbait on!
The Large Scale Art:
Instead of funding massive installations that end up being resold to casinos on the Las Vegas strip, why not treat them like large Rich-Dick Theme Camps -- give the Installation Artists 200 DGS Tickets, and in return, these assholes will be happy to spend shitloads of money on blinky light towers or whatever, just so they can lock in those sweet sweet reserved tickets for themselves and their friends.
The Tone:
The Utopian Blinkylight Dreamscape has been cool for the past 16 years . . . Buuuut . . . it has gradually fallen out of touch with the world around us.
For far too long, The Org has ignored camps or underfunded art that could be perceived as dark or controversial in any way, shape or form.
Yet again, another example of their Cultural Direction Tactics to market Burning Man as a blinky-light-mickey-mouse-Epcot-Center for wealthy-business-insiders-and-celebrities featuring a safespace-family-oriented-wholesome-body-wellness-green-living-environment for social-media-influencer-photo-shoots.
Burning Man has NEVER been a Safe place!
In 1998, I witnessed a beheading by guillotine at the Opera Performance that was so realistic I spent the next 5 hours (still frying balls on acid!) convinced that Billy Graham was right about this place being a Satanic death cult that would bring about the end of the world.
If the Barbie Death Camp incident at last years’ Burn taught us anything, it is that there clearly need to be risky and controversial works of art at the festival.
We can't be having pussy-footed Australians throwing temper tantrums like little punk bitches CUZ they don't like the way someone put Barbie Dolls inside an oven!
Why did that do-good-koala-humping-limpdick-ASS-licker think it was OK? Well . . .The Org has shoved the narrative that Burning Man is strictly "good vibes only" down our fucking throats so deep that we finally gagged from it.
Why the fuck was that guy even there? Well, he clicked on the Business Insiders’ “Top Ten Burning Man Photos You Must See To BELIEVE” and thought it was gonna be nothing but butterfly sculptures and Instagram Models in front of giant letters.
No Kids:
Yep. Sorry Minecraft Burners, but you are gonna have to wait until you are 21 to come to this party!
Renegotiating the insurance policy as an over-21 festival will save The Org millions and millions of dollars.
Out of 80,000 people, less than .05% are under 21 . . .yet we have to check IDs at every fucking bar !?
Every year the gate gets closed down and no one can filter in or out because someone asshole can't find their kid. This should be a HUGE red flag !
Law Enforcement uses the fact that minors are allowed at the event as justification to engage in predatory conduct such as undercover stings, camp raids and random tickets for unsuspecting bartenders who forget to check IDs.
Also I am not comfortable with the legal grey area the Shirtcocking and Titbouncing in the presence of minors creates.
And if it ever comes down to nudity versus allowing kids, I am sorry but we can't sacrifice the heart of this festival on account of the fact that you don't want to get a fucking babysitter for the week.
Your kids could give a flying-donald-duck-fuck about Burning Man! You and I both know goddamn well that given the opportunity they would rather play video games for the week at grandma's house then have to listen to Mom and Dad fight at Burning Man all week about who got buttfucked by whom at the Orgy Dome. . .
So the rest of us can be free to fuck, drink, smoke and wave our goddamn dicks and clits around whereever we see fit!!!
The Temple:
In the early days of the David Best Temples, they were constructed from the leftover hollows of wooden dinosaur jigsaw puzzle pieces.
It was low cost, recycled and pretty fucking cool!
Last year’s Temple was overdesigned, structurally unsound, and made from rare rustic-oak hardwood and redwood trees imported from China.
Let’s cut costs and just do what those guys from Belgium did in 2005. It's a Very Simple Plan. We get a shitload of old 2x4 boards and fucking Wing It! The Belgium Waffle House would have made a perfectly good Temple.
Garbage Dumpsters:
Yep, that's right. In the future we will have dumpsters at Burning Man! All the Survivalist and Moop-shaming Burners say it will destroy the festival. Guess what, Burn Nut? It's already common practice for larger theme camps to rent dumpsters that are emptied at the end of the week!! It's been going on for YEARS! So what?
Theme Camps will now have to pay a dumpster fee and there will be strict rules around any public dumpsters. Believe me The Org will provide the minimum amount possible to accommodate the BLM. It won't be nearly enough dumpsters for everyone to just toss all their trash, recycling and extra bikes into.
Don't worry, Radical Self-Reliant Survivalist Burnertypes, other people will still have to suffer packing up and dealing with their own trash on the ride home. Moop-shamers rejoice! You will definitely still be able to shame people for mooping and not cleaning up, if not even more so now. I don't see why we can't be Radically Self-Reliant by having dumpsters on site. We will still Leave No Trace, while leaving one less thing for surrounding communities to bitch about.
Build the Wall !!!
Ya fuck it! Build the Wall. So what? Honestly, it will be more aesthetically pleasing than that fucking orange fence. And if that is what the Feds want, that's cool with me -- as long as The Org gets to choose who does Security!
Thank fucking god we are not doing Burning Man this year.
With the world on fire all around us, it seems a bit tone-def to hold a giant rave utopia party!
I, for one, will be enjoying the week indoors under air-conditioning and rolling around in the heaps of cash I am saving by not going. I’m not attending a single workshop to expand my consciousness, not giving a single gift to anyone, and not being radical or self-reliant in any way.
Fuck your Virtual Burn.
I am Zapper Jones. I will see you in the Dust again . . . Sometime Somewhere in the Future!
submitted by zapperwippersnapper to BurningMan [link] [comments]

My writing portfolio

Rachel Schneider
ENG 477
Date 1/11/2021
Marsha Blackburn
A Writing Portfolio
I want to write my own fiction stories one day; I have had a book or two swimming around in my head so I will put the computer to good use and get that typed out one of these days. In this instance I chose my 5 stories and even though one is a marketing inquiry I had fun writing it, so here are my things and some background some of them.
Resume: It is a basic one because my photo ones were not particularly good, and this is an honest resume besides the ones I made for class and I did fudge on those.
Cover letter: I made up the cover letter though there is a penguin Books but it is always fun to use your imagination!
Hike with Drew: I got the concept from a Writer’s Digest and entered it into a contes I never got a response but good practice.
Short Story Vegas: Was one I did for another class but in here I changed it and the story was much better the second time.
Marketing Flyer: This was fun to do those are stock photos of the dogs and squeaky toys, but I like Pit Bulls and dog toys are fun as well.
Scott part 1-This is a story I am working on with another writer, warning its very sexy and some naughty words are in there as well.
Writing Samples: I made these three samples up one day because as I have looked for writing work, I have seen people want a sample of your work, so I came up with these.

3867 Houghton Ave Riverside CA 92501 📷
951-743-8911 📷
[email protected] 📷
Rachel Schneider 📷
Rachel7Tori-Twitter 📷

To get a career going in the fiction/short story writing industry my imagination can run with any scenario and to write is to live.

Bachelor of Arts in English | Grand Canyon University
2017 – 2021
Took 15 different writing courses, creative writing and even two fun marketing classes all to polish up my craft. Carried a 3.0 GPA and did the courses all online as well.
No Degree Obtained | Riverside Community College
June 1994 – December 1996
Took these college courses but did not finish got 32 Units of Child Development Courses though which is what I was going for

Cafeteria Worker 1
2008 Currently Employed.
Cook, Prep, serve food in a middle school setting, also clean, count inventory and do next day prep, cash handling and POS register experience.
Bell Ringer | Salvation Army
November 2007 – December 2007
Rang bell and collected donations for the salvation Army in front of various stores during the holiday season.

Food handlers Card
CPR First Aid certified

Grammar Proficiency
Spelling Proficiency
Can work from home

Have good use of social media and can help update or bring in new followers with my creative writing side. Have a Reddit account as well with 30 stories up on that site. Can speak a little Spanish and Hebrew as well.
[email protected]
3867 Houghton Ave Riverside CA 92501

Rachel Schneider


Penguin Books


Jennifer McGregor
Fiction Publisher
4587 Tropicana Rd.
Las Vegas NV 89102

I have included my resume for the short story writer for young adult novels. It has been a few years, but I currently work in a middle school, so I do see all the angst and sass that goes with being a young teen. I do hope my writing samples can help me move to the top of the list. I look forward to working with Penguin Books and letting kids know being a teen is hard at first, but it does not last forever.
Rachel Schneider
Rachel Schneider
3867 Houghton Ave
Riverside CA 92501
It had been a long cold winter Drew and I could not get out for a morning hike till today. Being 75 degrees, we did not have to wear many layers. He is an extremely sweet inquisitive boy who always asks a lot of questions. Why does moss grow on the north side of trees” he asks? Its times like this when it would be nice to have my husband here, but he is overseas where the work is. “well, it’s not just the north side it’s on the shadier side because that is where the moisture is.”
On we went looking at snails on the ground watching the deer pass by along a ridge. Being quiet as to not startle them. “Mom he whispered it’s a bunny den they are coming out for food, he leaves a few carrot and lettuce scraps from last night’s dinner. I walked down the path and spotted some glorious Blue Jays and a Downey Woodpecker. “Listen Drew the woodpecker is getting the bugs out of the trees.” My sweet Drew was staring at the Bunnies, they are cute and fluffy after all. We followed our path down further after the bunnies went back to the den.
The skies were getting cloudy, so I hoped the rain was not going to come back. Though the weather report said there was a chance. My little explorer with his school uniform on was undeterred, I wish I could wear shorts on a 75 day and not be cold, it is always nice to be young. Walking along our path we spot some squirrels running in circles around the tree. “Why do the chase each other like that” Drew asks. “Maybe it’s a game for them like ring around the Rosie.”
On we trek to our favorite stream where the deer family are taking their drinks. I tell Drew we cannot skip stones right now we do not want to scare them. We look through the grass for more of his favorite bugs, saw some worms just below the dirt by a tree. Looking up we see a big spider web being made between two branches. The crows were making their calls in the distance. We are finally able to skip our stones in the stream. He gets some great skips going, and we collect some new rocks for our little garden back home.
Walking past the stream we climb up the embankment and up along the ridge where we see a Fox off in the distance. He or she walks the opposite direction we are going so it is a relief we can continue to the clearing. Where there are more bugs, rocks, and Bunnies. We pass the Deer family as they run up the hill to were, they mostly frolic or maybe they live up there. We stop for a snack of Apples, Almonds, and some cheese sticks. When we were finished Drew put a couple of slices in his pocket to feed the Bunnies, I am sure.
“Mommy we’re getting to the clearing now we can see the Bunnies and the last time Daddy, and I were here I got some neat rocks too.” Drew told ne enthusiastically, I did love his passion for nature, though again my husband is much better at the nature stuff. I am a pastry Chef ask me about desserts and I am your woman, about why moss grows on trees and hello Google. Since Dad is unavailable, I step in and let him explore and see the world outside of the house and off the screen.
It is just another half mile and it is on to the clearing. He starts to pull me hand a little harder I know he is excited. We pass under the tree I glance up and see the Fox again. Then we stop and see “Daddy home……
Name: Rachel Schneider
Course: ENG 361
Date: 4/14/2020
Instructor: Debbie Graves
One Week In Las Vegas
The countdown started Friday at 2pm I got the week off from this thing I call a job (just over broke). The car was packed, it was time to hit the road. The traffic was average and climbing the Cajon Pass was not that bad. I stopped in Baker to have my favorite meal at Bob’s Big Boy, the chili spaghetti, no onions. After making my way back on the highway the traffic picked up going out of Baker, through to Primm and Stateline. I had to stop for gas at Whiskey Pete’s, so I also went in and got some snack goodies. My favorite trail mix and some cheese potato chips because vending machines are too expensive. The road was beckoning so off I went, traveling through Jean is always nice, not much to see. A prison, a few remaining casinos, some outbuildings, and a truck stop. There slogan was always fun 40 smiles closer than Vegas. You can get bored so be sure to pack some music you can have your own car concert. “I’ll face it with a grin I’m never giving in, on with the show” (Show Must Go on by Queen)
Finally, the Vegas skyline is in sight, the lights are not on yet, but they will be needing to navigate around the strip. I do say a few words the terrible drivers. This vacation was so needed my job is crazy, my kids are older now and do not need mom around anymore. Off they went to grandma’s house and I booked the week at the Delano, it is attached to the Mandalay bay so perfect access to all the fun of the strip, and just enough luxury to not look cheap. Getting the valet to take the car I check into my genuinely nice room I have a great view of the Luxor light (that comes off the top of the hotel) and the Excalibur. Now off to indulge in that genuinely nice bathtub and get some overdue reading done. My bathroom with a view has the Luxor light and that is the brightest light on the Vegas strip it comes right out of the top of the Pyramid shaped hotel. A brightness of 42.3 billion candela, you could read a paper from 10 miles straight up if you wanted to.
Once I was well soaked and finished with my chapters it was time to find something to eat besides my snack foods. After cruising the room service options, I settled on some Mexican food of chorizo and eggs with nice corn tortillas. That hit the spot so with the extra energy it was time to get out for a stroll of the property. The indoor pool is nice but small and I want to soak up the sunshine and get some exercise so I shall hit the outdoor pool tomorrow. Back in the lobby I grab those ads for things to do in the city so I can plan out the rest of my trip. There are thousands of things to do in Vegas. Do not be disappointed if you do not get everything done, that is what the next trip is for. I have a beautiful week and I want to have a good time and not have to wait for anybody, I can do what I want. I got those and cruised up through the lobby and toward the casino on my way there I saw a sign for a food and wine festival. With that guy Zac from the travel channel. Thinking hmm I did not know he was interested in food or wine. I went down and found my favorite penny slot game Lucky cat. After 15 minutes I came out putting 20 in and winning 500, so I called it a night and went to the bar to catch a hockey game and grab a fun fruity drink (I like tequila sunrise, (Tequila, grenadine, and cranberry juice). As I am rooting for the Golden Knights (local Vegas hockey team) I looked over to my left and there was Zac from the travel channel, and he likes hockey too this is awesome, and I am trying not to be a fan girl.
The game was in intermission and the Knights were winning so it was time for a new fruity drink so this time I turned around to get back to the bar and bumped right into Zac, boy was my face red. After some apologies and an offer to buy my next fruity drink (a Strawberry Daiquiri) it was a yes and I spilled that I was a fan. He told me he does have an interest in food and wine not just chasing ghosts with his crew. We had some great conversation and when the game came back on, we both sat in the booth cheering the golden knights to their victory. Now I am buzzed and standing up was going to be fun, but Zac was a true gentleman and helped me to my feet. He offered to buy me dinner. The Taco Hut was a good place the tortillas were fresh, and the company was so cool. The conversation turned to food, wine, travel, and some stuff about me. The midnight hour rolled around, and Zac had an early morning, so we said goodnight, but he was staying one floor above me, so we agreed to go to the diner in the lobby for breakfast or brunch. At 10am I was enjoying my company and this great stick to your ribs breakfast (scrambled eggs, sausage, hash browns and some great watermelon) The food offerings in Vegas are so varied you can get everything from a hot dog and beer for 1.99 at the Orleans, to a 5-star meal at Caesar’s Palace the buffets are great too. Although sometimes you want a nice sit-down dinner.
The conversation was effortless the attraction was deep. We made plans to see each other again after the food contest he was judging was over. Saying goodbye was a bit hard but the hand holding was sweet and made me feel like a schoolgirl again. After saying goodbye and I did watch him walk into the convention hall I went back to my room to plan out the rest of my day. I chose a tour of the Mob Museum, they say that Vegas was built with Mob money, but it was a Mormon founded town that later Hollywood discovered. Then many people in Hollywood who were well connected (such as East Coast mobsters) financed Bugsy Segal to build the Flamingo Hotel. As I was putting my shoes on, I got a knock on the room door and as I opened it, I got some flowers (pink roses) and an all-access pass to the food and wine festival courtesy of Zac. Let us just say the Mob Museum can wait for later I got to go to a food and wine festival and spend the rest of the week with Zac. “hi Zac thanks for the flowers it was sweet of you to remember.” He said, “It’s always right to remember a ladies flower preference because that’s the right thing to do.” Smiling the rest of the day I meet other travel channel celebrities and got to taste some great foods and many different wines. The food and wine offerings at the hotels and restaurants are varied, the Las Vegas area have become very international, so the varieties are endless.
The week went by in a blur of food, wine, conversation, and some sweet dates. I never thought I would get over the break-up that happened the week before. Getting a private Vegas tour was something completely special. I did get to see the Mob Museum, Mandalay Bay Fine Art Museum, seven magic mountains, Pinball Hall of fame and a private dinner at the food and wine festival. My days in Vegas were down to one. We had reservations at Rivera right here at the Delano the view is amazing, the food is impressive with Italian and French offers. “I have had a wonderful time this week Zac thank you for mending my broken heart.” He looked at me for a minute and said, “it’s been a pleasure to get to know you and I would not mind visiting your hometown, you always have a reason to come back to Las Vegas. The next food and wine festival is around Christmas, this one will include chocolate.” Hitting the 15 early the next morning I have visions of Christmas, a pass to the food and wine festival, also a brand-new relationship to take back home with me.
The End
When writing a short story, you want to keep it from rambling and have enough details to keep it fresh. When your reader gets into the story you want them to feel like they are there with you, going to the food and wine festival, on that hike through the seven-mountains or touring the mob museum. The details are the thing to see and make sure to watch out for punctuation and common language. An average short story is within 6,00 words or 24 pages. If you wanted too you could go short-short story and that is between 500 and 2,00 words. That comes out to be 6 pages (Minot, Steven Ch. 7 pg. 41), talk about short stories. The story is all your length and style matter as much as how you want it to come into focus.
Minot, Steven and Theil Daniel Three genres the writing of literary pose, poems and plays Ninth edition Pearson Publications 2012
Bouncing Dog Toy Emporium
August 18,2019📷📷
24755 Holly Grove Way
Brookings OR, 97415
Dear Dogs, Rule the World
I am Rachel Schneider from the Bouncing Dog Toy Emporium we make extra bouncy dog toys for our furry friends. We investigated different marketing companies and choose you to do our direct to customer marketing. The way the website is set up the customers can get the product’s directly from you is easier than a multi-level marketing plan. The distribution of Bouncy Dog Toy will be a one level channel, we will provide the toys you market, and we sell them. I would like to get some videos of our company dogs Mac and Stella playing with the toys so you can post on the website. A link for the company can also be included so the consumers know where the toys came from, what they are made of and any other facts about Bouncing Dog Toy Emporium.
Sincerely, Rachel V Schneider
Mac and Stella company dogs and testers 📷
📷 📷📷 📷A sample of our products, our bounciest toys.
Scott’s Story Part 1
I am Scott Thorn, and I am going back to WDU for the first time in 15 years, I went here for a year but after I came out as gay there really were no gay dudes. I am all men but yeah lesbians were all around some BI guys but no real gay dudes. I went back to the mainland and attended Preston University I majored in administration and minored in Literature. I did at one point in my life have a girlfriend and wanted to marry her, but I could not quash the gay lifestyle. That part of my life is over and now the old school offered me a counseling job, have not done this in a while. I get to help students toward there after college career.
I sit here on this boat and keeping an eye on my 75 Triumph I have some nerves, but it is mostly about seeing this place again, so as the boat pulls up, I get my bike going and make a stop at my new on campus apartment. Its west facing because I like sunsets more than sunrise, so I did not know it needed so much work. I have some handy skills but a little at a time. The kitchen is decent and so is the bathroom. The floors will need some polish and the deck needs to be stained, this is a duplex, so I hope the neighbors are quiet. It is furnished and done nicely so I cannot complain too much, but back on the bike to see the Dean.
I get my bike set with the kill switch and walk up the way to the Admin building, I am pretty much the only one dressed. I am wearing my good black jeans and my dress shirt, in my favorite color Maroon. I do remember this place was obsessed with sex so I will stick out wearing clothes, as I enter the building at least more admin people are dressed. Miss Grant the secretary shows me to my new office, its spacious much bigger that my last one at Preston where I shared a cubicle with another person. I have files from past students and current ones, so I started filing them when Dean Kane walks in, booty shorts and a tank top. “Welcome back to WDU Scott, we look forward to seeing you succeed you come very recommended.” I could hardly concentrate because this Dean was hung but I persevered and said, “Thank you sir I look forward to helping young students find there after WDU careers.”
After he left, I had to get my rise to settle then I continued filing and looking through some files. Clarissa Love that was a name that got around even all the way to Preston. I think she does the Jax in the bedroom or something like that. I started looking around and thought I need some life in this office so I asked Miss Grant about decorating and she said I could do what I wanted but no painting, so I went to town and checked out a flea market. I found some pictures of the beaches of Canada, some old homes in the area and a few movie posters from Rocky horror Picture Show (it is my favorite). The flea market said they will deliver to the school tomorrow so I told them I will be there at 9am.
Now with my day done I get to the store to buy some groceries and realize this place uses sextons and I was down to my last few, so now I will need to exchange but thankfully a bank is nearby so I can get some of my mainland money exchanged. I pull up to my new pad off load my few groceries and notice some other tenant left beer in the fridge, talk about luck. I got the beer went to the deck and watched the sunset over the sky. It was going to be new here, but I needed a fresh start after getting dumped and losing the job because my ex was in upper management, never will I do that again. I will find someone who does not work in the school system. After I ate a roast beef and cheddar sandwich for dinner, watched some cooking shows it was time for bed. As I was brushing my teeth, I heard the neighbors having sex. Oh, goody they are not quiet. hope they do not have super energy either. Tomorrow is my first full day and I have decorating to do, fantastic they stopped, that is the thing with us older people we do not fuck like bunnies anymore. As far as I know the neighbors are lesbians so who knows.
Sample 1- If I try my hardest, I could muster up enough courage to ask the prettiest girl in school to prom. I had a suit; bolo tie and I will shine my old boots up. The thing is my courage is not as strong as my best friend Nick, now there is one brave dude who just asked the girl I wanted to go to prom with and of course she said yes. I gather myself close my locker and put on my best smile for them both. Nick and I high five and I hug her, trying to be genuine but it is hard. I head to my Social studies class and sit down next to Megan she looks at me with some concern I tell her what happened, she then asks me to Prom…...
Sample 2-Wishing I did not have to be here I sit at the back of the funeral and think about my old high school principal. I grew up in a small town and everyone knew everyone, we only had one school and you went there for kindergarten through senior year. After my graduation I packed up my old car and headed out to what I thought was the real world. Living in a bigger city only helped spur my loneliness so who says you cannot come home again, well Mom for starters because I abandoned my family, I am not welcome at home ever again (so tired of her drama), so I am staying at Principal Mason’s house yes, the same principal that I am at a funeral for I held her hand as she lay there succumbing to cancer……
Sample 3-If you really want to get over a breakup getting back on the horse will help things along. I thought that too seven lousy dates ago so here I am on date number 8 and I am not seeing any birds singing or rainbows in the sky. He steps away to take a call he is a particularly important lawyer after all (I need to fix my picker) after he comes back, he says it go time the jury has come back so off he goes. I finish my drink and head back to my brownstone close by, I pass the new chocolate shop that just opened, and I get inside and see chocolate heaven. Looking around I do not see him at first but there he is my old college lab partner Sam I just saw a rainbow…….
submitted by RachelVictoria75 to u/RachelVictoria75 [link] [comments]

Looking to move from Chicago to Las Vegas before the year is over! I'm wondering what are the best parts of Vegas to live in, as well as the best internet and cable provider?

I visited Las Vegas, more specifically Henderson a couple of years ago to see my other family, and even though I really got to do nothing I wanted on the trip, just being there was incredible. I love hot weather so that was a plus, everything is a lot more open and spacious than it is here, and the views are amazing. The state of Nevada as a whole is also a lot more LGBTQ+ friendly than Illinois, so that just makes things even better. I've been wanting to move to Vegas for a good few months now when I started discovering more about myself and thinking about what I wanted for my future, and I'm very excited for that future to come. I've been watching people driving through the Strip at night, on the highway during the sunset, casual walks/drives through the day, it's all just so beautiful and it's where I want to be for the rest of my life. Of course I wanted to make sure to ask people who live there, after doing my own research of course, about a few specific questions that would help me out.
I know these are incredibly specific questions, but seeing as I'll be living by myself for the first time I thought I may ask. I'm currently looking to get DirecTV with AT&T internet (currently using Xfinity, it's shitty for both TV and internet in my experience), I especially need DirecTV to keep up with my Chicago sports teams, but apparently it's dying and is gonna be sold so I'm not sure if I should get it, but there also isn't another way I can see my teams. I've also heard about Cox and Centurylink for internet but apparently both suck so.. yeah.
You don't have to read all of this, I'm just rambling at this point. I just need help with this, so if anyone can do so I'd really appreciate it!
submitted by satavvibes to LasVegas [link] [comments]

NFL 2020 playoff predictions

Now let’s get to how the final standings and what the playoff picture will look like at the end of the 2020 NFL season (predictions as of August 31st). Once again, I predicted all 256 games, with consideration of travel, time of preparation and other advantages one team may have over their opponent. First, I will present the seven teams from each conference and then work my way through the different rounds of the playoffs, all the way up to Super Bowl LV. It still feels weird to put seven teams up there in each conference by the way.
I have added the full excel on my page, where I go game-by-game, if you are interested about how I got to this point and maybe see where your team ended up, if they are not part of this list.


The NFC will be a gauntlet once again in 2020, with one more playoff spot up for grabs, which should he hotly contested. According to my predictions, there will be five double-digit win teams, with one division failing to send a team that has accomplished that feat. This should be a battle for the 7th seed, with three teams right there in the hunt, just one win away getting into the tournament. I seem to always have the highest-seeded teams with a relatively low win total, since I might be too much of a believer in competitive football, but this year in particular, with no big home field advantages and how loaded the NFC is, I have no team winning more than twelve games.

  1. New Orleans Saints (12-4)
  2. San Francisco 49ers (12-4)
  3. Dallas Cowboys (11-5)
  4. Green Bay Packers (9-7)
  5. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (11-5)
  6. Philadelphia Eagles (10-6)
  7. Arizona Cardinals (9-7)

Just missed the cut: Seattle Seahawks (9-7), Detroit Lions (8-8), Atlanta Falcons (8-8)

While I project them to “only” win twelve games, I think that will be enough for the Saints to emerge as the number one seed in the NFC and they might be one of the best teams we have seen recently to not just steamroll the opponents in their conference. With Drew Brees having his final shot at a Lombardi trophy, Emmanuel Sanders as a dependable number two being added, more veterans on defense being added and the depth they have throughout their roster, to go with an excellent coaching staff, they are as complete as it gets. The circumstances of this season bring advantages and disadvantages for New Orleans, as their continuity and experience will be a huge plus, while not having fans roaring in the Dome hurts, even though hearing Drew yell out signals might almost be intimidating for opponents.
Right behind them I have the 49ers, who win the same amount of games, but due to losing the direct matchup in New Orleans – a rematch of last year’s high-scoring thriller – have to play on Wildcard Weekend under the new playoff format. Similar to the Saints, San Francisco has an outstanding all-around team, when it comes to the roster they have constructed and retaining pretty much the entire coaching staff. This offseason, they have done a great job re-tooling for the few losses they did have and might have actually improved in some areas, after a dominant playoff run up to the Super Bowl. The two areas of concerns for me are the receiving corp due to health questions and that second corner spot being up for grabs. However, I don’t see a Super Bowl hangover being an issue.
It will be a tough race for the NFC East crown in my opinion, with two excellent teams that easily have the talent to challenge for the conference’s top seed, but in the end I see the Cowboys getting the better end of the deal this year. The offense is absolutely loaded, with as much skill-position talent as any team in the league, at least being around top five in terms of the O-line and Dak Prescott being able to just take advantage of what he has around him. We still have to see what exactly the secondary will look like, with more press on the outside and aggressive play-calling overall under new DC Mike Nolan, but they could have a very deep rotation up front and two heat-seeking missiles on the second level. If Mike McCarthy can get this team to show up in the big matchups and play up to their potential, this team will be scary.
The one division in this conference to not have a team win double-digit games is the North. I don’t think they have a single “bad” team, with the range being between seven and nine wins, and I actually think this is the only group, where I could see any of the four win it potentially. For the Packers, dropping all the way down here from 13-3 last season has more to do with them being due for regression in terms of their success rate in one-score games (8-1 in 2019) than them as a group. While I don’t love what they have added this offseason and the old saying “If you don’t get better, you get worse” does hold true to some point, they also didn’t lose too many pieces. What gives them the edge here is having the best quarterback and pass-rush inside the division.
One of this year’s big offseason hype teams is the Buccaneers, but unlike a lot of other squads we have seen getting love for making those huge additions, I think they already had the base of a really good squad. They have the league’s best receiver duo, a three-head monster at tight-end, some talented backs, an above-average O-line and now you just replace the guy who led the league in turnovers by a wide margin with maybe the greatest QB of all time, who I believe still has some stuff left in the tank. What makes me a believer however might be even more so the defense. They already finished last season as the top-ranked run D, they have a premiere edge rush duo, two super-rangy linebackers and a young, up-and-coming secondary. While we still have to see how quickly the offense has picked things up, I have the Bucs one in-division win away from the conference’s top seed.
While they do come up just short of winning the division in my predictions, I still have the Eagles winning double-digit games and being a tough draw. They have what I believe is a quarterback just outside the top five league-wide, an emerging star second-year back, so much more speed added at the wide receiver position – which was probably their biggest issue last season – and despite their injuries still a solid offensive line at least. They did lose some veterans on defense this offseason and the second level doesn’t instill a lot of confidence, but Darius Slay as a number one corner and Javon Hargreave plugging the middle of the line do certainly help. As always, the big question is if they can stay healthy for the most part, but with how much I expect this offense to open up, why would they not win one more game than they did last season with practice squad guys catching passes?
And then the final playoff seed was in direct competition between two teams from the West – Arizona and Seattle. While I have been down on the Seahawks at times before and Russell Wilson routinely finds a way to amaze me again with how he carries them to a winning record, I actually went into this thinking the Hawks would be part of the picture after the Jamal Adams trade, but just going week-by-week, I have them at 9-7 and Arizona would have the better record against the division and conference. Seattle might be the better team, but Arizona gets to play Detroit and Carolina instead of Atlanta and Minnesota. With Kliff Kingsbury and Kyler Murray coming into year two of their partnership, an elite wideout in DeAndre Hopkins being added and the defense being re-structured this offseason, with no major contributors being lost, they are bound to make a jump.


For the AFC, I think there are two clear front-runners, as I have stated in my pre-season power rankings two weeks ago. I actually think the other two divisions will also have double-digit winschamps and there is one more very dangerous team with that first Wildcard spot. After those top five basically, there are three teams tied at 9-7, where things can get very complicated with certain tie-breakers, plus another 8-8 squad that is one more in-conference win away from earning the 6th or 7th seed.

  1. Baltimore Ravens (13-3)
  2. Kansas City Chiefs (12-4)
  3. Buffalo Bills (11-5)
  4. Indianapolis Colts (10-6)
  5. Pittsburgh Steelers (10-6)
  6. Denver Broncos (9-7)
  7. Cleveland Browns (9-7)

Just missed the cut: Tennessee Titans (9-7), Las Vegas Raiders (8-8)

On the AFC side of the things, I think there is one team that really stands out as a favorite to put up the league’s top record once again. Yes, they did lose a Hall of Fame guard in Marshal Yanda, the division should be much better as a whole and it will be tough for Lamar Jackson to recreate that historically great season, but in terms of their franchise as a whole, I just don’t have any major questions with the Ravens. The roster to me is even better and deeper than it was a year ago, they have so much continuity with their coaching staff, I think the additions they did make this offseason just fit perfectly and going through their schedule, the two teams they lost to outside their division last season will have to come to Baltimore, even if home-field advantage won’t be such a huge deal without fans.
And the biggest challenger for Baltimore is the reigning Super Bowl champs. Kansas City is bringing back 19 of 22 starters on offense and defense combined, they didn’t lose offensive coordinator Eric Bienemy, all their stars are happy with their new contracts and they have the best player in the league, who I already predicted to win MVP. They do have a pretty thin secondary and they have to travel to what I believe are the four best teams on their schedule (Baltimore, Buffalo, Tampa Bay and New Orleans), but outside of the Ravens, I think they are a notch above all the other AFC contenders. The decisive factor between the top two seeds in the end was their direct matchup in week three, which I already called the best of all 256 games on the schedule.
If you asked me for that one team I like best outside of the two conference favorites, I would go with Buffalo. They already went 10-6 last season, coming off a 6-10 season with question marks about the quarterback plus the weapons around him and no major stars necessarily on either side of the ball. While Josh Allen is still a controversial name due to his up-and-down nature of play to some degree, he showed me a lot of positive signs last season, Stefon Diggs as his number one receiver, who opens up the offense and pushes everybody else on the depth chart down one spot, a two-headed backfield I like a lot and an average O-line at least sounds much better. And then the defense already finished second in the NFL in points allowed, before adding depth to the line. To me they are the clear favorites to win the East.
One more team that I’m buying coming into this season is the Colts. And when it comes to their outlook for 2020, I first have to go back to 2019. Until starting quarterback Jacoby Brissett got hurt late in the first half of their week nine game against the Steelers, Indy had a 5-2 record, with the number two seed in the AFC and wins over three playoff teams in the Titans, Chiefs and Texans. They only won two more games from that point on, with their backup QB and a banged-up Brissett. Now moving forward to this offseason, when they bring in a veteran signal-caller with something to prove in Philip Rivers, trade for a top 50 player in the league in DeForest Buckner to boost the defense, add two stud second-round picks and bring back pretty much everybody notable. They could have easily been a playoff team last season and I think they are better this year.
Another group I expect to rebound in 2020 is the Steelers. We only saw what they look like at full force for a short period of time last season, with Ben Roethlisberger being knocked out for the year early on in week two. However, we got to see what they look like with the worst quarterback play in the league – they still finished 8-8. I have shared my thoughts on the two guys who filled in for Big Ben last season before, but what it comes down to is the offense should go from incapable to move the ball for whole games to potentially being a top ten unit, with Juju rebounding and all those young weapons emerging, while the defense was already elite last season, with a league-leading 54 sacks and 38 takeaways, and there is no reason why they shouldn’t be as good again, with muss less pressure on them to win them games.
It’s funny how we see a couple of young teams every year, with a quarterback coming into his second season and having added more weapons around him, that we expect to make that jump the next season. For the NFC, my team is the Cardinals and for the AFC it’s the Broncos. The sample size for Drew Lock is very small, but he did go 4-1 over the final five games of 2019, and showed a lot of promise. With Courtland Sutton emerging as a superstar, Noah Fant looking to take a step forward, two tremendous rookie receivers, a great one-two punch out of the backfield and an improved interior O-line, he should have pretty everything he needs to succeed. Defensively, they get Bradley Chubb back, added Jurrell Casey for peanuts and bring back everybody else from what was a top-ten scoring unit last season. I’m just a little worried about that duo of offensive tackles going up against the pass-rushers in that division.
And finally, I’m back on the Browns hype train. At 9-7 I wouldn’t say they will take the league by storm, but there are several tangible factors that make me believe they can be a much more consistent organization. I think Kevin Stefanski’s offense is a much better fit for their personnel and quarterback in particular, as we saw over a small stretch with Baker as a rookie, when Freddie Kitchens used a lot more 12 personnel and built things around the run game, before last season they went to a lot more spread sets. With tight-end Austin Hooper and fullback Andy Janovich as the first signings this offseason, I expect much more of that. They also get back my choice for Defensive Player of the Year in Myles Garrett to lead a young, hungry group and I just think getting humbled last season will do them good, without being hyped up over the offseason. Cleveland grabs the final Wildcard spot over Tennessee due to a better conference record.

Wildcard Round:


  1. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (11-5) OVER 4. Green Bay Packers (9-7)
  2. Philadelphia Eagles (10-6) OVER 3. Dallas Cowboys (11-5)
  3. San Francisco 49ers (12-4) OVER 7. Arizona Cardinals (9-7)

In the first matchup of the NFC’s Wildcard Round, we have a Wildcard team in the Bucs travelling to Green Bay to take on a Packers team that won two less games than them over the regular season. This is actually a rematch of their week six meeting, when the Bucs get to host the Pack and win that crucial game. The battle between two all-time greats in Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers will be a fascinating one, but in the end I believe Tampa has better play-makers and a more complete, versatile defense, that won’t allow Green Bay to keep up.
This is the first of two divisional matchups of this first round of the playoff – both on the NFC side of the bracket. I already discussed how the Cowboys secure the NFC East crown, with a big week 16 win at home against the Birds and just two weeks later, Philly gets a chance for revenge. This time I believe the Eagles will come out on the winning end. Of course this is assuming health for Carson Wentz and some other key players, but as much as the Wentz’s injury problems are being discussed, we haven’t seen him shrink in the playoffs, while several of their veterans from their Super Bowl run three years ago are still there and Dallas hasn’t really shown up in the postseason or many other big-time matchups for that matter.
And then the second division rivalry that gets renewed in the Wildcard Round comes from the NFC West. I have San Francisco and Arizona splitting the season series (home and home), with the latter coming up with a huge W in week 16, that lifts them above the third team in that division – Seattle – and keeps the 49ers from a chance to earn the conference’s number one seed. In this third matchup, Kyle Shanahan’s well-designed run game is too much to handle for the Cardinals and Nick Bosa & company find a way to overwhelm a below-average offensive line. We have seen this team kick it up a notch in January.


  1. Pittsburgh Steelers (10-6) OVER 4. Indianapolis Colts (10-6)
  2. Buffalo Bills (11-5) OVER 6. Denver Broncos (9-7)
  3. Kansas City Chiefs (12-4) OVER 7. Cleveland Browns (9-7)

This first matchup on the AFC side of things is actually another rematch from week 16, when the Colts travel to Heinz Field and lose in the swirling Pennsylvania wind. While I really like the Colts as a team with a clear identity, this is a tough draw for them, since their biggest strength – the offensive line and the run game – is somewhat neutralized by Pittsburgh’s nasty front-seven. Maybe Diontae Johnson comes up with a deep bomb to open things up early and then Big Ben finds ways to pick apart this rather simplistic Indy defense.
While it is week 15, we get to see the first version of this matchup late in the season as well – beautiful how all of this comes together. The Bills have to travel to Denver in the high altitude and lose a hard-fought battle. This time the Broncos have to travel to Buffalo and even though it sucks they don’t get to have “Bills Mafia” in the stands for the first time in forever, this group is still tough to beat at home. With the deep D-line rotation Buffalo has against two question-mark tackles and Sean McDermott’s well-coordinated zone coverages forcing Drew Lock onto hold the ball, to go with an up-tempo offense from Brian Daboll that attacks matchups, I like the Bills here.
And then the last game for Wildcard Weekend is the reigning Super Bowl champs hosting an up-and-coming Browns team. While I like the formula Cleveland will try to use, similar to what the Titans had success with in the first half of the AFC Championship game, I can’t go against Mahomes & company here. Just too many weapons out there against what is still a young secondary and I think the Honeybadger will find a way to trick Baker Mayfield once in this game, to help the Chiefs create some separation. I can’t wait to see the footage of when these two QBs battled it out in a shootout in college though.

Divisional Round:


  1. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (11-5) OVER 2. San Francisco 49ers (12-4)
  2. New Orleans Saints (12-4) OVER 6. Philadelphia Eagles (10-6)
In the conference semi-finals we get a treat with Tom Brady facing the guy Bill Belichick wanted to replace him with in New England and now this offseason there were reports about how the 49ers thinking about doing the exact opposite with Jimmy Garoppolo. As much as I like Kyle Shanahan and this Niners defense, I think the Bucs are on a roll at this point and advance to the Final Four. If San Francisco’s D-line can get to Brady at a high rate and they can get to the edge in the run game themselves, I like their chances, but the Bucs will be tough to run on and nothing the Niners do in coverage will confuse the GOAT.
And then I think the number-one seeded Saints don’t have too much trouble with the Eagles. Carson Wentz makes some big plays to keep them in the game for the first half, but New Orleans is basically better at every other position on the field. The Eagles will actually experience what it feels like to lose the battle in the trenches on both sides of the ball – which they have done to the opposition in a lot of their big games of the past – and there are some matchups the Saints can take advantage of, like Alvin Kamara against this inexperienced linebacker corp for Philly.


  1. Kansas City Chiefs (12-4) OVER 3. Buffalo Bills (11-5)
  2. Baltimore Ravens (13-3) OVER 5. Pittsburgh Steelers (10-6)

Back over on the other side of the bracket, the reigning champs face a tough task on their road to another Super Bowl, as the Bills come to town, who I have them losing to in a big spot on Sunday Night Football in week six. This won’t be an easy one, as Buffalo has the ability to force Mahomes & company to methodicallx work their way down the field and they can punish over-aggressiveness, while the Chiefs don’t have anybody on defense to match up with Stefon Diggs. However, in the end KC will try to make this a shootout and I bank on Josh Allen making at least one bad decision.
We do get a divisional matchup from the AFC in the second round of the playoffs and it’s a dandy. Baltimore-Pittsburgh to me is the best rivalry in all the NFL and to have them go up against each other in the playoffs for the first time since 2015 makes things even more intense. The Ravens do get to host this game as the AFC’s top seed, but I think we will have seen two close brawls over the course of the regular season, with each team winning at home. Ultimately the difference in this one for me will Baltimore’s ability to make Pittsburgh one-dimensional and the Ravens secondary being too tough to crack for this young group of pass-catchers.

Conference Championships:

  1. New Orleans Saints (12-4) OVER 5. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (11-5)
  2. Baltimore Ravens (13-3) OVER 2. Kansas City Chiefs (12-4)

In our two conference title games I have the two number one seeds finding a way to prevail.
The Saints and Buccaneers start the season against each other week one and in my projections, they also decide who represents the NFC in the Super Bowl. While I do have concerns about Drew Brees’ arm falling off towards the end of the year and this being a tough matchup for New Orleans’ ground game, I also believe the Saints are a little bit better as a whole. The Bucs will find ways to make plays on offense, but Sean Payton will also create favorable matchups for his receivers against a young secondary and I have more confidence in NOLA’s offensive line keeping Drew clean than the Bucs taking Cam Jordan and all those guys off Tom.
I have already talked about the Ravens ending up with the AFC’s top seed thanks to their week three victory at home over the Chiefs, but now three months later I still Baltimore coming through at home. Lamar is 0-2 against Mahomes, but both those matchups were in Kansas City and at those points I would have said the Chiefs were better. Baltimore’s secondary is as good as its ever been to blanket those KC speedsters and their rushing attack will once again be nightmare to slow down. We have seen that the teams who want to beat the Chiefs have to play keep-away with Mahomes and the Ravens can do that, while making a few stops by changing things up post-snap defensively.

Super Bowl LV:

New Orleans Saints (12-4) – Baltimore Ravens (13-3)

We have arrived at the big game. It’s Drew Brees trying to win that second Lombardi and riding off into the sunset against Lamar Jackson trying to become the next young phenom to go from winning MVP to securing a Super Bowl. When these offensive and defensive lines go up against each other for both these teams, it might actually create a black hole. That matchup between Sean Payton and Ravens DC Wink Martindale would be so fascinating, as both are known for their aggressive and creative play-calling keeping the opposition off balance. We get Michael Thomas versus Marcus Peters part II, Mark Ingram going up against him former team, other long-term veterans striving for their first championship trophy and maybe even a trick play on special teams with John Harbaugh pulling the strings.
The difference here to me will ultimately be Lamar’s ability to improvise and create a couple of big plays to swing momentum in the Ravens’ favor, but this should be such a tightly contested, physical game that I would just love to see.

Ravens 26 – Saints 23

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YoWindow - best weather app with live pictures v2.22.15 [Paid] [Balatan]

App Name:
YoWindow - best weather app with live pictures v2.22.15 [Paid] [Balatan]
Requirements: 4.1+
You just found a 🌈 magical weather app! 🌧️ When it's raining outside, it is raining in the app, and people open their umbrellas.
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Enjoy the weather! YoWindow team.
What's New:
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Mod Info:
This app has no advertisements
Google Play: Link
VirusTotal: Link
Download: Link
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Vinca Route Pitch

To those who don't know, I released two posts asking people to give me non-li characters and I'll write a rough synopsis of a route with said character. Currently I'm going through all the requests I haven't gotten around to doing and have posted a schedule of each character with which to release them.
I have so far finished two. Vinca and Typho. Here's a link to said schedule.

Our story begins at the Night of Sin circus performance. Former med student Fern Chu recalls how she had won the draw along with a few hundred others. Additionally she has been given access behind the scenes to meet the troupe personally.
The performance was great fun and backstage even more so. Over the course of the next few days she becomes close friends with the group, hanging out with them at the bar, meeting Cal's surrogate son and Onyx's adopted bear.
The proceeding episodes focus heavily on Fern's life. Her background as a med student, the bike shop, the close relationship with her mother and her passion for stunt biking. We learn of her father who left one day and never returned. All the while she interacts quite frequently with the troupe.
One day at late afternoon Fern is heading back to the bike shop when she notices a group of people walking on the other side of the road. She cannot help but notice the vacant eyes and distant stares, one of them has their mouth slightly open. They look alive but only on the most technical definition of that word. Fern overhears them as they get closer; as the group talk among themselves. From what she can gather they speak of someone, a woman, whom they seem to revere as a goddess. More yet, Fern gets the implication that these people are incapable of talking about anything else.
Though shaken she puts it out of her mind and continues on.
Next morning Fern is holding the shop as her mother is out making a delivery, staring up at the ceiling hoping something there will alleviate her boredom on this very slow day. A customer walks in, a tall and breathtakingly beautiful woman in glamorous clothes. Fern stares, enraptured by her beauty, unable to speak and, based on the smoky smile she gives Fern, she knows it. The marble statue come to life, Vinca as she calls herself, needs a bike for a photoshoot she is to do in a few days. Yes, of course she's a model. Vinca is very forward, making no obfuscations as to her attraction towards Fern with zero room for plausible deniability. If any other individual were to make such advances would come across as bad but Vinca has such an unbreakable confidence with how she carries herself that Fern is receptive to it all the same.
Vinca comes across as someone who could get any girl she wants without any challenge and it seems that Fern is the girl she wants. We witness Fern on a first date beyond her wildest fantasies, culminating in a night of passion also invoking wild fantasies she didn't even know she had. The proceeding chapters are filled with this, Vinca leading Fern into a life of hedonistic luxury. It's not for the feint at heart, Vinca's requests get more and more risque almost every date but Fern is loving every second of it all the same. Fern's mother is not privy to the lengths of which her relationship with Vinca extends, she's almost slightly worried. Every waking moment Fern's thoughts are filled with nothing but Vinca and when she'll get to see her again.
But this could not go on forever. As she waits on the step of a five star hotel for a 'fun time' she begins to realise Vinca is late. Something's not right. That's when she hears her voice. Shouts and grunts, it sounds like she's in trouble. Fern rushes to the sound to see Vinca. It's dark but no one could mistake that silhouette. She's fighting someone, no, three people, single-handed. She weaves through their attacks like water, her attackers not able to land a single hit on them. The assailants fight with terrifyingly reckless abandon and without any regard to their safety, throwing themselves at Vinca as she weaves through their attacks. The attackers are hard to make out in the darkness and the chaos of battle but she swears she can see something stuck to their heads. Vinca holds one in a headlock and reveals a bulbous shape on the base of the neck, with which she yanks the thing out. The body falls limp and when the bulb hits the ground it disintegrates right in front of her eyes. Seconds later, Vinca notices her. Paralysed, Fern watches as Vinca does the same thing to the others, pulling black bulbs from their necks.
Fern experiences a different kind of long and wild night than she was promised. She is introduced to Yvette, Lazereth and the world of demons. The night concludes on a somewhat rocky end but Fern knows she's not willing to give up what she has just yet. She walks home instead of getting a ride and on the way she feels like someone's following her. Turning around she sees a tall woman bathed in light from a streetlight above. She is motionless, wearing a long gown and, most unsettlingly, a full-face mask. The woman stares at her.
Fern turns and continues her path, picking up the pace. She glances over her shoulder at the masked woman. That was a mistake. She is closer now, standing under the next streetlight along.
She runs.
The next day Fern visits the troupe, who mention they haven't seen her as much recently. She discovers the troupe are not only circus performers but part of a long line of assassins dedicated to protecting the world from demons. She learns of the masked woman, a demon unique to her kind. She has a following of humans who worship her as a god, a cult of sorts, that she controls via bulbs she places on the base of their skull. To free a human follower all one must do is pull it out of them. They will fall unconscious and wake up without any recollection of their time in the cult. However, if the bulb is stuck to you for too long, you will forget everything, your entire life and identity, when you pull it out.
The proceeding episodes center around locating the masked woman while fighting her followers, perhaps introducing a new character onto the team who has lost all their memories, even their name. We'll give them a name, perhaps Terry. Over the course of the story Terry becomes Fern's best friend.
Moving on, Fern works with Wrath's and Vinca's team concurrently, of course working primarily with Vinca's. Spliced in are the nights of lavishness and debauchery that continue as they did prior.
It's difficult to convey this next part without either giving away the central message I'm going for, which would be included a lot more subtly, or writing out the whole script of every season, but I must make it known if the height of the romantic conflict is to make any sense. Basically, as the story continues, Fern is pulled further and deeper into Vinca's world. She sees her friends and her mother less and less, she spends more time in Vinca's mansion and her BMX gathers dust in the back of the bike shop. This happens slowly over the course of at least a couple of seasons.
One night Vinca comes home and Fern is waiting for her, lying naked under the silk sheets on the double king bed in the third story bedroom. Their embrace is as intense and passionate as ever, though Fern's phone rings. She ignores it. Vinca takes her to the top floor of a high-rise restaurant. Amazing view. Fern's phone rings. She ignores it. Her phone rings during training with Vinca (that usually leads to something more heated near the end of the session) and this time makes to answer but the caller hangs up before she can reach it. The caller was her mother. Oh well, whatever it was mustn't have been important. She rejoins Vinca on the sparring mat.
That night the two are lying in bed with Fern enveloped in Vinca's arms. Here her thoughts begin to form a conclusion. Her entire world is Vinca. Every waking thought is taken up by her, every part, every atom in her body aches when Vinca is not around.
“I can't live without you,” says Fern. “I love you.”
This immediately creates a wall of ice between them. Instead of the elation that ought to happen after a declaration of love, there is an unbearable unease that lingers in the air. So much so that Fern sees herself out.
She wanders aimlessly in the neon night of Las Vegas until she decides it best to get some sleep and so catches a taxi to the bike shop. Her mother is still awake and... crying. Turns out Fern's father has turned up again and when her mother needed her the most Fern was not there. The guilt rips into Fern without mercy.
From here I propose something that may be considered risky. I propose a season, or at least nine episodes, without any Vinca. The two decide to take a step back, spend some time apart. Fern finds this immensely difficult, even painful, at first, but over time she slowly rediscovers her identity. While her declaration likely had a modicum of truth to it, whatever was there was dwarfed by an obsession so intense she had begun to lose parts of herself and the things and other people she loves. Perhaps the CG's in this segment can reflect finding those lost parts of her, like a selfie with her mother whose hands are stained with grease, being with her best friend Terry and supporting them with a passion they found and Fern riding her bike against a desert sunset. These of course will be spliced in amongst the main conflict, which will become the sole focus during this time, as Fern works with the troupe, of whom she reconnects with.
On that, an encounter with the masked woman reveals her face under her mask. It is unpleasant, her facial features rearranged that her eyes are where her mouth should be, her mouth where her nose should be and her nose, well, you get the idea.
This season ends with the news that Vinca has been taken by the masked woman. A bulbous sphere was seen at the base of her neck.
Time is of the essence. Fern has to save Vinca before her memories are entirely erased. It is time to take the fight to the masked woman directly. Everyone shows up to the showdown. Lazareth and Yvette, Wrath, Onyx and the others, Terry, even Ripley and Nahara are present. Over the course of these episodes Fern has fully reintegrated what was lost before and this has made her a stronger fighter than ever before. With seconds remaining the masked woman is routed, though not defeated, and Vinca is saved with her memories intact.
The final season. Fern and Vinca have reunited but agree to take things slow. Their dates are as lavish as they've ever been but Fern continues to maintain her close relationship with her mother and best friend while Vinca spends some time in Fern's world. This brings them closer together than they've ever been. Meanwhile there is trouble on the horizon as the masked woman resurfaces. At the climax, a battle takes place against her as Fern and Vinca fight together, but as equals.
The season ends when Fern once again tells her she loves her but this time it rings true.
submitted by A-friendly-fellow to Lovestruck [link] [comments]

where to watch the sunset in las vegas video

Hello all. Am taking GF to Vegas on Mar 8 for special occasion. Would lke reccomendations regarding somewhere awesome to watch sunset. Also advice on what time sunset would be approx on mar 8. Thanks. P. Whether you seek an unforgettable sunset vista to share with a romantic partner, or simply wish to marvel at the picturesque spectrum across the clouds, this selection guarantees the ideal spot. From natural landscapes to high-rise observatories and characteristically-excessive Vegas venues, these are the best places to watch the sunset in Las Vegas. See also: Top 5 Places To Watch The Sunset In Aspen. The Neon Museum Answer 1 of 8: We will be at the Cosmopolitan the first week of August and are looking for a nice lounge or restaurant on the strip to watch a Las Vegas sunset. Any suggestions? Thanks for your help! Locals agree that Bonnie Springs is one of the most unique places from which you can catch a spectacular (and rustic) view of the sunset. Head west on Charleston Boulevard towards the Red Rock Canyon Recreation area. When you reach Bonnie Springs Ranch, you will find a coffee shop/restaurant with a big open-pit fireplace. Answer 1 of 7: -:- Message from Tripadvisor staff -:-This post has been removed at the author's request. The author may post again if desired.Posts on the Tripadvisor forums may be edited for a short period of time. Once the edit period has expired, authors may... The Stratosphere is the tallest observation tower in the U.S. and is arguably the best place in Las Vegas to go for unobstructed views of the sunset and the entire Las Vegas valley. After Happy Hour, walk one floor up to the outdoor observation deck, where you can not only watch the sun set but fly into it. Guests who like their romance with a side of thrilling adventure have the option of bungee jumping off the side of the building. Here are some of my favorite places to watch a sunset in the Vegas area: Lone Mountain Regional Park Roughly a 25-minute trip from the Strip, this free public park on the north-west side of town offers a view of the entire Vegas skyline. Living in Las Vegas for over three years now, I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to sample the best Las Vegas has to offer in big name sporting events. Everything from March Madness, UFC fights, boxing matches, and of course, The Super Bowl. For those making their first trip to Sin City for The Big Game, welcome to your official insiders guide on the best places to watch Super Bowl 53 in ... Do you like taking amazing landscape photos, or just like to soak in the best sunsets wherever you are? If so, you owe it to yourself to see the sun setting at these three awesome places in Las Vegas. High Roller Observation Wheel. Take a ride atop this Ferris wheel and see the grand cityscape and horizon. As one of the most well-known nightlife spots in Vegas, this is a great place to check out for happy hour. Just be sure to line up your wheel ride as the sun is setting. If you miss it or ... Las Vegas Ballpark. With game time starting at 7:05 p.m. for most evening games, Las Vegas Ballpark offers ideal views of the city skyscape and serves as a perfect location to view the breathtaking sunsets on the horizon. Summerlin Parks: Fox Hill Park, The Paseos Park and The Vistas Park

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